insert data from excel into database using spring boot - spring-boot

I suppose to insert the excel sheet data into database using spring boot but i don't know how mainly i'm not gonna insert all the columns from the excel file ,only the columns i need to use.
I don't know how to start .So can anyone help me please?

Use POI library to read Data and dump it to DB through a connection. Refer to this link.


How do I fetch data from an existing Oracle Database in spring boot project?

I am creating backend for my CRUD application and I have an existing ORACLE DATABASE. I just want to fetch data from it but I 've seen so many tutorials and in every tutorial they are creating new table in the database by using #table annotation which I don't need ? So if anybody knows about this I could use some of his/her help in this problem?

How to configure Kafka JDBC Source Connector with stored procedure?

I am very new to Kafka, I'm doing a PoC (my first Kafka app) and was curious to know if anyone has come across or worked on a custom JDBC Source Connector that uses a stored procedure to export data from Oracle into Kafka?
I know this could be considered an open-ended question by the SO community but thanks for your patience and I'd appreciate any feedback.
Thank you!
Some background:
I already have stored procedures in Oracle which are used by an existing Spring app to extract and load data in a new DB (for a new version of an existing enterprise application).
The table structure in the new database is different than that of the old.
The Spring app (which uses Spring JDBC and works with Stored Procedures, Row Mappers etc.) was developed as a PoC to check connectivity, integration and to load data in the new DB.
Now that it works, we're trying to introduce Kafka that would actually store the data and then load it into the new DB. The JDBC Sink Connector would be developed later.
I am looking for an example (using Java, Maven, Spring) that would help me in getting started towards building a custom connector. Most of the example/docs show curl examples which doesn't fit my existing app. I maybe missing something here.
There is way that we can call SP though source connector property - query: call sp here by creating temp table and insert data

jdbc data independence without using hibernate api?

I am trying to solve problem by using properties file but in properties file we can handle only database driver problem.if we want to mysql to oracle database need to change all my query.the problem is now how to make query independent without hibernate api?? please suggest

small emebedded database for spring data

I try to write a small web application with a restfull frontend to manage a little amount of data (round about 30 datasets). I want to create a PDF file from the datasets (using iText, but this is not the Problem). I search now a small database, which I can embed in my application an which persists the data somewhere on my Harddisc (if possible no Client / Server database), but I find no example / tutorial for this. All tutorial I found using a database in in-Memory mode, which is not what I need. Is there somewhere a nice tutorial helping me? Which database would you sugest to use in my Situation?
Thanks for your help and
Kind regards,
Andreas Grund
You can use H2, HSQL and Derby databases for embedded database. For example h2 database datasource-url like below :
And in spring boot you can easily do it ,if you read this document Spring Boot-Embedded Databases

How to insert data to table on spring boot application start?

How can I insert data to a table on Spring Boot application start? My application is generated by JHipster. What I need to check is that if that particular data already exist in that table or not. If it doesn't I should add it.
If your application was generated by JHipster, then it should already include and be properly configured for Liquibase.
You have a few options:
You can use Liquibase's insert change to insert data.
You can put your data in a CSV file and use the loadData change to load it. Look for the loadData tag in 00000000000000_initial_schema.xml for examples.
You can use the sql change to run native SQL directly.
All three options can be combined with preconditions to make sure the data doesn't exist before trying to insert it. If you need the changeset to run every time you boot your application, you can use the runAlways="true" attribute (docs for that are on this page).
You can create a function in your service class which checks if the data already exists or not and if not then save that data.
You can implement an ApplicationRunner and use a repository to do whatever you need to do.
If the ApplicationRunner is a spring bean it is run on application startup.
For more sophisticated requirements I would try to rely on a tool like flyway that has good integration with spring boot

