Set pre-defined node styles? - graphviz
I've been googling around for the last 15 minutes trying to find an answer to this. But I can't seem to figure it out.
I was tasked with building some small flowcharts for some applications I've developed at work. They don't need anything fancy because they are going to convert it into their preferred format in vizio. They even said we could do it pen and paper. So I figured I would play around with graphviz/dot.
They have 6 pre-defined shapes/colors that they like to use, so I figured I would use them. I've already built them all in dot...but if I plan to re-use them many times, I'd like to find a way to save them as a sort of template.
Is that possible?
For example...These are the predefined shapes.
digraph G {
node [color="#4271C6"]
process [
style=filled, fillcolor="#E1F4FF",
label="{1. Process\l | Description}"];
subprocess [
style=filled, color="#FFFFFF", fillcolor="#A5A5A5",
label="| Sub-Process |"];
database [
shape=cylinder, color="#18589A",
inputoutput [
style=filled, fontcolor=white,
fixedsize=true, skew=0.3, margin=0,
width=2, label="Input / Output"];
file [
external [
label="External entity"];
unfortunately there is no way to define macros or objects and reuse - especially across multiple graphs. However there are ways using other tools. Some folks use m4 (the macro language) or cpp (the C pre-processor) Both work, but there are potential OS issues. Python, awk, ... would also work.
Here is a gvpr program (gvpr is part of the Graphviz package) that also does what you want (I think):
digraph pre{
a [_type=process label="{1. Process\l | Something}"]
b [_type=process label="{2. Process\l | Something else}"]
c [_type=subprocess label="do it"]
d [_type=database label="lots of data"]
e [_type=database label="a bit of data"]
f [_type=inputoutput label="inOut"]
g [_type=file label="nail file"]
h [_type=external label="outside"]
The gvpr program:
$.color="#4271C6"; // default
// maybe redo $.label
$.label=sprintf("|%s|", $.label); // embed in pipes
There may currently be problems with gvpr on Windows, but I know the development team is working on it
Here is the command line:
gvpr -c -f predefined.gvpr predefined2.gv | dot -Tpng > predefined2.png
Okay, so I figured it out. I didn't realize you could do this...but apparently you can break up a node definition into multiple this is what I came up with, which solves my problem...
I have a "Styles" section that goes at the top. Here I can define each node style. I use comments as a way of naming them. And I don't need to copy paste, because I can just define multiple nodes as a comma separated list.
I also found that you can put them into subgraphs as well, like subgraph style_file {...}. But it seemed simpler to just use a comment as a way to name the style.
digraph G {
// Styles
node [color="#4271C6"];
edge [color="#4271C6"];
createfile, uploadfile
[shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor="#E1F4FF"];
exportfile, wait
[shape=record, style=filled, color="#FFFFFF", fillcolor="#A5A5A5"];
[shape=cylinder, color="#18589A"];
[shape=polygon, style=filled, fontcolor=white, margin=0, width=3.1, fixedsize=true, skew=0.3];
// Clusters
subgraph cluster_0 {
createfile [label="{1. Process\l | Create file}"];
exportfile [label="|Export Data\nfrom DB|"];
database [label="Database"];
exportproc [label="Export Data"];
workfile [label="Generated file\n(Archived on server)"];
subgraph cluster_1 {
uploadfile [label="{2. Process\l | Upload file}"];
ftp [label="FTP Server"];
wait [label="|Wait for\nresponse file|"];
// Relationships
// Relationships
# cluster_0
createfile -> exportfile;
exportfile -> database;
database -> exportproc;
exportproc -> workfile [style=dashed];
workfile -> uploadfile;
# cluster_1
uploadfile -> ftp [style=dashed];
ftp -> wait;
Which produces this:
No affiliation, but the Excel to Graphviz application can create re-usable styles as can be seen in this screenshot:
Graphviz straight lines
I am trying to get straight line edges that exit a node on the right and enter on the left. I have tried to use splines='line but it does not appear to create straight lines. Code below, as executed in jupyter notebook. from graphviz import Digraph g = Digraph('G', filename='cluster.gv') with g.subgraph(name='cluster_0') as c: c.attr(style='filled', color='lightgrey') c.node_attr.update(style='filled', color='white') c.edges([('a0', 'a1'), ('a1', 'a2'), ('a2', 'a3')]) c.attr(label='process #1') with g.subgraph(name='cluster_1') as c: c.attr(color='blue') c.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' c.edges([('b0', 'b1'), ('b1', 'b2'), ('b2', 'b3')]) c.attr(label='process #2') g.edge('a1', 'b3',splines='line',tailport="e", headport="w", constraint='false') g.edge('a2', 'b0',splines='line',tailport="e", headport="w", constraint='false') g.view() This is the graph that is produced by the code: Graph
I have solved this. The placement of splines='line' was incorrect. Correct code below in case any future users have the same problem. g = Digraph('G', filename='cluster.gv') with g.subgraph(name='cluster_0') as c: c.attr(style='filled', color='lightgrey') c.node_attr.update(style='filled', color='white') c.edges([('a0', 'a1'), ('a1', 'a2'), ('a2', 'a3')]) c.attr(label='process #1') with g.subgraph(name='cluster_1') as c: c.attr(color='blue') c.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' c.edges([('b0', 'b1'), ('b1', 'b2'), ('b2', 'b3')]) c.attr(label='process #2') g.attr(splines='false') g.edge('a1', 'b3',tailport="e", headport="w", constraint='false') g.edge('a2', 'b0',tailport="e", headport="w", constraint='false') g.view()
How to reference/name specific part of a shape?
I want to reference a specific part of a shape. For example: From Best Apple to Basket 1, instead of apple_node to Basket 1. The below image will better explain what I wish to achieve. This is my graphviz code and what I have achieved so far: digraph fruits { node [shape=record] apple_node [label="Apple | {{Best Apple} | {Worst Apple}}"]; banana_node [label="Banana | {{Best Banana} | {Worst Banana}}"]; basket1_node [label="basket1|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"]; basket2_node [label="basket2|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"]; apple_node -> basket1_node; banana_node -> basket2_node; }
Since you are using record-based nodes, you can add field id's to the label and use them as portnames which indicate where to attach an edge to (see also the official documentation about record-based nodes). Example: examplenode [shape=record; label="<fieldid1> one|<fieldid2> two"]; examplenode:fieldid1 -> othernode; Your apple-banana example: digraph fruits { node [shape=record] apple_node [label="Apple | {{<bestapple>Best Apple} | {<worstapple>Worst Apple}}"]; banana_node [label="Banana | {{Best Banana} | {<worstbanana>Worst Banana}}"]; basket1_node [label="basket1|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"]; basket2_node [label="basket2|{Colour 10 | Seeds 10}"]; apple_node:bestapple -> basket1_node; apple_node:worstapple -> basket1_node; banana_node:worstbanana -> basket2_node; }
Performance gain on call chaining?
Do you gain any performance, even if it's minor, by chaining function calls as shown below or is it just coding style preference? execute() -> step4(step3(step2(step1())). Instead of execute() -> S1 = step1(), S2 = step2(S1), S3 = step3(S2), step4(S3). I was thinking whether in the 2nd version the garbage collector has some work to do for S1, S2, S3. Should that apply for the 1st version as well?
They are identical after compilation. You can confirm this by running the erl file through erlc -S and reading the generated .S file: $ cat a.erl -module(a). -compile(export_all). step1() -> ok. step2(_) -> ok. step3(_) -> ok. step4(_) -> ok. execute1() -> step4(step3(step2(step1()))). execute2() -> S1 = step1(), S2 = step2(S1), S3 = step3(S2), step4(S3). $ erlc -S a.erl $ cat a.S {module, a}. %% version = 0 ... {function, execute1, 0, 10}. {label,9}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",9}]}. {func_info,{atom,a},{atom,execute1},0}. {label,10}. {allocate,0,0}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",10}]}. {call,0,{f,2}}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",10}]}. {call,1,{f,4}}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",10}]}. {call,1,{f,6}}. {call_last,1,{f,8},0}. {function, execute2, 0, 12}. {label,11}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",12}]}. {func_info,{atom,a},{atom,execute2},0}. {label,12}. {allocate,0,0}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",13}]}. {call,0,{f,2}}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",14}]}. {call,1,{f,4}}. {line,[{location,"a.erl",15}]}. {call,1,{f,6}}. {call_last,1,{f,8},0}. ... As you can see, both execute1 and execute2 result in identical code (the only thing different are line numbers and label numbers.
Html Horizontal line error graphviz
I'm needing to create subgraph cluster have a label with line separation from nodes. subgraph cluster_0{ label=< <B>process #1</B> <HR/> > node [shape=none] t1 [label="label1"] t2 [label="label2"] t3 [label="label 3"] node [shape=box group=a style=filled fillcolor="red;.5:white" height=.2 label = "" ] A [ fillcolor="red;0.3:white" ] B [fillcolor="red;.9:white"] C node [shape=none fillcolor=white] t11 [label="label1"] t21 [label="label2"] t31 [label="label 3"] edge[style=invis]; A->B->C t1->t2->t3 t11->t21->t31 } Then I get in error on Syntax. error stack pydot.InvocationException: Program terminated with status: 1. stderr follows: Error: syntax error in line 1 ... <HR/> ... in label of graph cluster_0 My graphviz version is dot - graphviz version 2.36.0 (20140111.2315)
On the graphviz web site, the page called "Node Shapes" contains a grammar (about half-way down) for html-like labels: For <HR/>, it says: rows : row | rows row | rows <HR/> row This means that <HR/> is only allowed in between two rows. And rows are only allowed within a <TABLE>, so you'll have to wrap everything in a table and then it may work. Depending on what exactly you'd like to achieve, an other possible solution might be to simply underline the label using <U>text</U>.
how to avoid overlapping edge and node when using graphviz?
As title,I want to draw an image of ELF file format.The ELF Header has offset of program headers table and section headers table,so I want to use two arrows pointer to point out the relationship.But the edges overlap the node(record) even after I have overlap=false and splines=true set.I have search for a while,but my situation is that the arrows somewhat point to parts of itself. Following is the dot file I am using to generate the png file. digraph g { //margin="1" overlap='scale' graph [rankdir="LR"] "ELF File" [ label="<f0> ELF Header\n e_shoff=0x118| <f1> Program Headers Table | <f2> .text | <f3> .data | <f4> .rodata| <f5> .comment | <f6> .shstrtab | <f8> .symtab | <f9> .rel.text | <f7> Section Table" shape="record" ]; "ELF File":f0 -> "ELF File":f1 [label="e_phoffset"] "ELF File":f0 -> "ELF File":f7 [label="e_shoff"] }
One possible solution is to use "east" node ports on one of the edges, so that this edge appears on opposite side of the record. You do this by appending :e to the node name. For example: "ELF File":f0:e -> "ELF File":f7:e [label="e_shoff"]