`withTimeout` with optional timeout behavior - kotlin-coroutines

Suppose I'm writing a helper function which supports both the "normal" and "timeout" behavior for a specified block: if the timeMillis parameter is null, then run the block normally, and otherwise, run it from within a withTimeout call.
I've come up with this implementation which looks dubious to me:
suspend fun <T> withOptionalTimeout(timeMillis: Long?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T {
if (timeMillis == null) {
return block(CoroutineScope(currentCoroutineContext()))
return withTimeout(timeMillis, block)
What is the correct way to implement this function?
What is the correct way to implement this function as inline one?


Springboot coroutine bean scope or local scope

I have a requirement, where we want to asynchronously handle some upstream request/payload via coroutine. I see that there are several ways to do this, but wondering which is the right approach -
Provide explicit spring service class that implements CoroutineScope
Autowire singleton scope-context backed by certain defined thread-pool dispatcher.
Define method local CoroutineScope object
Following on this question, I'm wondering whats the trade-off if we define method local scopes like below -
fun testSuspensions(count: Int) {
val launchTime = measureTimeMillis {
val parentJob = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
repeat(count) {
this.launch {
process() //Some lone running process
Alternative approach to autowire explicit scope object backed by custom dispatcher -
topics = ["test_topic"],
concurrency = "1",
containerFactory = "someListenerContainerConfig"
private fun testKafkaListener(consumerRecord: ConsumerRecord<String, ByteArray>, ack: Acknowledgment) {
try {
this.coroutineScope.launch {
} finally {
suspend fun consumeRecordAsync(record: ConsumerRecord<String, ByteArray>) {
println("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Starting to consume record - ${record.key()}")
val statusCode = initiateIO(record) // Add error-handling depending on kafka topic commit semantics.
// Chain any-other business logic (depending on status-code) as suspending functions.
consumeStatusCode(record.key(), statusCode)
suspend fun initiateIO(record: ConsumerRecord<String, ByteArray>): Int {
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // Switch context to IO thread for http.
println("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] Executing network call - ${record.key()}")
delay(1000 * 2) // Simulate IO call
200 // Return status-code
suspend fun consumeStatusCode(recordKey: String, statusCode: Int) {
delay(1000 * 1) // Simulate work.
println("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] consumed record - $recordKey, status-code - $statusCode")
Autowiring bean as follows in some upstream config class -
#Bean(name = ["testScope"])
fun defineExtensionScope(): CoroutineScope {
val threadCount: Int = 4
return CoroutineScope(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount).asCoroutineDispatcher())
It depends on what your goal is. If you just want to avoid the thread-per-request model, you can use Spring's support for suspend functions in controllers instead (by using webflux), and that removes the need from even using an external scope at all:
suspend fun testSuspensions(count: Int) {
val execTime = measureTimeMillis {
coroutineScope {
repeat(count) {
launch {
process() // some long running process
// all child coroutines are done at this point
If you really want your method to return immediately and schedule coroutines that outlive it, you indeed need that extra scope.
Regarding option 1), making custom classes implement CoroutineScope is not encouraged anymore (as far as I understood). It's usually suggested to use composition instead (declare a scope as a property instead of implementing the interface by your own classes). So I would suggest your option 2.
I would say option 3) is out of the question, because there is no point in using CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { ... }. It's no better than using GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { ... } (it has the same pitfalls) - you can read about the pitfalls of GlobalScope in its documentation.
The main problem being that you run your coroutines outside structured concurrency (your running coroutines are not children of a parent job and may accumulate and hold resources if they are not well behaved and you forget about them). In general it's better to define a scope that is cancelled when you no longer need any of the coroutines that are run by it, so you can clean rogue coroutines.
That said, in some circumstances you do need to run coroutines "forever" (for the whole life of your application). In that case it's ok to use GlobalScope, or a custom application-wide scope if you need to customize things like the thread pool or exception handler. But in any case don't create a scope on the spot just to launch a coroutine without keeping a handle to it.
In your case, it seems you have no clear moment when you wouldn't care about the long running coroutines anymore, so you may be ok with the fact that your coroutines can live forever and are never cancelled. In that case, I would suggest a custom application-wide scope that you would wire in your components.

Returning values into GlobalScope launch using Spring

I have an endpoint exposed, that is launching a coroutine:
val apiCall = ApiCall()
fun example(#RequestParam paramExample:String):Int{
return apiCall.callApi(paramExample)
This function is calling another external API, using Retrofit:
suspend fun callApi(param:String):Int{
var tot_records =0
val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val service = retrofit.create<ResponseService>(ResponseService::class.java)
service.getResponse().enqueue(object : Callback<Response> {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<Response>, throwable: Throwable) {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<Response>, response: Response<Response>) {
println("Tot records")
tot_records = response.body()?.tot_records!!
return tot_records
The problem is that I can't launch this, the error is: 'return' is not allowed here
Any idea how to fix it and whats is happening?
Thanks for your help
It seems like you can't decide if you want your code to be synchronous (so code waits for its subtasks to finish before continuing) or asynchronous (it launches operations in the background). You intend to return a result from example(), so you need it to be synchronous, but you immediately use launch() to invoke callApi() asynchronously. The same in callApi() - you intend to return from it (so synchronous), but you invoke Retrofit using callbacks (so asynchronous). Note that callApi() has exactly the same problem as example(). Even if it compiles, it still does not really work properly. It always returns 0, because tot_records is returned before being set.
You have to decide between asynchronous and synchronous and stick to it. If you want to go fully asynchronous, then you need to redesign both callApi() and example() to return their results either with callbacks or futures.
However, I suggest going fully synchronous, utilizing Kotlin suspend functions. Make all functions suspend: example(), callApi() (it is already) and ResponseService.getResponse(). The last one will look something like:
suspend fun getResponse(): Response
Then remove GlobalScope.launch(), and almost everything inside enqueue(). Instead, service.getResponse() will return Response object directly, so you can just return its tot_records property.
Also note that in your original code you ignored failures. After above change service.getResponse() will throw exceptions on failures, so you have to handle them.
This solution seems that works:
This is the endpoint declaration:
suspend fun example(#RequestParam param:String):CustomResponse{
return coroutineScope {
val job = async{apiCall.callApi(param)}
And this is my function that is calling an external API:
suspend fun callApi(param:String):CustomResponse{
var responseCustom = CustomResponse()
val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val service = retrofit.create<CustomResponseService>(CustomResponseService::class.java)
responseCustom = service.getResponse(appProperties.token, param).execute().body()!!
return responseCustom

How do you implement specific behavior for a Mockery function

I'm using the Go Mockery package, and I want the function Next to do some actions before returning. However, when I do this:
mockIter.On("Next", mock.AnythingOfType("*types.Query")).Return(func(q *types.Query) bool {
condition := (do something that returns a boolean)
return condition
I get this error:
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is func(*types.Query) bool, not bool
I must be using the package wrong, but it seems like this is correct because they have this very similar example in their docs:
Mock.On("passthrough", mock.AnythingOfType("context.Context"), mock.AnythingOfType("string")).Return(func(ctx context.Context, s string) string {
return s
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Return function is used to return values on call of the mocked function. You can't change the signature of the mocked function.
Here you're returning func(*types.Query) bool (function that returns boolean) instead of bool, as the error message say.
You can have the function to make some computation and then return the value. You just have to add () (or whatever arguments your function accepts) after function definition to invoke it and you'll be good to go.
This works:
mockIter.On("Next", mock.AnythingOfType("*types.Query")).Return(func() bool {
condition := (do something that returns a boolean)
return condition
But it seems to me that you want to do some computation based on the argument that is passed on the mocked call. I don't think mockery supports that at the moment.

How to let withTimeoutOrNull return null but finish code in the block

I need my code to run a block and return value after 1 second in case timeout but let it finish the job.
I managed to implement something that works but IDE suggest replacing async with withContext(DefaultDispatcher) but it's not working the same.
So my question is how to make it work without IDE warnings. I am new to Kotlin Coroutines so I might be missing something here.
fun how_timeout_with_null_works() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val time = measureTimeMillis {
println("Start test")
val result = withTimeoutOrNull(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) {
async { doSomeHardWork() }.await()
println("End test $result")
println("Time $time")
private suspend fun doSomeHardWork(): String {
println("start hard work")
print("end hard work")
return "[hard work done]"
IDE gives a warning in this case because async(ctx) { ... }.await() is usually a mistake and withContext(ctx) { ... } usually better reflects the original intent of the author of the code.
In case of your code, your intent is different. Your intent is to await for 1 second, without constraining your doSomeHardWork code. However, the structure of your code does not reflect your intent. You've wrapped the whole block into withTimeout and put doSomeHardWork inside of it, while your intent was only to do a time-limited wait for it. So, if you rewrite your code in the way where the structure of your code matches your intent, it will work without any warnings:
val work = async { doSomeHardWork() } // start work
val result = withTimeoutOrNull(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) { work.await() } // wait with timeout
If you happen to need this pattern of code more than once, then you can define yourself a handy extension:
suspend fun <T> Deferred<T>.awaitWithTimeout(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit): T? =
withTimeoutOrNull(time, unit) { await() }
And then write even nicer code that reflects your intent:
val result = async { doSomeHardWork() }.awaitWithTimeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Be careful, though. These coroutines that you start with async will continue running after the wait had timed out. This can easily lead to resource leaks, unless you take steps to limit the number of those concurrently running background jobs.

Beanshell function gets called before if/else evaluation

I have created 2 BeanShell functions myFoo1 and myFoo2.
The first func should be executed with certain condition and the second function in different condition
The trouble is that in my JSR223Post Processor or BeanPost Processor
String code = ctx.getPreviousResult().getResponseCode();
if (code.contains("200") && (vars.get("abc1") != "Howdee")) {
${__BeanShell(myFoo1("print this"))}
else {
${__BeanShell(myFoo2("print this"))}
The problem is the beanShell functins myFoo1 and myFoo2 get called before the if/else evaluation.
In another words myFoo1 and myFoo2 they both get called one after another and if/else never has any effect, so it looks like Bean function calls are executed before any evaluation.
How do I get around that?
Remove ${__BeanShell( from the script and call it directly as myFoo2("print this):
String code = ctx.getPreviousResult().getResponseCode();
if (code.contains("200") && (vars.get("abc1") != "Howdee")) {
myFoo1("print this);
else {
myFoo2("print this);
