Delete file in Laravel using Google Drive API - laravel

I'm using this command to upload the file to Google Drive (store function in controller):
$request->anexo->storeAs('1tD*******************-6', $file_name, 'google');
And this to get the link:
$link = Storage::disk('google')->url('1tD*******************-6/' . $file_name);
This is working fine. But when i try to delete the file i can't find it in the destroy function in the same controller. I've tried the commands below and all of them return false:
$att = OrdemAttachment::findOrFail($id);
$link = Storage::disk('google')->url('1tD*******************-6/' . $att->file_name);
// dd($link);
$exists = Storage::disk('google')->has('1tD*******************-6/' . $att->file_name);
// dd($exists);
$delete = Storage::disk('google')->delete('1tD*******************-6/' . $att->file_name);
// dd($delete);
Is there another command that must be used instead of these?

I figured it out, I was trying to use the file name and even tried to use the google drive link. But what worked was using the file id (you can find the id inside the link). So, for example, if the link to the file is, to delete the file in google drive with the id would go like this:
$delete = Storage::disk('google')->delete('1tD*******************-6/1AgF87s1lw9TSsRhVOpGNJ2K6wq3A8FzD');
1tD*******************-6 is the subfolder id and 1AgF87s1lw9TSsRhVOpGNJ2K6wq3A8FzD is the id of the file extracted from the link.


Get the file from directory

I'm trying to get all files from a directory and store it inside a variable the process is like When I upload a file,i store it inside a variable ,in this scenario the process will be same but i wont uploading anything , I will be directly sending those files ,
Any help would be much appreciated
This what I tried
$dir = public_path('dbf');
// $new_path = public_path('new_files');
$files1 = scandir($dir);
if($files1[$i]!='.' && $files1[$i]!='..')
echo $name;
Its showing me error
Trying to get property 'getClientOriginalName' of non-object
Please solve this for me
inside that folder there is a file named cams_transaction.dbf
content of that file

File storage not working. Laravel 5

I'm trying to save a .txt file in a folder named txts inside my public folder but the method i'm using is not working:
$txt_nombre = 'nomina_'. $extras['desde'] .'_'. $extras['hasta'] .'.txt';
$txt_contenido = '';
foreach ($personal as $per) {
$txt_cadena = 'BNC ' . $per->cuenta_nomina . ' ' . $per->netos . ' ' . $per->cedula_identidad;
$txt_contenido .= $txt_cadena . "\n";
Storage::put('public/txts/'. $txt_nombre, $txt_contenido);
It doesn't even throw an error, my function keeps running but the file is not being saved. Any idea why?
According to the Documentation
By default, the public disk uses the local driver and stores these files in storage/app/public.
Looking at your code, assuming that you haven't changed default configuration, your file should be created in storage/app/public/public/txts/ folder.
I am not sure how Laravel's Storage abstraction handles non-existing folders so you might want, for test, try using just Storage::put('file.txt', "content") and see if it's being created in storage/app/public folder

Saving Intervention Image In Owners Folder in Laravel 5

I can change my code to save the uploaded image in the public dir but not when I want to their uploaded image in a folder as their company's name. For example of what works:
If the user's company name is Foo, I want this when they save save their uploaded image:
This is in my controller:
$image = Input::file('company_logo');
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$path = public_path('company_img/' . Auth::user()->company_name . '/' . $filename);
// I am saying to create the dir if it's not there.
File::exists($path) or File::makeDirectory($path); // this seems to be the issue
// saving the file
Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize('280', '200')->save($path);
Just looking at that you can easily see what it's doing. My logs shows nothing and the browser goes blank after I hit the update button. Any ideas
File::exists($path) or File::makeDirectory($path);
This line does not make sense, as you check if a file exists and if not you want to attempt to create a folder ( in your $path variable you saved a path to a file not to a directory )
I would do something like that:
// directory name relative to public_path()
$dir = public_path("company_img/username"); // set your own directory name there
$filename = "test.jpg"; // get your own filename here
$path = $dir."/".$filename;
// check if $folder is a directory
if( ! \File::isDirectory($dir) ) {
// Params:
// $dir = name of new directory
// 493 = $mode of mkdir() function that is used file File::makeDirectory (493 is used by default in \File::makeDirectory
// true -> this says, that folders are created recursively here! Example:
// you want to create a directory in company_img/username and the folder company_img does not
// exist. This function will fail without setting the 3rd param to true
// is used by this function
\File::makeDirectory($dir, 493, true);
// now save your image to your $path
But i really can't say your behaviour has something to do with that... Without error messages, we can only guess.

Error while uploading in Laravel 4

I'm trying to make a image upload in lavarel 4. The upload passes by
The file "C:\xampp\tmp\phpD1F3.tmp" does not exist
This is my upload code :
$file = Input::file('image');
// Get extension
$extension =$file->getClientOriginalExtension();
// Generate a file name
$fileName = 'pool' . Str::quickRandom();
$fileNameExtension = $fileName . '.' . $extension;
// Process upload
Input::file('image')->move(public_path() . '/uploads/images/app/pools/original/', $fileNameExtension);
I don't know why i get this error , please can anyone help me to solve this?
You are probably making some operations on "uploaded" file after moving it to server by move() function. Please make sure there is no operation made on temporary file after calling Input::file('image')->move() function.

Check an image if existing already in the folder before uploading - Codeginiter

Do you have any sample codes or functions to check if an image name is existing already in the folder before uploading?
I've tried using file_exists() but it doesn't work, here is my sample code:
$path = FCPATH . "images2/";
$full_path = $path .$filename;
///display error message///
Here is the simplest way to check if a file exist:
return true; //the file exist
return false; //the file does not exist
I'm assuming you are not getting the correct result with file_exists() because you don't include the full path (even tho you define it).
Try using the following: file_exists($full_path)
Also consider using some CI helper functions for handling files like images, or uploads. They are there to make this 'easier'.
File helper:
