ruby : can't understand memory address - ruby

when I study clone vs dup, I tried copy a object like below :
a = {'key1' => 1, 'key2' => {'key3' => 3, 'key4' => 4}}.freeze
b = a.clone
c = a.dup
a['key1'] = 32
# => RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Hash
b['key1'] = 32
# => RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Hash
c['key1'] = 32
# => 32
upper case result that, a and b value are share the memory
but, when I check variable object_id, it returns different result :
a.object_id ## original
=> 70219554622880
b.object_id ## clone
=> 70219554589820
but in hash key object_id is same.
a['key1'].object_id ## original
=> 3
b['key1'].object_id ## clone
=> 3
c['key1'].object_id ## dup
=> 65
I don't understand a and b variable dosen't match object_id, but in hash key object_id is same.
Can you give me your thoughts, answers, or input?

You might be confused specifically because you're using integers. Integers in Ruby are singletons: their integer value determines their object id.
x = 3
y = 3
x.object_id == y.object_id # true
x = "a"
y = "a"
x.object_id == y.object_id # false
However this is only true for integers up to a certain size.
x = 11111111111111111111111111111111
y = 11111111111111111111111111111111
x.object_id == y.object_id # false
This is because Ruby actually stores the integer value in the object id if it is small enough. If the number is too big it has to allocate a new object.


There's some way to reuse string?

In case,
A = "A"
B = "#{A}"
It's B = "A", right?
And now I would like to change (A = "C") and want B to change by effect of A too.
Is there some way to do that?
Let's talk about naming conventions first. Uppercase identifiers are used for constants in Ruby. Per default assigning a new value to an already initialized constant raises a warning in Ruby:
A = 'B'
A = 'C'
#=> warning: already initialized constant A
#=> warning: previous definition of A was here
Therefore I will use normal instance variables and reader methods in the following example. As Pascal Betz already pointed out: If you want b to depend on the current value of a then b should be a method:
def b
#a = 'A'
#=> "A"
#a = 'C'
#=> "C"
If you do this:
a = "A"
b = "#{a}"
a and b are strings with the same content, but they're not the same objects:
b == a
# => true
b.equal? a
# => false
# => 24494240
# => 24679880
Ruby strings are mutable. So if b and a refer to the same string, modifying a will automatically update b too:
a = "A"
# => "A"
b = a
# => "A"
a.replace 'C'
# => "C"
# => "C"
It works in both directions:
b.gsub!('C', 'D')
# => "D"
# => "D"

Trim a trailing .0

I have an Excel column containing part numbers. Here is a sample
As you can see, it can be many different datatypes: Float, Int, and String. I am using roo gem to read the file. The problem is that roo interprets integer cells as Float, adding a trailing zero to them (16431 => 16431.0). I want to trim this trailing zero. I cannot use to_i because it will trim all the trailing numbers of the cells that require a decimal in them (the first row in the above example) and will cut everything after a string char in the String rows (the last row in the above example).
Currently, I have a a method that checks the last two characters of the cell and trims them if they are ".0"
def trim(row)
if row[0].to_s[-2..-1] == ".0"
row[0] = row[0].to_s[0..-3]
This works, but it feels terrible and hacky. What is the proper way of getting my Excel file contents into a Ruby data structure?
def trim num
i, f = num.to_i, num.to_f
i == f ? i : f
trim(2.5) # => 2.5
trim(23) # => 23
or, from string:
def convert x
i, f = x.to_i, x.to_f
i == f ? i : f
rescue ArgumentError
convert("fjf") # => "fjf"
convert("2.5") # => 2.5
convert("23") # => 23
convert("2.0") # => 2
convert("1.00") # => 1
convert("1.10") # => 1.1
For those using Rails, ActionView has the number_with_precision method that takes a strip_insignificant_zeros: true argument to handle this.
number_with_precision(13.00, precision: 2, strip_insignificant_zeros: true)
# => 13
number_with_precision(13.25, precision: 2, strip_insignificant_zeros: true)
# => 13.25
See the number_with_precision documentation for more information.
This should cover your needs in most cases: some_value.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '').
It trims all trailing zeroes and a decimal point followed only by zeroes. Otherwise, it leaves the string alone.
It's also very performant, as it is entirely string-based, requiring no floating point or integer conversions, assuming your input value is already a string:
Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.19)
irb(main):001:0> '123.0'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123"
irb(main):002:0> '123.000'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123"
irb(main):003:0> '123.560'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123.560"
irb(main):004:0> '123.'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123."
irb(main):005:0> '123'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123"
irb(main):006:0> '100'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "100"
irb(main):007:0> ''.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> ""
irb(main):008:0> '123xzy45'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123xzy45"
irb(main):009:0> '123xzy45.0'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "123xzy45"
irb(main):010:0> 'Bobby McGee'.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '')
=> "Bobby McGee"
Numeric values are returned as type :float
def convert_cell(cell)
if cell.is_a?(Float)
i = cell.to_i
cell == i.to_f ? i : cell
convert_cell("foobar") # => "foobar"
convert_cell(123) # => 123
convert_cell(123.4) # => 123.4

Hash use array as key in ruby

I have a hash that uses array as its key. When I change the array, the hash can no longer get the corresponding key and value:
1.9.3p194 :016 > a = [1, 2]
=> [1, 2]
1.9.3p194 :017 > b = { a => 1 }
=> {[1, 2]=>1}
1.9.3p194 :018 > b[a]
=> 1
1.9.3p194 :019 > a.delete_at(1)
=> 2
1.9.3p194 :020 > a
=> [1]
1.9.3p194 :021 > b
=> {[1]=>1}
1.9.3p194 :022 > b[a]
=> nil
1.9.3p194 :023 > b.keys.include? a
=> true
What am I doing wrong?
OK. Use a.clone is absolutely one way to deal with this problem.
What if I want to change "a" but still use "a" to retrieve the corresponding value (since "a" is still one of the keys) ?
The #rehash method will recalculate the hash, so after the key changes do:
TL;DR: consider Hash#compare_by_indentity
You need to decide if you want the hash to work by array value or array identity.
By default arrays .hash and .eql? by value, which is why changing the value confuses ruby. Consider this variant of your example:
pry(main)> a = [1, 2]
pry(main)> a1 = [1]
pry(main)> a.hash
=> 4266217476190334055
pry(main)> a1.hash
=> -2618378812721208248
pry(main)> h = {a => '12', a1 => '1'}
=> {[1, 2]=>"12", [1]=>"1"}
pry(main)> h[a]
=> "12"
pry(main)> a.delete_at(1)
pry(main)> a
=> [1]
pry(main)> a == a1
=> true
pry(main)> a.hash
=> -2618378812721208248
pry(main)> h[a]
=> "1"
See what happened there?
As you discovered, it fails to match on the a key because the .hash value under which it stored it is outdated [BTW, you can't even rely on that! A mutation might result in same hash (rare) or different hash that lands in the same bucket (not so rare).]
But instead of failing by returning nil, it matched on the a1 key.
See, h[a] doesn't care at all about the identity of a vs a1 (the traitor!). It compared the current value you supply — [1] with the value of a1 being [1] and found a match.
That's why using .rehash is just band-aid. It will recompute the .hash values for all keys and move them to the correct buckets, but it's error-prone, and may also cause trouble:
pry(main)> h.rehash
=> {[1]=>"1"}
pry(main)> h
=> {[1]=>"1"}
Oh oh. The two entries collapsed into one, since they now have the same value (and which wins is hard to predict).
One sane approach is embracing lookup by value, which requires the value to never change. .freeze your keys. Or use .clone/.dup when building the hash, and feel free to mutate the original arrays — but accept that h[a] will lookup the current value of a against the values preserved from build time.
The other, which you seem to want, is deciding you care about identity — lookup by a should find a whatever its current value, and it shouldn't matter if many keys had or now have the same value.
Object hashes by identity. (Arrays don't because types that .== by value tend to also override .hash and .eql? to be by value.) So one option is: don't use arrays as keys, use some custom class (which may hold an array inside).
But what if you want it to behave directly like a hash of arrays? You could subclass Hash, or Array but it's a lot of work to make everything work consistently. Luckily, Ruby has a builtin way: h.compare_by_identity switches a hash to work by identity (with no way to undo, AFAICT). If you do this before you insert anything, you can even have distinct keys with equal values, with no confusion:
[39] pry(main)> x = [1]
=> [1]
[40] pry(main)> y = [1]
=> [1]
[41] pry(main)> h =
=> {}
[42] pry(main)> h[x] = 'x'
=> "x"
[44] pry(main)> h[y] = 'y'
=> "y"
[45] pry(main)> h
=> {[1]=>"x", [1]=>"y"}
[46] pry(main)> x.push(7)
=> [1, 7]
[47] pry(main)> y.push(7)
=> [1, 7]
[48] pry(main)> h
=> {[1, 7]=>"x", [1, 7]=>"y"}
[49] pry(main)> h[x]
=> "x"
[50] pry(main)> h[y]
=> "y"
Beware that such hashes are counter-intuitive if you try to put there e.g. strings, because we're really used to strings hashing by value.
Hashes use their key objects' hash codes (a.hash) to group them. Hash codes often depend on the state of the object; in this case, the hash code of a changes when an element has been removed from the array. Since the key has already been inserted into the hash, a is filed under its original hash code.
This means you can't retrieve the value for a in b, even though it looks alright when you print the hash.
You should use a.clone as key
irb --> a = [1, 2]
==> [1, 2]
irb --> b = { a.clone => 1 }
==> {[1, 2]=>1}
irb --> b[a]
==> 1
irb --> a.delete_at(1)
==> 2
irb --> a
==> [1]
irb --> b
==> {[1, 2]=>1} # STILL UNCHANGED
irb --> b[a]
==> nil # Trivial, since a has changed
irb --> b.keys.include? a
==> false # Trivial, since a has changed
Using a.clone will make sure that the key is unchanged even when we change a later on.
As you have already said, the trouble is that the hash key is the exact same object you later modify, meaning that the key changes during program execution.
To avoid this, make a copy of the array to use as a hash key:
a = [1, 2]
b = { a.clone => 1 }
Now you can continue to work with a and leave your hash keys intact.

The confusing Ruby method returns value

I have Ruby code:
def test_111(hash)
n = nil
3.times do |c|
if n
n[c] = c
n = hash
a = {}
p a
Why it print {1=>1, 2=>2}, not the {} ??
In the test_111 method, the hash and the a use the same memory?
How can the a value be changed in the test_111 method?
I can't understand
Hashes are passed by reference. So, when you change a method parameter (which is a Hash), you change the original hash.
To avoid this, you should clone the hash.
This will create a shallow copy (that is, it will not clone child hashes that you may have).
A little illustration of what shallow copy is:
def mutate hash
hash[:new] = 1
hash[:existing][:value] = 2
h = {existing: {value: 1}}
mutate h # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}, :new=>1}
# new member added, existing member changed
h # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}, :new=>1}
h = {existing: {value: 1}}
mutate h.dup # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}, :new=>1}
# existing member changed, no new members
h # => {:existing=>{:value=>2}}
In ruby, just about every object is passed by reference. This means when you do something as simple as
a = b
unless a was one of the simple types, after this assignment a and b will point to the same thing.
This means if you alter the second variable, the first is affected the same way:
irb(main):001:0> x = "a string"
=> "a string"
irb(main):002:0> y = x
=> "a string"
irb(main):003:0> x[1,0] = "nother"
=> "nother"
irb(main):004:0> x
=> "another string"
irb(main):005:0> y
=> "another string"
and of course the same applies for hashes:
irb(main):006:0> a = { :a => 1 }
=> {:a=>1}
irb(main):007:0> b = a
=> {:a=>1}
irb(main):008:0> a[:b] = 2
=> 2
irb(main):009:0> a
=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}
irb(main):010:0> b
=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}
If you don't want this to happen, use .dup or .clone:
irb(main):001:0> a = "a string"
=> "a string"
irb(main):002:0> b = a.dup
=> "a string"
irb(main):003:0> a[1,0] = "nother"
=> "nother"
irb(main):004:0> a
=> "another string"
irb(main):005:0> b
=> "a string"
For most people dup and clone have the same effect.
So if you write a function that modifies one of its parameters, unless you specifically want those changes to be seen by the code that calls the function, you should first dup the parameter being modified:
def test_111(hash)
hash = hash.dup
# etc
The behavior of your code is called a side effect - a change to the program's state that isn't a core part of the function. Side effects are generally to be avoided.

Alias for array or hash element in Ruby

Example for array
arr = ["a", "b", "c"]
# TODO create an alias for arr[1] as x
x = "X"
# arr should be ["a", "X", "c"] here
Example for hash
hash = { :a => "aaa", :b => "bbb" , :c => "ccc" }
# TODO create an alias for hash[:b] as y
y = "YYY"
# hash should be { :a => "aaa", :b => "YYY" , :c => "ccc" } here
And also an alias for a variable?
var = 5
# TODO create an alias for var as z
z = 7
# var should be 7 here
Motivation: I have a big large deep construct of data, and you can imagine the rest. I want to use it in a read-only manner, but due to performance reasons copy is not permissible.
Metaphor: I want to choose context from a larger data structure and I want to access it with a short and simple name.
UPDATE: Problem solved as sepp2k advised. I just want to draw a summarizing picture here about the solution.
irb(main):001:0> arr = [ { "a" => 1, "b" => 2}, { "x" => 7, "y" => 8 } ]
=> [{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"x"=>7, "y"=>8}]
irb(main):002:0> i = arr[0]
=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
irb(main):004:0> j = arr[1]
=> {"x"=>7, "y"=>8}
irb(main):007:0> j["z"] = 9
=> 9
irb(main):008:0> j
=> {"x"=>7, "y"=>8, "z"=>9}
irb(main):009:0> arr
=> [{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"x"=>7, "y"=>8, "z"=>9}]
What you want is not possible. There is no feature in ruby that you could use to make your examples work like you want.
However since you're saying you want to only use it read-only, there is no need for that. You can just do x = myNestedStructure[foo][bar][baz]. There will be no copying involved when you do that. Assignment does not copy the assigned object in ruby.
You would have to create a method that is your alias, which would update the data.
def y=(value)
Then call it.
Edit: updated second code snippet.
