Retry connection with JMeter servers (generators) in JMeter Distributed setup - jmeter

I've a distributed JMeter setup with 1 client (controller) and 2 servers (generators).
Now while a test is executing on the setup if a generator crashes in between, the controller gets hanged even after the test duration ends.
Is there a way to reconnect the controller with the generator after the generator comes up again during the same test execution?

No there is no such configuration option and it is advised to restart servers.
Usually this is due to connectivity issues between server and controller like port not open.
For reference properties have a look at:
For 1/ you can add this to


How to use JMeter to performance test using a laptop systems connected to a VPN instead of the internet

I would like to test the send/receive metrics when connected via a VPN using the JMeter tool then compare the results when not connected to the VPN. Would appreciate any thoughts on this subject.
I don't think there is something you have to do from JMeter perspective as traffic routing is the job for the VPN client so it should be sufficient just to execute the test 2 times:
1 test when the VPN connection is down
2 test when the VPN connection is up
The results can be compared using Merge Results Tool
If for some reason your VPN client doesn't pick up the traffic from JMeter to your application due to its configuration you can force JMeter to use your VPN network interface as the source IP address, the setting lives under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request Defaults configuration element

How do I solve Jmeter Error Connection reset?

I am running a performance test on a site using Jmeter. Using a load of up to 100 simultaneous users(Threads) the tests pass perfectly, trying to raise this load to 300 users (Threads) I get the following error:
Non HTTP response code: / Non HTTP response message: Connection reset
The error occurs in only 0.68% of requests (out of 2412 requests made by 300 users(Threads) only 2 requests generated this error)
I thought it was the maximum number of connections allowed on my server, I went to my application's webconfig and entered the following information: "Min Pool Size = 5; Max Pool Size = 500;". but still not solve the problem.
Does anyone know what I can do to not generate these errors?
Most probably it indicates a problem with your application, try checking:
application logs
application/web server logs and configuration
underlying operating system logs and networking configuration. also pay attention to number of open ports/sockets/handles (can be checked using either built-in OS monitoring tools or JMeter PerfMon Plugin)
If you're absolutely sure that there is nothing wrong with your test script and application and JMeter is configured to behave exactly like a real browser you can follow instructions from JMeterSocketClosed wiki page
More information: The Mysteries of Connection Close Connection reset on reaching 3000 users in JMeteR

All required changes have been done to respective files like:
keepalive is checked from HTTP request defaults,
hc.parameters file changes,
Socket timeout is 240000
Still we see " Connection reset" in response data however I see the valid requests been passed to Server.
The issue wasnt till we reach 3000 users, worked smoothly till 3000 users.
Connection Reset has a lot of meaning, possible reasons are:
One of the server components is not able to handle load so it closes connections on its side
On JMeter side, check that you running in NON GUI mode and that neither JMeter JVM nor injector machine are overloaded which could explain this. See:

Not able to Initialise smartmeter as ite generate an error?

Error Screenshot I have recorded test scrip using smart meter.
But I when I tries to load the script "Rum smartmeter Test"
It gives following. I have no requirement of remote server as i wanted to run basic Testscript from local machine
*> Connection refused to host:; nested exception is: Connection refused connect*
Just for the background please note that is based on Apache JMeter but adds new features such as one-click test reports, advanced scenario recorder, user friendly distributed mode, acceptance criteria and many others.
Looking forward for your suggestion.
Looks like SmartMeter is unable to start a load generator. The most common reason is that the required port 1099 is already occupied by some other program or the load generator can sometimes be blocked by your firewall. I suggest you restart your computer and try again. If it doesn't help, then you need to find out what is occupying that port. See for example How can you find out which process is listening on a port on Windows?
You should be able to get some information from logs/generator.log.
You can also run tests from SmartMeter Editor, the same way you would do in JMeter.

Amazon ELB + jmeter

I am testing my application using jmeter tool. I am having 2 EC2 m1.small instances behind an ELB (not autoscaling group), 2 caching nodes huge RDS db (Multi-AZ). My Apache (peforked) is configured with default values like 256 maxclients. Both can handle 256-256 request. Now when jmeter throws 500 request I see connection time out error in one of sampler of the jmeter. Can anyone figure out what the problem is?
Thanks in advance.
What does JMeter throw back?
There are couple of things that could happen.
Connection reset: If this error is thrown out from your JMeter then it means that the server has maxed out and cannot support any more concurrent requests. i.e. the 256 threads allotted are all in use serving other requests and this basically means you have hit your limit on the server.
"Address already in use" exception: These kinds of errors are what you must not get when you do load tests. This basically means that there are no available ports on your system make more requests and all ports are busy. This could happen for a variety of reasons but you could try tweaking system settings like ulimit for linux or if your using a windows box you may want to look at the tcpTimedWaitDelay and corresponding settings to see the average turn around time for the ports to be handed over back into the active pool to be reused for the next connection. This condition is called tcp port exhaustion (
TO get around this you could also try distributed load testing and/or use timers to ensure that you always have the ports to make new connections.
