Can a subscription remain subscribed if returning a still subscribed observable from a switchmap - rxjs

Consider the following:
a$ = someObservable$.pipe(
switchMap(data => liveForEver$)
Now, liveForEver$ as the name suggests is subscribed to by other parts of the code. Could it be that a$ will stay subscribed after a$ is unsubscribed because switchMap returns a 'living' observable?

When an operator is defined, it usually has behavior to unsubscribe to child subscriptions when it is unsubscribed to. If you make a custom operator and fail to do this, then you'll likely create memory leaks. Consider the following custom operator:
function timesTwo(input$: Observable<number>): Observable<number> {
return new Observable<number>(observer => {
next: val => * 2),
complete: () => observer.complete(),
error: err => observer.error()
return {
// I should $input.unsubscribe()
unsubscribe: () => {/*Do Nothing*/}
function timesTwoPipeable<T>(): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
return input$ => timesTwo(input$);
Here I've created my own custom rxjs operator that multiplies a stream of inputs by two. So 1:
const subscription = interval(1000).pipe(map(x => x * 2))
setTimeout(() => subscription.unsubscribe(), 5000);
and 2:
const subscription = timesTwo(interval(1000))
setTimeout(() => subscription.unsubscribe(), 5000);
and 3:
const subscription = interval(1000).pipe(timesTwoPipeable())
setTimeout(() => subscription.unsubscribe(), 5000);
All have identical outputs to the console, but 2 and 3 both subscribe to the interval stream and then do not unsubscribe to it. So the second two quietly create a memory leak. You could test this yourself by changing interval(1000) to interval(1000).pipe(tap(_ => console.log("Still Alive"))) in all three examples.
All the built-in RxJS operators clean up after themselves. If you build your own, be sure to do the same!
Something I noticed in your question is that you tried to unsubscribe to an observable. I'm surprised that didn't create an error.
My inderstanding is that:
should be:
const sub = a$.subscribe();


How to poll several endpoints sequentially with rxjs?

I am trying to achieve the following with Rxjs: given an array of job ids, for every id in the array, poll an endpoint that returns the status of the job. The status can be either "RUNNING", or "FINISHED". The code should poll jobs one after the other, and continue the polling until the jobs are in the "RUNNING" status. As soon as a job reaches the "FINISHED" status, it should be passed downstream, and excluded from further polling.
Below is a minimal toy case that demonstrates the problem.
const {
} = rxjs;
const { range } = _;
const doRequest = (input) => {
const status = Math.random() < 0.15 ? 'FINISHED' : 'RUNNING';
return of({ status, value: input })
const number$ = from(range(1, 10));
const poll = (number) => interval(5000).pipe(
mergeMap(() => {
return doRequest(number)
filter(( {status} ) => status === 'FINISHED'),
const printout$ = number$.pipe(
mergeMap((number) => {
return poll(number)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
It does most of what I described; but it polls all endpoints simultaneously rather than one after another. Here, roughly, is the pattern I would like to achieve:
starting with ids: [1, 2, 3]
polling: await request 1 then await request 2 then await request 3
then wait for n seconds; then repeat
after job 2 is finished, send request 1, then send request 3, then wait, then repeat
after job 3 is finished, send request 1, then wait, repeat
after job 1 is finished, complete the stream
I feel that in order to achieve the sending of the requests in sequence, they should be concatMaped; but in the snippet above that's not possible because of the interval that would prevent each polling stream from terminating.
Could you please advise how to modify my code to achieve what I am describing?
If I understand the problem right, I would proceed like this.
First of all I would create a poll function that returns an Observable which notifies after a round of pollings, and it emits an array of all numbers for which the call to doRequest returns 'RUNNING'. Such a function would look something like this
const poll = (numbers: number[]) => {
return from(numbers).pipe(
concatMap((n) =>
filter((resp) => resp.status === 'RUNNING'),
map((resp) => resp.value)
Then what you need to do is to recursively iterate a call the poll function until the array emitted by the Observable returned by poll is empty.
Recursion in rxjs is obtained typically with the expand operator, and this is the operator which we are going to use also in this case, like this
expand((numbers) =>
numbers.length === 0
: timer(2000).pipe(concatMap(() => poll(numbers)))
A complete example can be seen in this stackblitz.
If the objective is to notify the job ids which have finished with a polling logic, the structure of the solution remains the same (a poll function and recursivity via expand) but the details are different.
The poll function makes sure we emit all the responses of a polling round and it looks like this:
const poll = (
numbers: number[]
) => {
console.log(`Polling ${numbers}`);
return from(numbers).pipe(
concatMap((n) => doRequest(n)),
The recursion logic makes sure that all jobs that are still with "RUNNING" status are polled again but then we filter only the jobs which are FINISHED and passed them downstream. In other words the logic looks like this
expand((responses) => {
const numbers = responses.filter(r => r.status === 'RUNNING').map(r => r.value)
return numbers.length === 0
: timer(2000).pipe(concatMap(() => poll(numbers)));
map(responses => responses.filter(r => r.status === 'FINISHED')),
filter(finished => finished.length > 0)
next: responses => console.log(`Job finished ${ => r.value)}`),
complete: () => {console.log('All processed')}
A working example can be seen in this stackblitz.
Updated: Original answer was not on the right track.
What we want to achieve is that on each go around of the interval we poll all the outstanding jobs in order. We yield up any completed jobs to the output observable and we also omit those completed jobs from subsequent polls.
We can do that by using a Subject instead of a static observable of the job IDs. We start our poll interval and we use withLatestFrom to include the latest list of job IDs. We can then add a tap into the output observable when we get a finished job and update the Subject to omit that job.
To end the poller interval we can create an observable that fires when the array of outstanding jobs is empty and use takeUntil with that.
const number$ = new Subject();
const noMoreNumber$ = number$.pipe(skipWhile((numbers) => numbers.length > 0));
const printout$ = interval(5000).pipe(
switchMap(([_, numbers]) => {
return => defer(() => doRequest(number)));
filter(({ status }) => status === 'FINISHED'),
tap(([{ value }, numbers]) =>
number$.next(numbers.filter((num) => num != value))
map(([item]) => item),
next: console.log,
error: console.error,
complete: () => console.log('COMPLETE'),
number$.next([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
The other tweak I would make is to use switchMap instead of mergeMap inside the poller itself. If you use that in combination with fromFetch for performing your HTTP calls then, if there is some long-running HTTP call which gets stuck, on the next poll the previous call will be cancelled before it makes the next HTTP call because switchMap disposes of the previous observable before subscribing to the new one.
Here's a working example:
Generates console output looking like this...
TRY this
import { delay, EMPTY, from, of, range } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, filter, mergeMap, tap, toArray } from 'rxjs/operators';
const number$ = from(range(1, 3));
const doRequest = (input) => {
const status = Math.random() < 0.15 ? 'FINISHED' : 'RUNNING';
return of({ status, value: input }).pipe(delay(1000));
const poll = (jobs: object[]) => {
return from(jobs).pipe(
filter((job) => job['status'] !== 'FINISHED'),
concatMap((job) => doRequest(job['value'])),
tap((job) => {
console.log('polling with................', job);
tap((result) => {
console.log('curent jobs................', JSON.stringify(result));
mergeMap((result) =>
result.length > 0 ? poll(result) : of('All job completed!')
const initiateJob = number$.pipe(
mergeMap((id) => doRequest(id)),
tap((jobs) => {
console.log('initialJobs: ', JSON.stringify(jobs));
next: console.log,
error: console.log,
complete: () => console.log('COMPLETED'),

How can i execute asynchronous code when an RxJS observable complete?

I would like to execute code when the observable complete. In my code, i execute this:
compact(): Observable<FileManifest> {
return this.loadIndex().pipe(
mergeMap((index) => index.walk()),
map((entry) => entry.manifest),
writeAllMessages(this.newPath, ProtoFileManifest),
finalize(async () => {
await Promise.all([
promises.rm(this.journalPath, { force: true }),
promises.rm(this.manifestPath, { force: true }),
await promises.rename(this.newPath, this.manifestPath);
The problem is that the finalize method is made for synchronous code. When i execute asynchronous code like above, the code will be executed independently from the subscribe.
I would like this will be execute when disposing resource of the observable but i want that when i subscribe, i always receive the event.
How can i put asynchronous code in the finalize method ?
One way to do it is to create three observables instead of trying to do it all
in one. Each will make up a link in the sequential async chain you want to
In order for the side effects in the promise-based observables to be lazy, we use defer.
Note that the defer callback's return value can be an observable, or an
"ObservableInput", which is what RxJS calls values it knows how to turn
into observables. This value can be (among other things) a promise.
compact(): Observable<FileManifest> {
const writeToTempManifest$ = this.loadIndex().pipe(
mergeMap((index) => index.walk()),
map((entry) => entry.manifest),
writeAllMessages(this.newPath, ProtoFileManifest)
const removeOldManifest$ = defer(() =>
promises.rm(this.journalPath, { force: true }),
promises.rm(this.manifestPath, { force: true }),
const renameNewManifest$ = defer(() =>
promises.rename(this.newPath, this.manifestPath)
return from([
Note that each of these observables potentially emits something (though I'm not familiar with the API). The first emits whatever the writeAllMessages operator does, while the second and third emit the resolved values of their respective promises. In the case of the second one, that's a two element array from the Promise.all.
If you want to suppress an observable's emitted values while still keeping it open until it completes, you can create an operator that does just that:
const silence = pipe(concatMapTo(EMPTY));

how to unsubscribe a RXJS subscription inside the subscribe method?

I have some javascript:
this.mySubscription = someObservable.subscribe((obs: any) => {
this.mySubscription = undefined;
on execution, the console logs the error ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'unsubscribe' of undefined.
I wonder why I can not unsubscribe inside the subscribe lambda function. Is there a correct way to do so? I have read a bit about using dummy-subjects and completing them or using takeUntil/takeWhile and other pipe operators workArounds.
What is a correct way/workaround to unsubscribe a subscription inside the subscription's subscribe-function?
I am currently using a dummy subscription like so:
mySubscription: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(undefined);
// when I do the subscription:
dummySubscription: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviourSubject<any>(this.mySubscription.getValue());
this.mySubscription = someObservable.subscribe((obs: any) => {
// any work...;
dummySubscription = undefined;
}, error => {
dummySubscription.subscribe((obs: any) => {
// here the actual work to do when mySubscription emits a value, before it should have been unsubscribed upon
}, err => {
// if errors need be
You shouldn't try to unsubscribe in the subscribe function.
You can unsubscribe with operators like take, takeWhile or takeUntil.
Use take(n) to unsubscribe after someObservable emits n times.
).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
Use takeWhile to unsubscribe when an emitted value fails a condition.
takeWhile(value => valueIsSave(value))
).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
valueIsSave(value): boolean {
// return true if the subscription should continue
// return false if you want to unsubscribe on that value
Use takeUntil(obs$) to unsubscribe when the observable obs$ emits.
const terminate = new Subject();
).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
unsub() { // trigger unsubscribe
If you make your stream asynchronous, what you're doing should work. For example, this will not work:
const sub = from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).subscribe(val => {
if(val > 5) sub.unsubscribe();
but this will work:
const sub2 = from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).pipe(
).subscribe(val => {
if(val > 5) sub2.unsubscribe();
Because the JS event loop is fairly predictable (blocks of code are always run to completion), If any part of your stream is asynchronous, then you can be sure that your subscription will be defined before your lambda callback is invoked.
Should you do this?
Probably not. If your code relies on the internal (otherwise hidden) machinations of your language/compiler/interpreter/etc, you've created brittle code and/or code that is hard to maintain. The next developer looking at my code is going to be confused as to why there's a delay(0) - that looks like it shouldn't do anything.
Notice that in subscribe(), your lambda has access to its closure as well as the current stream variable. The takeWhile() operator has access to the same closure and the same stream variables.
takeWhile(val => {
// add custom logic
return val <= 5;
).subscribe(val => {
takeWhile() can to anything that sub = subscribe(... sub.unsubscibe() ... ), and has the added benefit of not requiring you to manage a subscription object and being easier to read/maintain.
Inspired by another answer here and especially this article,, I'd like to suggest takeUntil() with following example:
let stop$: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>(); // This is the one which will stop the observable ( unsubscribe a like mechanism )
.subscribe(res => {
if ( res.something === true ) {
// This next to lines will cause the subscribe to stop
And I'd like to quote sentence RxJS: Don’t Unsubscribe from those article title mentioned above :).

WithLatestFrom($foo) not emitting when $foo emits, possibly because of the use of merge

I am implementing an observable which can be subscribed to before it is "assigned" Think of it like hoisting an observable definition so I dont have to worry about the order in which I create observables derived from other observables, I call it a ColdSubject.
ColdSubject works fine (I can add observables to it, and only when somebody subscribes to the ColdObservable do its operators get evaluated).
However withLatestFrom will never emit while waiting for obs$, despite the observable it's "waiting for" emitting to a subscriber several times!
export class ColdSubject<T> {
// If you subscribe to this before an observable has been added to $acc, you will be notified as soon as one is added, and if you subscribe to this after an observable is added to acc$ you will also be notified
public obs$: Observable<T>;
public acc$ = new BehaviorSubject<Observable<T>>(merge());
constructor() {
this.obs$ = this.acc$.pipe(switchMap(v => v));
addObservable(newObservable: Observable<T>) {
this.acc$.next(merge(this.acc$.getValue(), newObservable))
const foo = new ColdSubject<number>();
# I know this observable is waiting for withLatestFrom because "Tap yeet" is logged
tap(v => console.log(`tap ${v}`)),
).subscribe(v => {
console.log(`WithLatestFrom ${v}`);
# This observable will begin emitting 5 seconds into the script, because I wait 5 seconds to subscribe to it
tap(v => console.log(`Interval ${v}`))
# Subscribe 5 seconds into script start, so I know that my ColdSubject only evaluates its observables once they're subscribed to
() => foo.obs$.subscribe(v => console.log(`Subscribe ${v}`)),
Why does foo.obs$ emit several times, while the operation waiting for its latest value not emit?
Looking at the source code one can see that withLatestFrom is triggered by_next which is fired by the source Observable calling next:
protected _next(value: T) {
if (this.toRespond.length === 0) {
* value - emitted by the source Observable
* ...this.values - emitted by the Observables passed to `withLatestFrom`
const args = [value, ...this.values];
if (this.project) {
} else {;
Your issue is that your source completes right away, while the Observable passed to withLatestFrom has not emitted yet. by the time foo.obs emits, your source Observable has long since completed.
What I would recommend of using in your case is combineLatest as demonstrated below:
combineLatest(of("yeet"), foo.obs$)
tap(v => console.log(`tap ${v}`)),
.subscribe(v => {});
of('yeet') emits and is complete so withLatestFrom will complete as the source is complete.
Change your subscription to
tap(v => console.log(`tap ${v}`)),
).subscribe({ complete: () => console.log('yeet complete') });
and you will see it is infact complete.

RxJS - retry or reset

Let's say I have a sequence like this:
.subscribe(data => {console.log(data)})
With operators, how can I 'restart' the sequence, meaning unsubscribe and resubscribe.
The real scenario is that the sequence is a socket stream, upon certain conditions we need to unsubscribe and resubscribe, kind of like the retryWhen(errors) works, but not with errors...would ideally be something like...retryWhen(bool:Subject).
I'd do it using switchMap() because it automatically unsubscribes from the old Observable and subscribes to the new one. In this case we'll use only .switchMap(() => source):
const subject = new Subject();
const source = Observable.create(obs => {
subject.switchMap(() => source)
.subscribe(v => console.log('next:', v));
setTimeout(() =>, 1000);
setTimeout(() =>, 5000);
This prints the following:
next: 42
next: 42
Just instead of source you'll have your WebSocket source (or whatever you have).
