Best AWS server for eCommerce [closed] - laravel

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to deploy my Laravel app to AWS server and I got two options:
ECS services which allow me to use docker to manage the number of services I need (Ram, CPU ..etc)
AWS eCommerce Platform to set monthly plan services (static number of Ram, CPU, and storage according to the plan)
So which one should I use for my e-commerce platform? comparing should contain:
performance: which one is better to deal with API requests (I heard docker slows down the processing)
price: is it safer to choose a monthly plan instead of cost by view or resources?
security: AWS offers more security options on the AWS e-commerce platform

The issue with managing your own instance is that you have to work out security aspects deeply especially if you are handling payments or credit card information. Considering e-commerce site this may be at the core of requirement. Personally i will go for a managed service rather than ECS, as you be spending a lot of time configuring and securing ECS.IN ECS case you have to buy a SSL certificate on top, plus penetration testing to make sure site is secure etc.
The managed platform is hopefully already PCI-DSS compliant and easy to configure.


How to scale a Spring Boot app to keep the same performance? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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My question is theoritical (I am not asking the steps about scaling) and related to keep the same performance.
For example our web site (Spring Boot based) is visited 100 person / day and after a year is şs started 1.000.000 visit per day. In this situation, I have the following ideas basically, but need to know more and if these ideas are good or bad:
Using Cloud services
LOad balancer
Using microservices and applying distributed system techniques.
If read operations are much more than write or update, a NoSQL db can be used.
If we use jwt token for authentication, dstributed system would not a problem for security auth side I think.
... etc.
Could you pls share your ideas and comment the idea above? Any help would be appreciated.
There have been several POC( proof of concept ) and proved deployment strategies for better availability.
Keeping your points, I am summarizing and possibly giving a bit more clarity!
Using Cloud services --> This is the platform you choose for e.g. One can choose on-premise service deployment or on cloud such as AWS,Azure GCP etc. Not related to scalability question at the moment.
Load balancer --> Balance the load when you have multiple instances of your Microservice, so for e.g. You can create docker images of your microservice & deploy as a Pod on Kubernetes platform where you can have more than one Replicas (Replica is copy of your same service). Load balancer will balance the HTTP requests among multiple pods.
Using microservices and applying distributed system techniques --> You can but make sure to adhere to best practices and proven Microservice deployment strategies. Read more about the more about them here
If read operations are much more than write or update, a NoSQL db can be used. --> Definitely, infact you can decompose your microservice based on number of transactions or read/write operations & you can use NoSql DB like Couchbase or MongoDb
If we use jwt token for authentication, dstributed system would not a problem for security auth side I think. --> Again such mechanisms are usually centralized and JWT token has some time validity!
So there might be several other options of scaling but most used is the one I mentioned in point 2.
I highly suggest you get a grip on basics, Here are few links which would be helpful!

Setting up development environment in micro-services architecture [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are moving towards developing a web app in a micro-services architecture.
We thought about running the services behind a API gateway that will handle authentication and will proxy the requests to the appropriate services.
We have encountered a problem while setting up the development environment. How can we develop a service in a local machine (laptop) and test and run it in a way that is similar to the production (behind the gateway)?
Consider the following requirements:
Inter process communication (B2B)
Manage and sync different versions
Access the service with authentication token (produced by the gateway)
Difficulty to setup development environment for microservices is proportional to the number of microservices. I have a running setup on my laptop with 2 microservices along with eureka, zuul gateway with oAuth2, an authorization server and spring cloud config. Beyond this I have not tried as it will start becoming unmanageable.
In this case it is better to have the development environment on cloud. You can choose any cloud provider and avail a free subscription for sometime. For eg. Amazon gives you 750 hours of linux time free for a month. You can create any number of instances as you need(with minimal cost after free usage).

Clearing up misconceptions about amazon(EC2) and rackspace [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm friends with an owner of a small creative business (with multiple departments) and until now they have been using a dedicated server (via a 3rd party) for a lot of internal projects and they've been known to iframe a few small dev projects (like photo galleries, one page sites etc...) off and on for some of their clients (some with hi traffic sites).
They're looking to switch from the dedicated server to a cloud environment. The owner is enamored with amazon's cloud services, but still wanted some alternative options they also want the new environment to mirror the current one as much as possible (linux/centOS, PHP 5.3, mysql databases) but with the ability to scale when desired.
So the misconceptions I need cleared up and questions I have are:
1) I always assumed amazon's cloud service was more suitable for high end high traffic complex web application (Netflix, pinterest, instagram etc...) rather than the typical server use listed above. Is this correct?
2) Is it possible to mirror their current setup on amazon?
3) If number 1 is not true, but they instead chose rackspace, could they run heavy web apps like Netflix, pinterest, instagram on a rackspace cloud server if they ever decided to do something that advanced (is rackspace scaleable in the same way ec2 is)?
1) Amazon AWS is also suitable for this environment, or even smaller ones (they offer instances as small as "Micro", which are far less capable than what you are describing all the way up to GPU compute clusters).
2) Yes. That is a very common setup for an AWS-based solution. In fact, I recently migrated something similar from Rackspace to AWS.
3) #1 is true. However, you can certainly mix what runs on Rackspace and in the AWS cloud. Keep in mind latency and security issues if the two component solutions need to communicate with each other. Rackspace also has a cloud offering, but it is not as mature as Amazons.

Will it be fast if I use amazon web services for India? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My portal will be mainly accessed in India and it involves uploading/viewing of images which means good data transfer will be involved.
If I host my portal on servers located in India; surely it will be faster to access the pages. But I want to personally use Amazon web services. Do we have option in Amazon so that we can host our tomcat server and save images on some servers located in India ; or at max. in Singapore so that access is fairly faster.
Amazon Web Services offers several AWS datacenter Regions for most of their Products & Services within their steadily expanding global infrastructure, amongst those the Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region (usually referred to as ap-southeast-1).
Furthermore they do offer even more so called edge locations for Amazon CloudFront, which is their Content delivery network (CDN) alike web service for content delivery.
You can see an overview of the current regions and edge locations on their Global Infrastructure map.
There is an API oriented Regions and Endpoints listing as well, see e.g. those for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) (please note that not every region does necessarily support every single available product, especially beta offerings are usually available in us-east-1 only initially).
Consequently you should be fine using ap-southeast-1 for your use case, though as usual you might want to give it a try before settling on this, which is fairly easy to do by means of the AWS Free Usage Tier offering.

Amazon version of Rackspace's cloud sites? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if any of you know an Amazon version of cloud sites from rackspace. I know they have services similar to cloud servers and files but not this?
Basically, I'm looking for a scalable web server managed by them, *** but (this is what cloud sites can't do) I want to still be able to do things in the backend and install other apps etc.. (like my own server)?
Amazon does not offer any managed hosting services. What they provide is infrastructure-as-a-service, the barebones level services for building on top of. They offer no management services. This stuff is meant for low level developers / system administrators to build the higher level systems on, not your average web hosting customer.
Amazon's new Elastic Beanstalk offers something closer to Rackspace Cloud Sites, but is currently limited to Java sites.
I have a new Platform as a Service (SaaS) in the works to offer multiple languages/frameworks on top of AWS to the general public. Check it out...
