I am giving a binary search tree with n node with unique value 1 to n and need to compute how many structurally different binary search tree I can make from it. I use DFS with memoization to solve the problem. It is basically like if we have n node, the root node can be from 1 to n, then I recursively compute how many the subtree can the tree has. Also, I memoized the range of node value the tree can have and how many different tree can be made with that range of node value, so I dont recompute. I think the Time and Space are both O(n^2) as there can be n^2 different range for my tree node val. Can anyone comment on that?
class Solution {
public int numTrees(int n) {
// structrually unique BST with value from 1 to n
// same structure but different number? no, one way to arrange node
// from 1 to n start
// left has num candid - 1 to 1
// right has num candid + 1 to n
Map<Integer, Integer> memo = new HashMap<>();
return numWays(1, n, memo);
private int numWays(int low, int high, Map<Integer, Integer> memo) {
if(memo.containsKey(low * 100 + high)) {
return memo.get(low * 100 + high);
if(low >= high) return 1;
int ans = 0;
for(int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
ans = ans + numWays(low, i - 1, memo) * numWays(i + 1, high, memo);
memo.put(low * 100 + high, ans);
return ans;
The time complexity is currently O(n^3). It is true that there are only O(n^2) ranges, and at most O(n^2) pairs of (low, high) appearing as inputs to the numWays function. However, the numWays function takes O(high-low+1) steps after memoization, which is another O(n) factor.
To speed this up, you might notice that the number of BST's for [1,2,3,4] is the same as the number of BST's for [2,3,4,5] or for [3,4,5,6]; only the length of the array matters (giving you an O(n^2) algorithm from a tiny change). Another possible speedup comes from noticing that for every rooted binary tree with n nodes, there is exactly one way to label the nodes with [1,2,...,n] to get a BST, so you're looking for a way/recurrence to count rooted binary trees.
We could also use a formula:
const f = n => n < 2 ? 1 : (4*n - 2) / (n + 1) * f(n - 1);
for (let i=0; i<20; i++)
Given a binary tree, I have to return a tree containing all elements that smaller than k, greater than k and a tree containing only one element - k.
Allowed methods to use:
remove node - O(n)
insert - O(n)
find - O(n)
find min - O(n)
I'm assuming these methods complexity, because in the exercise it's not written that tree is balanced.
Required complexity - O(n)
Original tree have to maintain its structure.
I'm completely stuck. Any help is much appreciated!
Given tree is Binary search tree as well as outputs should be binary search trees.
I see no way to design a O(n) algorithm with the given blackbox functions and their time complexities, given that they could only be called a (maximum) constant number of times (like 3 times) to stay within the O(n) constraint.
But if it is allowed to access and create BSTs with basic, standard node manipulations (traversing via left or right child, setting the left or right child to a given subtree), then you could do the following:
Create three new empty BSTs that will be populated and returned. Name them left, mid, and right, where the first one will have all values less than k, the second one will have at the most one node (with value k), and the final one will have all the rest.
While populating left and right, maintain references to the nodes that are closest to value k: in left that will be the node with the greatest value, and in right the node with the least value.
Follow these steps:
Apply the usual binary search to walk from the root towards the node with value k
While doing this: whenever you choose the left child of a node, the node itself and its right subtree then belong in right. However, the left child should at this moment not be included, so create a new node that copies the current node, but without its left child. Maintain a reference to the node with the least value in right, as that is the node that may get a left new subtree when this step occurs more than once.
Do the similar thing for when you choose the right child of a node.
When the node with k is found, the algorithm can add its left subtree to left and the right subtree to right, and create the single-node tree with value k.
Time complexity
The search towards the node with value k could take O(n) in the worst case, as the BST is not given to be balanced. All the other actions (adding a subtree to a specific node in one of the new BSTs) run in constant time, so in total they are executed O(n) times in the worst case.
If the given BST is balanced (not necessarily perfectly, but like with AVL rules), then the algorithm runs in O(logn) time. However, the output BSTs may not be as balanced, and may violate AVL rules so that rotations would be needed.
Example Implementation
Here is an implementation in JavaScript. When you run this snippet, a test case will run one a BST that has nodes with values 0..19 (inserted in random order) and k=10. The output will iterate the three created BSTs in in-order, so to verify that they output 0..9, 10, and 11..19 respectively:
class Node {
constructor(value, left=null, right=null) {
this.value = value;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
insert(value) { // Insert as a leaf, maintaining the BST property
if (value < this.value) {
if (this.left !== null) {
return this.left.insert(value);
this.left = new Node(value);
return this.left;
} else {
if (this.right !== null) {
return this.right.insert(value);
this.right = new Node(value);
return this.right;
// Utility function to iterate the BST values in in-order sequence
* [Symbol.iterator]() {
if (this.left !== null) yield * this.left;
yield this.value;
if (this.right !== null) yield * this.right;
// The main algorithm
function splitInThree(root, k) {
let node = root;
// Variables for the roots of the trees to return:
let left = null;
let mid = null;
let right = null;
// Reference to the nodes that are lexically closest to k:
let next = null;
let prev = null;
while (node !== null) {
// Create a copy of the current node
newNode = new Node(node.value);
if (k < node.value) {
// All nodes at the right go with it, but it gets no left child at this stage
newNode.right = node.right;
// Merge this with the tree we are creating for nodes with value > k
if (right === null) {
right = newNode;
} else {
next.left = newNode;
next = newNode;
node = node.left;
} else if (k > node.value) {
// All nodes at the left go with it, but it gets no right child at this stage
newNode.left = node.left;
// Merge this with the tree we are creating for nodes with value < k
if (left === null) {
left = newNode;
} else {
prev.right = newNode;
prev = newNode;
node = node.right;
} else {
// Create the root-only tree for k
mid = newNode;
// The left subtree belongs in the left tree
if (left === null) {
left = node.left;
} else {
prev.right = node.left;
// ...and the right subtree in the right tree
if (right === null) {
right = node.right;
} else {
next.left = node.right;
// All nodes have been allocated to a target tree
// return the three new trees:
return [left, mid, right];
// === Test code for the algorithm ===
// Utility function
function shuffled(a) {
for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
return a;
// Create a shuffled array of the integers 0...19
let arr = shuffled([...Array(20).keys()]);
// Insert these values into a new BST:
let root = new Node(arr.pop());
for (let val of arr) root.insert(val);
// Apply the algorithm with k=10
let [left, mid, right] = splitInThree(root, 10);
// Print out the values from the three BSTs:
console.log(...left); // 0..9
console.log(...mid); // 10
console.log(...right); // 11..19
Essentially, your goal is to create a valid BST where k is the root node; in this case, the left subtree is a BST containing all elements less than k, and the right subtree is a BST containing all elements greater than k.
This can be achieved by a series of tree rotations:
First, do an O(n) search for the node of value k, building a stack of its ancestors up to the root node.
While there are any remaining ancestors, pop one from the stack, and perform a tree rotation making k the parent of this ancestor.
Each rotation takes O(1) time, so this algorithm terminates in O(n) time, because there are at most O(n) ancestors. In a balanced tree, the algorithm takes O(log n) time, although the result is not a balanced tree.
In your question you write that "insert" and "remove" operations take O(n) time, but that this is your assumption, i.e. it is not stated in the question that these operations take O(n) time. If you are operating only nodes you already have pointers to, then basic operations take O(1) time.
If it is required not to destroy the original tree, then you can begin by making a copy of it in O(n) time.
I really don't see a simple and efficient way to split with the operations that you mention. But I think that achieving a very efficient split is relatively easy.
If the tree were balanced, then you can perform your split in O(log n) if you define a special operation called join exclusive. Let me first define join_ex() as the operation in question:
Node * join_exclusive(Node *& ts, Node *& tg)
if (ts == NULL)
return tg;
if (tg == NULL)
return ts;
tg=.llink) = join_exclusive(ts->rlink, tg->llink);
ts->rlink = tg;
Node * ret_val = ts;
ts = tg = NULL; // empty the trees
return ret_val;
join_ex() assumes that you want to build a new tree from two BST ts and tr such that every key in ts is less than everyone in tr.
If you have two exclusive trees T< and T>:
Then join_ex() can be seen as follows:
Note that if you take any node for any BST, then its subtrees meet this condition; every key in the left subtree is less than everyone in the right one. You can design a nice deletion algorithm based on join_ex().
Now we are ready for the split operation:
void split_key_rec(Node * root, const key_type & key, Node *& ts, Node *& tg)
if (root == NULL)
ts = tg = NULL;
if (key < root->key)
split_key_rec(root->llink, key, ts, root->llink);
tg = root;
split_key_rec(root->rlink, key, root->rlink, tg)
ts = root;
If you set root as T in this figure
Then a pictorial representation of split can be seen thus:
split_key_rec() splits the tree into two trees ts and tg according to a key k. At the end of the operation, ts contains a BST with keys less than k and tg is a BST with keys greater or equal than k.
Now, to complete your requirement, you call split_key_rec(t, k, ts, tg) and you get in ts a BST with all the keys less than k. Almost symmetrically, you get in tg a BST with all the keys greater or equal than k. So, the last thing is to verify if the root of tg is k and, if this is the case, you unlink, and you get your result in ts, k, and tg' (tg' is the tree without k).
If k is in the original tree, then the root of tg will be k, and tg won't have left subtree.
Given a BST and two integers 'a' and 'b' (a < b), how can we find the number of nodes such that , a < node value < b, in O(log n)?
I know one can easily find the position of a and b in LogN time, but how to count the nodes in between without doing a traversal, which is O(n)?
In each node of your Binary Search Tree, also keep count of the number of values in the tree that are lesser than its value (or, for a different tree design mentioned in the footnote below, the nodes in its left subtree).
Now, first find the node containing the value a. Get the count of values lesser than a which has been stored in this node. This step is Log(n).
Now find the node containing the value b. Get the count of values lesser than b which are stored in this node. This step is also Log(n).
Subtract the two counts and you have the number of nodes between a and b. Total complexity of this search is 2*Log(n) = O(Log(n)).
See this video. The professor explains your question here by using Splay Trees.
Simple solution:
Start checking from the root node
If Node falls within range, then increase it by 1 and check in left and right child recursively
If Node is not within range, then check the values with range. If range values are less than root, then definitely possible scenarios are left subtree. Else check in right subtree
Here is the sample code. Hope it clears.
if (node == null) {
return 0;
} else if ( == x && == y) {
return 1;
} else if ( >= x && <= y) {
return 1 + nodesWithInRange(node.left, x, y) + nodesWithInRange(node.right, x, y);
} else if ( > x && > y) {
return nodesWithInRange(node.left, x, y);
} else {
return nodesWithInRange(node.right, x, y);
Time Complexity :- O(logn)+ O(K)
K is the number of elements between x and y.
It's not very ideal but good in case you would not like to modify the Binary Tree nodes definition.
store the inorder traversal of BST in array( it will be sorted). Searching 'a' and 'b' will take log(n) time and get their index and take the difference. this will give the number of node in range 'a' to 'b'.
space complexity O(n)
Idea is simple.
Traverse the BST starting from root.
For every node check if it lies in range.
If it lies in range then count++. And recur for both of its children.
If current node is smaller than low value of range, then recur for right child, else recur for left child.
Time complexity will be O(height + number of nodes in range)..
For your question that why it is not O(n).
Because we are not traversing the whole tree that is the number of nodes in the tree. We are just traversing the required subtree according to the parent's data.
int findCountInRange(Node root, int a, int b){
return 0;
if(root->data <= a && root->data >= b)
return 1 + findCountInRange(root->left, a, b)+findCountInRange(root->right, a, b);
else if(root->data < low)
return findCountInRange(root->right, a, b);
return findCountInRange(root->left, a, b);
My question is very similar to Q1 and Q2, except that I want to deal with the case where the array may have duplicate entries.
Assume the array A consists of integers sorted in increasing order. If its entries are all distinct, you can do this easily in O(log n) with binary search. But if there are duplicate entries, it's more complicated. Here's my approach:
int search(const vector<int>& A) {
int left = 0, right = A.size() - 1;
return binarySearchHelper(A, left, right);
int binarySearchHelper(const vector<int>& A, int left, int right) {
int indexFound = -1;
if (left <= right) {
int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
if (A[mid] == mid) {
return mid;
} else {
if (A[mid] <= right) {
indexFound = binarySearchHelper(A, mid + 1, right);
if (indexFound == -1 && A[left] <= mid) {
indexFound = binarySearchHelper(A, left, mid - 1);
return indexFound;
In the worst case (A has no element equal to its index), binarySearchHelper makes 2 recursive calls with input size halved at each level of recursion, meaning it has a worst-case time complexity of O(n). That's the same as the O(n) approach where you just read through the array in order. Is this really the best you can do? Also, is there a way to measure the algorithm's average time complexity? If not, is there some heuristic for deciding when to use the basic O(n) read-through approach and when to try a recursive approach such as mine?
If A has negative integers, then it's necessary to check the condition if (left <= right) in binarySearchHelper. Since, for example, if A = [-1], then the algorithm would recurse from bsh(A, 0, 0) to bsh(A,1,0) and to bsh(A,0,-1). My intuition leads me to believe the check if (left <= right) is necessary if and only if A has some negative integers. Can anyone help me verify this?
I would take a different approach. First I would eliminate all negative numbers in O(log n) simply by doing a binary search for the first positive number. This is allowed because no negative number can be equal to its index. Let's say the index of the first positive element is i.
Now I will keep doing the following until I find the element or find that it doesn't exist:
If i not inside A, return false.
If i < A[i] do i = A[i]. It would take A[i] - i duplicates to have i 'catch up' to A[i], so we would increment i by A[i] - i, this is equivalent to setting i to A[i]. Go to 1.
If i == A[i] return true (and index if you want to).
Find the first index greater than i such that i <= A[i]. You can do this doing a 'binary search from the left' by incrementing i by 1, 2, 4, 8, etc and then doing a binary search on the last interval you found it in. If it doesn't exist, return false.
In the worst case the above is stil O(n), but it has many tricks to speed it up way beyond that in better cases.
Given a list of integers, how can I best find an integer that is not in the list?
The list can potentially be very large, and the integers might be large (i.e. BigIntegers, not just 32-bit ints).
If it makes any difference, the list is "probably" sorted, i.e. 99% of the time it will be sorted, but I cannot rely on always being sorted.
Edit -
To clarify, given the list {0, 1, 3, 4, 7}, examples of acceptable solutions would be -2, 2, 8 and 10012, but I would prefer to find the smallest, non-negative solution (i.e. 2) if there is an algorithm that can find it without needing to sort the entire list.
One easy way would be to iterate the list to get the highest value n, then you know that n+1 is not in the list.
A method to find the smallest positive unused number would be to start from zero and scan the list for that number, starting over and increase if you find the number. To make it more efficient, and to make use of the high probability of the list being sorted, you can move numbers that are smaller than the current to an unused part of the list.
This method uses the beginning of the list as storage space for lower numbers, the startIndex variable keeps track of where the relevant numbers start:
public static int GetSmallest(int[] items) {
int startIndex = 0;
int result = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < items.Length) {
if (items[i] == result) {
i = startIndex;
} else {
if (items[i] < result) {
if (i != startIndex) {
int temp = items[startIndex];
items[startIndex] = items[i];
items[i] = temp;
return result;
I made a performance test where I created lists with 100000 random numbers from 0 to 19999, which makes the average lowest number around 150. On test runs (with 1000 test lists each), the method found the smallest number in unsorted lists by average in 8.2 ms., and in sorted lists by average in 0.32 ms.
(I haven't checked in what state the method leaves the list, as it may swap some items in it. It leaves the list containing the same items, at least, and as it moves smaller values down the list I think that it should actually become more sorted for each search.)
If the number doesn't have any restrictions, then you can do a linear search to find the maximum value in the list and return the number that is one larger.
If the number does have restrictions (e.g. max+1 and min-1 could overflow), then you can use a sorting algorithm that works well on partially sorted data. Then go through the list and find the first pair of numbers v_i and v_{i+1} that are not consecutive. Return v_i + 1.
To get the smallest non-negative integer (based on the edit in the question), you can either:
Sort the list using a partial sort as above. Binary search the list for 0. Iterate through the list from this value until you find a "gap" between two numbers. If you get to the end of the list, return the last value + 1.
Insert the values into a hash table. Then iterate from 0 upwards until you find an integer not in the list.
Unless it is sorted you will have to do a linear search going item by item until you find a match or you reach the end of the list. If you can guarantee it is sorted you could always use the array method of BinarySearch or just roll your own binary search.
Or like Jason mentioned there is always the option of using a Hashtable.
"probably sorted" means you have to treat it as being completely unsorted. If of course you could guarantee it was sorted this is simple. Just look at the first or last element and add or subtract 1.
I got 100% in both correctness & performance,
You should use quick sorting which is N log(N) complexity.
Here you go...
public int solution(int[] A) {
if (A != null && A.length > 0) {
quickSort(A, 0, A.length - 1);
int result = 1;
if (A.length == 1 && A[0] < 0) {
return result;
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
if (A[i] <= 0) {
if (A[i] == result) {
} else if (A[i] < result) {
} else if (A[i] > result) {
return result;
return result;
private void quickSort(int[] numbers, int low, int high) {
int i = low, j = high;
int pivot = numbers[low + (high - low) / 2];
while (i <= j) {
while (numbers[i] < pivot) {
while (numbers[j] > pivot) {
if (i <= j) {
exchange(numbers, i, j);
// Recursion
if (low < j)
quickSort(numbers, low, j);
if (i < high)
quickSort(numbers, i, high);
private void exchange(int[] numbers, int i, int j) {
int temp = numbers[i];
numbers[i] = numbers[j];
numbers[j] = temp;
Theoretically, find the max and add 1. Assuming you're constrained by the max value of the BigInteger type, sort the list if unsorted, and look for gaps.
Are you looking for an on-line algorithm (since you say the input is arbitrarily large)? If so, take a look at Odds algorithm.
Otherwise, as already suggested, hash the input, search and turn on/off elements of boolean set (the hash indexes into the set).
There are several approaches:
find the biggest int in the list and store it in x. x+1 will not be in the list. The same applies with using min() and x-1.
When N is the size of the list, allocate an int array with the size (N+31)/32. For each element in the list, set the bit v&31 (where v is the value of the element) of the integer at array index i/32. Ignore values where i/32 >= array.length. Now search for the first array item which is '!= 0xFFFFFFFF' (for 32bit integers).
If you can't guarantee it is sorted, then you have a best possible time efficiency of O(N) as you have to look at every element to make sure your final choice is not there. So the question is then:
Can it be done in O(N)?
What is the best space efficiency?
Chris Doggett's solution of find the max and add 1 is both O(N) and space efficient (O(1) memory usage)
If you want only probably the best answer then it is a different question.
Unless you are 100% sure it is sorted, the quickest algorithm still has to look at each number in the list at least once to at least verify that a number is not in the list.
Assuming this is the problem I'm thinking of:
You have a set of all ints in the range 1 to n, but one of those ints is missing. Tell me which of int is missing.
This is a pretty easy problem to solve with some simple math knowledge. It's known that the sum of the range 1 .. n is equal to n(n+1) / 2. So, let W = n(n+1) / 2 and let Y = the sum of the numbers in your set. The integer that is missing from your set, X, would then be X = W - Y.
Note: SO needs to support MathML
If this isn't that problem, or if it's more general, then one of the other solutions is probably right. I just can't really tell from the question since it's kind of vague.
Edit: Well, since the edit, I can see that my answer is absolutely wrong. Fun math, none-the-less.
I've solved this using Linq and a binary search. I got 100% across the board. Here's my code:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
if (A == null) {
return 1;
} else {
if (A.Length == 0) {
return 1;
List<int> list_test = new List<int>(A);
list_test = list_test.Distinct().ToList();
list_test = list_test.Where(i => i > 0).ToList();
if (list_test.Count == 0) {
return 1;
int lastValue = list_test[list_test.Count - 1];
if (lastValue <= 0) {
return 1;
int firstValue = list_test[0];
if (firstValue > 1) {
return 1;
return BinarySearchList(list_test);
int BinarySearchList(List<int> list) {
int returnable = 0;
int tempIndex;
int[] boundaries = new int[2] { 0, list.Count - 1 };
int testCounter = 0;
while (returnable == 0 && testCounter < 2000) {
tempIndex = (boundaries[0] + boundaries[1]) / 2;
if (tempIndex != boundaries[0]) {
if (list[tempIndex] > tempIndex + 1) {
boundaries[1] = tempIndex;
} else {
boundaries[0] = tempIndex;
} else {
if (list[tempIndex] > tempIndex + 1) {
returnable = tempIndex + 1;
} else {
returnable = tempIndex + 2;
if (returnable == list[list.Count - 1]) {
return returnable;
The longest execution time was 0.08s on the Large_2 test
You need the list to be sorted. That means either knowing it is sorted, or sorting it.
Sort the list. Skip this step if the list is known to be sorted. O(n lg n)
Remove any duplicate elements. Skip this step if elements are already guaranteed distinct. O(n)
Let B be the position of 1 in the list using a binary search. O(lg n)
If 1 isn't in the list, return 1. Note that if all elements from 1 to n are in the list, then the element at B+n must be n+1. O(1)
Now perform a sortof binary search starting with min = B, max = end of the list. Call the position of the pivot P. If the element at P is greater than (P-B+1), recurse on the range [min, pivot], otherwise recurse on the range (pivot, max]. Continue until min=pivot=max O(lg n)
Your answer is (the element at pivot-1)+1, unless you are at the end of the list and (P-B+1) = B in which case it is the last element + 1. O(1)
This is very efficient if the list is already sorted and has distinct elements. You can do optimistic checks to make it faster when the list has only non-negative elements or when the list doesn't include the value 1.
Just gave an interview where they asked me this question. The answer to this problem can be found using worst case analysis. The upper bound for the smallest natural number present on the list would be length(list). This is because, the worst case for the smallest number present in the list given the length of the list is the list 0,1,2,3,4,5....length(list)-1.
Therefore for all lists, smallest number not present in the list is less than equal to length of the list. Therefore, initiate a list t with n=length(list)+1 zeros. Corresponding to every number i in the list (less than equal to the length of the list) mark assign the value 1 to t[i]. The index of the first zero in the list is the smallest number not present in the list. And since, the lower bound on this list n-1, for at least one index j