Ansible can't run when vars are used in include_tasks - ansible

I have two playbooks driver.yaml invoking another play after converting from template called main_driver.yml
Main playbook driver.yml
- name: Setup Services
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- var_input_driver.yaml
- name: Converting template to playbook
src: template_for_driver.yaml.j2
dest: main_driver.yaml
delegate_to: localhost
- name: run roles
include_tasks: main_driver.yaml
Content of main_driver.yaml
- name: Setup Services
java_package: java-11-openjdk
dock_version: 18.09.0
- name: Setup services
name: configure-java
Receiving error as below:
FAILED! => {"reason": "no module/action detected in task.\n\nThe error appears to be in 'main_driver.yaml': line 2, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n---\n- name: Setup Services\n ^ here\n"}

vars is not a module name but a task option. You should fix your included file like so:
- name: Setup services
name: configure-java
java_package: java-11-openjdk
dock_version: 18.09.0
An other possible way would be:
- name: Set variables
java_package: java-11-openjdk
dock_version: 18.09.0
- name: Setup services
name: configure-java

couple of things:
main_driver.yaml seems to include itself (main_driver) - that probably won't work.
the task file used with "include_tasks" should be a "pure" task file, not a playbook. In other words, it should not contain a playbook header (hosts, name, etc), but simply a list of tasks.
Im struggling to understand the logic in your example, maybe double-check that the file contents are correct?


How to run tasks file as a playbook and as an include_file

I have a generic tasks, like update a DNS records based on my machine -> server
Which I use it in my playbooks with include_tasks like so:
- name: (include) Update DNS
include_tasks: task_update_dns.yml
I have many of these "generic tasks" simply acting as a "shared task" in many playbooks.
But in some cases, I just want to run one of these generic tasks on a server, but running the following gives the below error:
ansible-playbook playbooks/task_update_dns.yml --limit $myserver
ERROR! 'set_fact' is not a valid attribute for a Play
Simply because it's not a "playbook" they are just "tasks"
File: playbooks/task_update_dns.yml
- name: dig
my_hosts: '{{ lookup("dig", "").split(",") }}'
tags: always
- name: Set entries
I know I can write a playbook, empty, that only "include" the task file, but I don't want to create a shallow playbook now for each task.
Is there a way to configure the task file in such way that I'll be able to run it for both include_tasks and as a "stand alone"/play command line ?
Have you tried to use custom tags for those tasks?
Create a playbook with all the tasks
- name: Update web servers
hosts: webservers
remote_user: root
- name: dig
my_hosts: '{{ lookup("dig", "").split(",") }}'
tags: always
- name: Set entries
- set_entries
- name: (include) Update DNS
include_tasks: task_update_dns_2.yml
- dns
when you need to run only that specific task, you just need to add the --tag parameter in the execution with the task name
ansible-playbook playbooks/task_update_dns.yml --limit $myserver --tag set_entries

Error! conflicting action statements: project_path, state (ansible)

Trying to execute this code but having the said errors encountered above
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- community.general.terraform
- name: Execute Terraform Template
project_path: '/Users/<username>/Desktop/<repository>/<file>'
state: present
force_init: true
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Execute Terraform Template
^ here
been trying to figure this one out.. I am using a macOS, installed Ansible locally already.
Thank you in advance!!
Trying to execute the code above but unable to succeed.
You have an indentation problem in your script.
Should work like this:
- name: Run Terraform
gather_facts: No
hosts: localhost
- name: Execute Terraform Template
project_path: '/Users/<username>/Desktop/<repository>/<file>'
state: present
force_init: true

Ansible playbook example code fail to run

I'm started to try Ansible, and using example code from Ansible Documentation. After I try several examples, I get error at the beginning of the code. It says
- name: Change the hostname to Windows_Ansible
^ here(Point at name)"
Any advice would be appreciate.
I tried this one
- name: Change the hostname to Windows_Ansible
name: "Windows_Ansible"
register: res
- name: Reboot
when: res.reboot_required
The below task will change the hostname of the server. Make sure you run on a test server so that it wont create issues. If you just wanted to test some playbook, use the second playbook with win_command
- hosts: <remote server name which needs to be added in the inventory>
- name: Change the hostname to Windows_Ansible
name: "Windows_Ansible"
register: res
- name: Reboot
when: res.reboot_required
- hosts: <remote server name which needs to be added in the inventory>
- name: Test
win_command: whoami
register: res

ansible with_items pass variables from outside file

I just want to pass list of rpm packages in a yml file and call it in with_items inside my tasks.
Which format the yml file should be. Please help me. I googled a lot, still being confused. I need to achieve so that I could change only the package names in outside file, without changing the main file.
Ex: files.yaml
- vars:
- firmware-system-p89-2.56_2018_01_22-1.1.i386.rpm
- firmware-smartarray-ea3138d8e8-6.30-1.1.x86_64.rpm
=> passing to with_items in another file
- name: List required packages
set_fact: pkglist="{{ item}}"
- "{{ modules }}"
register: pkglist_result
Thanks a lot. that helps.
I did just this to finally accomplish. I wasn't trying right. But I mentioned just the name of the packages in files.yml and placed the real packages in files directory where tasks directory resides.
- name: List required packages
include_vars: files.yml
register: pkglist_result
- name: make a list
set_fact: pkg_list="{{ pkglist_result.ansible_facts.modules}}"
- debug: var=pkg_list
- firmware-system-p89-2.56_2018_01_22-1.1.i386.rpm
- firmware-smartarray-ea3138d8e8-6.30-1.1.x86_64.rpm
example playbook:
- hosts: my_hosts
- files.yml
- name: print module name one by one
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ modules }}"

ansible 2 \ include other yml doesn't work, though direct call is working

I have this in my all.yml
can't run tagger.yml (though when running tagger.yml directly it is working)
- name: run couple of ymls
hosts: all
- include: "./tagger.yml"
#- include: ./fluentd.yml
- name: tagger - build docker
hosts: all
- all
- tagger
Error is
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "reason": "no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.\n\nThe error appears to have been in '.Build/tagger.yml': line 2, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n---\n - name: tagger - build docker\n ^ here\n\n\nThe error appears to have been in '.Build/tagger.yml': line 2, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n---\n - name: tagger - build docker\n ^ here\n"}
Ansible has two "levels", one is the playbook level, where you can supply plays, the other one is the task level, where you can supply tasks. The include works on both levels, but you won't be able to include new plays if you're already at the tasks level.
For example this is okay:
- include: play1.yml
- include: play2.yml
- name: run couple of tasks on all hosts
hosts: all
tasks: [{debug: {msg: "Task1"}}]
- name: run some more tasks on some hosts
hosts: some
tasks: [{debug: {msg: "Task2"}}]
As here in the main.yml you are still at the playbook level, so you can include the files, which are playbooks themselves as well. This means that you can simply run play1.yml separately from ansible-playbook anytime as well.
But, once you are at the task level, you can only include files that only contain tasks:
- name: run couple of ymls
hosts: all
- include: "task1.yml"
- include: "task2.yml"
- name: An actual command
debug: { msg: "Task 1" }
- name: An other actual command
debug: { msg: "Task 2" }
This is also okay, as both task1.yml and task2.yml files only contain tasks, and they are not full-fledged playbooks. Trying to run them separately with ansible-playbook won't work anymore, as they are only a bunch of tasks.
Note that in this example, if you'd include play1.yml instead of like task1.yml, then the playbook would fail, as you're already at the "tasks" level, from where you can't import any more playbooks.
Remove the hosts from your tagger.yml file:
- name: tagger - build docker
whatever task here
- all
- tagger
Hope that help you
