Given some rounded numbers, how to find the original fraction? - algorithm

After asking this question on I figured this might be a better place after all...
I have a small list of positive numbers rounded to (say) two decimals:
1.15 (can be 1.145 - 1.154999...)
1.92 (can be 1.915 - 1.924999...)
2.36 (can be 2.355 - 2.364999...)
2.63 (can be 2.625 - 2.634999...)
2.78 (can be 2.775 - 2.784999...)
3.14 (can be 3.135 - 3.144999...)
24.04 (can be 24.035 - 24.044999...)
I suspect that these numbers are fractions of integers and that all numerators or all denominators are equal. Choosing 100 as a common denominator would work in this case, that would leave the last value as 2404/100. But there could be a 'simpler' solution with much smaller integers.
How do I efficiently find the smallest common numerator and/or denominator? Or (if that is different) the one that would result in the smallest maximum denominator resp. numerator?
Of course I could brute force for small lists/numbers and few decimals. That would find 83/72, 138/72, 170/72, 189/72, 200/72, 226/72 and 1731/72 for this example.

Assuming the numbers don't have too many significant digits and aren't too big you can try increasing the denominator until you find a valid solution. It is not just brute-forcing. Additionally the following script is staying at the number violating the constraints as long as there is nothing found, in the hope of getting the denominator higher faster, without having to calculate for the non-problematic numbers.
It works based on the following formula:
x / y < a / b if x * b < a * y
This means a denominator d is valid if:
ceil(loNum * d / loDen) * hiDen < hiNum * d
The ceil(...) part calculates the smallest possible numerator satisfying the constraint of the low boundary and the rest is checking if it also satysfies the high boundary.
Better would be to work with real integer calculations, e.g. just longs in Java, then the ceil part becomes:
(loNum * d + loDen - 1) / loDen
function findRatios(arr) {
let lo = [], hi = [], consecutive = 0, d = 1
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let x = '' + arr[i], len = x.length, dot = x.indexOf('.'),
num = parseInt(x.substr(0, dot) + x.substr(dot + 1)) * 10,
den = Math.pow(10, len - dot),
loGcd = gcd(num - 5, den), hiGcd = gcd(num + 5, den)
lo[i] = {num: (num - 5) / loGcd, den: den / loGcd}
hi[i] = {num: (num + 5) / hiGcd, den: den / hiGcd}
for (let index = 0; consecutive < arr.length; index = (index + 1) % arr.length) {
if (!valid(d, lo[index], hi[index])) {
consecutive = 1
while (!valid(d, lo[index], hi[index]))
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
console.log(Math.ceil(lo[i].num * d / lo[i].den) + ' / ' + d)
function gcd(x, y) {
while(y) {
let t = y
y = x % y
x = t
return x
function valid(d, lo, hi) {
let n = Math.ceil(lo.num * d / lo.den)
return n * hi.den < hi.num * d
findRatios([1.15, 1.92, 2.36, 2.63, 2.78, 3.14, 24.04])


using while loop the page keep loading over and over (codewars problem)

heyy guys i m trying to solve Factorial decomposition (codewars task )
well some numbers work with me untill i reach number 23 the page keep looping over and over someone help me please
function decomp(n) {
let c =[]
let sum =1
for(let i=n;i>=1;i--){
let k= 2
sum = sum/k
return c.join('*')
the function works good until i reach the number 23 the keep loading over and over , the tasks is about the function is decomp(n) and should return the decomposition of n! into its prime factors in increasing order of the primes, as a string.
factorial can be a very big number (4000! has 12674 digits, n can go from 300 to 4000).
In Fortran - as in any other language - the returned string is not permitted to contain any redundant trailing whitespace: you can use dynamically allocated character strings.
n = 12; decomp(12) -> "2^10 * 3^5 * 5^2 * 7 * 11"
since 12! is divisible by 2 ten times, by 3 five times, by 5 two times and by 7 and 11 only once.
n = 22; decomp(22) -> "2^19 * 3^9 * 5^4 * 7^3 * 11^2 * 13 * 17 * 19"
n = 25; decomp(25) -> 2^22 * 3^10 * 5^6 * 7^3 * 11^2 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23
23! cannot be exactly expressed in double-precision floating-point format, which JavaScript uses for its numbers.
However, you don't need to compute n!. You just need to factorize each number and concat their factorization.
Actually, you don't even need to factorize each number. Note that given n and p, there are (n/p) numbers no greater than n that are multiples of p, (n/(p*p)) that are multiples of p*p, etc.
function *primes(n) {
// Sieve of Eratosthenes
const isPrime = Array(n + 1).fill(true);
isPrime[0] = isPrime[1] = false;
for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (isPrime[i]) {
yield i;
for (let j = i * i; j <= n; j += i)
isPrime[j] = false;
function decomp(n) {
let s = n + '! =';
for (const p of primes(n)) {
let m = n, c = 0;
// There are (n/p) numbers no greater than n that are multiples of p
// There are (n/(p*p)) numbers no greater than n that are multiples of p*p
// ...
while (m = ((m / p) | 0)) {
c += m;
s += (p == 2 ? ' ' : ' * ') + p + (c == 1 ? '' : '^' + c);
return s;

Finding the continued fraction of 2^(1/3) to very high precision

Here I'll use the notation
It is possible to find the continued fraction of a number by computing it then applying the definition, but that requires at least O(n) bits of memory to find a0, a1 ... an, in practice it is a much worse. Using double floating point precision it is only possible to find a0, a1 ... a19.
An alternative is to use the fact that if a,b,c are rational numbers then there exist unique rationals p,q,r such that 1/(a+b*21/3+c*22/3) = x+y*21/3+z*22/3, namely
So if I represent x,y, and z to absolute precision using the boost rational lib I can obtain floor(x + y*21/3+z*22/3) accurately only using double precision for 21/3 and 22/3 because I only need it to be within 1/2 of the true value. Unfortunately the numerators and denominators of x,y, and z grow considerably fast, and if you use regular floats instead the errors pile up quickly.
This way I was able to compute a0, a1 ... a10000 in under an hour, but somehow mathematica can do that in 2 seconds. Here's my code for reference
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
namespace mp = boost::multiprecision;
int main()
const double t_1 = 1.259921049894873164767210607278228350570251;
const double t_2 = 1.587401051968199474751705639272308260391493;
mp::cpp_rational p = 0;
mp::cpp_rational q = 1;
mp::cpp_rational r = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 1; i != 10001; ++i) {
double p_f = static_cast<double>(p);
double q_f = static_cast<double>(q);
double r_f = static_cast<double>(r);
uint64_t floor = p_f + t_1 * q_f + t_2 * r_f;
std::cout << floor << ", ";
p -= floor;
//std::cout << floor << " " << p << " " << q << " " << r << std::endl;
mp::cpp_rational den = (p * p * p + 2 * q * q * q +
4 * r * r * r - 6 * p * q * r);
mp::cpp_rational a = (p * p - 2 * q * r) / den;
mp::cpp_rational b = (2 * r * r - p * q) / den;
mp::cpp_rational c = (q * q - p * r) / den;
p = a;
q = b;
r = c;
return 0;
The Lagrange algorithm
The algorithm is described for example in Knuth's book The Art of Computer Programming, vol 2 (Ex 13 in section 4.5.3 Analysis of Euclid's Algorithm, p. 375 in 3rd edition).
Let f be a polynomial of integer coefficients whose only real root is an irrational number x0 > 1. Then the Lagrange algorithm calculates the consecutive quotients of the continued fraction of x0.
I implemented it in python
def cf(a, N=10):
a : list - coefficients of the polynomial,
i.e. f(x) = a[0] + a[1]*x + ... + a[n]*x^n
N : number of quotients to output
# Degree of the polynomial
n = len(a) - 1
# List of consecutive quotients
ans = []
def shift_poly():
Replaces plynomial f(x) with f(x+1) (shifts its graph to the left).
for k in range(n):
for j in range(n - 1, k - 1, -1):
a[j] += a[j+1]
for _ in range(N):
quotient = 1
# While the root is >1 shift it left
while sum(a) < 0:
quotient += 1
# Otherwise, we have the next quotient
# Replace polynomial f(x) with -x^n * f(1/x)
a = [-x for x in a]
return ans
It takes about 1s on my computer to run cf([-2, 0, 0, 1], 10000). (The coefficients correspond to the polynomial x^3 - 2 whose only real root is 2^(1/3).) The output agrees with the one from Wolfram Alpha.
The coefficients of the polynomials evaluated inside the function quickly become quite large integers. So this approach needs some bigint implementation in other languages (Pure python3 deals with it, but for example numpy doesn't.)
You might have more luck computing 2^(1/3) to high accuracy and then trying to derive the continued fraction from that, using interval arithmetic to determine if the accuracy is sufficient.
Here's my stab at this in Python, using Halley iteration to compute 2^(1/3) in fixed point. The dead code is an attempt to compute fixed-point reciprocals more efficiently than Python via Newton iteration -- no dice.
Timing from my machine is about thirty seconds, spent mostly trying to extract the continued fraction from the fixed point representation.
prec = 40000
a = 1 << (3 * prec + 1)
two_a = a << 1
x = 5 << (prec - 2)
while True:
x_cubed = x * x * x
two_x_cubed = x_cubed << 1
x_prime = x * (x_cubed + two_a) // (two_x_cubed + a)
if -1 <= x_prime - x <= 1: break
x = x_prime
cf = []
four_to_the_prec = 1 << (2 * prec)
for i in range(10000):
q = x >> prec
r = x - (q << prec)
if True:
x = four_to_the_prec // r
x = 1 << (2 * prec - r.bit_length())
while True:
delta_x = (x * ((four_to_the_prec - r * x) >> prec)) >> prec
if not delta_x: break
x += delta_x

How to find ith item in zigzag ordering?

A question last week defined the zig zag ordering on an n by m matrix and asked how to list the elements in that order.
My question is how to quickly find the ith item in the zigzag ordering? That is, without traversing the matrix (for large n and m that's much too slow).
For example with n=m=8 as in the picture and (x, y) describing (row, column)
f(0) = (0, 0)
f(1) = (0, 1)
f(2) = (1, 0)
f(3) = (2, 0)
f(4) = (1, 1)
f(63) = (7, 7)
Specific question: what is the ten billionth (1e10) item in the zigzag ordering of a million by million matrix?
Let's assume that the desired element is located in the upper half of the matrix. The length of the diagonals are 1, 2, 3 ..., n.
Let's find the desired diagonal. It satisfies the following property:
sum(1, 2 ..., k) >= pos but sum(1, 2, ..., k - 1) < pos. The sum of 1, 2, ..., k is k * (k + 1) / 2. So we just need to find the smallest integer k such that k * (k + 1) / 2 >= pos. We can either use a binary search or solve this quadratic inequality explicitly.
When we know the k, we just need to find the pos - (k - 1) * k / 2 element of this diagonal. We know where it starts and where we should move(up or down, depending on the parity of k), so we can find the desired cell using a simple formula.
This solution has an O(1) or an O(log n) time complexity(it depends on whether we use a binary search or solve the inequation explicitly in step 2).
If the desired element is located in the lower half of the matrix, we can solve this problem for a pos' = n * n - pos + 1 and then use symmetry to get the solution to the original problem.
I used 1-based indexing in this solution, using 0-based indexing might require adding +1 or -1 somewhere, but the idea of the solution is the same.
If the matrix is rectangular, not square, we need to consider the fact the length of diagonals look this way: 1, 2, 3, ..., m, m, m, .., m, m - 1, ..., 1(if m <= n) when we search for the k, so the sum becomes something like k * (k + 1) / 2 if k <= m and k * (k + 1) / 2 + m * (k - m) otherwise.
import math, random
def naive(n, m, ord, swap = False):
dx = 1
dy = -1
if swap:
dx, dy = dy, dx
cur = [0, 0]
for i in range(ord):
cur[0] += dy
cur[1] += dx
if cur[0] < 0 or cur[1] < 0 or cur[0] >= n or cur[1] >= m:
dx, dy = dy, dx
if cur[0] >= n:
cur[0] = n - 1
cur[1] += 2
if cur[1] >= m:
cur[1] = m - 1
cur[0] += 2
if cur[0] < 0: cur[0] = 0
if cur[1] < 0: cur[1] = 0
return cur
def fast(n, m, ord, swap = False):
if n < m:
x, y = fast(m, n, ord, not swap)
return [y, x]
alt = n * m - ord - 1
if alt < ord:
x, y = fast(n, m, alt, swap if (n + m) % 2 == 0 else not swap)
return [n - x - 1, m - y - 1]
if ord < (m * (m + 1) / 2):
diag = int((-1 + math.sqrt(1 + 8 * ord)) / 2)
parity = (diag + (0 if swap else 1)) % 2
within = ord - (diag * (diag + 1) / 2)
if parity: return [diag - within, within]
else: return [within, diag - within]
ord -= (m * (m + 1) / 2)
diag = int(ord / m)
within = ord - diag * m
diag += m
parity = (diag + (0 if swap else 1)) % 2
if not parity:
within = m - within - 1
return [diag - within, within]
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1000):
n = random.randint(3, 100)
m = random.randint(3, 100)
ord = random.randint(0, n * m - 1)
swap = random.randint(0, 99) < 50
na = naive(n, m, ord, swap)
fa = fast(n, m, ord, swap)
assert na == fa, "(%d, %d, %d, %s) ==> (%s), (%s)" % (n, m, ord, swap, na, fa)
print fast(1000000, 1000000, 9999999999, False)
print fast(1000000, 1000000, 10000000000, False)
So the 10-billionth element (the one with ordinal 9999999999), and the 10-billion-first element (the one with ordinal 10^10) are:
[20331, 121089]
[20330, 121090]
An analytical solution
In the general case, your matrix will be divided in 3 areas:
an initial triangle t1
a skewed part mid where diagonals have a constant length
a final triangle t2
Let's call p the index of your diagonal run.
We want to define two functions x(p) and y(p) that give you the column and row of the pth cell.
Initial triangle
Let's look at the initial triangular part t1, where each new diagonal is one unit longer than the preceding.
Now let's call d the index of the diagonal that holds the cell, and
Sp = sum(di) for i in [0..p-1]
We have p = Sp + k, with 0 <=k <= d and
Sp = d(d+1)/2
if we solve for d, it brings
d²+d-2p = 0, a quadratic equation where we retain only the positive root:
d = (-1+sqrt(1+8*p))/2
Now we want the highest integer value closest to d, which is floor(d).
In the end, we have
p = d + k with d = floor((-1+sqrt(1+8*p))/2) and k = p - d(d+1)/2
Let's call
o(d) the function that equals 1 if d is odd and 0 otherwise, and
e(d) the function that equals 1 if d is even and 0 otherwise.
We can compute x(p) and y(p) like so:
d = floor((-1+sqrt(1+8*p))/2)
k = p - d(d+1)/2
o = d % 2
e = 1 - o
x = e*d + (o-e)*k
y = o*d + (e-o)*k
even and odd functions are used to try to salvage some clarity, but you can replace
e(p) with 1 - o(p) and have slightly more efficient but less symetric formulaes for x and y.
Middle part
let's consider the smallest matrix dimension s, i.e. s = min (m,n).
The previous formulaes hold until x or y (whichever comes first) reaches the value s.
The upper bound of p such as x(i) <= s and y(i) <= s for all i in [0..p]
(i.e. the cell indexed by p is inside the initial triangle t1) is given by
pt1 = s(s+1)/2.
For p >= pt1, diagonal length remains equal to s until we reach the second triangle t2.
when inside mid, we have:
p = s(s+1)/2 + ds + k with k in [0..s[.
which yields:
d = floor ((p - s(s+1)/2)/s)
k = p - ds
We can then use the same even/odd trick to compute x(p) and y(p):
p -= s(s+1)/2
d = floor (p / s)
k = p - d*s
o = (d+s) % 2
e = 1 - o
x = o*s + (e-o)*k
y = e*s + (o-e)*k
if (n > m)
x += d+e
y -= e
y += d+o
x -= o
Final triangle
Using symetry, we can calculate pt2 = m*n - s(s+1)/2
We now face nearly the same problem as for t1, except that the diagonal may run in the same direction as for t1 or in the reverse direction (if n+m is odd).
Using symetry tricks, we can compute x(p) and y(p) like so:
p = n*m -1 - p
d = floor((-1+sqrt(1+8*p))/2)
k = p - d*(d+1)/2
o = (d+m+n) % 2
e = 1 - $o;
x = n-1 - (o*d + (e-o)*k)
y = m-1 - (e*d + (o-e)*k)
Putting all together
Here is a sample c++ implementation.
I used 64 bits integers out of sheer lazyness. Most could be replaced by 32 bits values.
The computations could be made more effective by precomputing a few more coefficients.
A good part of the code could be factorized, but I doubt it is worth the effort.
Since this is just a quick and dirty proof of concept, I did not optimize it.
#include <cstdio> // printf
#include <algorithm> // min
using namespace std;
typedef long long tCoord;
void panic(const char * msg)
printf("PANIC: %s\n", msg);
struct tPoint {
tCoord x, y;
tPoint(tCoord x = 0, tCoord y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {}
tPoint operator+(const tPoint & p) const { return{ x + p.x, y + p.y }; }
bool operator!=(const tPoint & p) const { return x != p.x || y != p.y; }
class tMatrix {
tCoord n, m; // dimensions
tCoord s; // smallest dimension
tCoord pt1, pt2; // t1 / mid / t2 limits for p
tMatrix(tCoord n, tCoord m) : n(n), m(m)
s = min(n, m);
pt1 = (s*(s + 1)) / 2;
pt2 = n*m - pt1;
tPoint diagonal_cell(tCoord p)
tCoord x, y;
if (p < pt1) // inside t1
tCoord d = (tCoord)floor((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * p)) / 2);
tCoord k = p - (d*(d + 1)) / 2;
tCoord o = d % 2;
tCoord e = 1 - o;
x = o*d + (e - o)*k;
y = e*d + (o - e)*k;
else if (p < pt2) // inside mid
p -= pt1;
tCoord d = (tCoord)floor(p / s);
tCoord k = p - d*s;
tCoord o = (d + s) % 2;
tCoord e = 1 - o;
x = o*s + (e - o)*k;
y = e*s + (o - e)*k;
if (m > n) // vertical matrix
x -= o;
y += d + o;
else // horizontal matrix
x += d + e;
y -= e;
else // inside t2
p = n * m - 1 - p;
tCoord d = (tCoord)floor((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * p)) / 2);
tCoord k = p - (d*(d + 1)) / 2;
tCoord o = (d + m + n) % 2;
tCoord e = 1 - o;
x = n - 1 - (o*d + (e - o)*k);
y = m - 1 - (e*d + (o - e)*k);
return{ x, y };
void check(void)
tPoint move[4] = { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 1 }, { 1, -1 }, { 0, 1 } };
tPoint pos;
tCoord dir = 0;
for (tCoord p = 0; p != n * m ; p++)
tPoint dc = diagonal_cell(p);
if (pos != dc) panic("zot!");
pos = pos + move[dir];
if (dir == 0)
if (pos.y == m - 1) dir = 2;
else dir = 1;
else if (dir == 3)
if (pos.x == n - 1) dir = 1;
else dir = 2;
else if (dir == 1)
if (pos.y == m - 1) dir = 0;
else if (pos.x == 0) dir = 3;
if (pos.x == n - 1) dir = 3;
else if (pos.y == 0) dir = 0;
void main(void)
const tPoint dim[] = { { 10, 10 }, { 11, 11 }, { 10, 30 }, { 30, 10 }, { 10, 31 }, { 31, 10 }, { 11, 31 }, { 31, 11 } };
for (tPoint d : dim)
printf("Checking a %lldx%lld matrix...", d.x, d.y);
tMatrix(d.x, d.y).check();
tCoord p = 10000000000;
tMatrix matrix(1000000, 1000000);
tPoint cell = matrix.diagonal_cell(p);
printf("Coordinates of %lldth cell: (%lld,%lld)\n", p, cell.x, cell.y);
Results are checked against "manual" sweep of the matrix.
This "manual" sweep is a ugly hack that won't work for a one-row or one-column matrix, though diagonal_cell() does work on any matrix (the "diagonal" sweep becomes linear in that case).
The coordinates found for the cell of a 1.000.000x1.000.000 matrix seem consistent, since the diagonal d on which the cell stands is about sqrt(2*1e10), approx. 141421, and the sum of cell coordinates is about equal to d (121090+20330 = 141420). Besides, it is also what the two other posters report.
I would say there is a good chance this lump of obfuscated code actually produces an O(1) solution to your problem.

How to find the number of values in a given range divisible by a given value?

I have three numbers x, y , z.
For a range between numbers x and y.
How can i find the total numbers whose % with z is 0 i.e. how many numbers between x and y are divisible by z ?
It can be done in O(1): find the first one, find the last one, find the count of all other.
I'm assuming the range is inclusive. If your ranges are exclusive, adjust the bounds by one:
find the first value after x that is divisible by z. You can discard x:
x_mod = x % z;
if(x_mod != 0)
x += (z - x_mod);
find the last value before y that is divisible by y. You can discard y:
y -= y % z;
find the size of this range:
if(x > y)
return 0;
return (y - x) / z + 1;
If mathematical floor and ceil functions are available, the first two parts can be written more readably. Also the last part can be compressed using math functions:
x = ceil (x, z);
y = floor (y, z);
return max((y - x) / z + 1, 0);
if the input is guaranteed to be a valid range (x >= y), the last test or max is unneccessary:
x = ceil (x, z);
y = floor (y, z);
return (y - x) / z + 1;
(2017, answer rewritten thanks to comments)
The number of multiples of z in a number n is simply n / z
/ being the integer division, meaning decimals that could result from the division are simply ignored (for instance 17/5 => 3 and not 3.4).
Now, in a range from x to y, how many multiples of z are there?
Let see how many multiples m we have up to y
You see where I'm going... to get the number of multiples in the range [ x, y ], get the number of multiples of y then subtract the number of multiples before x, (x-1) / z
Solution: ( y / z ) - (( x - 1 ) / z )
Programmatically, you could make a function numberOfMultiples
function numberOfMultiples(n, z) {
return n / z;
to get the number of multiples in a range [x, y]
numberOfMultiples(y) - numberOfMultiples(x-1)
The function is O(1), there is no need of a loop to get the number of multiples.
Examples of results you should find
[30, 90] ÷ 13 => 4
[1, 1000] ÷ 6 => 166
[100, 1000000] ÷ 7 => 142843
[777, 777777777] ÷ 7 => 111111001
For the first example, 90 / 13 = 6, (30-1) / 13 = 2, and 6-2 = 4
^ ^
30<---(4 multiples)-->90
I also encountered this on Codility. It took me much longer than I'd like to admit to come up with a good solution, so I figured I would share what I think is an elegant solution!
Straightforward Approach 1/2:
O(N) time solution with a loop and counter, unrealistic when N = 2 billion.
Awesome Approach 3:
We want the number of digits in some range that are divisible by K.
Simple case: assume range [0 .. n*K], N = n*K
N/K represents the number of digits in [0,N) that are divisible by K, given N%K = 0 (aka. N is divisible by K)
ex. N = 9, K = 3, Num digits = |{0 3 6}| = 3 = 9/3
N/K + 1 represents the number of digits in [0,N] divisible by K
ex. N = 9, K = 3, Num digits = |{0 3 6 9}| = 4 = 9/3 + 1
I think really understanding the above fact is the trickiest part of this question, I cannot explain exactly why it works.
The rest boils down to prefix sums and handling special cases.
Now we don't always have a range that begins with 0, and we cannot assume the two bounds will be divisible by K.
But wait! We can fix this by calculating our own nice upper and lower bounds and using some subtraction magic :)
First find the closest upper and lower in the range [A,B] that are divisible by K.
Upper bound (easier): ex. B = 10, K = 3, new_B = 9... the pattern is B - B%K
Lower bound: ex. A = 10, K = 3, new_A = 12... try a few more and you will see the pattern is A - A%K + K
Then calculate the following using the above technique:
Determine the total number of digits X between [0,B] that are divisible by K
Determine the total number of digits Y between [0,A) that are divisible by K
Calculate the number of digits between [A,B] that are divisible by K in constant time by the expression X - Y
class CountDiv {
public int solution(int A, int B, int K) {
int firstDivisible = A%K == 0 ? A : A + (K - A%K);
int lastDivisible = B%K == 0 ? B : B - B%K; //B/K behaves this way by default.
return (lastDivisible - firstDivisible)/K + 1;
This is my first time explaining an approach like this. Feedback is very much appreciated :)
This is one of the Codility Lesson 3 questions. For this question, the input is guaranteed to be in a valid range. I answered it using Javascript:
function solution(x, y, z) {
var totalDivisibles = Math.floor(y / z),
excludeDivisibles = Math.floor((x - 1) / z),
divisiblesInArray = totalDivisibles - excludeDivisibles;
return divisiblesInArray;
(I actually wanted to ask about some of the other comments on this page but I don't have enough rep points yet).
Divide y-x by z, rounding down. Add one if y%z < x%z or if x%z == 0.
No mathematical proof, unless someone cares to provide one, but test cases, in Perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
sub multiples_in_range {
my ($x, $y, $z) = #_;
return 0 if $x > $y;
my $ret = int( ($y - $x) / $z);
$ret++ if $y%$z < $x%$z or $x%$z == 0;
return $ret;
for my $z (2 .. 10) {
for my $x (0 .. 2*$z) {
for my $y (0 .. 4*$z) {
is multiples_in_range($x, $y, $z),
scalar(grep { $_ % $z == 0 } $x..$y),
"[$x..$y] mod $z";
$ prove .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=3405, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.20 usr 0.02 sys + 0.26 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.49 CPU)
Result: PASS
Let [A;B] be an interval of positive integers including A and B such that 0 <= A <= B, K be the divisor.
It is easy to see that there are N(A) = ⌊A / K⌋ = floor(A / K) factors of K in interval [0;A]:
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K
0 A
Similarly, there are N(B) = ⌊B / K⌋ = floor(B / K) factors of K in interval [0;B]:
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K
0 B
Then N = N(B) - N(A) equals to the number of K's (the number of integers divisible by K) in range (A;B]. The point A is not included, because the subtracted N(A) includes this point. Therefore, the result should be incremented by one, if A mod K is zero:
N := N(B) - N(A)
if (A mod K = 0)
N := N + 1
Implementation in PHP
function solution($A, $B, $K) {
if ($K < 1)
return 0;
$c = floor($B / $K) - floor($A / $K);
if ($A % $K == 0)
return (int)$c;
In PHP, the effect of the floor function can be achieved by casting to the integer type:
$c = (int)($B / $K) - (int)($A / $K);
which, I think, is faster.
Here is my short and simple solution in C++ which got 100/100 on codility. :)
Runs in O(1) time. I hope its not difficult to understand.
int solution(int A, int B, int K) {
// write your code in C++11
int cnt=0;
if( A%K==0 or B%K==0)
cnt+= (B - A)/K;
return cnt;
(floor)(high/d) - (floor)(low/d) - (high%d==0)
There are a/d numbers divisible by d from 0.0 to a. (d!=0)
Therefore (floor)(high/d) - (floor)(low/d) will give numbers divisible in the range (low,high] (Note that low is excluded and high is included in this range)
Now to remove high from the range just subtract (high%d==0)
Works for integers, floats or whatever (Use fmodf function for floats)
Won't strive for an o(1) solution, this leave for more clever person:) Just feel this is a perfect usage scenario for function programming. Simple and straightforward.
> x,y,z=1,1000,6
=> [1, 1000, 6]
> (x..y).select {|n| n%z==0}.size
=> 166
EDIT: after reading other's O(1) solution. I feel shamed. Programming made people lazy to think...
Division (a/b=c) by definition - taking a set of size a and forming groups of size b. The number of groups of this size that can be formed, c, is the quotient of a and b. - is nothing more than the number of integers within range/interval ]0..a] (not including zero, but including a) that are divisible by b.
so by definition:
Y/Z - number of integers within ]0..Y] that are divisible by Z
X/Z - number of integers within ]0..X] that are divisible by Z
result = [Y/Z] - [X/Z] + x (where x = 1 if and only if X is divisible by Y otherwise 0 - assuming the given range [X..Y] includes X)
example :
for (6, 12, 2) we have 12/2 - 6/2 + 1 (as 6%2 == 0) = 6 - 3 + 1 = 4 // {6, 8, 10, 12}
for (5, 12, 2) we have 12/2 - 5/2 + 0 (as 5%2 != 0) = 6 - 2 + 0 = 4 // {6, 8, 10, 12}
The time complexity of the solution will be linear.
Code Snippet :
int countDiv(int a, int b, int m)
int mod = (min(a, b)%m==0);
int cnt = abs(floor(b/m) - floor(a/m)) + mod;
return cnt;
here n will give you count of number and will print sum of all numbers that are divisible by k
int a = sc.nextInt();
int b = sc.nextInt();
int k = sc.nextInt();
int first = 0;
if (a > k) {
first = a + a/k;
} else {
first = k;
int last = b - b%k;
if (first > last) {
} else {
int n = (last - first)/k+1;
System.out.println(n * (first + last)/2);
Here is the solution to the problem written in Swift Programming Language.
Step 1: Find the first number in the range divisible by z.
Step 2: Find the last number in the range divisible by z.
Step 3: Use a mathematical formula to find the number of divisible numbers by z in the range.
func solution(_ x : Int, _ y : Int, _ z : Int) -> Int {
var numberOfDivisible = 0
var firstNumber: Int
var lastNumber: Int
if y == x {
return x % z == 0 ? 1 : 0
//Find first number divisible by z
let moduloX = x % z
if moduloX == 0 {
firstNumber = x
} else {
firstNumber = x + (z - moduloX)
//Fist last number divisible by z
let moduloY = y % z
if moduloY == 0 {
lastNumber = y
} else {
lastNumber = y - moduloY
//Math formula
numberOfDivisible = Int(floor(Double((lastNumber - firstNumber) / z))) + 1
return numberOfDivisible
public static int Solution(int A, int B, int K)
int count = 0;
//If A is divisible by K
if(A % K == 0)
count = (B / K) - (A / K) + 1;
//If A is not divisible by K
else if(A % K != 0)
count = (B / K) - (A / K);
return count;
This can be done in O(1).
Here you are a solution in C++.
auto first{ x % z == 0 ? x : x + z - x % z };
auto last{ y % z == 0 ? y : y - y % z };
auto ans{ (last - first) / z + 1 };
Where first is the first number that ∈ [x; y] and is divisible by z, last is the last number that ∈ [x; y] and is divisible by z and ans is the answer that you are looking for.

Avoiding Brute Force: Counting Solutions

In a programming contest, a problem was:
Count all solutions to the equation: x + 4y + 4z = n. You will be
given n and you will determine the count of solutions. Assume x, y and z are positive integers.
I have considered using triple for loops (brute force), but it was unefficient, causing TIME LIMIT EXCEED. (since the n may be = 1000,000):
int sol = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= n / 4; j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= n / 4; k++)
if (i + 4 * j + 4 * k == n)
My friend could solve the problem. When I asked him, he said that he didn't use brute force at all. Instead, he converted the equation to a 'series' (i.e. summition). I asked him to tell how me but he refused :)
Can I know how?
This is particular case of coin change problem, which is solved in general by dynamic programming.
But here we can elaborate simple solution. I consider x,y,z > 0
x + 4*(y+z)=n
Let y + z = q = p + 1 (q > 1, p > 0)
There are M = Floor((n-5)/4) variants for x and p, hence there are M possible values of
q = 2..M+1
For every q>1 there are (q-1) variants of y and z: q = 1 + (q-1) = 2 + (q-2) +..+(q-1)+1
So we have N=1 + 2 + 3 + ... + M = M * (M + 1)/2 solutions
n = 15;
M = (15 - 5) div 4 = 2
N = 3
First note that n-x must be divisible by 4. Start by finding the smallest value that x can take:
start = 4
while ((n - start) % 4 != 0)
start = start + 1
From now on, you know that x will take values from [start, start+4, start+8 ...]. Now you can count the number of solutions by a simple counting loop:
count = 0
for (x = start; x < n - 4; x = x + 4)
y_z_sum = (n - x) / 4
count = count + y_z_sum - 1
For each choice of x, we can compute the value of y+z. For each value for y+z, there are y+z-1 possible choices (since y ranges from 1 to y+z-1, assuming that y and z are both positive integers).
Instead of a brute force solution with O(n3) running time, you can achieve O(n) this way.
This is a classic linear algebra problem. Please refer to any linear algebra textbook on how to solve a system of linear equations. One such method is called Gaussian Elimination.
