How to open windows terminal settings.json as Vs code? - windows

I'm Korean I have an issue toady
recently I have tried to make a development atmosphere on windows. (because I just used Anaconda. I want to make totally new env)
so I set up Ubuntu 18.04 and many things following a youtube.
when the YouTuber press [Crtl + , ] in windows terminal, it opens as VS code
but my shoes, it opens as text file!!! (below picture)
what's wrong with me??
How can I fix it?
Plz give your intelligent idea

make .json file anywhere (like Desktop) and right click that file, click open with (in Korean 연결 프로그램), unless you can't find Visual Studio Code, choose choose another app (in Korean 다른 앱 선택).
Click Visual Studio Code in the following window.


Integrated terminal in visual studio code is opening externally and not internally

I have reinstalled Visual Studio Code and for some reason, when I do the Ctrl+Shift+` shortcut, instead of opening a terminal window inside VS Code, it's opening an external command window, which is very annoying.
Anyone knows what setting it is to get it back internally?
I tried File->Preferences->Settings->Terminal and then set the first option "Customizes what kind of terminal to launch." to integrated.
Is there any other setting I need to set?
Happened the same with me. It was because I was using Legacy Console. To disable that, open any of your terminal (cmd or powershell) and right click to go to properties.
Properties -> Options -> Use Legacy console (tick it off).
Turn off ConPTY integration in the
File->Preferences->Settings->conPTY->Uncheck it
This is worked for me as mentioned here:
Found this:
Which is listed as a duplicate but someone was also kind enough to link to this:
How do I get around the verified bug in Windows 1903 and launch the VSCode integrated terminal?
Which has a workaround as an answer, yay!
Here's some things you can check:
Make sure you've set integrated on both the User and the Workspace settings, because the Workspace settings can override the User settings.
Make sure you are using the correct keyboard shortcut. VS Code actually has a shortcut for opening the system's native console, which will open an external window:
Make sure that your Ctrl+Shift+` is actually the shortcut for Create New Integrated Terminal:

Live Server closes when I click anywhere in VS Code

Hi All: I'm very new to VS Code and know no coding. I'm trying to teach myself HTML and CSS by watching videos and reading tutorials. I mention this so that perhaps will give me some understanding if my nomenclature is incorrect.
To make a long story short through my learning's so far it sounds like VS Code is the premier code editor.
So I've downloaded and installed it. So far so good. The video I was watching introduced me to the "Live Server" extension, so I installed it. The problem is once opened, the Live Server window closes any time I left click on anything else in VS Code or if I open another Google tab. Is there a solution? Please keep in mind here my newness to coding and the VS Code editor. Thanks for any help you can provide!
Very nice extension. I installed and works fine. Maybe you need to uninstall it and install it again. But when a page in Visual Studio Code is open to install the extension you need to check the instruction how to use it.
After you open the project and your html file down in blue line in VS Code need to click the Go live button.

How to define or support a code language on Visual Studio

I just got Visual Studio, and every time I try running the code, a message pops up and says "code language not supported or defined. This happens with any language I try to use. How do I fix it?
In the bottom right corner of the window notice where it says "plain text", Click this and you should see all the available language options. It's probably set to autodetect right now.
STEPS to follow:
1) Install the "CODE RUNNER" extension in Visual Studio (VS) (if you have not done so, yet).
2) After that, go to VS "Settings" (by clicking the wheel) and, in the search field on the top, enter: "run code".
3) You'll see, to the right, all the options available for "Code Runner" settings. Scroll down, and you'll see a field that says,
Code-runner: Executor Map By File Extension.
Set the executor of each file extension.
4) Click on: "Edit in Settings.json".
5) Then, scroll down until you see "code-runner.executorMapByFileExtension" field brackets. You'll be able to see all the files extensions (e.g., ".vb", ".scala", etc.) and the corresponding executor application that run such files after the colons, to the right.
6) If you don't see the extension for the file you're trying to run (e.g., ".js"), just enter it following the same (json) format as the ones above, with the executor program (that you need to know) that runs it, to the right.
EXAMPLE: in the Mac, for a javascript (JS) file with extension ".js" (assuming you've already installed NODE, the JS executor app), you should enter a line at the end (inside the last bracket) such as,
".js": "node"
(NOTE: make sure you put a coma (,) at the end of the previous line, right before your addition)
7) SAVE your edit, and run your program by clicking the arrow on the top right corner of Visual Studio window. Your program output will be shown on the OUTPUT tab in the section below.
Here is a solution:
Close your folder from the Explorer and reopen and run your file. It solves the issue
You saw that error message in vscode because you probably used the shortcut Alt+Ctrl+N to run the code while the output terminal is selected instead of the script. try click the mouse in the script area and do it again, it should work. if the run the code by pressing the button on the top right corner and you still see the same error msg that means you need to check .Jason settings.
Read the language support page for MS Visual Studio:
You can define a languages in the files.associations setting.
If you haven't setup language support:
Option 1:
In the right bottom of the window notice where it says "plain text", Click this and you should see all the available options. It probably provides the available list of language .
Option 2: Uninstall the current version and install stable version of visual studio code
On my case, I follow first option at first but I could able to solve the problem so I uninstall the visual studio code and solving the problem using stable version. Try once I may work on your case

Autohotkey in Visual Studio Menu

I have a problem to use Autohotkey to open - File menu (inside of Visual Studio) and select "Recent projects & solutions". It works fine inside of notepad with this code:
WinMenuSelectItem, Untitled - Notepad, , File, Open
But it does not work inside VS:
WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class Svitlana-PC • Sniffsters (Debug|Any CPU) - Microsoft Visual Studio, , File, Open
Probably because I cannot specify a wintitle correctly - I tried many variants from WinSpy, but I did not succeed.
Can anybody give me an advice or direction?
Thank you for reading.
Try activating the window (if that doesn't work, make the mouse click on the title bar of the window).
Then use !f to open the file menu and navigate the menu by sending letter keys. Microsoft programs are always tricky to work with.

android studio prompt code complete color and font doesn't work

both prompt and code complete are not working in android studio.
also color and font are trouble some.
checked configuration is ok.
reinstall doesn't work.
i think it should missing some file or there is some problem in ui component.
BTW,in osx.
find the answer,i chosed the power save mode,which in file menu.
i don't think power save mode is a goods function.just like the shit.
