Is there an easy way to configure the monetdb cmake build to produce a monetdb/e static library?
No, it only produces "dynamic" library. Static libraries are not an option currently.
I am trying to build boost json to get libboost_json.a .
tried using --with-json option but it never generates .
my config says its building , but I do not see this lib getting generated ,
enter image description here
As far as I no there may not be one.
Instead the idea is that you include boost/json/src.hpp in one of your own TUs. Of course, nothing stops you from putting that into your own static library, if that helps your build logistics.
If you have the Boost distribution and you build the libraries yourself, Boost.JSON should certainly get built. And binary distributions of Boost from specific packages should have a prebuilt Boost.JSON static and/or dynamic library.
Boost.JSON is available in Boost 1.75.0 and later.
I have two applications and a static library used by both.
All three using CMake as build system.
I want to localize my applications.
I more or less understand how to localize applications but I'm not
sure how I should localize my static library.
If it would be a dynamic library I could install the compiled
translations alongside with the binary and access them.
But a static library is only relevant for the developer. There is no longer a
library in the final product. I would somehow need to transfer the compiled
translations of the library to the applications.
When calling make install for one of my applications the translatons of my
static library needs to be installed, too.
How can I achieve something like this using CMake?
I'm trying to build a GUI using Qt 5.3.1 and having that link to a static lib (built with VisualStudio 2010 using /MD and /MDd). When linking in QtCreator IDE, I get 2 unresolved external linker errors generated from these two function calls from within the static lib.
Both of these (unresolved) functions are declared in WinBase.h.
What is the easiest solution to get QtCreator to compile this lib? Ideally if possible, I'd like to also link whatever dependency in the static lib itself.
As the documentation of both functions specifies, you have to link against advapi32.lib. In general, all functions of the Windows SDK specify in a box at the end of the documentation the header where they are declared, the header that you should actually include and their import library.
As for the other dependencies, AFAIK there's no way to know - static libraries are just collections of object modules, that specify their dependencies only in terms of imported functions.
I have a library that has both debug build and release build, how do I let Xcode link to the corresponding library base on the current configuration (debug/release)?
I have the same problem except with frameworks instead of static libraries. Having different framework search paths for different configuration and doing -framework YourFramework.framework for both configurations should work but seems not so clean. (or same approach with static libraries)
There are appear to be methods of creating a fat static library ala "". Is this recommended? Any special steps (i.e., disabling thumb)
Also, if I do use the fat static library, will monotouch/xcode clear out any unused code in the final product?
You definitely need to turn Thumb code off so you can link properly against the library. As far as creating the fat static library goes, I can only say that anecdotally I've done this for a few third-party libraries that I've used and haven't run into issues.
I assume you already know that you need to create the bindings necessary to make calls to the objective-c library from your MonoTouch code and add extra gcc flags in the project properties to link in the static lib. If not, you can get that information on how to do that from the MonoTouch website.