Spring Data JDBC - Pageable on custom Query - spring-boot

On my Project I have a Repository that extends CrudRepository. Inside there I have a custom query:
public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {
#Query("select * from person where firstname = :firstname")
List<Customer> findByFirstname(#Param("firstname") String firstname, Pageable pageable);
in my Service-Class I try to put the List in a Pageable - Object like:
... getPageableCustomer(String firstname, Pageable pageable){
// => By using "Sol" I got 90 matching entries
List<Customer> custList = customerRepository.findByFirstname(firstname, pageable);
Page<Customer> custPage = new PageImpl<Customer>(custList, pageable, custList.size());
return custPage;
the return value includes the complete List "custList". What would be the best way to get a pageable object with specified offset and size?
One option could be to use
customer.subList(fromIndex, toIndex)
but that feels wrong. Also because of Loading all Data inside the list instead of just getting data by size and offset as parameterized with pageable.
Remark: In case of using Page inside the Repository I ´ll get org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 88
There is also a open Improvement on Jira that could be found here:
hope for some help...

I got a response on the JIRA-Issue from Dirk Luijk (Thx Dirk :))
interface FooRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<FooEntity, Long> {
List<FooEntity> findAllByBar(String bar, Pageable pageable);
Long countAllByBar(String bar);
And then combining those 2 queries like this:
List<FooEntity> fooList = repository.findAllByBar("...", pageable);
Long fooTotalCount = repository.countAllByBar("...");
Page<FooEntity> fooPage = PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(fooList, pageable, () -> fooTotalCount);
"the mistake in your workaround is your custom query. In Spring Data JDBC 2.0 you don't need to use that, except for special queries but they won't support pageables."
Possible Parameters could be found:
Thx Dirk,
I also find a workaround to get it running with a custom Query. Just use limit, offset and orderBy as additional Parameter like so:
#Query("select * from person where firstname = :name order by :order limit :size offset :offset")
List<Customer> findByFirstNameCustomQuery(#Param("name") String name, Pageable page, #Param("offset") long offset,
#Param("size") long size, #Param("order") String order);
And than change the call inside the Service like:
List<Customer> custList = customerRepository.findByFirstNameCustomQuery(firstname, pageable, ....


Spring boot repository query to return a ordered result

public interface StudentRepository extends MongoRepository<Student, String> {
Page<Student> findByIdInAndNameLike(List<String> ids, String name, Pageable pageable);
In Service layer :
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(page, size);
studentRepository.findByIdInAndNameLike(idList, name, pageable );
Here this idList is an ordered list. And I need to get the search results according to the order of that idList.
eg : List<String> idList= Arrays.asList("123", "111", "213");
So here the Student with id 123 should come first. And student with id 213 should come last.
As per this tutorial u have to provide the 3rd parameter to PageRequest which exactly does the sorting for you
Pageable sortedByName = PageRequest.of(page, size, Sort.by("id"));

Spring mongodb repository returns 0 entries for query on field which is of type list

I am trying to get list of users whose comments are matching specific input keyword from mongodb document collection.
My User document defintion looks like
public class User {
private String id;
private String name;
List<String> comments;
And my Spring Repository code looks like
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "user", path = "user")
public interface UserRepository extends
MongoRepository<User,String>,CustomUserRepository {
#Query(value = "{'comments': ?0} ")
List<User> findByComments(String username);
List<User> findByCommentsIn(List<String> comments);
List<User> findBycomments(String username);
When i query it from mongo shell it works fine,
db.user.find({"comments": /test/}) returns the expected result .
But same is not working with Spring Data mongodb.
And i also tried using Custom Repository , to use mongo template.
The code snippet is as follows
Query query = new Query()
List<User> result = mongoTemplate.find(query, User.class);
After little more research , it works if i use $regex in my query method.
#Query(value = "{'comments': {$regex:?0}}")
List findByComment(String comment);
Additional, would be interested in knowing how to debug such issues.

How to filter a PageRequest in spring

When I make a request about all the news that I have in my database I use a PageRequest like this:
public Page<StatusUpdate> getPageSiteUser(int pageNumber) {
PageRequest request = new PageRequest(pageNumber-1, pageSize, Sort.Direction.DESC, "added");
return statusUpdateDao.findAll(request);
And it shows all the news in each page sorted in perfect order.
But now, I want to select the news created by one user, in the same Pageable format (not all the news) and I do not find how to do it, so I must be making a stupid mistake somewhere... it should be something like...
public Page<StatusUpdate> findMyStatusUpdates(Long user_id, int pageNumber) {
PageRequest request = new PageRequest(pageNumber-1, pageSize, Sort.Direction.DESC, "added");
return statusUpdateDao.findAll(request);
Please, answer with a link to the the theory if you can. The documentation talks about sorting, not making the actual selection (enter link description here)
You can combine a query, to filter by the user, with a pageable request. The query can be created by Spring based on the method name.
Take a look to the documentation:
Spring data JPA Query creation
Using Pageable, Slice and Sort in query methods
In your case, without seeing your code, I guess you only need to include in your repository a method like:
public interface StatusUpdateRepository extends Repository<StatusUpdate, Long> {
Page<User> findByUser(Long userId, Pageable pageable);
You can also send a PageRequest to an existing filter in your repo. You can create a repository method, filter them according to your business need.
Let's say you would like to find posts by supplying a user, status attributes and then order them by their creation date in descending order.
One might not desire all posts being included in the Page object while sending them to a Pager, before adding to the Model model.
This is simply equivalent to a sql query as such:
select * from Post where user=user and status=status order by createdAt desc
public interface BlogRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Post, Long> {
Page<Post> findByUserAndStatusOrderByCreatedAtDesc(PageRequest pageRequest,
User user, boolean status);
and in your controller, use its implementation(postService) along with a new PageRequest object like:
Page<Post> filteredPosts = postService.findByUserAndStatusOrderByCreatedAtDesc(PageRequest.of(evalPage, evalPageSize), user, status);
this works fine for 2.x.x; whereas you better use below for 1.x.x
Page<Post> filteredPosts =
postService.findByUserAndStatusOrderByCreatedAtDesc(new PageRequest(evalPage,
evalPageSize), user, status);
This repo guided me up to a certain point on this matter with paging logic etc.
Just had to change from ModelView to Model in the controller's argument and returned String (template's name) instead.

How can I use Spring's pagination (using Pageable) while writing a dynamic query using QueryDSL?

I am trying to use pagination with QueryDSL - using the com.mysema.querydsl package.
All my Querydsl query types look like this -
public class QCountry extends EntityPathBase<Country> {...}
Currently, my repository implementation class looks something like this -
public Page<Country> findPaginatedCountries(String country, Optional<String> status, Pageable pageable) {
QCountry qCountry= QCountry.someObject;
QActiveCountry qActiveCountry = QActiveCountry.activeCountry;
JPAQuery jpaQuery = new JPAQuery(entityManager);
QueryBase queryBase = jpaQuery.from(qCountry).innerJoin(qActiveCountry).fetch()
queryBase = queryBase.where(qActiveCountry.id(qCountry.active.id))
Now, I want this dynamic query to return a paginated response. I want to use Spring's pagination to do that and not manually set offset, size etc.
I know I can use QueryDslRepositorySupport class - as implemented here - https://github.com/keke77/spring-data-jpa-sample/blob/master/spring-data-jpa/src/main/java/com/gmind7/bakery/employee/EmployeeRepositoryImpl.java
Sample code from the above link -
public Page<Employees> QFindByOfficeCode(long officeCode, Pageable pageable) {
//JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(em);
JPQLQuery query = from(QEmployees.employees).where(QEmployees.employees.officeCode.eq(officeCode));
query = super.getQuerydsl().applyPagination(pageable, query);
SearchResults<Employees> entitys = query.listResults(QEmployees.employees);
return new PageImpl<Employees>(entitys.getResults(), pageable, entitys.getTotal());
However, to do that -
I need to pass JPQLQuery object to the applyPagination method. How can I do that without changing my code (Ofcourse, the repository class will extend QueryDslRepositorySupport class). Currently, I am using JPAQuery as you can see.
I probably need to change my QueryDSL types by having them extend EntityPath instead of EntityPathBase so that I can use JPQLQuery.from() to generate the query and then use the applyPagination method, which requires a JPQLQuery object. However, my Q classes are extending EntityPathBase class instead. Should I be use com.querydsl package instead of com.mysemsa.querydsl package to generate query types?
Other option is to use the following - http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/commons/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/querydsl/QueryDslPredicateExecutor.html#findAll-com.querydsl.core.types.Predicate-org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable-
Code snippet below -
Page<T> page = QueryDslPredicateExecutor.findAll(org.springframework.data.querydsl.Predicate predicate, Pageable pageable)
However, I am making joins between two tables and then filtering results with a where clause (as you can see above in my code). How can I pass a predicate object in the findAll method above? Not sure how to include a join in it.
Please let me know if the problem is not clear, I can add more details.
EDIT: There is a many to one relationship between Country and ActiveCountry.
Country class has an ActiveCountry reference. And we have to do a join between both ids. Is is possible that Country can have null ActiveCountry. Therefore, we want an inner join - only non null values for active country
ActiveCountry active;
Step 1: Annotate the entity class with #QueryEntity
public class Country {}
This seems to have been addressed already since the question shows Q classes.
Step 2: Have the repository interface extend QueryDslPredicateExecutor
public interface CountryRepository
extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Country, Long>
, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Country> {
Step 3: Invoke the Page<T> findAll(Predicate query, Pageable page) method provided by QueryDslPredicateExecutor
public Page<Country> getCountries(String country, Optional<String> status, Pageable page) {
QCountry root = QCountry.country;
BooleanExpression query = root.codeLeft.country.equalsIgnoreCase(country);
query = query.and(root.codeRight.country.equalsIgnoreCase(country));
if (status.isPresent()) {
query = query.and(root.active.status.equalsIgnoreCase(status));
return countryRepository.findAll(query, page);

How to use projection interfaces with pagination in Spring Data JPA?

I'm trying to get a page of a partial entity (NetworkSimple) using the new feature of spring data, projections
I've checked the documentation and if I request only:
Collection<NetworkSimple> findAllProjectedBy();
It works, but if I'm using pageable:
Page<NetworkSimple> findAllProjectedBy(Pageable pageable);
It throws an error:
org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.expression.function.AggregationFunction$COUNT cannot be cast to org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.expression.CompoundSelectionImpl
Any one has already work with this ?
My NetworkSimple class is the following:
public interface NetworkSimple {
Long getId();
String getNetworkName();
Boolean getIsActive();
Note: This feature should work in the way described by the original poster but due to this bug it didn't. The bug has been fixed for the Hopper SR2 release, if you're stuck on an earlier version then the workaround below will work.
It is possible to use Pageable with the new query projection features introduced in Spring Data JPA 1.10 (Hopper). You will need to use the #Query annotation and manually write a query for the fields you require, they must also be aliased using AS to allow Spring Data to figure out how to project the results. There is a good example in spring-boot-samples part of the spring boot repository.
In your example it would be quite simple:
#Query("SELECT n.id AS id, n.name AS networkName, n.active AS isActive FROM Network n")
Page<NetworkSimple> findAllProjectedBy(Pageable pageable);
I have made the assumption that your entity looks something like this:
public class Network
private Long id;
private String name;
private boolean active;
Spring Data will derive a count query automatically for the paging information. It is also possible to make use of joins in the query to fetch associations and then summarise them in the projection.
I think you need create findAllProjectedBy() as specification.Then you can use findAll() method like this.
example :findAll(findAllProjectedBy(),pageable)
Following link may be help to find how to create specification in spring.
The issue may come from the method name. The by keyword means that you ae filterig data by a specific property: findByName for example. Its called query creation from method name:
So try with Page<NetworkSimple> findAll(Pageable pageable);
Even with spring-data-jpa 1.11.4, something like
public interface NetworkRepository extends JpaRepository<Network, String> {
Page<NetworkSimple> findAll(Pageable pageable);
would not compile; reporting
findAll(org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable) in NetworkRepository clashes with findAll(org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable) in org.springframework.data.repository.PagingAndSortingRepository
return type org.springframework.data.domain.Page<NetworkSimple> is not compatible with org.springframework.data.domain.Page<Network>
The workaround we found was to rename findAll to findAllBy, e.g.
public interface NetworkRepository extends JpaRepository<Network, String> {
Page<NetworkSimple> findAllBy(Pageable pageable);
You can use interface projection with Pageable like this :
Page<NetworkSimple> findPagedProjectedBy(Pageable pageable);
with some parameter :
Page<NetworkSimple> findPagedProjectedByName(String name, Pageable pageable);
Implementing interface projection with pagination
1. Our ResourceEntity.java class
public class ResourceEntity{
private Long id;
private String name;
2. Creating projection Interface name ProjectedResource.java, which maps data collected by the SQL query from repository layer method
public interface ProjectedResource {
Long getId();
String getName();
String getAnotherProperty();
3. Creating Repository layer method: getProjectedResources()
We are considering the database table name is resource.
We are only fetching id and name here.
#Query(name="select id, name, anotherProperty from resource", countQuery="select count(*) from resource", nativeQuery=true)
Page<ProjectedResource> getProjectedResources(Pageable page);
Hope the issue will be resolved!
You can use:
#Query("SELECT n FROM Network n")
Page<? extends NetworkSimple> findAllProjectedBy(Pageable pageable);
