Android Asynctask deprecated - android-asynctask

Since android's Asynctask class is deprecated, what are the new ways to implement the same task? I was trying to parse JSON data using the async task, but it is not working.

You Can use
Java Executor
Retrofit or volley to handle this request easily
or in Kotlin you can use coroutines


Kotlin coroutines with Spring JPA blocking repository

I'm trying to use kotlin coroutines with "old-style" Spring JPA repository.
I create a new coroutines scope and run all JPA calls in "async".
I see that even with non reactive JDBC I improve my throughput.
But I wonder, may be exists some coroutines wrapper on Spring JPA repository?
Something created with reflection and Spring "magic"?
First I'd like to clarify one thing to prevent a possible confusion:
If you're using Spring Data JPA, then you should know that this framework uses JDBC driver underhood, that is actually a blocking API, that means all the database calls make the calling thread block until the total result is completed and ready to be consumed.
Having that knowledge I presume you're using suspend functions with coroutines that run on Dispatcher.IO for making such calls.
This dispatcher provides you with one thread (as far as I know, it scales up to 64 threads) for each call. And that thread actually blocks while making your database call, which means coroutines and suspend does not make any magic in this kind of situation except for switching your blocking call to another thread (which eventually will be blocked).
Maybe you should take a look at r2dbc (reactive SQL driver) and use CoroutineCrudRepository<T, ID> from Spring Data instead of using standard JpaRepostitory<T, ID>.
CoroutineCrudRepository<T, ID> has all the methods with suspend which means you can use them for creating "truly" async API without blocking at all.
However, r2dbc may be not suitable for your use cases since it has a lot of limitations, such as mapping relations, caching and etc.
As far as I know there is no Spring-way to automatically wrap blocking calls, but you can take a look at this library

Howto obtain a ThreadFactory in Quarkus?

I'm trying to migrate a JEE service to Quarkus and wonder how to obtain a thread factory in a Quarkus app. Simply create one like javaExecutors.defaultThreadFactory(); as in JavaSE?
In a Java EE environment you would normally use a managed thread factory for creating threads for execution:
private ManagedThreadFactory mtf;
Any idea how to do this correctly within a Quarkus app?
Addition: Using a ManagedExecutor is unfortunately not possible as some libraries like Apache HttpAsyncClient requires a ThreadFactory for it's configuration.
Unless you have a special use-case that requires creating actual Threads, I would recommend using an Executor instead of a ThreadFactory. This is typically better because you can submit lightweight work objects (Runnable/Callable/etc) to an Executor and it will run on the Executor's thread pool (which is managed by Quarkus), as opposed to creating heavyweight threads.
Quarkus provides support for MicroProfile Context Propagation, which is basically an extension of Java EE Concurrency. To use it, you can inject a ManagedExecutor like this:
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ManagedExecutor;
// ...
ManagedExecutor exec;

How can I do sendAndReceive with Spring EventListener?

With the (meanwhile deprecated) reactor-bus from project-reactor I had the API eventBus.sendAndReceive(Event e, Consumer<?> callback).
This allowed to trigger execution by publishing an event and automatically subscribe to a response.
With Spring eventListeners I can publish another event from an EventListener method, but I am missing the feature to directly subscribe to a return value.
How do I achieve the same behaviour with spring? How do I programmaticcaly register/unregister listeners and how do I make the topics dynamic?
With Spring's ApplicationEventMulticaster you can't subscribe to a response. You probably noticed that the onApplicationEvent method returns void! The reason for this is because literally all it does is either call the Subscriber (i.e. ApplicationListener) synchronously, or runs the listener method asynchronously on an executor without returning any type of Future.
Spring's Project Reactor evolved a while ago to match the Reactive Manifesto and similar frameworks (like RxJava) more closely. Now with Spring 5 (with which Reactor comes with by default) you can use Reactor and RxJava interchangeably.
That being the case, regarding your questions:
How do I achieve the same behaviour with spring?
You use the new version of Reactor Core and the functional programming features of Flux, Mono, etc.
With Spring eventListeners I can publish another event from an
EventListener method, but I am missing the feature to directly
subscribe to a return value.
If you look at the API for Flux, you'll see that it has a fluent and functional API (in some ways similar to Java 8 streams).
Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
.map(value -> value + 1)
This way, you can operate on your "events" (i.e. 1,2,3,4 in this example), perform an operation on what would be a "return value" for those events, and then pipe those to some subscriber operation to consume those events.
How do I programmaticcaly register/unregister listeners and how do I
make the topics dynamic?
You should take a look at this SO answer.
To register/unregister, that's something you can do with what you might call "completors" in the Reactor framework. See the take functions in the Reactor API. They will signal upstream that they basically want to be unsubscribed, and that the upstream producer should stop emitting.

mock api response in graphql-java

I have a graphql API written using graphql-java-tools and graphql-java. I want to mock a query operation. How can I do this? Is Apollo graphql-tools the only way to achieve this. I havent used any other apolo library in my project yet and didnt want to go that route for just mocking service.
There is no library that supports mocking in java as of now( Apollo-graphql-tools supports only nodejs). I think best way is to mock it yourself creating new objects.

EventStore 3.0 and Publishing Events

So what would be the recommended way to publish events via Event Store 3.0? Assuming I wire up the EventStore like this:
.DispatchTo(new DelegateMessageDispatcher(DispatchCommit))
where 'DispatchCommit' looks like this:
DispatchCommit(Commit commit)
I can watch the committed events fire off as expected. However, ES 2.0 had the IContainer passing into the message dispatcher and I could resolve a bus instance and send events. Shall I use a class that implements IDispatchCommits ?
Anyone using ES 3.0 with any thoughts?
Here's the code I'm using in production to dispatch commits:
I have my container configured to only create a single instance of the dependency.
