Should I rent a virtual Mac for Flutter development? - xcode

I'm going to begin working on cross-developing an app for iOS and Android using Flutter. I have a Windows computer and use Android Studio for mobile development (new to Flutter, but have experience with Android development).
I am going to need to use a Mac at the very least to set up Firebase dependencies in the app, but it is unclear to me how much time I will actually need access to a Mac. I don't want to overpay.
When developing an app with Flutter, do I always need to use XCode to test run the app on an iOS device, even if I have a physical iPod in front of me? For instance, I can use my Android phone with USB debugging to run/test the app on my phone thru Android Studio. Can I do the same thing with an iPod and Android Studio, or does it have to be done through XCode?

If you have a good PC/Laptop with good resources you can use VM Box and install macOS in it. After that you can use it to testing for iOS purposes.
Considering a rent on MAC is probably isn't a good option.

Renting will cost alot and will even go over budget if time is not spent properly. Therefore, in my opinion it would be best to get an old mac mini and maybe upgrade it if you have the budget


Flutter migration from Windows to Mac

I have developed a Flutter Mobile application on Windows 10 environment. I am using Firebase with services like Firestore, push notifications, storage and Authentication.
I have not done anything for IOS so far. I am planning to have a Mac machine in cloud and start the IOS related changes there. I have below questions.
I want to have my code at both the places synced so that I can work on windows and Mac. Is there any way to do that securely?
What editor I should use on Mac for IOS and Android development?
Also what are the other things I need to take care?
Thank you in Advance
for syncing:
git, period! Flutter will take care of the rest
for IDE:
we swear by Intellij as you will need it if you decide to port an android version of your app. With Intellij you can even sync plugins & IDE settings across multiple PCs

Apps for windows 8 tablet?

I'm developing an app for tablet picture capturing. I want to use the windows store app.
I don't want to publish it. Can I develop it without publishing it to the store?
Any other ideas for app dev?
Yes you can develop a Windows Store app with publishing it but you will be the only one who can use it. If you want someone else to run your app they would have to use your code in VS on their machine to run it.

Apart from device & vs2012 is there Any Alternative way to test a windows phone app?

i am new to windows phone app development , i wanted to know
if is there any other alternative way to test a windows phone app apart from testing in a windows phone device and testing vs2012 built in emulator ???
1) The reason i have asked like these that i wanted to know if i can download a windows phone emulator separately and test my app in it.
2)Am i missing any other alternative provided ?
Please let me know.
Thanks in Advance.
No these are your options. You can start the emulator without VS, and you can deploy apps to it via a command line tool, but you don't get any of these without installing the WP SDK for VS2012. But since this is all free, is that a big deal?
You could submit your app to the store as a beta, and have invited users test your app on their phones.
This article may be of use, although it still requires .NET framework and some other dependencies (but I don't think you'll ever get away without using them):

Do I need an Apple Developer account? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am newbie in Xcode and Mac. I can make programs working well on simulators but cant make dmg files . Somewhere I heard I need an Apple Developer account ( 99$) for that but I dont want to publish my file on App store. I just need to install it on 1 or 2 other Macs.
With Xcode 7 you are no longer required to have a developer account in order to test your apps on your Mac and/or iOS device:
Check it out here.
Please notice that this is the officially supported by Apple, but you'll have to use Xcode 7 or later and your iCloud account.
Before going on - You CAN develop iOS apps and deploy to device from Xcode without developer account, but as far as I know it can be done only on jailbroken devices.
Check this link for more info.
sorry, I thought you meant developing for mobile. check this video about Creation of .dmg files for more information.
Have a look at the apple developers page to see the different account types. Specifically, the free account:
If you're not ready to join one of our developer programs, you can register as an Apple Developer for free. As a registered Apple Developer you gain access to development tools, resources and information to assist you in creating apps for iOS and OS X. Learn more
With the free account you could run your app on any mac OS as well as on an iPhone connected to the mac OS.
With the paid account you could install the app on any provisioning device and submit the app to the store.
If you are developing for the mac and you are not going to publish on mac app store, you do not need a developer account.
You do need an account for any of the following:
Install an app on an iOS device (even your own one for debugging)
Publish an app on any of the app stores (either iOS or Mac)
Edit: note that if you do not have an account, your Os X applications will be unsigned. They'll work, but each of your users will get a warning and will need to lower the security settings of his Mac in order to be able to run the application (or, at least, he'll have to approve each application specifically).
You need Developer account for developing and debugging application on device. Of course, there are several ways to do that without this account... Have a look:
You don't need an Apple developer account to make apps, but if you want to put them on the App Store, gain access to developer beta release software and forums, then yes you do.
You can develop Mac applications without a membership, but if you want to develop iOS applications, you need a membership to run your app on any device.
If you want to run your iOS app in the iOS Simulator, though, you don't need a membership. You can install Xcode and the iOS Simulator on any Mac running 10.7 Lion or later.
Maybe you want to use the Simulator binaries on other Macs without having to compile the app on the other Macs, then you should have a look at that tool:

Developing iOS apps with Flash Builder 4.5 under Windows

I just upgraded to Flash Builder 4.5, and I am trying to decide whether to install the Win or OS X version, since Adobe only allows you to install on one platform. I have been, up until now, developing an AS3 application using FB 4 under Windows 7 on my MacBook, and my Production Premium CS5 license is also for Windows (and I also do C++/Visual Studio development as well). Now I am going to try the iPhone Packager, to port my app to iOS. It seems to me that the workflow will be awkward once I cross-compile to Objective-C - as I will need to either reboot into OS X to compile and debug, or I will need to run FB 4.5 in a parallels session under OS X (though Adobe's activation freaked out when I tried this with Prod Prem CS4). The FB 4.5 / iOS workflow still requires xCode does it not? Is it foolish to even try this? Should I just bite the bullet and switch over to working in OSX?
I'd say it's better to keep things simple and stick with OSX. Constant switching among platforms is a sure productivity killer. Bite the bullet and stay on OSX - it will pay off on the mid run.
You're better off doing all of this in OSX
