Secure Spring Boot API without user authentication - spring

I'm currently developing a few services with spring boot and some security concerns came in mind. All the exposed endpoints are public and do not require any user/password authentication. However, these services cannot be easily accessible by a caller other than our front-end application, since we must gather some user information through a form, in which a captcha performs a validation. Because of that, we need to ensure that the services are only invoked by this front-end application and that fake requests are denied.
Due to these requirements, i initially thought that making the endpoints accessible via https was enough. Notwithstanding, the possibility of replay attacks and spoofing still concerns me.
So, reading a few articles i came up with the following draft:
Please refer the client as the front-end application.
client and server should share a key-pair (public and private keys).
For every request, the following must be satisfied:
client creates a unique nonce (random number)
client generates a HMAC-SHA1 token with the shared private key
token = hmac('sha1', private_key, public_key + timestamp + nonce);
client must send the public_key, timestamp, nonce and token in header
upon receiving a request, the server checks if all the header params are present and then calculates the same hmac-sha1 token and compares with the received value from the client.
the nonce is then added to a cache manager, so that duplicated requisitions are discarded.
if any of header parameters are missing or if the calculated token is different from the one sent by the client, the requesition is also discarded.
Is this an appropriate approach? Are the benefits of such overhead worth?
These are the codes i currently have:
public class APIAuthenticationManager implements AuthenticationManager {
private String apiKeyValue;
private String apiKeyRequestHeader;
private String timestampThresold;
private String timestampHeader;
private String nonce;
private String tokenHeader;
private String privateKey;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) authentication.getPrincipal();
if (!apiKeyValue.equals(request.getParameter(apiKeyRequestHeader))) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("The API key was not found or not the expected value.");
String timestamp = request.getParameter(timestampHeader);
if(timestamp == null) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Timestamp was not found or its value is invalid.");
Date requestIssueDate = Util.parseDate(timestamp, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX");
if(requestIssueDate == null) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Timestamp was not found or its value is invalid.");
long expired = System.currentTimeMillis() - Integer.valueOf( timestampThresold );
if (requestIssueDate.getTime() > expired) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Timestamp was not found or its value is invalid.");
String tokenFromClient = request.getParameter(tokenHeader);
String calculatedToken = HMACSignatureUtil.calculateHMAC(privateKey, apiKeyValue + timestamp + nonce);
if(!tokenFromClient.equals(calculatedToken)) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Invalid token.");
return authentication;
This is the ConfigurerAdapter
private APIAuthenticationManager apiAuthenticationManager;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
APIKeyAuthFilter filter = new APIKeyAuthFilter();
filter.setAuthenticationManager( apiAuthenticationManager );
.anyRequest(). requiresSecure();


Spring REST secure DELETE only the owned (the one created by app end-user, ONLY) resource

I try to find the best solution in how safety (by the owner only) DELETE a REST resource.
The resource could be deleted only by the owner/creator of that resource (means the one it created that resource).
Each time an application end-user creates a client account he receives back a JWT token.
To be able to access a REST resource the client should provide a valid JWT.
The validation of the JWT is done for each incoming calls through a customer filter:
#Component public class JwtRequestFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter{
private ClientAuthService clientAuthService;
private JwtUtil jwtUtil;
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
final String authorizationHeaderDate = request.getHeader("Date");
if (authorizationHeaderDate != null){
if (DateTimeUtil.isLaterInMinThenNow(
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")), 2)) {
final String authorizationHeader = request.getHeader("Authorization");
String username = null;
String jwt = null;
if (authorizationHeader != null && authorizationHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
jwt = authorizationHeader.substring(7);
username = jwtUtil.extractUsername(jwt);
if (username != null && SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() == null) {
UserDetails userDetails = this.clientAuthService.loadUserByUsername(username);
if (jwtUtil.validateToken(jwt, userDetails)) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
= new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDetails, null, userDetails.getAuthorities());
.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource().buildDetails(request));
chain.doFilter(request, response);
The current implementation of the DELETE REST end-point is:
public ResponseEntity<Client> deleteClientById(#PathVariable(required = true) Long id){
return ResponseEntity.ok(clientService.deleteClientById(id));
Letting like each end-user having a valid JWT could delete another end-user client account.
For a hacker is easy to get a JWT, intuit a client ID and delete, one-by-one, all clients accounts
The question is: How can I prevent such a security issue?
You want to use Spring's expression based access control:
You can annotate your REST endpoint method or service method and use EL expressions to authorize your user. Here's an example from Spring's documentation that you can adapt:
#PreAuthorize("#n ==")
Contact findContactByName(#Param("n") String name);
Now - you didn't ask, but you should consider conforming to the REST convention of using the HTTP verb that matches what your action does (i.e. use DELETE HTTP actions for requests that delete resources):
Do not a REST service that uses GET HTTP methods to delete resources - to anyone that knows anything about REST this is not going to make sense:
It should be

How to design a good JWT authentication filter

I am new to JWT. There isn't much information available in the web, since I came here as a last resort. I already developed a spring boot application using spring security using spring session. Now instead of spring session we are moving to JWT. I found few links and now I can able to authenticate a user and generate token. Now the difficult part is, I want to create a filter which will be authenticate every request to the server,
How will the filter validate the token? (Just validating the signature is enough?)
If someone else stolen the token and make rest call, how will I verify that.
How will I by-pass the login request in the filter? Since it doesn't have authorization header.
Here is a filter that can do what you need :
public class JWTFilter extends GenericFilterBean {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JWTFilter.class);
private final TokenProvider tokenProvider;
public JWTFilter(TokenProvider tokenProvider) {
this.tokenProvider = tokenProvider;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException,
ServletException {
try {
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
String jwt = this.resolveToken(httpServletRequest);
if (StringUtils.hasText(jwt)) {
if (this.tokenProvider.validateToken(jwt)) {
Authentication authentication = this.tokenProvider.getAuthentication(jwt);
filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
} catch (ExpiredJwtException eje) {"Security exception for user {} - {}", eje.getClaims().getSubject(), eje.getMessage());
((HttpServletResponse) servletResponse).setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED);
LOGGER.debug("Exception " + eje.getMessage(), eje);
private void resetAuthenticationAfterRequest() {
private String resolveToken(HttpServletRequest request) {
String bearerToken = request.getHeader(SecurityConfiguration.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);
if (StringUtils.hasText(bearerToken) && bearerToken.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
String jwt = bearerToken.substring(7, bearerToken.length());
return jwt;
return null;
And the inclusion of the filter in the filter chain :
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public final static String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "Authorization";
private TokenProvider tokenProvider;
private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
JWTFilter customFilter = new JWTFilter(this.tokenProvider);
http.addFilterBefore(customFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on
The TokenProvider class :
public class TokenProvider {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TokenProvider.class);
private static final String AUTHORITIES_KEY = "auth";
private long tokenValidityInMilliSeconds;
private String secretKey;
public String createToken(Authentication authentication) {
String authorities = authentication.getAuthorities().stream().map(authority -> authority.getAuthority()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
ZonedDateTime now =;
ZonedDateTime expirationDateTime =, ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
Date issueDate = Date.from(now.toInstant());
Date expirationDate = Date.from(expirationDateTime.toInstant());
return Jwts.builder().setSubject(authentication.getName()).claim(AUTHORITIES_KEY, authorities)
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, this.secretKey).setIssuedAt(issueDate).setExpiration(expirationDate).compact();
public Authentication getAuthentication(String token) {
Claims claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(this.secretKey).parseClaimsJws(token).getBody();
Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = Arrays.asList(claims.get(AUTHORITIES_KEY).toString().split(",")).stream()
.map(authority -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(authority)).collect(Collectors.toList());
User principal = new User(claims.getSubject(), "", authorities);
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(principal, "", authorities);
public boolean validateToken(String authToken) {
try {
return true;
} catch (SignatureException e) {"Invalid JWT signature: " + e.getMessage());
LOGGER.debug("Exception " + e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
Now to answer your questions :
Done in this filter
Protect your HTTP request, use HTTPS
Just permit all on the /login URI (/authenticate in my code)
I will focus in the general tips on JWT, without regarding code implemementation (see other answers)
How will the filter validate the token? (Just validating the signature is enough?)
RFC7519 specifies how to validate a JWT (see 7.2. Validating a JWT), basically a syntactic validation and signature verification.
If JWT is being used in an authentication flow, we can look at the validation proposed by OpenID connect specification ID Token Validation. Summarizing:
iss contains the issuer identifier (and aud contains client_id if using oauth)
current time between iat and exp
Validate the signature of the token using the secret key
sub identifies a valid user
If someone else stolen the token and make rest call, how will I verify that.
Possesion of a JWT is the proof of authentication. An attacker who stoles a token can impersonate the user. So keep tokens secure
Encrypt communication channel using TLS
Use a secure storage for your tokens. If using a web front-end consider to add extra security measures to protect localStorage/cookies against XSS or CSRF attacks
set short expiration time on authentication tokens and require credentials if token is expired
How will I by-pass the login request in the filter? Since it doesn't have authorization header.
The login form does not require a JWT token because you are going to validate the user credential. Keep the form out of the scope of the filter. Issue the JWT after successful authentication and apply the authentication filter to the rest of services
Then the filter should intercept all requests except the login form, and check:
if user authenticated? If not throw 401-Unauthorized
if user authorized to requested resource? If not throw 403-Forbidden
Access allowed. Put user data in the context of request( e.g. using a ThreadLocal)
Take a look at this project it is very good implemented and has the needed documentation.
1. It the above project this is the only thing you need to validate the token and it is enough. Where token is the value of the Bearer into the request header.
try {
final Claims claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey("secretkey")
request.setAttribute("claims", claims);
catch (final SignatureException e) {
throw new ServletException("Invalid token.");
2. Stealing the token is not so easy but in my experience you can protect yourself by creating a Spring session manually for every successfull log in. Also mapping the session unique ID and the Bearer value(the token) into a Map (creating a Bean for example with API scope).
public class SessionMapBean {
private Map<String, String> jwtSessionMap;
private Map<String, Boolean> sessionsForInvalidation;
public SessionMapBean() {
this.jwtSessionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.sessionsForInvalidation = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
public Map<String, String> getJwtSessionMap() {
return jwtSessionMap;
public void setJwtSessionMap(Map<String, String> jwtSessionMap) {
this.jwtSessionMap = jwtSessionMap;
public Map<String, Boolean> getSessionsForInvalidation() {
return sessionsForInvalidation;
public void setSessionsForInvalidation(Map<String, Boolean> sessionsForInvalidation) {
this.sessionsForInvalidation = sessionsForInvalidation;
This SessionMapBean will be available for all sessions. Now on every request you will not only verify the token but also you will check if he mathces the session (checking the request session id does matches the one stored into the SessionMapBean). Of course session ID can be also stolen so you need to secure the communication. Most common ways of stealing the session ID is Session Sniffing (or the Men in the middle) and Cross-site script attack. I will not go in more details about them you can read how to protect yourself from that kind of attacks.
3. You can see it into the project I linked. Most simply the filter will validated all /api/* and you will login into a /user/login for example.

Spring Boot OAuth2 SSO with access/refresh tokens is not stored in a database correctly

Based on this example I have implemented application with SSO throught Social Networks. In order to improve this approach and store access/refresh tokens in my database I have added oauth_client_token table:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_client_token (
token_id VARCHAR(255),
token BLOB,
authentication_id VARCHAR(255),
user_name VARCHAR(255),
client_id VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY(authentication_id)
and extended ClientResources class in order to return true from AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails.isClientOnly() method:
class ClientResources {
private OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails client = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails() {
public boolean isClientOnly() {
return true;
private ResourceServerProperties resource = new ResourceServerProperties();
public OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails getClient() {
return client;
public ResourceServerProperties getResource() {
return resource;
This is my SSO filter:
private Filter ssoFilter(ClientResources client, String path) {
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter clientFilter = new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter(path);
OAuth2RestTemplate oAuth2RestTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(client.getClient(), oauth2ClientContext);
AccessTokenProviderChain tokenProviderChain = new AccessTokenProviderChain(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider())));
tokenProviderChain.setClientTokenServices(new JdbcClientTokenServices(dataSource));
clientFilter.setTokenServices(new OkUserInfoTokenServices(okService, client.getClient().getClientId(), apiUrl, eventService));
clientFilter.setAuthenticationSuccessHandler(new UrlParameterAuthenticationHandler());
return clientFilter;
Right now I'm not sure I have implemented this logic in the right way and not the dirty hack.
Please advise me if I have implemented this thing in a correct way.
I'm sure right now it is not correct implementation because of for 2 different users in my table oauth_client_token I have only one record.. Auth object is null and authentication_id is calculated only based on OAuth2 client_id.. this is wrong. I need to persist token when authentication is not null.. but I don't know how to do it with a current implementation of OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter
Right now in the current version of spring-security-oauth2 2.0.8.RELEASE we have only one strange comment inside of OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter.successfulAuthentication method:
protected void successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain, Authentication authResult) throws IOException, ServletException {
super.successfulAuthentication(request, response, chain, authResult);
// Nearly a no-op, but if there is a ClientTokenServices then the token will now be stored
How to implement it correctly ?
Found the same issue at GitHub:

spring security saml and OBSSOCookie

our company is using Oracle access system for SAML single sign on. I implemented spring security with Spring Security SAML library, it worked great until I just found one issue recently.
Oracle Access System is using OBSSOCookie as identifier, but when saml response post back, I have no way to retrieve this cookie.
Have a look at this code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/callback")
public void callback(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
SAMLCredential credential = (SAMLCredential) authentication.getCredentials();
try {
} catch (MessageEncodingException e) {
String nameID = credential.getNameID().getValue();
List<Attribute> attributes = credential.getAttributes();
JSONObject jso = new JSONObject();
String uid;
String employeeType="";
String company_name="";
String FirstName;
String roles_entitled="";
String LastName;
String primary_role="";
jso.put("nameID", nameID);
jso.put("uid", uid);
jso.put("company_name", company_name);
jso.put("roles_entitled", roles_entitled);
jso.put("primary_role", primary_role);
jso.put("employeeType", employeeType);
jso.put("FirstName", FirstName);
jso.put("LastName", LastName);
String frontend_url = sideCarService.getFrontendNodeUrl();
String token = KeyGenerator.createUserToken(jso, 3600 * 24 * 30);
String encoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(jso.toString().getBytes()));
response.sendRedirect(frontend_url + "#t/" + token + "/atts/" + encoded);
Looking at this code, I can retrieve all the info from saml response, then generate a token, giving back to frontend cookie for use.
But I really want to get OBSSOCookie, so that I can use with other microservice to retrieve data from other applicaiton which is using same saml login solution.
I tried to user request.getHeaders(), but response is empty. No OBSSOCookie at all.
Any idea for how to obtain OBSSOCookie from spring saml library?
Presuming the cookie is available to Spring SAML during validation of the SAML Response sent from IDP you can use the following approach.
Extend class WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl and implement method processAdditionalData which should return value of the OBSSOCookie. You can access the HTTP request and its HTTP headers/cookies through the SAMLMessageContext which is provided as a parameter.
The value you return will then be available under additionalData field in the SAMLCredential - which is indented for exactly these kinds of use-cases.

Implemented Spring OAuth2, getting same access token from different devices

Implemented Spring OAuth2 security and getting same access token when logging with the same user but from different device. When i logout from any one of these devices(revoke Token)other devices are also getting logged out. Is it a expected behavior or i am missing something ? hoping that sharing the massive code will not help much so kept the question short and simple.
The default behaviour of the DefaultTokenServices is to re-use existing tokens (based on the behaviour of the existing TokenStore implementations)
If you want every device to be given different access_token then create your own AuthenticationKeyGenerator e.g. send your device id on authorization process and let your AuthenticationKeyGenerator process that device id to create access_token specific for that device.
(Please read code to put the following solution into context)
DefaultAuthenticationKeyGenerator is available in spring. I just created a custom version with the same code with one extension, i.e., device_id sent from the client as a request parameter is retrieved from OAuth2Authentication as follows;
String deviceId = authentication.getOAuth2Request().getRequestParameters().get("device_id")
and then is put into the values map (used to generate the token finally). Hence the device_id becomes a part of the token resulting in a unique token per device.
Following is the full solution which is mostly the DefaultAuthenticationKeyGenerator apart from the bit explained above.
public class CustomAuthenticationKeyGenerator implements AuthenticationKeyGenerator
private static final String CLIENT_ID = "client_id";
private static final String SCOPE = "scope";
private static final String USERNAME = "username";
public String extractKey(OAuth2Authentication authentication) {
Map<String, String> values = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
OAuth2Request authorizationRequest = authentication.getOAuth2Request();
if (!authentication.isClientOnly()) {
values.put(USERNAME, authentication.getName());
values.put(CLIENT_ID, authorizationRequest.getClientId());
if (authorizationRequest.getScope() != null) {
values.put(SCOPE, OAuth2Utils.formatParameterList(authorizationRequest.getScope()));
String deviceId = authorizationRequest.getRequestParameters().get(;
if(deviceId != null && !deviceId.isEmpty()) {
values.put("device_id", deviceId);
MessageDigest digest;
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("MD5 algorithm not available. Fatal (should be in the JDK).");
try {
byte[] bytes = digest.digest(values.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
return String.format("%032x", new BigInteger(1, bytes));
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("UTF-8 encoding not available. Fatal (should be in the JDK).");
For those who are facing the same issue can work on the replied solution by MangEngkus, for precise solution you can also refer this link Spring OAuth2 Generate Access Token per request to the Token Endpoint
