Spring-Doc open api not working with Spring cloud config server #EnableConfigServer - spring-boot

Im using spring boot 2.3.2.RELEASE with spring-cloud-config-server 2.2.4.RELEASE. Im trying to implement the spring-doc-openapi (1.4.3) in a existing project. If i add #EnableConfigServer in one the configuration class file, the swagger-ui.html endpoint returns a weird json:
and not the the swagger ui as expected. Im not sure if its a bug, but would appreciate any kind of help.

Not sure if its relevant to add the springdoc dependency on spring cloud config server, unless you need to explore some APIs on the config server it self.
Here is the link of a fully working example using springdoc with config server:
And this is the link of a blog which explains the natural usage with microservies and spring cloud modules:

Answer from #brianbro seems not to be working anymore...
Verified on: springdoc-openapi v1.6.6 and org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-config-server:v2.2.4.RELEASE
Here is how I solved it:
List item spring.cloud.config.server.prefix=config-server - please note that any request to config server will require to add prefix!
Add following bean (sample implementation in Kotlin)
#Bean fun configServerApi(): GroupedOpenApi =
.group("Config server")
Now you should be able to reach swagger ui :)


WebSocket cannot connect to endpoint when running Spring-Boot 2.2 with lazy bean initialization?

I'm having trouble getting the client to connect to a WebSocket endpoint when the Spring-Boot 2.2 application is started in lazy-init mode.
I was able to get this Spring.io tutorial to work. It uses spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.1.6. I changed the pom.xml to use spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.2.0 and got it to work also.
But when I set spring.main.lazy-initialization=true in application.properties, the client does not connect to the server via WebSocket anymore when I click on the "Connect" button. In Chrome Developer Tool > Network > WebSocket, I see that the client sends a CONNECT request, but it never receives a "CONNECTED" response.
I've uploaded my project file to GitHub here:
https://github.com/hirokiterashima/spring-boot-stomp-messaging-websocket. The first commit is the 'complete' directory of the original project in the Spring.io tutorial, which uses Spring-Boot 2.1.6: https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-messaging-stomp-websocket/tree/master/complete. The second commit contains my changes to pom.xml to use Spring-Boot 2.2.0 and addition of application.properties file to enable lazy initialization. As you can see, all I did in the second commit was change to Spring Boot 2.2.0, updated the jQuery webjars dependency, and enabled lazy initialization. If you comment-out the spring.main.lazy-initialization line in application.properties, it will work.
Did anybody else come across a similar issue? What can I do to make this work?
Thanks for your help!
just register the following #Bean:
public LazyInitializationExcludeFilter stompWebSocketHandlerMappingLazyInitializationExcludeFilter() {
return LazyInitializationExcludeFilter.forBeanTypes(HandlerMapping.class);
public LazyInitializationExcludeFilter stompWebSocketHandlerMappingLazyInitializationExcludeFilter() {
return ((beanName, beanDefinition, beanType) -> beanName.equals("stompWebSocketHandlerMapping"));

Spring boot actuaor mix with micrometer for prometheus returnes empty result

I configured my spring boot application to export Actuator data for prometheus as described in https://www.callicoder.com/spring-boot-actuator-metrics-monitoring-dashboard-prometheus-grafana/ but unlike document, when I called /actuator/prometheus, an empty page displayed.
Things I did:
- add spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency and check results (/actuator), it worked
- add io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus and check results (/actuator/prometheus) did not work
- change management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: "*", and still /actuator/prometheus did not work
- create a fresh empty project with above configs and /actuator/prometheus worked!
so there is a problem with my project
After whole day research I found there is a class in my project extending from WebMvcConfigurerAdapter and a method overriding configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) which when I commented method /actuator/prometheus will work correctly

Spring cloud gateway cannot find Fluent Java Routes API

I am trying my hands on Spring-cloud-gateway. While going through the documentation I found that we can configure routes not only in yml/ properties file, but also using Fluent Routes API. Here is the snippet from the documentation.
public RouteLocator customRouteLocator(ThrottleGatewayFilterFactory throttle) {
return Routes.locator()
.addResponseHeader("X-TestHeader", "foobar")
.add(addResponseHeader("X-AnotherHeader", "baz"))
.add(throttle.apply(tuple().of("capacity", 1,
"refillTokens", 1,
"refillPeriod", 10,
"refillUnit", "SECONDS")))
But I am not able to find this class Routes. Not sure If I have missed anything. I am using spring boot 2.0.0.M7 and I have spring-cloud-starter-gateway depependecy included.
Any idea ?
Routes is no longer available. Add a RouteLocatorBuilder parameter to customRouteLocator. I'll fix the docs.

Disable Activiti Spring REST API Basic Authentication

We already have security configuration present in our application and we would like to use the same for security Activiti's rest services as well. I have tried to search around the internet but couldn't find a direct way to disable activiti's authentication configuration.
Spring version: 4.x
Aciviti version: 5.x
web.xml config:
You can disable Activit REST API basic authentication by adding below code to any configuration class:
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {
If you are not using Spring boot, you can follow this blog.

Spring Boot Actuator paths not enabled by default?

While updating my Spring Boot application to the latest build snapshot and I am seeing that none of the actuator endpoints are enabled by default. If I specify them to be enabled in application.properties, they show up.
1) Is this behavior intended? I tried searching for an issue to explain it but couldn't find one. Could somebody link me to the issue / documentation?
2) Is there a way to enable all the actuator endpoints? I often find myself using them during development and would rather not maintain a list of them inside my properties file.
Two parts to this answer:
"Is there a way to enable all the actuator endpoints?"
Add this property endpoints.enabled=true rather than enabling them individually with endpoints.info.enabled=true, endpoints.beans.enabled=true etc
Update: for Spring Boot 2.x the relevant property is:
"Is this behavior intended?"
Probably not. Sounds like you might have spotted an issue with the latest milestone. If you have a reproducible issue with a Spring Boot milestone then Spring's advice is ...
Reporting Issues
Spring Boot uses GitHub’s integrated issue tracking system to record bugs and feature requests. If you want to raise an issue, please follow the recommendations below:
Before you log a bug, please search the issue tracker to see if someone has already reported the problem.
If the issue doesn’t already exist, create a new issue.
Even if we enable all the actuator endpoints as below
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* (In case of YAML the star character should be surrounded by double quotes as "*" because star is one of the special characters in YAML syntax)
The httptrace actuator endpoint will still not be enabled in web by default. HttpTraceRepository interface need to be implemented to enable httptrace (See Actuator default endpoints, Actuator endpoints, Actuator httptrace).
public class CustomHttpTraceRepository implements HttpTraceRepository {
AtomicReference<HttpTrace> lastTrace = new AtomicReference<>();
public List<HttpTrace> findAll() {
return Collections.singletonList(lastTrace.get());
public void add(HttpTrace trace) {
if ("GET".equals(trace.getRequest().getMethod())) {
Now the endpoints can be accessed using the url,
(Example http://localhost:8081/actuator/httptrace)
If there is a management.servlet.context-path value present in properties file then the URL will be,
(Example http://localhost:8081/management-servlet-context-path-value/httptrace)
UPDATE: use this only in dev environment, not in production!
Is there a way to enable all the actuator endpoints?
Using Spring Boot 2.2.2 Release, this worked for me:
On the file src/main/resources/application.properties add this:
To check enabled endpoints go to http://localhost:8080/actuator
Source: docs.spring.io
