How to load children elements for CefBrowserWindow using UIA - winapi

I'm tring to automate a Chrome Legacy Window.
CComPtr<IUIAutomationElement> element;
hr = automation_->ElementFromHandle((HWND)0x00871218, &element);
CComPtr<IUIAutomationElement> resultTabElement;
hr = element->FindFirst(TreeScope_Descendants, resultTabPatternCondition, &resultTabElement);
But sometimes resultTabElement is empty. So I check the window using Inspect tool.
When the application just start up
Its ControlType is UIA_PaneControlTypeId and has no child nodes at this moment.
After I expend the second node in the red rectangle, and re-click the parent node of the red tangle:
Its ControlType is changed to UIA_DocumentControlTypeId and has child nodes.
So, do you know how this happens?
How do I progmatically reload the Chrome Legacy Window and change its type from UIA_PaneControlTypeId to UIA_DocumentControlTypeId?
Since the Chrome Legacy Window is changing for some reason, so I call ElementFromHandle on one of its ancestors, then I can get correct resultTabElement after the first call, although the first call is still not working just like Inspect tool.


Access to WindowsFormsParkingWindow?

I've been trying to obtain text from a panel that's part of a third-party application; I have the process ID. To do this, I've gone through the usual EnumProcessModulesEx / GetModuleBaseName / EnumWindows / EnumChildWindows steps. This code works when the panel is shown, but when it's hidden, the panel is no longer seen by my code or Spy++. I'd figured the panel must be destroyed and re-created as the user hides and shows the panel, but it turns out that the HWND of the panel is valid in both situations (GetWindow, GetTitle, etc. all return without errors, and with the same information, so the handle hasn't been re-used); the only difference is that its parent is different. When I trace the parent chain back to the root, the topmost parent's title is WindowsFormsParkingWindow, same process ID. I searched for WindowsFormsParkingWindow, and it seems to be a temporary place to "park" a HWND when you don't need it, so you won't have to re-create the window and its children. Does anyone know of an API for traversing the WindowsFormsParkingWindow hierarchy, or some other way of getting to this panel? Thanks for any advice.
WindowsFormsParkingWindow is a message-only window.
You can enumerate message-only windows by calling FindWindowEx with the special window handle HWND_MESSAGE.
Based on information from this blog:
Flashback: Windows Forms Parking Window
The Parking Window is just a generic parent window used for arbitrarily re-parenting child windows onto during parent window recreations. There is no API to query information from the Packing Window itself, such as the original parent window for any given parked child window. Only the original parent/control knows which child HWND(s) have been parked so they can be retrieved when needed.
The best you are likely to accomplish is to detect when the panel is visible, remember that HWND, and then just use that HWND when needed, even when the panel is not visible. Or at least enumerate the WindowsFormsParkingWindow to check if that HWWND is still a child of it, etc. But if the panel is losing its text while parked, then you are likely to be out of luck.

On Windows7 when my application hangs in maximized state then irrespective of app's window position ghost window is always created on top left corner

In certain cases our application UI thread has to do heavy processing which may take more than 5 seconds and if this happens then OS thinks that my app got hanged and hence creates a ghost window.
This ghost window is correctly created on top of my app when my app is in restored state however when my app is in maximized state, this ghost window always picks Point(0,0) as its top left corner hence it looks like app is jumping to top left on its own. Can we avoid this jumping?
I don't want to disable ghost window creation for my app. One workaround could be to PeekMessage (don't remove) after regular interval. However, if possible I would like ghost window to appear whenever OS wants but it should be exactly where my app was before going to unresponsive state.
Please note, we customize the max window size for our application by overriding WM_GETMINMAXINFO.
------------This is how we set custom window size--------------
void CHangTestDlg::OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* lpMMI)
lpMMI->ptMaxSize.x = 1011;
lpMMI->ptMaxSize.y = 727;
CRect rectWorkArea;
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, (PVOID)&rectWorkArea, 0 );
int ileft = (rectWorkArea.Width() - 1011)/2;
int itop = (rectWorkArea.Height() - 727)/2;
lpMMI->ptMaxPosition = CPoint(ileft, itop);

Real hwnd from the point

When we use WindowFromPoint winapi function we usually can get the case, when Point specifies to some control within a window. And in such cases WindowFromPoint returns handle to that control, not to the window that handles that control.
For example in my small test application if I point to the "body" of chrome browser I get the control with class = Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND and its hwnd.
But what I need is to get the "parent" window for that control (which is obviously should be the chrome window).
Traverse the parents using GetAncestor() passing GA_PARENT. This differs from calling GetParent() which will return the owner if the window is a top-level window.
Can't you just use GetParent? Keep traversing until you find the desktop window.

In X11, how do I set the window title before creating it?

I use glfw under xmonad. Glfw apparently sets the window title after creating the window, thus not allowing xmonad to properly handle it. I want to modify the glfw source so that I can set the window title before creating the window.
So I download glfw-2.6, and I look into lib/x11/x11_window.c ; the lines causing the trouble are:
// Create a window
_glfwWin.Win = XCreateWindow(
RootWindow( _glfwLibrary.Dpy, _glfwWin.VI->screen ),
0, 0, // Upper left corner
_glfwWin.Width, _glfwWin.Height, // Width, height
0, // Borderwidth
_glfwWin.VI->depth, // Depth
CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask,
Followed sometime later by:
_glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle( "GLFW Window" );
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle( const char *title )
// Set window & icon title
XStoreName( _glfwLibrary.Dpy, _glfwWin.Win, title );
XSetIconName( _glfwLibrary.Dpy, _glfwWin.Win, title );
Now, if I tr yto move the glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle call before the CreateWindow call, I get a segfault -- as I should, since would not be defined.
I don't know how to solve this problem since to set the window title, I need _glfwWin.Win to be initialized, but to initialize it, I need to create the window.
Thus, I ask: in X11, what is the proper way to set the window title before creating the window?
This is not possible in X11, but also not necessary for stuff to work. There must be a bug somewhere causing the symptoms you're seeing. The window title is just a property on the window, and properties can't exist until there's a window for them to be on.
You say "not allowing xmonad to properly handle it" which implies it isn't coping with changes to the name; window managers absolutely must handle setting the title at any time, including changing the title long after a window is created.
What the spec says ( is:
"The window manager will examine the contents of these properties when the window makes the
transition from the Withdrawn state and will monitor some properties for changes while the window is in the Iconic or Normal state."
The "transition from the Withdrawn state" is the point where glfw calls XMapWindow(). At that point, the window will remain unmapped but the WM will receive a MapRequest. The WM would then read properties and such and then map the window. All window managers I've ever seen also handle later changes to the property because changing the window title is pretty normal. For example web browsers the page title on every url.
If xmonad doesn't handle changes maybe it at least waits for the map, so maybe you just need to set title before XMapWindow(). Really all setup should be done before MapWindow though only a few properties are required to be before it by the specs. The props that must be before it generally can't be changed without unmapping.
Incidentally, _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle won't work for anything but Latin-1. The modern way to do it is to set _NET_WM_NAME and _NET_WM_ICON_NAME with XChangeProperty() (setting the old Latin-1 WM_NAME is fine too but only as a fallback).

Can a window be always on top of just one other window?

In Windows, is it possible to set window A such that it is always on top of window B, yet allow other windows to work as normal and appear over the top of both, when active.
In other words, I want a parent-child relationship between two windows. Can this be done without making window A a child of window B, MDI-style? Window B isn't mine (Internet Explorer), and screws my dialog A's graphics up when I try to achieve this with SetParent.
I thought I'd cracked it with this idea from an MSDN forum post, but alas windows A is still always on top of everything, not just window B.
// Place window A on top
SetWindowPos(hWndWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
// Place window B underneath it
SetWindowPos(hWndParent, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE);
Is it possible?
Wouldn't creating an ownership relationship do the trick?
SetWindowLong(hwndChild, GWL_HWNDPARENT, hwndOwner)
The windows can be in different processes and you can call this from any process. This will ensure that the child window is always above the owner window. This is different than SetParent which actually creates a Parent / Child relationship. Read through this article (its from 1993 but still mostly correct) to see the distinction between ownership and parenting.
When your window's Z-order (or size or position) is changing, it should receive a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message. If you process that message, you have an opportunity to modify the final Z-order (or size or position) to which the window is moved.
To illustrate, in hWndA's window procedure:
DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
p->hwndInsertAfter = hWndB;
p->flags &= ~SWP_NOZORDER;
return 0;
should insert hWndA after hWndB in the Z-order any time hWndA's position changes.
Until Vista, one way to do it would have been to use SetWindowsHookEx, and hook the WH_CBT or WH_CALLWNDPROC hook, and then take appropriate action when you detect the Z order changing. However this doesn't work with Vista (as far as I can tell from googling).
The only other solution I can think of is to set up a timer to fire every few seconds, and then when you receive a WM_TIMER, you interrogate the system using GetNextWindow to find out which window is behind yours. If it's not IE, then call SetWindowPos to position your window above IE (I assume you have a HWND for the IE window you care about - remember there can be multiple IE windows).
This will cause problems if people try to bring your window to the front - it will flip back to being just above IE. In this case, in your code you could handle WM_ACTIVATE and try to change the Z-order of IE's window so it's below your window (call SetWindowPos to move IE's window so it's above the window that is currently below your window). This solution may be fraught with problems as Windows may try to prevent you messing with the windows of another process, for security reasons. On the other hand, the MSDN docs for SetWindowPos don't explicitly mention that you can't manipulate the windows of another process. There may be obscure limitations though.
Even with this timer hack, you're going to effectively have a busy-waiting loop in your app (with the frequent WM_TIMER messages) and this is generally a bad thing to do, especially for battery life of laptops etc. (because you prevent the CPU from entering a sleep state, and so on).
I'd say there's no good way of doing this, and anything you're likely to get working will be brittle and cause problems. I strongly recommend not trying to do it. Is it possible to make your program into some kind of plug-in or toolbar for IE instead?
NB Be particularly aware that SetWindowsHookEx imposes a performance penalty at a system-wide level if you go down this route.
Maurice's answer is the best out of what's here but is missing an important step. When you call show on your window that you want as the overlay, you need to call the show method that has the parameter. You'll need to define a class that implements the IWin32Window interface and just make a new instance of that. The only thing that interface cares about is the Handle so just set that to the handle of the IE window and it should work pretty well
If the parent-child relationship is made by yourself with the SetWindowPos() function, your desire can be implemented.
Can you access the Z-order of the windows?
I cannot recall the default z-order of windows, but I think it is 1. You might be able to set IE to a -1 and your app to 0.
Try this:
// Place window A on top of window B
SetWindowPos(hWndA, hWndB, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
The second window handle parameter specifies the next window down in the Z order.
Note this doesn't actually change the window parent-child relationships - but you can simulate it.
