How to get the correct app position by keyword in Google Play Search? - google-play

I open and make a search by keyword and see my app on 5 positions.
Then I open app Google Play on Android and make search by the same keyword and see my app in 10 positions.
It turns out that each has its own issue? How then do services like track position?

Positioning is based on a lot of factors, including your browsing history, location, language, cache and more... It is normal to have a shift in between web Play Store and app Play Store.
Web Play Store is more reactive, you will see changes more often and before the app (due to the cache system included in the app).
AppFollow uses the Google Play API, which is even wider in possibility when you give them access to your account (specially in ranking) and also some web scraping.
If you want to know more about ASO (App Store Optimization), you might be interest by those links: (Initially a paid tool, but has very good articles about ASO and its factors)
and also


How to appear in the search propositions of the Play Store

So sometimes, when you search for an app on the Play Store, it will give you a direct link to the relevant app instead of a search completion proposition (ie if you search for "Teams", the Microsoft Teams app will appear as a direct link).
How can I achieve this for my own app ?

My Android app is not displaying in play store search list, even if the app is in published status

I have developed an App and published the same in google play store console. Even after many days the app is not getting listed in play store while searching using App Name.
I have tried searching using the project name. Its shows my app while searching.
It's normal. It need time, interactions and downloads to scale the list.
Don't worry
Please enlarge the image and the answer is there

Delete unlisted google play app

What is the practical method to remove an obsolete app in Google Play so no user accidentally install it?
Years ago I unlisted a few Google Play apps because they were obsolete and are no longer working with the current version of our service.
Still screenshots of these apps appear in Google search results, especially in the image search results.
These results come from third party sites that most likely profit from ads by cloning content from google play store. Example of these sites are apkpure, mobogenie, downloadapk, apkzip, apkgk.
These sites link back to the unlisted app in Google Play making it appear legit.
Google is very clear that you can't delete an app.
Is there a practical method to "delete" the app?
I've considered replacing all images in the Google Play listing with text such as "DO NOT INSTALL".
If you unpublish it, new users can't install it, even if they find it through search results.

Google Play Store - Can't search by app name

I have just published my app to Google Play Store but I couldn't seem to search for it in the store and it will only appear when I search by developer name. Every time I search by the name, other apps with similar name tend to appear and my app won't even appear at the bottom. Why wouldn't it even appear at the bottom and how can I make it show?
It can sometimes take a little while for Google's app search index to update, especially for new apps. Give it a few days, if it still doesn't appear contact Google Play developer support.

Google Play Developer App Marketing Strategy-Why App download decreased after icon change?

I have an app on google play over 5000000 downloads. And 20000+ downloads every day. When the designer changed the app icon to new good one ,the daily download decreased from 20000+ to 5000- . I don't think it's not good icon. I think may be there is a marketing strategy after icon changing google play changed app position on google play. Any idea about this?
Old Icon
New Icon
It is hard to pin down an exact reason. Maybe it was too similar to another app icon or simply new users didn't like it as much.
You can run A/B tests in the store listings, it's a hidden menu. Click Store Listing and beneath that, you should see experiments. You can run up to 4 icons (for example) and see which gets more downloads. This also works with the promotional video, screenshots, short app listing and full app listing.
There are a lot of customization choices as well.
I would make a few iterations of the logo, with different elements removed. I think the new one is a little too busy. try removing the phone on the left and right and see how users respond.
Run A/B tests on your store listing
Increase installs with Store Listing Experiments
I think that the main reason is people knew the product. If they start looking for it now, they see something that they don't know as it has changed and will not download it as fast as before.
If everyone is used to the icon, your downloads will increase.
There is no ranking part that depends on the icon, so as I know.
I think there are 3 possible reasons:
1) Google dropped your app in the list because at the time you changed the icon, there where other apps added in this category. This made google to re-place and orden the apps. As your app was there longer and had a minor change, it was ranked as "old & going down", so it lost the confident place in the list.
2)Because of the new icon, people are not finding it as quick or they think the new icon is an actual scam version of your app, so they aren't downloading it anymore.
3)Your app simply got less popular. You got pretty much downloads, the rate was high. Maybe you reached all the people that needed this app and there are minus people wanting it.
maybe the download count raises again and you just need to wait a little week. It is very unlikely, but it also could just be a error at Google's side.
