Intellij stops process but port is still used - macos

MacOS 10.15.5
Intellij 2020.2
I have a java application which starts HTTP server on port 4232. I stopped the application (sometimes it hangs and I need to use force (red skull icon) button). Then I launch the app one more time and I get that cannot start port is already used.
Fine, so I try to find that process and kill it.
I use lsof to find pid which uses that port - but nothing.
It is not intellij issue, because I can telnet to localhost 4232, so something uses that port.
Could you tell me how can I debug it? I know that reboot is a solution but it is not a preferred solution.
I found many posts with similar questions but nothing helps - I just cannot find what uses this port.


PgAdmin runs in desktop mode and I want to change it to server mode

I installed PgAdmin 5.5 version on my Windows 10 computer. Before PgAdmin was opening in default browser and there was an icon in the system tray. Now it runs as a native desktop app. I want to run it as before. Is it changed recently? Did i miss something?
Thank you.
A bit late to the party, but I had the same question (but for v6.x) and can't find much info about it either.
According to this thread in the pgAdmin_support mailing list the option to run just the server seems to be removed which is just flabbergasting.
The way to go probably is to use the Docker although I wonder how much overhead that will bring. That said, you can kind-of work around the lack of default web server by
adapting C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v6\web\ so the built-in webserver listens on all network addresses and you can access it from the LAN like this:
when starting up pgAdmin in the 'application', in the menu go to File \ Runtime \ View log and scroll all the way down, it will have a line that reads something like Application Server URL:
replacing '' with the name of your server should allow you to use that url to connect from any machine on your LAN to the pgAdmin service.
Note, you can minimize the pgAdmin 'application' but don't close it because doing so will also close the web-server.

How to release the port used by a terminated process

I have a service that was running on port 8080. I restarted the said service and when it started again, it was already giving an error that the port was being used.
I then tried Process Hacker 2, TCPView and CurrPorts to find the process using the port and terminate it but unfortunately, I cannot find it.
I then have to restart the whole hardware/machine just to free up the port which is not preferable. And if I restart the service again, I have to restart the whole system... again.
I'm using Windows Server 2012 R2. The service was started by PM2.
So how do I release this port that is being used but is not really being used?
Note: This issue only started a few days ago, before that everything was OK. (right after a windows update)

Cannot restart Apache on XAMPP on MAC

I recently fixed a problem on my VirtualHosts on xampp, and I must restart Apache. I noticed when I stopped it through my control panel, localhost was still loading. I attempted to start it again through the control panel, and get this error:
XAMPP's Apache can not start while another webserver is using port 80. Please turn it off and try again.
So, I tried to stop any other Apache processes that could have been running using
sudo apachectl stop
through Terminal; it returned this error:
launchctl: Error unloading: org.apache.httpd
I also used
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
which returned the same error.
which I'm pretty sure is supposed to mean that Apache is already stopped. I decided to quit XAMPP and reopen it, with Apache turned off (red dot next to it). When I reopened it, Apache was already back on automatically (green dot next to it), basically it turned itself on. How can I fix this? Thank you.
Ok, so I'm only a designer with occasional dev skills, but I do know how to fix the port issue.
In your apache config file (xamppfiles/etc/httpd.conf) change the port...
Here is the text to look for...
Listen 80
change the 80 in both listen strings to something else 91 is much less popular than 80 for system services and other apps wanting to do something through a port (of some sort)(ha ha)

TNS Port not available in Oracle 11g Express Edition Installation Issue

Windows 7 64 bit Machine.
I'm trying to Install Oracle Database 11g express edition. I've used it many times in the past with no problem. Recently my work machine was rebuilt, and while trying to install oracle, on the step that shows TNS port, MTS Port, and HTTP Port, it will not accept the default 1521 port, or any other port I try (I've tried quite a few). Message box says "Port 1521 is in use. Specify a different port number. This port is not in use that I can tell.
I don't see a log for the install either, I looked on line to see where it should be, but I don't have a log file for the installation (That I've been able to find)
netstat -na does not show any of port's i've tried to be in use. I also tried grepping for them.
netstat -na | grep 1521 (This did not return anything)
Wondering if anyone else has seen this, or has any ideas how to get around this or trouble shoot it? I've never had this issue before.
Thanks for any guidance.
Had this same problem. Regardless of what port i put, it would say "port already in use'. Solution was to change to a port known to be open, then click the back button on the installer until you get back to the first installer screen, then continue clicking next. This will install on your specified http port.
I think it's a bug from the install wizard too. I've Windows 8 64 bits. "Back and Next" is the solution.
I had the same. I think it's a bug from the install wizard.
In fact, like you i specified an available port (after a check with an netstat command on line), then i had this warn screen wwith the message "Port 8081 is in use. Specify a different port number".
The thing is, when you have this screen, try to go back to the beginning of the install wizard,
then go next from the beginning to the part "Specify Database Port" and by magical when you insert the same port : you manage to access at the next step.
try running the setup from a local drive. i think you are running the setup from a mapped drive or usb or something like that. hopefully you managed anyway already ;)

Why easyphp stop all apache processes on severals PC?

on some Windows PC, when I have both easyPHP and a standalone apache service configured on another network port and with a specific service name, I have a problem : when I stop easyphp, the other apache is stopped too.
The problem do not occur on all PC I have, but seems very strange to me.
Any idea?
more information after answer from Radar : my process have a special name (ecapache), but easyphp does not seems to use process but rather lauch directly the servers.
Maybe how it's killing it is that it's finding all processes called "apache" or similar and just killing them, regardless of if it 'owns' it or not.
i think Both are integrated together, i was not occur in all PC because of port number.
