I'd like to use the 'faker' library to generate fake data in JSON file as below.
In karate-config.js, I do the following:
var faker = require('faker');
In sample.json:
'firstName': '#(faker.name.firstName)'
'city' : '#(faker.address.city)'
But I'm getting error like 'unable to find 'require' keyword in 'karate-config.js'
Please help on this.
Karate does not support NPM or the require keyword. For complex custom logic, the recommendation is to use Java interop.
My suggestion is you should find a Java library that does what "faker" does and integrate it.
First add the below dependency in your pom.xml
For the latest version of the dependency click here
Use the below code in karate-config.js:
config.faker = Java.type('com.github.javafaker.Faker');
In the feature file use the below code:
* def fakerObj = new faker()
* def fName = fakerObj.name().firstName()
* def lName = fakerObj.name().lastName()
* def mailId = fName+'.'+lName+'#test.com'
You could use the same in JSON body as follows:
Please click here for the class and methods of faker package
As far as I know, karate only supports java based dependencies. So try to find a Java equivalent for your JS library.
thanks for your response and suggestion, tried below and working fine.
in karate-config.js:
var faker = Java.type('.FakerClass');
config.faker = faker;
in sample.json:
{ 'name': '#(faker.address.city)' }
I have a problem with Karate afterFeature configuration.
I want to call a clean up step from a separate feature file after every scenario. Hence, I configured a afterFeature js function, that should call that cleanup feature using karates call function.
The callonce works fine in prior step, but I have problem with the afterFeature.
This is the code how I configure afterFeature:
* def result = callonce read('../callOnceCreateCompanyForBrowse.feature')
* def id = result.response.data.createCompanyEvent.id
* configure afterFeature = function(){ karate.call('../../deleteCompanyEvent.feature', {id : id}); }
Suggestion, instead of relative paths (which is hard to get right) use the classpath: prefix.
* configure afterFeature = function(){ karate.call('classpath:com/myco/deleteCompanyEvent.feature', { id: id }) }
EDIT: looks like the solution was using a runner instead of running the feature directly.
Suppose following configuration:
ext {
libraries = [:]
libraries += [
library : [group: 'com.example', name: 'library', version: '1.1.1']
apply(from = "build.dependencies.gradle")
dependencies {
implementation(libraries["library"]) // does not work
Is there a way to get values provided by Groovy script in build.gradle.kts?
It doesn’t work because Kotlin is statically/strongly typed language unlike Groovy. libraries is not defined on any object from Gradle’s API.
You can access it like so:
dependencies {
implementation((project.extra["libraries"] as LinkedHashMap<*, *>)["library"]!!)
project.extra[“libraries”] returns an Object so we need to cast it correctly in order to get the next value. It is also marked as #Nullable so hence the !! operator.
A better way to manage dependency versions is to leverage Java Platform plugin.
I have Spring RESTfull application and I want to generate an API for it. I use a gradle configuration from there https://github.com/Casturan/swagger-gradle-example/blob/master/build.gradle to generate code. But there is problem it uses models defined in definitions: while I want it to use my models from shared module. I found that I need to use importMapping but when I try to apply this command in my build.gradle I am getting an error:
importMappings = [
'board_container': 'board_container=com.workingbit.share.domain.impl.BoardContainer'
> Could not set unknown property 'importMappings' for task ':myproject:generateApi' of type org.gradle.api.DefaultTask.
So question how to use importMapping and how to connect it with my model in yaml?
I haven't tried it but looking at the code of CodegenConfigurator modifying the generateApi task like this in the build.gradle might work:
task generateApi {
def config = new CodegenConfigurator()
'interfaceOnly' : 'true',
'apiPackage' : 'com.dturan.api',
'modelPackage' : 'com.dturan.model',
'sourceFolder' : swaggerTargetFolder
//Add this line
config.addImportMapping("board_container", "com.workingbit.share.domain.impl.BoardContainer")
new DefaultGenerator().opts(config.toClientOptInput()).generate()
The CodegenConfigurator is being called at the second line in the build.gradle you linked to in your question and it has a few methods to configure importMappings. You can have a look here (if this doesn't work try with the setImportMappings).
I am new to use ruby language and having an issue to switch the context to webview. found solution in Java that I need to put in ruby, please could you help understand how this works in Ruby?
Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
for (String context : contextNames) {
if (context.contains(contextName)) {
Using appium_lib, I use set_context for change context between 'NATIVE_APP' or 'WEBVIEW'. doc: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/appium_lib/8.0.1/Appium%2FDevice%3Aset_context
And for list contexts I use: available_contexts. doc: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/appium_lib/8.0.1/Appium/Device#available_contexts-instance_method
We created a full appium suite and use the methods below to switch the context for us:
def set_native_context
#context = 'Native_App'
def set_webview_context
#context = 'WebView'
I am not able to make plugin work with angular project template .GitHub shows only code in native and XML .Sample plugin code works but unfortunately no angular support or help given. I am not able show on angular template.
relevant code i am using
registerElement("AutoComplete", () => require("nativescript-autocomplete").AutoComplete);
public list :Array = ['1','2','3','4','567'] ;
public itemTapped(args){
<AutoComplete items=""{{list}}"" itemTap="itemTapped($event)"> </AutoComplete>
i am getting exception on console while page loads and autocompletion doesnt work
this.items.forEach is not a function inside plugin code .that line is with definition of AutoComplete.prototype.itemsUpdate inside autocomplete.android.js plugin source
Debugging into plugin source it breaks at initialization time :
'AutoComplete.prototype.itemsUpdate = function (items) {
var arr = Array.create(java.lang.String, this.items.length);
this.items.forEach(function (item, index) {
arr[index] = item;
var ad = new android.widget.ArrayAdapter(app.android.context, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, arr);
In detail.component.html
<AutoComplete [items]="list" (itemTap)="itemTapped($event)"> </AutoComplete>
in details.component.ts add
public list:any= ['1','2','3','4','567'] ;
//console.log(ev); your code
Issue in npm version. Clone the repository.
Replace all the files in node_modules/nativescript-autocomplete ,expect screenshot, demo folders and git related files. And try the solution