Impact Oracle DB by frequently creation and Drop of tables - oracle

I have a use case where we need to store some data for a specific period(lets say, 10k rows for 5 mins) and since data is huge so can`t store in Java Memory. Please help me to understand which one is the best approach from following and why?
Create a permanent table and introduce a column, which will help me to fetch and drop the rows as per the session.
Create multiple temporary table for each session and drop just after the process.
Thanks in Advance.

Its sound like you just need to make use of GTTs, please check out the below documentation for the same, you dont need to worry about truncating or dropping the table as data will be stored only till the session lasts.



Is there a way in oracle dB to See how many records in a table got inserted updated and deleted in the schema? Right now I am using USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS and I am having an issue if I want to get the daily count then I have to gather stats on the table on daily basis which I want to avoid cuz a lot of my tables having millions of records and gather stats will take a lot of time to run? Can some one head me in a right direction. I will really appreciate all the help. Thanks
I have few advices :
SYS.DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS gives you totalnumbers ...
If you want daily counts, you can alternatively alter your tables to store insert update delete dates on your table (soft delete , maybe even soft update ...)
*But i think , you can use a tool to monitor it. My tool is : Real Time Oracle Monitoring and Performance Analytics Tool.
You can give it a chance

Best approaches to UPDATE the data in tables - Teradata

I am new to Teradata & fortunately got a chance to work on both DDL-DML statements.
One thing I observed is Teradata is very slow when time comes to UPDATE the data in a table having large number of records.
The simplest way I found on the Google to perform this update is to write an INSERT-SELECT statement with a CASE on column holding values to be update with new values.
But what when this situation arrives in Data Warehouse environment, when we need to update multiple columns from a table holding millions of rows ?
Which would be the best approach to follow ?
Not sure if any of the above approach is not used for this UPDATE operation.
Thank you in advance!
At enterprise level, we expect volumes to be huge and updates are often part of some scheduled jobs/scripts.
With huge volume of data, Updates comes as a costly operation that involve risk of blocking table for some time in case the update fails (due to fallback journal). Although scripts are tested well, and failures seldom happen in production environments, it's always better to have data that needs to be updated loaded to a temporary table in required form and inserted back to same table after deleting matching records to maintain SCD-1 (Where we don't maintain history).

Deleting large number of rows of an Oracle table

I have a data table from company which is of 250Gb having 35 columns. I need to delete around 215Gb of data which
is obviously large number of rows to delete from the table. This table has no primary key.
What could be the fastest method to delete data from this table? Are there any tools in Oracle for such large deletion processes?
Please suggest me the fastest way to do this with using Oracle.
As it is said in the answer above it's better to move the rows to be retained into a separate table and truncate the table because there's a thing called HIGH WATERMARK. More details can be found here . The delete operation will overwhelm your UNDO TABLESPACE it's called.
The recovery model term is rather applicable for mssql I believe :).
hope it clarifies the matter abit.
Dou you know which records need to be retained ? How will you identify each record ?
A solution might be to move the records to be retained to a temp db, and then truncate the big table. Afterwards, move the retained records back.
Beware that the transaction log file might become very big because of this (but depends on your recovery model).
We had a similar problem a long time ago. Had a table with 1 billion rows in it but had to remove a very large proportion of the data based on certain rules. We solved it by writing a Pro*C job to extract the data that we wanted to keep and apply the rules, and sprintf the data to be kept to a csv file.
Then created a sqlldr control file to upload the data using direct path (which wont create undo/redo (but if you need to recover the table, you have the CSV file until you do your next backup anyway).
The sequence was
Run the Pro*C to create CSV files of data
generate DDL for the indexes
drop the indexes
run the sql*load using the CSV files
recreate indexes using parallel hint
analyse the table using degree(8)
The amount of parellelism depends on the CPUs and memory of the DB server - we had 16CPUs and a few gig of RAM to play with so not a problem.
The extract of the correct data was the longest part of this.
After a few trial runs, the SQL Loader was able to load the full 1 billion rows (thats a US Billion or 1000 million rows) in under an hour.

Is there a way to find when a value was inserted into a particular cell on an Oracle database?

There is a specific row in a table that I would like to research. I'd like to know when this row was inserted, when its individual fields were modified, the various values each field in this row might have had etc.. In short, its audit.. Is it possible ? How ?..
I'm using Oracle 11g
You can enable auditing. If this is after the fact, no I don't think there's much you can do.
You can try LogMiner after the fact, but that depends on whether you've got access to the necessary redo log files.

Auditing in Oracle

I need some help in auditing in Oracle. We have a database with many tables and we want to be able to audit every change made to any table in any field. So the things we want to have in this audit are:
user who modified
time of change occurred
old value and new value
so we started creating the trigger which was supposed to perform the audit for any table but then had issues...
As I mentioned before we have so many tables and we cannot go creating a trigger per each table. So the idea is creating a master trigger that can behaves dynamically for any table that fires the trigger. I was trying to do it but no lucky at seems that Oracle restricts the trigger environment just for a table which is declared by code and not dynamically like we want to do.
Do you have any idea on how to do this or any other advice for solving this issue?
If you have 10g enterprise edition you should look at Oracle's Fine-Grained Auditing. It is definitely better than rolling your own.
But if you have a lesser version or for some reason FGA is not to your taste, here is how to do it. The key thing is: build a separate audit table for each application table.
I know this is not what you want to hear because it doesn't match the table structure you outlined above. But storing a row with OLD and NEW values for each column affected by an update is a really bad idea:
It doesn't scale ( a single update touching ten columns spawns ten inserts)
What about when you insert a record?
It is a complete pain to assemble the state of a record at any given time
So, have an audit table for each application table, with an identical structure. That means including the CHANGED_TIMESTAMP and CHANGED_USER on the application table, but that is not a bad thing.
Finally, and you know where this is leading, have a trigger on each table which inserts a whole record with just the :NEW values into the audit table. The trigger should fire on INSERT and UPDATE. This gives the complete history, it is easy enough to diff two versions of the record. For a DELETE you will insert an audit record with just the primary key populated and all other columns empty.
Your objection will be that you have too many tables and too many columns to implement all these objects. But it is simple enough to generate the table and trigger DDL statements from the data dictionary (user_tables, user_tab_columns).
You don't need write your own triggers.
Oracle ships with flexible and fine grained audit trail services. Have a look at this document (9i) as a starting point.
(Edit: Here's a link for 10g and 11g versions of the same document.)
You can audit so much that it can be like drinking from the firehose - and that can hurt the server performance at some point, or could leave you with so much audit information that you won't be able to extract meaningful information from it quickly, and/or you could end up eating up lots of disk space. Spend some time thinking about how much audit information you really need, and how long you might need to keep it around. To do so might require starting with a basic configuration, and then tailoring it down after you're able to get a sample of the kind of volume of audit trail data you're actually collecting.
