How to pass List from StepExecutionListener to MultiResourceItemReader - spring

During the execution of StepExecutionListener.beforeStep() I am initiating a List of resources with data from the database.
public class DailyExportStepExecutionListener implements StepExecutionListener {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
private List<Resource> listResource;
public DailyExportStepExecutionListener() {
listResource = new ArrayList<Resource>();
public List<Resource> getListResource() {
return listResource;
public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT FullPath FROM DailyExportMetadata",
(rs, row) -> listResource.add(resourceLoader.getResource(rs.getString(1))));
Eventually what I would like to do is to use the list of resources for MultiResourceItemReader
public MultiResourceItemReader<DailyExport> multiResourceItemReader(FieldSetMapper<DailyExport> testClassRowMapper) {
MultiResourceItemReader<DailyExport> multiResourceItemReader = new MultiResourceItemReader<>();
return multiResourceItemReader;
How can I pass the ArrayList between the components ?
Thank you

The purpose of the method named multiResourceItemReader is to build the item reader which will be used in the job so it executed before the job starts and thus before the beforeStepis executed.
If you can, you should execute your sql to populate the listResource at configuration time : for example in a method annoted #Bean method :
public List<Resource> listResource(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
List<Resource> listResource;
jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT FullPath FROM DailyExportMetadata",
(rs, row) -> listResource.add(resourceLoader.getResource(rs.getString(1))));
return listResource;
And the multiResourceItemReader method would be like :
public MultiResourceItemReader<DailyExport> multiResourceItemReader(FieldSetMapper<DailyExport> testClassRowMapper, List<Resource> listResource) {
MultiResourceItemReader<DailyExport> multiResourceItemReader = new MultiResourceItemReader<>();
return multiResourceItemReader;
If you cannot initialize the listResource before starting the job, you should do as described in this post (Set IteamReader input from ExecutionContext). The beforeStep method should put in step execution context the listResource like this :
stepExecution.getExecutionContext().put("listResource", listResource);
"listResource" is the key to use to get the list in the #Value statement in the multiResourceItemReader method


spring batch job with partitions : setting clientInfo in an Oracle session not working for all partitions

I have a spring batch job using partions and reader is JdbcCursorItemReader, so in this reader I need an authorisation to read correctely crypted data, so when I declare my reader a call the method just bellow .
the problem is that somme partions read null value for the field which need to be decrypted , the only reason is that the authorisation is not set ( I check in database and data are not null), so why it's work for some partions and not for all?
private void authorize() {
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
jdbcTemplate.update(setClientInfo, authorization);
and this is how i declare my reader
public JdbcCursorItemReader<MyEntity> reader(#Value("#{stepExecutionContext['modulo']}") Integer modulo)
throws IOException {
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource(SQL_FILE);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resource.getInputStream()));
String query = FileCopyUtils.copyToString(reader);
query = query.replace(MODULO_LABEL, String.valueOf(modulo));
query = query.replace(GRID_SIZE_LABEL, String.valueOf(gridSize));
JdbcCursorItemReader<MyEntity> cursorItemReader = new JdbcCursorItemReader<>();
final int partitionSize = maxNumberCards / gridSize;
return cursorItemReader;
and my job configuration
public class MyFunctionJobConfiguration {
public JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
JdbcCursorItemReader<MyEntity> reader;
private Integer MAX_NUMBER_CARD;
private int chunckSize;
private int gridSize;
private final static String JOB_DISABLED = "job is disabled, check the configuration file !";
private boolean batchIsEnabled;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("FUNCTIONAL_LOGGER");
public MyEntityWriter writer() {
return new MyEntityWriter();
public MyFunctionProcessor processor() throws IOException {
return new MyFunctionProcessor();
public MyPrationner partitioner() {
return new MyPrationner();
public Step masterStep() throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("masterStep")
.partitioner("MyFunctionStep", partitioner())
public TaskExecutor myFunctionTaskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
int corePoolSize = gridSize + 2;
int maxPoolSize = corePoolSize * 2;
return taskExecutor;
public Step myFunctionStep() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("MyFunctionStep")
.<MyEntity, MyEntity>chunk(chunckSize)
.listener(new MyEntityProcessListener())
.listener(new MyEntityWriteListener())
public Job myFunctionJob(#Qualifier("MyFunctionStep") Step myFunctionStep)
throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if (!batchIsEnabled) {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("MyFunctionJob")
.listener(new MyFunctionJobListener())
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
I try to run a spring batch job with partions to read data from oracle database( in the sql there is a decryption function ) this need to set an authorisation for every session of connexion
the problem when th batch run some partion not decrypt data and return null an the only reason fo that , is that the authorisation is not set
The JdbcCursorItemReader does not use a JdbcTemplate. It directly creates connections to the database from the data source object passed to it. So you should not be expecting to call authorize which operates on a separate JdbcTemplate instance to impact the behaviour of the JdbcCursorItemReader. You said it works for some partitions, and that's really surprising.
If you want to take control on how the connection to the database is configured and override the default settings (for example by adding some authorization attributes), you need to extend JdbcCursorItemReader and override the protected void openCursor(Connection con) method, something like:
class MyCustomJdbcCursorItemReader extends JdbcCursorItemReader {
protected void openCursor(Connection con) {
// con.setClientInfo(); // set client info as needed here

How can we take the result of `MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter` as a reader in the Spring Batch Step?

How can we take the result of MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter as a reader in the Spring Batch Step? Reference - and
Here is the code that I developed
public class JobConfiguration {
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
public CustomService service() {
return new CustomService();
public MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter methodInvokingTasklet() {
MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter methodInvokingTaskletAdapter = new MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter();
return methodInvokingTaskletAdapter;
public Job methodInvokingJob() {
return this.jobBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingJob")
public Step methodInvokingStep() {
// Looking to configure the Chunk based Step here, dont know how to do using MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter
return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingStep")
public class CustomService {
public void serviceMethod(String message) {
public void invokeMethod() {
System.out.println("=============== Your method has executed !");
public List<Employee> getEmployees(){
// In real world, it will be an GET API call to XYZ system
List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>();
return employees;
public class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private int age;
public class MethodInvokingTaskletApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
To answer your question, you can't. The MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter is meant to adapt a POJO to a Tasklet. We have an ItemReaderAdapter that you can use to adapt a POJO to an ItemReader. You can read about it in the documentation here:
Now you'll have an issue with your service as configured in that each call to the delegating POJO is considered an item. That means that your item as configured will be a List<Employee> instead of just an Employee. Given your configuration states it's not the real service, I'll assume that your real service should return an Employee per call and null once the results are exhausted.
To update your configuration (with your service as it is configured in your question) in your sample:
public ItemReaderAdapter itemReader() {
ItemReaderAdapter reader = new ItemReaderAdapter();
return reader;
public Job methodInvokingJob() {
return this.jobBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingJob")
public Step methodInvokingStep() {
return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingStep")
.<List<Employee>, List<Employee>>chunk(methodInvokingTasklet())
// You'll need to define a writer...

Saving file information in Spring batch MultiResourceItemReader

I have a directory having text files. I want to process files and write data into db. I did that by using MultiResourceItemReader.
I have a scenario like whenever file is coming, the first step is to save file info, like filename, record count in file in a log table(custom table).
Since i used MultiResourceItemReader, It's loading all files once and the code which i wrote is executing once in server startup. I tried with getCurrentResource() method but its returning null.
Please refer below code.
public class NetFileProcessController {
private JobLauncher jobLauncher;
private Job job;
#GetMapping(path = "/process")
public #ResponseBody StatusResponse process() throws ServiceException {
try {
Map<String, JobParameter> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("date", new JobParameter(new Date()));, new JobParameters(parameters));
return new StatusResponse(true);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception", e);
Throwable rootException = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e);
String errMessage = rootException.getMessage();"Root cause is instance of JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException --> "+(rootException instanceof JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException));
if(rootException instanceof JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException){;
return new StatusResponse(false, "This job has been completed already!");
} else{
throw new ServiceException(errMessage);
public class BatchConfig {
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public void setJobBuilderFactory(JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory) {
this.jobBuilderFactory = jobBuilderFactory;
StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private Resource[] netFileInputs;
private String netFilecolumnNames;
private String netFileColumnLengths;
NetFileInfoTasklet netFileInfoTasklet;
NetFlatFileProcessor netFlatFileProcessor;
NetFlatFileWriter netFlatFileWriter;
public Job netFileParseJob() {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("netFileParseJob")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public Step netFileStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("netFileStep")
.<NetDetailsDTO, NetDetailsDTO>chunk(1)
.reader(new NetFlatFileReader(netFileInputs, netFilecolumnNames, netFileColumnLengths))
public class NetFlatFileReader extends MultiResourceItemReader<NetDetailsDTO> {
public netFlatFileReader(Resource[] netFileInputs, String netFilecolumnNames, String netFileColumnLengths) {
setDelegate(reader(netFilecolumnNames, netFileColumnLengths));
private FlatFileItemReader<NetDetailsDTO> reader(String netFilecolumnNames, String netFileColumnLengths) {
FlatFileItemReader<NetDetailsDTO> flatFileItemReader = new FlatFileItemReader<>();
FixedLengthTokenizer tokenizer = CommonUtil.fixedLengthTokenizer(netFilecolumnNames, netFileColumnLengths);
FieldSetMapper<NetDetailsDTO> mapper = createMapper();
DefaultLineMapper<NetDetailsDTO> lineMapper = new DefaultLineMapper<>();
return flatFileItemReader;
* Mapping column data to DTO
private FieldSetMapper<NetDetailsDTO> createMapper() {
BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper<NetDetailsDTO> mapper = new BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper<>();
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in mapping column data to dto ", e);
return mapper;
I am stuck on this scenario, Any help appreciated
I don't think MultiResourceItemReader is appropriate in your case. I would run a job per file for all the reasons of making one thing do one thing and do it well:
Your preparatory step will work by design
It would be easier to run multiple jobs in parallel and improve your file ingestion throughput
In case of failure, you would only restart the job for the failed file
EDIT: add an example
Resource[] netFileInputs = ... // same code that looks for file as currently in your reader
for (Resource netFileInput : netFileInputs) {
Map<String, JobParameter> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("netFileInput", new JobParameter(netFileInput.getFilename()));, new JobParameters(parameters));

How to reset MultiResourceItemReader for each job run . Step scope not working

How can I initilize the MultiResourceItemReader for each job run . currently with this setup its still using the same instance for each job run
I put the #StepScope still its using the same old list of files which it has already been processed. I am not sure what else I have to add in this code
I also tried with the #JobScope also it did not work out. there is something fundamental I am missing
public class BatchConfiguration {
public JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private Resource[] inputResources;
private StepBuilderFactory steps;
private JobBuilderFactory jobs;
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
public FlatFileItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> itemReader() throws UnexpectedInputException, ParseException, IOException {
FlatFileItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> reader = new FlatFileItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability>();
DelimitedLineTokenizer tokenizer = new DelimitedLineTokenizer();
String[] tokens = {"Product ID", "Allotment", "Kamertype", "Zoeknaam", "Hotel", "Datum", "Beschikbaar", "Nachten"};
DefaultLineMapper<AccommodationRoomAvailability> lineMapper = new DefaultLineMapper<AccommodationRoomAvailability>();
lineMapper.setFieldSetMapper(new RecordFieldSetMapper());
return reader;
public MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> multiResourceItemReader() throws Exception {
MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> resourceItemReader = new MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability>();
return resourceItemReader;
public ItemProcessor<AccommodationRoomAvailability, String> itemProcessor() {
return new AvailabilityProcessor();
public ItemWriter itemWriter() {
return new ItemWriter() {
public void write(List list) throws Exception {
protected Step step1(#Qualifier("multiResourceReader") MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> reader, ItemProcessor<AccommodationRoomAvailability, String> processor,
ItemWriter writer) {
return steps.get("step1")/*.listener(new StepListener())*/.<AccommodationRoomAvailability, String>chunk(30000).reader(reader)
public Step step2() throws IOException {
FileDeletingTasklet task = new FileDeletingTasklet();
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step2")
#Bean(name = "job")
public Job job(#Qualifier("step1") Step step1, Step step2) throws IOException {
return jobs.get("job")
// .flow(step1).on("").to(step2()).end()
Once your application context is created, the injected resources #Value("file:ftp-inbound/*.csv") will be the same during the whole lifetime of your app. That's why the reader will always read the same values.
You need to pass these resources as a parameter to your job and late-bind them in your reader with Step scope. In your example it would be something like:
public MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> multiResourceItemReader(#Value("#{jobParameters['inputResources']}") Resource[] inputResources) throws Exception {
MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability> resourceItemReader = new MultiResourceItemReader<AccommodationRoomAvailability>();
return resourceItemReader;
Then pass input resources as a parameter to your job:
JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder()
.addString("inputResources", "file:ftp-inbound/*.csv")
currently with this setup its still using the same instance for each job run
That's because your resources are always the same when they are injected in a field of your configuration class. If you use the job parameters approach I mentioned in the previous example, you will have a different instance if you run the job with different set of files.

Spring Batch - RepositoryItemReader read param from ExecutionContext

I have Spring Batch job where I am passing some values between two stpes. I set the value in Job Context in Step1 and now trying to read from RepositoryItemReader in Step2. There is #BeforeStep method where I am able to read value set in context. But I am setting up my repository along with method name and args in #PostConstruct annotated method which is executed before #BeforeStep annotated method.
What is the best way to read param in ReposiotryItem from JobExecution Context?
public class MyItemReader extends RepositoryItemReader<Scan> {
private MyRepository repository;
private Integer lastIdPulled = null;
public MyItemReader() {
public void initializeValues(StepExecution stepExecution) {
Integer value = stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getInt("lastIdPulled");
System.out.println(">>>>>>>> last_pulled_id = " + value);
protected void init() {
final Map<String, Sort.Direction> sorts = new HashMap<>();
sorts.put("id", Direction.ASC);
this.setMethodName("findByGreaterThanId"); // You should sepcify the method which
//spring batch should call in your repository to fetch
// data and the arguments it needs needs to be
//specified with the below method.
List<Object> methodArgs = new ArrayList<Object>();
if(lastIdPulled== null || lastIdPulled<=0 ){
lastScanIdPulled = 0;
Your reader needs to be #StepScoped instead of #JobScoped. Even though you're accessing the job context, the value is not available in the context until the previous step finishes. If you #StepScope your reader then it won't initialize until the step it is part of starts up and the value is available.
Another option is to construct the reader as a #Bean definition in a #Configuration file but the idea is the same. This uses SpEL for late binding.
public class JobConfig {
// Your item reader will get autowired into this method
// so you don't have to call it
public Step myStep(MyItemReader myItemReader) {
//build your step
public MyItemReader myItemReader(#Value("#{jobExecutionContext[partitionKey]}") Integer lastIdPulled) {
MyItemReader reader = new MyItemReader();
// Perform #PostConstruct tasks
return reader;
I was able to figure out how to solve your problem, and mine, without having to create a #Bean definition in #Configuration file and without using #PostConstruct.
Instead of using #PostConstruct, just set them in the constructor of the class and in your #BeforeStep set the arguments as shown below:
public class MyItemReader extends RepositoryItemReader<Scan> {
public MyItemReader(MyRepository myRepository) {
this.setRepository(MyRepository myRepository);
final Map<String, Sort.Direction> sorts = new HashMap<>();
sorts.put("id", Direction.ASC);
public void initializeValues(StepExecution stepExecution) {
Integer value = stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().getInt("lastIdPulled");
System.out.println(">>>>>>>> last_pulled_id = " + value);
List<Object> methodArgs = new ArrayList<Object>();
if(lastIdPulled== null || lastIdPulled<=0 ){
lastScanIdPulled = 0;
