creating a tar archive from maven deploy - maven

I am trying to use maven v3 to create a tar.gz output for a non-Java project in order to deploy to nexus. I cannot specify tar in the packaging option in my pom file. Unless mistaken, I can specify tar as an option for packaging when running mvn deploy. Is there anyway I can specify that in the pom file itself?

You can create the TAR.GZ file and "attach" it to the primary artifact. I have an example to repackage a WAR into Linux service on GitHub. The key steps are to package the assembly:
<project ...>
<attach>true</attach> installs the artifact. The assembly in this case is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assembly xmlns=""
but you'll need to find/create one appropriate for your use-case.


How to create password-protected zip in maven

currently I am using maven-assembly-plugin to create a zip file via "mvn clean package". The whole process works fine, the zip contains everything I need but a new requirement asks to create this zip file password-protected. I googled but not found any useful; is there anyone who needed to perform this task ?
Current plugin is defined in this way:
and zip.xml is defined in this way:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must use an external program to unzip and zip the archive again. For example 7z:
7z e
If you want to integrate it in the build lifecycle then you need the maven exec-plugin to execute those two commands after the package phase.

How can a jar with specific deps be created, after using maven-dependency-plugin to select the wanted deps?

My goal is to create a jar with specific dependencies from my dependency list in the pom. I'm using maven-dependency-plugin like so:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
and an assembly.xml file holding:
<assembly xmlns=""
After mvn clean install all relevant dependencies appear in target/uber-deps as I would expect. My problem is with the next plugin under <plugins> - maven-assembly-plugin. Seems to me as if it doesn't take uber-deps in.
I know this only by trying to unpack the jar using jar xf to see if the deps in uber-deps were packed in the jar created after mvn clean install.
What should be changed?
The jar you are building as part of the assembly-plugin will be called (by default) ./target/<artifactId>-plugin.jar
Note that the plugin part is what you've put under id in your assembly xml file.
Since you already unpack the dependencies to a folder, you should use fileSets rather then dependencySets:
BTW if you want the outputs of your own project in that jar you should add another fileSet:
4) Also just noted that your assembly plugin definition is not stating the location of your assembly xml file and that you try to define mainClass using shade-plugin configuration. This is how it should look in assembly plugin (assuming that your assembly file is located under src/assembly/plugin.xml:

Package provided dependencies in a single zip file

I have put dependency jars in separate folder but expecting folder should be zipped instead of direct folder. I tried using assembly descriptor but it is creating separate folder with dependencies but not zipping it (folder should not be there, only zip file is expected). Please suggest me better approach to accommodate my dependency jars in a single zip file
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<goal>single</goal> <!-- goals == mojos -->
archive_format.xml (Assembly descriptor
<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
If I understand your requirement right, you want to package all provided dependencies into a zip file.
You are headed the wrong way using maven-dependency-plugin. You should use maven-assembly-plugin and its dependencySet:
<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Setting the scope to provided will make sure only the provided dependencies are considered in this set. We need to exclude the project artifact, otherwise it will be included by default.

Creating output dir structure with Maven

I have a java project XXX
I want output structure like
I tried to use resource plugin but it is packing everything inside jar.
The maven-assembly-plugin is great for this sort of thing. You can create a descriptor something like this (in src/main/assemble/scripts.xml):
Wire this into your build like so:
This will bind the execution of the assembly to the package phase of the build.
This method will give you the flexibility to change how you package up the scripts in the future, or copy more resources in the build.

maven assembly dir with a jar dependency from project

I am trying to use maven to assemble a directory for a install package. The install package requires several things: configuration files, dependency libraries and an executable jar of my class files. I am having trouble figuring out how to add the executable jar.
Here is what I have so far:
<name>my project</name>
Then my assembly descriptor looks like this:
If i call mvn assembly:assembly I get a directory with all the libraries and configuration files. Works great.
But now I want to add an executable jar of all my compiled code. I can create this jar alone by adding this to my pom and calling mvn jar:jar
The question is, how can I get that jar into my assembly automatically?
I have tried a couple things but I have no idea where to start. Can I somehow call the jar execution from my assembly?
Any help appreciated.
I think you should turn your useProjectArtifact to true (this is the default value).
It determines whether the artifact produced during the current project's build should be included in this dependency set.
