How can I have custom identifiers/primary keys for my resources? - graphql

My table has a primary key other than id and react-admin enforces id to be returned in the response by the DataProvider. So can I configure different primary keys/identifiers for my resources?
I am using this library -
Right now I have made few changes in my library code to make this work, but I need an idea to implement it, so anyone using this library doesn't need to go thru whole code to make it work.
const config = {
'primaryKey': {
'tableName': 'primaryKey1', 'tableName2': 'primaryKey2'
I was thinking of something like passing configuration like this.

I don't believe it is currently possible with the 0.1.0 release. However in hasura you can expose the column with a different name
hasura column exposed name


Dynamic addition of fields in vespa

In Elastic Search, to add new fields while running the application we have to provide
More info about the same:
Is there any functionality which can replicate same behaviour in Vespa? I was not able to find in vespa documentation.
Kindly help me in this regard. Thank you. is the best place to start - just modify the schema with new fields and redeploy the application. The new fields can not have a default value, they are empty. It is not necessary to restart Vespa, this can be done on a running instance.
Dynamic fields automatically created from data is not supported in Vespa. You should not use this; it's a malfeature.
If the data in question is structured, you can often achieve what you need here by using a map. Otherwise, it's easy and safe to add new fields to the schema and redeploy.

Why do GraphQL fragments need __typename in queries?

I can't find or I am looking in the wrong place for any documentation on how fragments are matched. When I use the vanilla Apollo client if I turn off the option of addTypename when I use fragments I get a warning heuristic fragment matching going on! and if I add it this goes away but my response contains many __typename fields which I don't need. Why do they help?
The reason for this is that ApolloClient, like Relay, uses a global store to cache your data on the client.
In order to do this for you, global ids are required. For some reason, global ids are not something people think about, and in fact, it is something people complain about when switching to Relay all the time.
ApolloClient has a clever solution for this! (Apollo team correct me if I am wrong) They allow you to define how your records get keyed in the store! By default, it uses the typename and id to create a the kind of global IDs that Relay suggests you create. This is why they need the typename.
Since you are turning off the typename in the query, Apollo will do some smart stuff to try and figure out the type (and thus the key in the store). This smart stuff can lead to problems for you down the road.
If you want to create your own global ids instead of using all this smart stuff, you can specify it like so:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
dataIdFromObject: object => object.key || null

setObjectId is not working

I wonder if is possible to assign an id when an item is created with parse:
ParseObject parseWord = new ParseObject(DataBaseHelper.TABLE_WORD);
parseWord.put(Word.NAME, word.getName());
parseWord.put(Word.TYPE, word.getType());
parseWord.put(Word.TRANSLATE, word.getTranslate());
parseWord.put(Word.EXAMPLE, word.getExample());
parseWord.put(Word.NOTE, word.getNote());
parseWord.put(Word.SYNC_AT, today);
This code is not working, it doesnt save the item in the server. If I delete the setObjectId(idRow); it works. What am I doing wrong?.
Is there anyway to know when the saveInBackground is done?
According to the ParseObject.setObjectID() API doc:
Setter for the object id. In general you do not need to use this.
However, in some cases this can be convenient. For example, if you are
serializing a ParseObject yourself and wish to recreate it, you can
use this to recreate the ParseObject exactly.
Also from the API doc:
An object id is assigned as soon as an object is saved to the server.
A reason, as the quote suggests, you might need to set the object ID is if you, wish to do something like save the fields of a parse object to a file. If you wanted to take the fields from your file and recreate a parse object, THEN you'd need to set it, as that's not done for you if you're not saving it to the server and just using an instance of the object for purposes internal to your application.

How to add components in to an existing GUI created by guide?

I just created a GUI using guide in MATLAB for a small project I'm working on. I have amongst other things two text fields for from and to dates. Now I'd like to get rid of them and use a Java date select tool. Of course this is not possible using guide so I need to add them manually.
I've managed to get them to show up by putting this code into my Opening_Fcn,
uicomponent(handles, 'style','com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel','tag','til2');
But even though it shows up I can't access the date select's attributes, for example
??? Reference to non-existent field 'til2'.
How can I fix this?
Unless you edit the saved GUI figure, the basic handles structure will not include your new component by default.
One way to access you component is to store the handle via guidata, by adding the following to your opening function:
handles.til2 = uicomponent(handles, 'style','com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel','tag','til2');
Functions that need to access the handle need the line
handles = guidata(hObject)
to return the full handles structure that includes the filed til2

Vaadin custom table header

I want to build custom filtering header for Vaadin tables.
Can you please give some examples or solution to this problem.
I want to add a combo box or check box that will refine the search in the table like Excel columns.
We faced the problem of adding custom filters for Vaadin Table in our project as well.
As a solution we added a dynamic filter form above the table. It has become flexible and agile enough to apply filters.
We created Vaadin Addon in order to share our solution - Lexaden Grid.
You can find more information by the following link:
At the moment it is quite hard to add a custom component to do filtering with to the header of a table. It would require you to make your own version of Table by inheritance/copy&paste (not sure what is enough), and that is something most people wan't to avoid at the moment if anyway possible. The current implementation of the Table component is one of the most complicated components of Vaadin. It is doable if you insist putting components in header, but prepare for some serious thinking to get things to work.
I'd suggest making the filtering of data in containers with components just next/above your table. Hiding the table header is sometimes acceptable if there's no crucial information shown there. If you want something precisely on the header, it would require some empty headers and CSS positioning components on correct place.
You can always group table and other filtering components to one CustomComponent for easier abstraction.
Book of Vaadin is a very good reference for vaadin implementation. The link consist of an example code like:
// Define the properties
table.addContainerProperty("lastname", String.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("born", Integer.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("died", Integer.class, null);
// Set nicer header names
table.setColumnHeader("lastname", "Name");
table.setColumnHeader("born", "Born");
table.setColumnHeader("died", "Died");
Is this what you ask for? If it isn't, can you please specify your question a bit more clearly?
edit: Vaadin Sampler also contains handful code samples.
