Accessing the http request in spring security custom expression - spring-boot

I'm trying to write a custom spring security expression with PreAuthorize.
I want to achieve this:
#PreAuthorize(customAuthCheck(param1, param2))
public String getRestrictedInfo(HttpServletRequest request) {
where param1, param2 depends on the business logic.
In my AuthSecurityExpressionRoot class:
public class CustomMethodSecurityExpressionRoot extends SecurityExpressionRoot implements MethodSecurityExpressionOperations {
public boolean customAuthCheck(String param1, String param2) {
// check authorization
The problem is, I want to access the http request (specifically, the "Authorization" header, and the httpMethod) inside the customAuthCheck method. How can I implement that?

You can pass the entire request to your MethodSecurityExpressionOperations object, then extract whatever headers you need. In your case, use this:
public class CustomMethodSecurityExpressionRoot extends SecurityExpressionRoot implements MethodSecurityExpressionOperations {
public boolean customAuthCheck(HttpServletRequest request) {
String jwtString = request.getHeader("Authorization");
// decode/process the JWT
// check authorization
Then in your controller:
public String getRestrictedInfo(HttpServletRequest request) {
You can pass other params along with the header too, if you want, as long as they are part of the method signature, e.g.:
#PreAuthorize(customAuthCheck(#param1, #request))
public String getRestrictedInfo(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestParam String param1) {


Spring POST controller request body as controller variable

Usually, we get request body as a parameter of controller methods. Spring binds the body to the type of the variable.
I want the request body as a property of the controller so that other private methods can access it.
public class UserController {
private String body; // Request body should automatically bind to this String.
private HttpServletRequest request;
public UserController(HttpServletRequest request) {
this.request = request;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<String> create(#RequestBody String body) {
// I know I can do like: this.body = body.
// But don't want to do that.
private someMethod() {
// Give me access of request body please....
Controllers are by default singleton scoped beans (created once per container initialisation). Assigning request body (which changes in every request) to something which is created once and can be used everywhere can lead you to serious trouble. If you are just looking to apply some logic in controller by using private method, you can pass the body as argument to that method like this.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<String> create(#RequestBody String body) {
private void someMethod(String body) {
// voila! you have the request body here

Spring boot - Pass argument from interceptor to method in controller

For learning purposes, I have made a custom authentication system where I pass a token from the client to the server through the Authorization header.
In the server side, I'd like to know if it's possible to create in the interceptor, before the request reaches a method in the controller, an User object with the email from the token as a property, and then pass this user object to every request where I require it.
This what I'd like to get, as an example:
public class HelloController {
public String index(final User user) {
return user.getEmail();
public class User {
private String email;
Where user is an object that I created in the pre-interceptor using the request Authorization header and then I can pass, or not, to any method in the RestController.
Is this possible?
#Recommended solution
I would create a #Bean with #Scope request which would hold the user and then put the appropriate entity into that holder and then take from that holder inside the method.
#Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class CurrentUser {
private User currentUser;
public User getCurrentUser() {
return currentUser;
public void setCurrentUser(User currentUser) {
this.currentUser = currentUser;
and then
public class MyInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {
private CurrentUser currentUser;
MyInterceptor(CurrentUser currentUser) {
this.currentUser = currentUser;
public boolean preHandle(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
this.currentUser.setCurrentUser(new User("whatever"));
return true;
and in the Controller
public class HelloController {
private CurrentUser currentUser;
HelloController(CurrentUser currentUser) {
this.currentUser = currentUser;
public String index() {
return currentUser.getCurrentUser().getEmail();
#Alternative solution
In case your object that you would like to have, only contains one field, you can just cheat on that and add that field to the HttpServletRequest parameters and just see the magic happen.
public class MyInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {
public boolean preHandle(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
//TRY ONE AT THE TIME: email OR user
request.setAttribute("email", "");
request.setAttribute("user", new User(""));
return true;
You can use a local thread context object as follows - which will be handling one parameter per request thread (thread safe):
public abstract class LoggedUserContext {
private static ThreadLocal<User> currentLoggedUser = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void setCurrentLoggedUser(User loggedUser) {
if (currentLoggedUser == null) {
currentLoggedUser = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static User getCurrentLoggedUser() {
return currentLoggedUser != null ? currentLoggedUser.get() : null;
public static void clear() {
if (currentLoggedUser != null) {
Then in the interceptor prehandle function:
And in the interceptor postHandler function:
From any other place:
User loggedUser = LoggedUserContext.getCurrentLoggedUser();

How to get Request URL in Spring Boot

I need to submit request URL as a String parameter to a method
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void testItt(#RequestParam String requestParameter, #RequestURL String requestUrl) {
// Do something with requestUrl
How to submit Request URL correctly?
I tried request.getRequestURL().toString()
But I feel there must be a better way.
Never just grab the URL from the request. This is too easy! programming is supposed to be hard and when it's not hard, you MAKE it hard! :)
But you can retrieve the URL the way you show up above
So lets start off with an annotation that represents the value you want to retrieve
public #interface RequestURL {
This will work as a way to inject the value you already have access to.
Next we need to create a class that can build the URL string
public class RequestUrlArgumentResolver
implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter methodParameter) {
return methodParameter.getParameterAnnotation(RequestURL.class) != null;
public Object resolveArgument(
MethodParameter methodParameter,
ModelAndViewContainer modelAndViewContainer,
NativeWebRequest nativeWebRequest,
WebDataBinderFactory webDataBinderFactory) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest request
= (HttpServletRequest) nativeWebRequest.getNativeRequest();
//Nice and cozy at home surrounded by safety not obfuscation
return request.getRequestURL().toString();
Next thing we need to do is get the framework to recognize the handler for this annotation.
add the method below to your configuration (If your config does not implement WebMvcConfigurer you may need to implement this class or create a new config which does and include the new config)
public void addArgumentResolvers(
List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new RequestUrlArgumentResolver());
Then finally we are back to your original request mapping and it should work as originally written
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void testItt(#RequestParam String requestParameter,
#RequestURL String requestUrl) {
// Do something with requestUrl
Credits -

Spring: how to pass objects from filters to controllers

I'm trying to add a Filter that creates an object that is then to be used inside a controller in a Spring Boot application.
The idea is to use the Filter as a "centralized" generator of this object - that is request-specific and useful only in a controller.
I've tried to use the HttpServletRequest request.getSession().setAttribute method: I can access my object in the controller, but then it will be (clearly) added to the session.
Are the Filters the right way to do so? If yes, where can I keep the temporary object generated by the filter to be used by the controllers?
Why Don't you use a Bean with the #Scope('request')
#Scope(value="request", proxyMode= ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
class UserInfo {
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
private String password;
and then you can Autowireed this bean in both filter and controller to do setting and getting of data.
lifecycle of this UserInfo bean is only exisits within the request so once the http request is done then it terminates the instance as well
you can use ServletRequest.setAttribute(String name, Object o);
for example
public class App {
public String index(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
return (String) httpServletRequest.getAttribute(MyFilter.passKey);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public static class MyFilter implements Filter {
public static String passKey = "passKey";
private static String passValue = "hello world";
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
request.setAttribute(passKey, passValue);
chain.doFilter(request, response);
public void destroy() {
An addition to wcong's answer.
Since Spring 4.3 after setting the attribute by using request.setAttribute(passKey, passValue);, you can access the attribute in your controller by simply annotating it with #RequestAttribute.
public String index(#RequestAttribute passKey) {
return (String) passKey;
I dont know actually what is the scenario but If you really want to create an object in a filter and then use it somewhere in the code then you may use ThreadLocal class to do so.
To get know how this work see the most voted answer from that question Purpose of ThreadLocal?
In general using ThreadLocal you will be able to create a class that can store objects available ONLY for the current thread.
Sometimes for optimization reasons the same thread can be used to serve subsequent request as well so it will be nice to clean the threadLocal value after the request is processed.
class MyObjectStorage {
static private ThreadLocal threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<MyObject>();
static ThreadLocal<MyObject> getThreadLocal() {
return threadLocal;
in the filter
and in the Controller
Instead of filter you can use also #ControllerAdvice and pass objects to specified Controllers by using model.
class AddMyObjectAdvice {
// if you need request parameters
private #Inject HttpServletRequest request;
public void addAttributes(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("myObject", myObject);
public class MyController{
#RequestMapping(value = "/anyMethod", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String anyMethod(Model model) {
MyObjecte myObject = model.getAttribute("myObject");
return "result";

Mapping HTTP request value to object in Sprint Boot application when field and value has different field name?

This instance of class AuthorizationRequest is created during HTTP request, params are sent in query string.
#RequestMapping(value = "/authorize", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST})
public String authorize(
#Valid AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest,
BindingResult result
) {
I would like to use this code, this is an example parameter from AuthorizationRequest class:
private String clientId;
but new instance has a filed clientId empty, because in query string there is a value for this parameter under client_id parameter.
Is there some way how to tell Spring which parameter from HTTP request should use for one particular field of created instance? I need to solve problem with different naming clientId andclient_id`.
What you need is a setter to handle each kind of clientId. Keep in mind that if both clientId and client_id is specified that it is unknown which will take precedence.
//These methods will allow clientId or client_id
to be used as arguments setting the same field this.clientId
public void setClient_id(String client_id) {
this.clientId = client_id;
public void setClientId(String client_id) {
this.clientId = client_id;
I tested this with a post and a get
get - http://localhost:8080/authorize?clientId=2&username=someusername
get - http://localhost:8080/authorize?client_id=2&username=someusername
post - http://localhost:8080/authorize
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body: clientId=2&username=someusername
or Body: client_id=2&username=someusername
I was only able to have #JsonProperty("client_id") to be recognized when I annotated AuthorizationRequest with #RequestBody and then used application/json instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I found the solution with own implementation of org.springframework.web.method.supportHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Resolver implementation:
public class AuthorizationRequestResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AuthorizationRequestResolver.class);
public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
return parameter.getParameterType().equals(AuthorizationRequest.class);
public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter,
ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
NativeWebRequest webRequest,
WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) webRequest.getNativeRequest();
AuthorizationRequest authRequest = mapFromServletRequest(request);
return authRequest;
private AuthorizationRequest mapFromServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = new AuthorizationRequest();
return authorizationRequest;
and cofiguration class:
public class WebappConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new AuthorizationRequestResolver());
