Google PeopleApi in Ruby - CreateContact method invalid argument - ruby

I'm using the 'google-api-client' gem to connect into Google People API from my Ruby Application.
I've managed to get other methods working (list_person_connections, get_people, delete_person_contact and update_person_contact) but I can't get the createContact (create_person_contact) method from google people API to work.
After I send the post, I get this error:
400 Caught error badRequest: Request contains an invalid argument.
This is an example code to create a contact with just the name field (I will want to actually also send email and phoneNumbers parameters on the body, but it also returns the same error, so I'm giving you the simplest example here):
require 'google/apis/content_v2'
require "google/apis/people_v1"
require "googleauth"
require "googleauth/stores/file_token_store"
require "fileutils"
require 'google/apis/people_v1'
require 'google/api_client/client_secrets'
client_secrets = Google::APIClient::ClientSecrets.load 'credentials.json'
auth_client = client_secrets.to_authorization
:scope => ['', ''],
:redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:3102/oauth2callback',
:client_id => 'MY CLIENT ID',
:client_secret => 'MY CLIENT SECRET',
#:authorization_uri => '',
:additional_parameters => {"access_type" => "offline", "include_granted_scopes" => "true"})
auth_uri = auth_client.authorization_uri.to_s
auth_client.code = 'THE AUTH CODE'
people =
people.authorization = auth_client
body = {:names => [{:givenName => "TEST"}]}
people.create_person_contact(body, person_fields: 'names')
The problem is just those 2 last lines. When called, they send this with the body:
Sending HTTP post
And it returns the error above, no matter what I change.
In the documentation, you can actually try and test this exact same code and it works.
You can fill the request body form exactly as I did, and hit EXECUTE And it will give a 200 OK response.
I can't see what the invalid argument is. This is also exactly what I do on the update_person_contact method and that one works.
I've searched the internet and can't find anyone with a similar problem and the documentation just doesn't say much:
Anyone have any idea to help me?
Thank you.

After almost giving up, I decided to try the CURL option. So I copied it from their 'Try this API' page I linked above and translated it to Ruby code.
curl --request POST \
'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"names":[{"givenName":"TEST"}]}' \
And you know what? It worked.
So I think this gem doesn't work for this particular case (it is google-api-client v: 0.42.2 and 0.43.0 in case you are wondering), but if you came here to find a solution to the same problem, this is what worked for me, and I hope it helps you:
(this replace those last 2 lines on my code):
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
uri = URI.parse("")
request =
request.content_type = "application/json"
request["Authorization"] = "Bearer #{people.authorization.access_token}"
request["Accept"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
"names" => [
"givenName" => "TEST"
"emailAddresses" => [
"value" => ""
"phoneNumbers" => [
"value" => "12345678"
req_options = {
use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https",
response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|
It's not ideal, but it got the job done today.
EDIT: After writing this I just realized even the 'personFields' parameter is useless, since the body got the right fields.
You can see in my answer, I only called the 'names' fields on the URI, but all those 3 fields were correctly there on my new contact (name, email and phone number) after it got saved. So that's also probably useless/optional.


How to use httparty instead of net/http or curl

I have a curl request which works
curl -X GET -k 'https://APIADDRESSHERE' -u 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
I can also get this working in ruby:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'openssl'
uri = URI.parse("https://APIADDRESSHERE")
request =
request.basic_auth("USERNAME", "PASSWORD")
request.content_type = "application/json"
req_options = {
use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https",
verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE,
response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|
However when I try this with httparty I keep getting a 401 error saying:
An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext This request requires HTTP authentication.
I have tried a lot of variations of the following but I'm stuck.
response = HTTParty.get('https://APIURLHERE', {"headers": { "Authorization:" => "BASE64ENCODEDUSERNAMEANDPASSWORD", "Content-Type" => "application/json" }})
Have you tried the following?
response = HTTParty.get('https://APIURLHERE', headers: { "Authorization:" => "BASE64ENCODEDUSERNAMEANDPASSWORD", "Content-Type" => "application/json" })
Ok I made a simple mistake somewhere along the way because the original solution from the similar post worked... Dont know how it didnt work 50 times last time I was working on this but it was clearly an error on my part somewhere.

Add `Authorization Bearer` hash to Net::HTTP post request (Ruby)

How can I add Authorization Bearer to a POST request with Net::HTTP?
I can only find help for "basic authentication" in the documentation.
req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
I'm trying to replicate a curl that would look like:
> curl 'http://localhost:8080/places' -d '{"_json":[{"uuid":"0514b...",
> "name":"Athens"}]}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H
> 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiO...'
Currently I've gotten to:
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
uri = URI('http://localhost:8080/places')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, '_json' => [{'uuid': '0514b...', 'name':'Athens'}])
But I'm having trouble figuring out how to add the Authentication: Bearer... part.
Does anyone have experience with this?
I dont think you can add custom headers with the post_form method. You can add it with post method. Try the code below:
uri = URI("http://localhost:8080/places")
params = [{'uuid': '0514b...', 'name':'Athens'}]
headers = {
'Authorization'=>'Bearer foobar',
'Content-Type' =>'application/json',
http =, uri.port)
response =, params.to_json, headers)

Can not convert CURL to Ruby request properly

I am trying to scrape data from Yahoo News as much as I can. And because Yahoo is using infinite pagination, I will need to find a way to simulate that behavior on Ruby. I think it is easier to see which URL is called when more news are loaded when scrolling down. Here are what I found:
Header: there are many, but only few of them are important. They includes: Referer, Host, Origin, Cookie, Content-Type
Data: there are 4 keys: _json, _mode, _txnid and _crumb
params = {"_json" => [{"_action"=>"show","batch"=>2,"cat"=>"","catName"=>"","sb"=>0,"ccode"=>"grandSlam_news","woeid"=>28379204,"_subAction"=>"more","items"=>[{"u"=>"18fdc929-d35a-3b57-a253-435b0c9fa1e8","i"=>"4000010183"},{"u"=>"52a2961d-441f-34b7-bfa2-60ee2dae1001","i"=>"4000006954"},{"u"=>"0a6e7572-9eda-3c34-9052-ae58fbf009a2","i"=>"4000006504"},{"u"=>"ba9832a7-30a8-3e58-9a82-667c980db5ef","i"=>"4000009705"},{"u"=>"ff37c89f-4146-310c-ac28-68dea7626396","i"=>"4000007878"},{"u"=>"772cd139-7fec-3107-9bf6-e789c51e333c","i"=>"4000009780"},{"u"=>"20598ae3-7581-3c0d-94b3-55f15e0cace9","i"=>"4000007760"},{"u"=>"a98a5581-a0aa-3e4b-9f7b-b6a8ba16ff2b","i"=>"4000006306"},{"u"=>"00d23e7a-9b03-39ed-b669-f612e051d49f","i"=>"4000005248"},{"u"=>"f5c4f020-c608-32ed-aab2-dca6f20e62e1","i"=>"4000005770"},{"u"=>"ba6ac04c-a94c-3eec-a18a-63c98dabc926","i"=>"4000007324"},{"u"=>"f5a82053-132e-3c5d-abff-1026de72addd","i"=>"4000004708"},{"u"=>"86024916-08d3-3162-b158-9947a7eaeb6e","i"=>"4000009721"},{"u"=>"2486b22c-e8fc-3195-8ad9-26c2c4d1ac4b","i"=>"4000006895"},{"u"=>"9fd886b1-0708-3c75-a70c-5384c3bf2d6e","i"=>"4000008879"},{"u"=>"942dea9b-4686-30a9-b59a-95d4c7c69580","i"=>"4000004912"},{"u"=>"88d6a345-cc86-3c42-a975-729852551041","i"=>"4000004711"},{"u"=>"d2021342-2066-3bdc-8d67-2b07b5051888","i"=>"4000007372"},{"u"=>"b2c80259-6ef9-3622-9016-4625f3d7bf67","i"=>"4000005337"},{"u"=>"071008c4-4fe3-3b98-8695-b8e8ff15c599","i"=>"4000003388"}],"listid"=>"","blogtype"=>"","left"=>130,"key"=>"1","cpos"=>23,"prid"=>"evecfmlai6o1o","_container"=>0,"_id"=>"u_30345786","_txnid"=>1428381836200}],
"_mode" => "json",
"_crumb" => "NugJjVjNCWa",
"_txnid" => 1428381836200
I got all above info from the Network tab of Developer tool in Chrome. And the corresponding CURL (generated by Developer Tool) for this request is:
curl '' -H 'Cookie: ucs=sfcTs=1425628433&sfc=1; AO=u=1; B=b6dveila7ac17&b=4&d=c_ArSSppYEH6SFcrdazmtHDka6k-&s=b6&i=gQmslnXVPGkRceH.mrGk; F=a=RZpcadUMvSym7INq.f8fhle0_OQ0LB4p7I.8J.56OYwNqahr5jVi6DZsH5vjMWANCHUIoF0-&b=U8Fw; PH=fn=muyarBFoN154nhRrjzs-&i=us; DSS=cnt=1&ts=1425628533; ywandp=10001393120079%3A2763408991; fpc=10001393120079%3AZWeFxmga%7C%7C; ugccmt_comment_usortoptv1=highestRated; ywadp115488662=2349330862; fpms=; yvapF=%7B%22cc%22%3A1%2C%22rcc%22%3A1%2C%22vl%22%3A47.129999999999995%2C%22rvl%22%3A47.129999999999995%7D' -H 'Origin:' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Referer:' --data '_crumb=NugJjVjNCWa&_mode=json&_txnid=1428540838640&_json=%5B%7B%22_action%22%3A%22show%22%2C%22batch%22%3A2%2C%22cat%22%3A%22%22%2C%22catName%22%3A%22%22%2C%22sb%22%3A0%2C%22ccode%22%3A%22grandSlam_news%22%2C%22woeid%22%3A28289488%2C%22_subAction%22%3A%22more%22%2C%22items%22%3A%5B%7B%22u%22%3A%220d9b1c7e-bfe6-3d71-b0fc-e31aa6a4ac78%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000006886%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22d6291cfc-70e2-331d-b202-7d3e89d43275%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000009863%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22d3c3af9f-cf8f-3d4e-a642-0070528819e0%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000006408%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22104e5284-2998-3d7c-aaf6-9ceda966699d%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000008669%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%225f5e58cd-4e73-34f0-b1e3-59b8ed0d6dd2%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000006338%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%228f9ce219-79e9-33f8-baa1-1ddea51aed5a%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000005997%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22683a22bb-e622-31b9-8c1d-d872db4dbf71%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000007873%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%222bd68c78-9645-34cf-8ba4-08ac328ffc60%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000005723%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%2261ed0f69-1e95-3264-baae-0d635606c9c4%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000006596%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22e86ec903-edf8-3f46-a27a-4c10cdee8f19%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000007547%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22d4f5eaea-3d28-36de-89a3-b9bb3fc79834%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000009036%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%228a05f4f4-e162-3586-96f1-0b7212a1ebd9%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000006790%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22b49da9d0-a9ec-3c49-afbe-da1da9c3dfc5%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000007305%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22f5fe6bcf-77fb-3e9e-bd56-a62027d604f1%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000005595%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22b644c626-a6a4-3ab7-9d5d-737ee62fa492%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000007357%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22bfa50721-be1b-38e2-94d1-e8728d112b0c%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000008326%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22b9e49778-e5dd-3d84-9eb4-6a2681d81a93%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000006213%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%226073c345-05da-3fba-a6d0-f8699fe0e961%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000005885%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%22104a6bec-1244-39f8-ab7c-0586a1a5bd6d%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000007645%22%7D%2C%7B%22u%22%3A%221280a6da-4b77-3543-8ded-ee62fcef6f9e%22%2C%22i%22%3A%224000007605%22%7D%5D%2C%22listid%22%3A%22%22%2C%22blogtype%22%3A%22%22%2C%22left%22%3A130%2C%22key%22%3A%221%22%2C%22cpos%22%3A24%2C%22prid%22%3A%223mmkn1daibjbe%22%2C%22_container%22%3A0%2C%22_id%22%3A%22u_30345786%22%2C%22_txnid%22%3A1428540838640%7D%5D' --compressed
Based on this CURL request, I have come up with the following Ruby code to crawl the data:
require 'net/http'
Require 'json'
params = {"_json" => URI.encode([{"_action"=>"show","batch"=>2,"cat"=>"","catName"=>"","sb"=>0,"ccode"=>"grandSlam_news","woeid"=>28379204,"_subAction"=>"more","items"=>[{"u"=>"18fdc929-d35a-3b57-a253-435b0c9fa1e8","i"=>"4000010183"},{"u"=>"52a2961d-441f-34b7-bfa2-60ee2dae1001","i"=>"4000006954"},{"u"=>"0a6e7572-9eda-3c34-9052-ae58fbf009a2","i"=>"4000006504"},{"u"=>"ba9832a7-30a8-3e58-9a82-667c980db5ef","i"=>"4000009705"},{"u"=>"ff37c89f-4146-310c-ac28-68dea7626396","i"=>"4000007878"},{"u"=>"772cd139-7fec-3107-9bf6-e789c51e333c","i"=>"4000009780"},{"u"=>"20598ae3-7581-3c0d-94b3-55f15e0cace9","i"=>"4000007760"},{"u"=>"a98a5581-a0aa-3e4b-9f7b-b6a8ba16ff2b","i"=>"4000006306"},{"u"=>"00d23e7a-9b03-39ed-b669-f612e051d49f","i"=>"4000005248"},{"u"=>"f5c4f020-c608-32ed-aab2-dca6f20e62e1","i"=>"4000005770"},{"u"=>"ba6ac04c-a94c-3eec-a18a-63c98dabc926","i"=>"4000007324"},{"u"=>"f5a82053-132e-3c5d-abff-1026de72addd","i"=>"4000004708"},{"u"=>"86024916-08d3-3162-b158-9947a7eaeb6e","i"=>"4000009721"},{"u"=>"2486b22c-e8fc-3195-8ad9-26c2c4d1ac4b","i"=>"4000006895"},{"u"=>"9fd886b1-0708-3c75-a70c-5384c3bf2d6e","i"=>"4000008879"},{"u"=>"942dea9b-4686-30a9-b59a-95d4c7c69580","i"=>"4000004912"},{"u"=>"88d6a345-cc86-3c42-a975-729852551041","i"=>"4000004711"},{"u"=>"d2021342-2066-3bdc-8d67-2b07b5051888","i"=>"4000007372"},{"u"=>"b2c80259-6ef9-3622-9016-4625f3d7bf67","i"=>"4000005337"},{"u"=>"071008c4-4fe3-3b98-8695-b8e8ff15c599","i"=>"4000003388"}],"listid"=>"","blogtype"=>"","left"=>130,"key"=>"1","cpos"=>23,"prid"=>"evecfmlai6o1o","_container"=>0,"_id"=>"u_30345786","_txnid"=>1428381836200}].to_json),
"_mode" => "json",
"_crumb" => "NugJjVjNCWa",
"_txnid" => 1428381836200
cookie = 'ucs=sfcTs=1425628433&sfc=1; AO=u=1; B=b6dveila7ac17&b=4&d=c_ArSSppYEH6SFcrdazmtHDka6k-&s=b6&i=gQmslnXVPGkRceH.mrGk; F=a=RZpcadUMvSym7INq.f8fhle0_OQ0LB4p7I.8J.56OYwNqahr5jVi6DZsH5vjMWANCHUIoF0-&b=U8Fw; PH=fn=muyarBFoN154nhRrjzs-&i=us; DSS=cnt=1&ts=1425628533; ywandp=10001393120079%3A2763408991; fpc=10001393120079%3AZWeFxmga%7C%7C; ugccmt_comment_usortoptv1=highestRated; ywadp115488662=2349330862; fpms=; yvapF=%7B%22cc%22%3A1%2C%22rcc%22%3A1%2C%22vl%22%3A47.129999999999995%2C%22rvl%22%3A47.129999999999995%7D'
uri = URI('')
req =
req.add_field('Referer', '')
req.add_field('Origin', '')
req.add_field('Host', '')
req.add_field('Cookie', cookie)
req.add_field('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
req.body = URI.encode(params.to_json)
http =,uri.port)
res = http.request(req)
p res.body
But it always returns error message in response when running above Ruby code (the CURL request works perfectly). I am not quite sure what is wrong here and I do hope you guys can give me some hints to resolve this issue.
The response (this error is the same if you copy the URL and paste it on your browser):
<div class=\"oops-msg\" role=\"alertdialog\">\n<span class=\"icon icon-error y-glbl-universal\"></span>\n<h3 class=\"oops\">The module encountered a problem while trying to load</h3>\n <p class=\"oops\">App is currently not available. Please, try again.</p>\n \n </div><!-- compressed/chunked Wed Apr 15 08:15:39 UTC 2015 -->\n
Also, I can not even simulate this request in Postman Client(new version with Interceptor enabled).
Thank you very much
Your Ruby code is specifying a Post request but your curl is not. Try replacing this line:
req =
with this:
req =

HTTPs Request in Ruby with parameters

I'm trying to pull data from a RESTful JSON web service which uses https. They provided a Curl example which works no problem; however, I'm trying to run the query in Ruby and I'm not a Ruby developer.
Any help much appreciated!
cURL example:
curl -G "" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.example.v1+hal+json" \
-d "app_id=$APP_ID" \
-d "days=3" \
-d "metrics=users" \
-d "dimensions=day"
My attempt in Ruby which is resulting in a HTTPUnauthorized 401:
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
# prepare request
uri = URI.parse("")
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =, {
'Accept' => 'application/vnd.example.v1+hal+json',
'api_key' => 'api_secret',
'app_id' => 'app_id',
'days' => '3',
'metrics' => 'users',
'dimensions' => 'day'})
response = http.request(request)
response["header-here"] # All headers are lowercase
# Analyze the response
if response.code != "200"
puts "Error (status-code: #{response.code})\n#{response.body}"
print 0
print 1
** Update **
As per feedback below, I've installed Typhoeus and updated the request. Now I'm getting through. Thanks all!
request =
userpwd: "key:secret",
params: {
app_id: "appid",
days: "3",
metrics: "users",
dimensions: "day"
headers: {
Accept: "application/vnd.example.v1+hal+json"
First you need to realize that:
'Accept' => 'application/vnd.example.v1+hal+json'
is a header, not a parameter.
is basic HTTP authentication, not a parameter.
Then, take my advice and go with a better Ruby HTTP client: (preferred, a wrapper for the bellow)
Try the following from IRB:
Typhoeus::Config.verbose = true # this is useful for debugging, remove it once everything is ok.
request = Typhoeus::Request.get(
userpwd: "key:secret",
params: {
app_id: "appid",
days: "3",
metrics: "users",
dimensions: "day"
headers: {
Accept: "application/vnd.example.v1+hal+json"
curl's -u sends the Authorization header. so your 'api_key' => 'api_secret', should be replaced with this one(once again, its http header, not parameter).
"Authorization" => "Basic ".Base64.encode64("api_key:api_secret")
## require "base64"

How to write this HTTPS POST request in ruby?

I'm pretty new in Ruby and Rails.
I want to send a HTTP POST request in my rails application, the request can be invoked by command line like:
curl -X POST -u "username:password" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"device_tokens": ["0C676037F5FE3194F11709B"], "aps": {"alert": "Hello!"}}' \
The ruby code I wrote (actually it's glue code) is:
uri = URI('')
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
request =, initheader = {'Content-Type' =>'application/json'})
request.basic_auth 'username', 'password'
request.body = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode({'device_tokens' => ["4872AAB82341AEE600C6E219AA93BB38B5144176037F2056D65FE3194F11709B"], "aps" => {"alert" => "Hello!"}})
response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
puts response.body
However, running the ruby code in Rails Console didn't give me expected result (the command line does). Can someone give me a hand? I've tried searching relevant posts and Ruby docs, however my knowledge in Ruby is not good enough to solve it.
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
https ='', 443)
https.use_ssl = true
path = '/api/push'
It's often tidier to create a little client class. I like HTTParty for that:
require 'httparty'
class UAS
include HTTParty
base_uri ""
basic_auth 'username', 'password'
default_params :output => 'json'
#token = "4872AAB82341AEE600C6E219AA93BB38B5144176037F2056D65FE3194F11709B"
def self.alert(message)
post('/api/push/', {'device_tokens' => #token, 'aps' => {"alert" => message}})
Then you use it like so:
