I want to rename a file using ansible playbook - ansible

I have a.dsx file in the remote server which I wish to rename. I have ansible playbook that gets the artefacts from nexus, zips it and then unzips it to the remote server.
That unzipped file needs to be renamed.
remote_src: yes
src: {{destinationDir}}/{{artefactid}}-{{version}}.tar.gz
dest: {{destinationDir}}
The filename which gets unarchived is djp-1.0.2-20200805.123-1.dsx
And i just want djp.dsx
Actually the filename which I mentioned is just an example.. The filename would keep changing everytime we do deployment. Can you please suggest how can I modify the move command then.

Please use mv command to rename the file just as you would rename in a file in your terminal. As discussed in the comments
1) set_fact to a variable: item.path is the file your want to rename -set_fact: fname: {{ item.path | basename }}. You also have to find the files first.
2) - set_fact: prefix: "{{ fname | regex_replace('(\w+)-.*', '\\1') }}"
3) - name: Rename file command: mv ./djp-1.0.2-20200805.123-1.dsx ./{{prefix}}.dsx


Ansible archive file for few path earlier

Below is the folder structure
In my main.yml, I need to archive the playbook in playbook.tar.gz.
- archive:
path: "<earlier path>/playbook/*"
dest: "<earlier path>/playbook.tar.gz"
format: gz
The folder that holds a playbooks is accessible in the special variable playbook_dir.
Getting the parent directory of a file or directory in Ansible is possible via the filter dirname.
And, as pointed in the documentation, path can be either a single element or a list of elements, so you could also have myfile included in that list.
So, to archive the playbook directory in the parent folder of the playbook directory, one could do:
- archive:
- "{{ playbook_dir }}/*"
- "{{ playbook_dir | dirname }}/myfile"
dest: "{{ playbook_dir | dirname }}/playbook.tar.gz"
format: gz

Write slurped variable to a remote file in Ansible

I'm trying to figure out how one would copy or write the contents of a slurped variable to a remote (preferable) file. If this is not possible, what's the cleanest way to do it in steps?
I have something like this:
- name: Load r user public key
src: *path*
register: slurped_r_key
- name: Decode r key
r_content: "{{ slurped_r_key.content | b64decode }}"
I want to get the contents of {{ r_content }} into a file in the remote machines that are part of an inventory group. If I cannot do that directly, what's the best way? Should I copy the contents to a local file and then scp the file over to the remote machines?
Thanks in advance!
To copy the variable to a file you can try as below:
- name: copy
content: "{{r_content}}"
dest: /tmp/testing

Ansible create tar.gz with archive module from a list

I'm trying to find files older than one day in Ansible and after that, create a tar.gz of those files, I've tried archive module, although it is creating only a tar of the last element in the list. Is there any way to create tar.gz including all files?
Below is my script:
- name: Check all files
find: paths=/myfiles
register: files
failed_when: files.matched < 10
- name: Remove previous tarFile
file: path=/tmp/test.tar.gz
- name: compress all the files in tar.gz
archive: path="{{ item.path }}"
"{{ files.files }}"
it is creating only a tar of the last element in the list
It is creating and overwriting /tmp/test.tar.gz for each file in the loop. When you check, you see only the last one.
If you look at the archive module docs, you will see:
path Remote absolute path, glob, or list of paths or globs for the file or files to compress or archive.
So you can provide the list of files as a value for the path parameter:
- name: compress all the files in tar.gz
path: "{{ files_to_archive }}"
dest: /tmp/test.tar.gz
format: gz
files_to_archive: "{{ files.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
i have created multiple zip files using below method.
- name: 'Create zip archive of {{ date_input }} NMON HTML files'
path: /tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}_*.html
dest: /tmp/NMON-{{ inventory_hostname }}.zip
format: zip
when: option == "5"
delegate_to: localhost

Copy folder content with Ansible

For some weird reasons I'm having troubles with a simple task which is copying a content of the folder myfiles (few files in there) to the dist/myfiles location. Task looks like this:
name: Deploy config files like there is no tomorrow
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/dist/{{ item }}"
- 'config'
- 'myfiles/'
myfiles folder exist under the dist and config file is copied to the dist folder.
Is this possible in Ansible or I should copy each file separately? Am I doing it completely wrong?
Your task copies both: the config file and the myfiles on Debian and CentOS targets properly.
If for some reason you have a problem, you might have a look at Looping over Fileglobs.
You need to split the task into two, with the second one looking like:
- name: Deploy multiple config files
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/dist/myfiles/{{ item | basename }}"
- /path/to/myfiles/*
For a recursive copy, check this question on SeverFault
Alternatively, you could use the synchronize module, but pay special attention when using become. See this question on SuperUser.

ansible: Is there something like with_fileglobs for files on remote machine?

I'm trying to turn these lines into something I can put in an ansible playbook:
# Install Prezto files
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s nullglob
files=( "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/!(README.md) )
for rcfile in "${files[#]}"; do
[[ -f $rcfile ]] && ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile##*/}"
So far I've got the following:
- name: Link Prezto files
file: src={{ item }} dest=~ state=link
- ~/.zprezto/runcoms/z*
I know it isn't the same, but it would select the same files: except with_fileglob looks on the host machine, and I want it to look on the remote machine.
Is there any way to do this, or should I just use a shell script?
A clean Ansible way of purging unwanted files matching a glob is:
- name: List all tmp files
paths: /tmp/foo
patterns: "*.tmp"
register: tmp_glob
- name: Cleanup tmp files
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
- "{{ tmp_glob.files }}"
Bruce P's solution works, but it requires an addition file and gets a little messy. Below is a pure ansible solution.
The first task grabs a list of filenames and stores it in files_to_copy. The second task appends each filename to the path you provide and creates symlinks.
- name: grab file list
shell: ls /path/to/src
register: files_to_copy
- name: create symbolic links
src: "/path/to/src/{{ item }}"
dest: "path/to/dest/{{ item }}"
state: link
with_items: files_to_copy.stdout_lines
The file module does indeed look on the server where ansible is running for files when using with_fileglob, etc. Since you want to work with files that exist solely on the remote machine then you could do a couple things. One approach would be to copy over a shell script in one task then invoke it in the next task. You could even use the fact that the file was copied as a way to only run the script if it didn't already exist:
- name: Copy link script
copy: src=/path/to/foo.sh
register: copied_script
- name: Invoke link script
command: /target/path/to/foo.sh
when: copied_script.changed
Another approach would be to create an entire command line that does what you want and invoke it using the shell module:
- name: Generate links
shell: find ~/.zprezto/runcoms/z* -exec ln -s {} ~ \;
You can use with_lines to accomplish this:
- name: Link Prezto files
file: src={{ item }} dest=~ state=link
with_lines: ls ~/.zprezto/runcoms/z*
