How to Method#getAnnotatedParameterTypes() in spring proxied class - spring-boot

I'm using spring-boot 2+ and created some custom annotation;
public #interface MyCustomAnnotation{
When doing:
final AnnotatedType[] annotatedTypes = mostSpecificMethod.getAnnotatedParameterTypes();
//this will get the original class
//final Class<?> clazz = AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass(bean);
Class<?> annotatedMappedClass = null;
for (AnnotatedType annotatedType : annotatedTypes) {
if (annotatedType.isAnnotationPresent(MyCustomAnnotation.class)) {
annotatedMappedClass = TypeFactory.rawClass(annotatedType.getType());
it works when bean is not a proxy but when I add the #Transactional annotation it becomes a proxy and stops working. What is the Spring Util to find in the target class?

As far as I understood you'll need the bean. Using:
Method invocableMethod = AopUtils.selectInvocableMethod(mostSpecificMethod, bean.getClass());
seems to work.
Also a more complex one:
Method method = mostSpecificMethod;
if (AopUtils.isAopProxy(bean)) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass(bean);
method = clazz.getMethod(mostSpecificMethod.getName(), mostSpecificMethod.getParameterTypes());
catch (SecurityException ex) {
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("...", ex);


How to run Quarkus programatically in Test mode

I am trying to run acceptance tests with concordion fixtures in a quarkus project. Concordion does not work with Junit5 so I am using its original #Run(ConcordionRunner.class).
I am creating a superclass to start my quarkus application before tests like that:
public abstract class AbstractFixture {
public static RunningQuarkusApplication application;
protected static RequestSpecification server;
protected AbstractFixture() {
public void setUp() {
if(application == null) {
server = new RequestSpecBuilder()
private void startApplication() {
try {
PathsCollection.Builder rootBuilder = PathsCollection.builder();
Path testClassLocation = PathTestHelper.getTestClassesLocation(getClass());
final Path appClassLocation = PathTestHelper.getAppClassLocationForTestLocation(
application = QuarkusBootstrap.builder()
} catch (BindException e) {
System.out.println("Address already in use - which is fine!");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
The code above is working but I can't change the default port 8081 to any other.
If I print the config property in my Test class like below, it prints the port correctly, but quarkus is not running on it:
public class HelloFixture extends AbstractFixture {
public String getGreeting() {
Response response = given(server).when().get("/hello");
System.out.println("Config[port]: " + application.getConfigValue("quarkus.http.port", String.class));
return response.asString();
How can I specify the configuration file or property programatically before run?
I found the answer. At first, I was referencing the wrong property "quarkus.http.port" instead of "quarkus.http.test-port".
Despite that, I found the way to override properties before run:
StartupAction action = QuarkusBootstrap.builder()
application =;
private Map<String, String> getConfigOverride() {
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("quarkus.http.test-port", "18082");
return config;

Constructor parameter is null when referred to in an overrided method

My code is written in Kotlin. I have a config class defined in a file along 2 more classes as below:
class MultipartConfig(private val multipartProperties: MultipartProperties) {
fun multipartResolver(): StandardServletMultipartResolver {
val multipartResolver = MultipartResolver(multipartProperties)
return multipartResolver
class MultipartResolver(private val multipartProperties: MultipartProperties) :
StandardServletMultipartResolver() {
override fun resolveMultipart(request: HttpServletRequest): MultipartHttpServletRequest {
return MultipartHttpServletRequest(multipartProperties, request)
class MultipartHttpServletRequest(
private val multipartProperties: MultipartProperties, request: HttpServletRequest
) : StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest(request, multipartProperties.isResolveLazily) {
override fun handleParseFailure(ex: Throwable) {
val msg = ex.message
if (msg != null && msg.contains("size") && msg.contains("exceed")) {
throw MaxUploadSizeExceededException(multipartProperties.maxFileSize.toMegabytes(), ex)
throw MultipartException("Failed to parse multipart servlet request", ex)
When I debug this code, in the class MultipartHttpServletRequest, constructor property multipartProperties is NOT null but the same property in the throw MaxUploadSizeExceededException(multipartProperties.maxFileSize.toMegabytes(), ex) is ALWAYS null. I cannot understand why this is happening.
Could someone please explain why this is happening?
I'm just answering my own question for clarity. I figured out the issue. It was related to the constructor of that class StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest. Below is the code of the constrcutor.
public StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request, boolean lazyParsing)
throws MultipartException {
if (!lazyParsing) {
Now, inside of parseRequest there is a catch block (for brevity I'm not posting the whole code of the method)
catch (Throwable ex) {
When the constructor of the super class is throwing exception the child's constructor will not get a chance to initialize.

Does spring oxm creates singleton jaxbcontext?

Inside Spring OXM framework how does JAXBContext.newInstance() creates. Is it a singleton or multiple instance. My requirement is I want singleton jaxbcontext object? Please share Spring OXM details. Thanks.
I got the answer, it's creating singleton jaxb context internally inside Jaxb2Marshaller, like this:
public JAXBContext getJaxbContext() {
if (this.jaxbContext != null) {
return this.jaxbContext;
synchronized (this.jaxbContextMonitor) {
if (this.jaxbContext == null) {
try {
if (StringUtils.hasLength(this.contextPath)) {
this.jaxbContext = createJaxbContextFromContextPath();
else if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(this.classesToBeBound)) {
this.jaxbContext = createJaxbContextFromClasses();
else if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(this.packagesToScan)) {
this.jaxbContext = createJaxbContextFromPackages();
catch (JAXBException ex) {
throw convertJaxbException(ex);
return this.jaxbContext;

Test case using SpringJunitRunner

I want to write junit test case for the below code with springJunitRunner.
the below piece of code is one service in a class.
public class TechStackResource {
private transient TechStackService techStackService;
public Response getTechStackById(final #PathParam("id") Integer technicalstackid) {
final TechStackResponse response = new TechStackResponse();
int statusCode = Constants.HTTP_STATUS_OK_200;
try {
TechStackModel techStackModel = techStackService.findObjectById(technicalstackid);
if (techStackModel == null) {
statusCode = Constants.HTTP_STATUS_ERROR_404;
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erde) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception occured in TechStackResource.getTechStackById(technicalstackid) ", e);
throw new APMRestException(
"Exception while executing TechStackResource.getTechStackById(technicalstackid) ",
Constants.UNKNOW_ERROR, e);
return Response.status(statusCode).entity(response).build();
the configuration in web.xml for servlet is
Since you are using Jersey as well as Spring, you can use the SpringJunitRunner only to wire-up TechStackResource with its dependency TechStackService.
In order to test your REST handler method getTestStackById, you could go the POJO approach and invoke it directly. Alternatively, you can use Jersey's own MockWeb environment. To find out more about this, I recommend looking at the Jersey example sources, e.g. HelloWorld.

ClassCastException when using embedded glassfish for unit tests

I'm running some unit tests on some EJBS via maven and an embedded glassfish container. One of my tests works, but all subsequent attempts to test a different EJB result in the same error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy81 cannot be cast to
Followed by whatever bean I'm attempting to test. I'm confident my setup is good since, as I say, one of my beans can be tested properly.
Examples of workiing code:
public class LayoutManagerBean implements LayoutManager {
private final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LayoutManagerBean.class);
public List<Menu> getMenus(User currentUser) {
public interface LayoutManager {
public List<Menu> getMenus(User user);
And the test:
public class LayoutManagerTest {
private static EJBContainer ejbContainer;
private static Context ctx;
public static void setUp() {
ejbContainer = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer();
ctx = ejbContainer.getContext();
public static void tearDown() {
public void getMenus() {
LayoutManager manager = null;
try {
manager = (LayoutManager) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/LayoutManagerBean!");
} catch (NamingException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to lookup the gosh darned bean!");
//Menu[] menus = manager.getMenus();
//assertTrue(menus.length > 1);
And an example of a failure:
public class OpenChurchPortalContext implements PortalContext {
private Set<PortletMode> portletModes = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<WindowState> windowStates = Collections.emptySet();
private Properties portalProperties = new Properties();
public OpenChurchPortalContext() {
portletModes.add(new PortletMode("ABOUT"));
And the test:
public class OpenChurchPortalContextTest {
private static EJBContainer ejbContainer;
private static Context ctx;
public static void setUp() {
ejbContainer = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer();
ctx = ejbContainer.getContext();
public static void tearDown() {
public void test() {
OpenChurchPortalContext context = null;
try {
context = (OpenChurchPortalContext) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/OpenChurchPortalContext");
} catch (NamingException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to find the bean in the emebedded jobber");
Set<PortletMode> modes = (Set<PortletMode>) context.getSupportedPortletModes();
assertTrue(modes.size() > 1);
Set<WindowState> states = (Set<WindowState>) context.getSupportedWindowStates();
assertTrue(states.size() > 1);
Any ideas as to why this may not be working?
You often get this problem if you are proxying a class, not an interface. Assuming that it's this line which is failing:
context = (OpenChurchPortalContext) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/OpenChurchPortalContext");
OpenChurchPortalContext is a class, but it is being wrapped by a proxy class to implement the EJB specific functionality. This proxy class isn't a subclass of OpenChurchPortalContext, so you're getting a ClassCastException.
You aren't getting this with the first example, because the LayoutManager is an interface.
LayoutManager manager = null; // INTERFACE, so it works
try {
manager = (LayoutManager) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/LayoutManagerBean!");
} catch (NamingException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to lookup the gosh darned bean!");
First, you can test to see if this is really your problem, change context to be a PortalContext not OpenChurchPortalContext:
PortalContext context = null;
try {
context = (PortalContext) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/OpenChurchPortalContext");
} catch (NamingException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to find the bean in the emebedded jobber");
If your problem really is the Proxy, then the above code should work. If this is the case, you have two potential solutions:
When you do the ctx.lookup, always use an interface. This can be a bit of a pain, because you need to define an interface specifically for each EJB.
You may be able to configure your EJB container to proxy the classes instead of just the interfaces, similar to proxyTargetClass for Spring AOP. You'll need to check with the documentation for your container for that.
Your singleton EJB has a default local business interface by means of implementing PortalContext interface. The test client should know it only by its business interface, and the actual bean class (OpenChurchPortalContext) should not be referenced directly by the client. So the fix is to look it up by its business interface PortalContext.
