I'm trying to install a website with ansible When I do:
./architecture/scripts/provision.sh lxc
I get this result:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/__init__.py:39: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release.
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/__init__.py:39: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release.
[WARNING]: - ansible-genericservice was NOT installed successfully: - command git clone git#git.smile.fr:ansible/ansible-genericservice.git ansible-genericservice failed in directory /tmp/tmpmZfdUa (rc=128)
ERROR! - you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles and finish processing the list.
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/__init__.py:39: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release.
[DEPRECATION WARNING]: The use of 'include' for tasks has been deprecated. Use 'import_tasks' for static inclusions or 'include_tasks' for dynamic inclusions. This feature will be removed in a future release.
Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
[DEPRECATION WARNING]: include is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged. The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.. This feature will be removed in a
future release. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
PLAY [dbservers,cacheservers,searchservers,webservers] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Warning: the ECDSA host key for 'webstore.lxc' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /home/jredor/.ssh/known_hosts:19
Matching host key in /home/jredor/.ssh/known_hosts:21
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
ok: [lxc-server]
TASK [include_vars] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [lxc-server]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "No file was found when using with_first_found. Use the 'skip: true' option to allow this task to be skipped if no files are found"}
to retry, use: --limit #/home/jredor/projets/webstore/architecture/provisioning/provision.retry
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
lxc-server : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
I can't find how to pass the skip option to true. My ansible file look like that:
cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
cd ..
source scripts/_environment-with-lxc.sh
source scripts/_ansible.sh
ansible-galaxy install -r provisioning/requirements.yml -p provisioning/roles -n -f
ansible-playbook --ssh-extra-args="${ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS}" provisioning/provision.yml -i provisioning/inventory/$inventory
exit $?
It's the first time that I use ansible so I'm lost.
So here is the code in provision.yml
# load variables for each servers
- hosts:
- dbservers
- cacheservers
- searchservers
- webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- include: includes/include-vars.yml
# Prepare the delivery authorized keys
- hosts:
- dbservers
- cacheservers
- searchservers
- webservers
connection: local
ansible_user: "root"
- name: "{{ magento_project_user }}"
group: "{{ magento_webserver_group }}"
authorized_keys: "{{ delivery_authorized_keys }}"
- name: "Prepare the list of the authorized keys for delivery - Extra Keys"
set_fact: delivery_authorized_keys="{{ delivery_authorized_extra_keys }}"
- name: "Prepare the delivery_users object"
set_fact: delivery_users="{{ tmp_delivery_users }}"
# add hosts alias on Servers
- hosts:
- dbservers
- cacheservers
- searchservers
- webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- include: includes/init-hosts.yml
with_items: "{{ specific_hosts|default([]) }}"
# add magento hosts alias on WebServers
- hosts:
- webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- include: includes/init-hosts.yml
with_items: "{{ magento_server_alias|default([]) }}"
# Generic behaviors on all servers
- hosts:
- dbservers
- cacheservers
- searchservers
- webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- role: ansible-basicserver
# Generic usage of the ansible roles - DB Server
- hosts: dbservers
ansible_user: "root"
- role: ansible-mysql-server
# Generic usage of the ansible roles - Cache Server
- hosts: cacheservers
ansible_user: "root"
- {
role: ansible-redis,
redis_instance_name: "magento_cache",
redis_setting_port: "{{ magento_cache_port }}",
redis_setting_save: "{{ redis_setting_save_cache }}"
- {
role: ansible-redis,
redis_instance_name: "magento_session",
redis_setting_port: "{{ magento_cache_session_port }}",
redis_setting_save: "{{ redis_setting_save_session }}"
# Generic usage of the ansible roles - Search Server
- hosts: searchservers
ansible_user: "root"
- role: ansible-elasticsearch
# Prepare php parameters
- hosts: webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- include: includes/prepare-php-parameters.yml
# Generic usage of the ansible roles - Webserver Server
- hosts: webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- role: ansible-php
- role: ansible-apache
- role: ansible-varnish
- role: ansible-nginx
# Specific usage of the ansible roles - Webserver Server - Dev Tools
- hosts: webservers
ansible_user: "root"
- { role: ansible-npm, when: magento_install_maildev or magento_install_grunt }
- { role: ansible-maildev, when: magento_install_maildev }
- name: "Install NPM package: grunt-cli"
npm: name="grunt-cli" global=yes
when: magento_install_grunt
- name: "Add delivery user in groups"
name: "{{ magento_project_user }}"
groups: "{{ magento_delivery_groups }}"
- name: "Create {{ magento_source_path }} folder"
path: "{{ magento_source_path }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ magento_project_user }}"
group: "{{ magento_project_group }}"
mode: "u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX"
# Specific task for Magento 2
- name: "Check if Magento app/etc/env.php exists"
path: "{{ magento_source_path }}/app/etc/env.php"
register: magento_app_etc_env
- name: "Update app/etc/env.php configuration file"
src: "templates/magento/env.php.j2"
dest: "{{ magento_source_path }}/app/etc/env.php"
owner: "{{ magento_project_user }}"
group: "{{ magento_webserver_group }}"
mode: "u=rw,g=rw,o=r"
magento_cache_database: "{{ magento_cache_database_for_run }}"
when: magento_app_etc_env.stat.exists
# Update permissions
- include: includes/permissions-tasks-full.yml
It was coded by a fellow coworker and I'm just trying to use it to deplay the website on my computer. So I guess I have to put here the "skip:true" but I really don't know where, sorry. Thanks for your help!
You can specify the skip option as the argument in the failing lookup, https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/lookup/first_found.html#parameter-skip
I am fairly new to Ansible. I have created an Ansible role that contains the following tasks that will deploy a vm from a template, then configure the VM with custom OS settings:
I can successfully deploy a VM from a template via the "create-vm" task. But after that is
complete, I would like to continue with the "configure-vm" task. Since the playbooks/role-vm-deploy.yml file contains "localhost" as shown here...
- hosts: localhost
- vm-deploy
gather_facts: no
connection: local
... the next task doesn't run successfully because it is attempting to run the task against "localhost" and not the new VM hostname. I have since added the following to the end of the "create-vm" task...
- name: Add host to group 'just_created'
name: '{{ hostname }}.{{ domain }}'
groups: just_created
...but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I can't quite wrap my head around what else I need to do and how to call the new hostname in the "configure-vm" task instead of localhost.
I am executing the playbook via CLI
# ansible-playbook playbooks/role-vm-deploy.yml
I saw this post, which was kind of helpful
I also saw the dynamic inventory documentation, but it's a bit over my head at this juncture. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Here are the contents for the playbooks and tasks
### playbooks -> role-vm-deploy.yml
- hosts: localhost
- vm-deploy
gather_facts: no
connection: local
### roles -> vm-deploy -> tasks -> main.yml
- name: Deploy VM
include: create-vm.yml
- create-vm
- name: Configure VM
include: configure-vm.yml
- configure-vm
### roles -> vm-deploy -> tasks -> create-vm.yml
- name: Clone the template
hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
password: '{{ vcenter_pwd }}'
validate_certs: False
name: '{{ hostname }}'
template: '{{ template_name }}'
datacenter: '{{ datacenter }}'
folder: '/'
memory_mb: '{{ memory }}'
num_cpus: '{{ num_cpu }}'
- label: "Network adapter 1"
state: present
connected: True
name: '{{ vlan }}'
state: poweredon
wait_for_ip_address: yes
### roles -> vm-deploy -> tasks -> configure-vm.yml
### This task is what I need to execute on the new hostname, but it attempts to execute on "localhost" ###
# Configure Networking
- name: Configure IP Address
path: '{{ network_conf_file }}'
regexp: '^IPADDR='
line: 'IPADDR={{ ip_address }}'
- name: Configure Gateway Address
path: '{{ network_conf_file }}'
regexp: '^GATEWAY='
line: 'GATEWAY={{ gw_address }}'
### roles -> vm-deploy -> defaults -> main.yml
- All of the variables reside here including "{{ hostname }}.{{ domain }}"
You got so close! The trick is to observe that a playbook is actually a list of plays (the yaml objects that are {"hosts": "...", "tasks": []}), and the targets of subsequent plays don't have to exist when the playbook starts -- presumably for this very reason. Thus:
- hosts: localhost
- vm-deploy
gather_facts: no
connection: local
# or wherever you were executing this -- it wasn't obvious from your question
- name: Add host to group 'just_created'
name: '{{ hostname }}.{{ domain }}'
groups: just_created
- hosts: just_created
- debug:
msg: hello from the newly created {{ inventory_hostname }}
My folder structure:
First I'll give you this so you can see how this is laid out and reference it when reading below:
hosts // Inventory file
firewall_rules.yml // File I'm trying to bring in
playbook.yml // Root playbook, just brings in the plays
rev-proxy.yml // Reverse-proxy playbook, included by playbook.yml
- include: webserver.yml
- include: rev-proxy.yml
proxies.yml just contains firewall_custom_include_file: custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml
- name: "Allowing traffic from webservers on 80"
ufw: src=, port=80, direction=in, rule=allow
- name: "Allowing traffic all on 443"
ufw: port=443, rule=allow
and finally rev-proxy.yml play:
- hosts: proxies
become: yes
- { role: firewall }
- { role: geerlingguy.nginx }
# jessie-backports for nginx-extras 1.10
- name: "Adding jessie-backports repo"
copy: content="deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main" dest="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie-backports.list"
- name: Updating apt-cache.
apt: update_cache="yes"
- name: "Installing htop"
name: htop
state: present
- name: "Coopying SSL certificates"
copy: src=/vagrant/ansible/files/ssl/ dest=/etc/ssl/certs force=no
- name: "Including custom firewall rules."
include: "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ firewall_custom_include_file }}.yml"
when: firewall_custom_include_file is defined
- ./vars/nginx/common.yml
- ./vars/nginx/proxy.yml
What I'm trying to do:
Using Ansible
I'm trying to include a list of tasks that will be run if a variable firewall_custom_include_file is set. The list is included relative to the inventory directory by doing "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ firewall_custom_include_file }}.yml" - in this case that works out to /vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml
Essentially the idea here is that I need to have different firewall rules be executed based on what environment I'm in, and what hosts are being provisioned.
To give a simple example: I might want to whitelist a database server IP on the production webserver, but not on the reverse proxy, and also not on my development box.
The problem:
Whenever I include firewall_rules.yml like above, it tells me:
TASK [Including custom firewall rules.] ****************************************
fatal: [proxy-1]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "reason": "included task files must contain a list of tasks"}
I'm not sure what it's expecting, I tried taking out the tasks: at the beginning of the file, making it:
- name: "Allowing traffic from webservers on 80"
ufw: src=, port=80, direction=in, rule=allow
- name: "Allowing traffic all on 443"
ufw: port=443, rule=allow
But then it gives me the error:
root#ansible-control:/vagrant/ansible# ansible-playbook -i environments/development playbook.yml
ERROR! Attempted to execute "/vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml" as inventory script: problem running /vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml --list ([Errno 8] Exec format error)
Attempted to read "/vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml" as YAML: 'AnsibleSequence' object has no attribute 'keys'
Attempted to read "/vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml" as ini file: /vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml:2: Expected key=value host variable assignment, got: name:
At this point I'm not really sure what it's looking for in the included file, and I can't seem to really find clear documentation on this, or other people having this issue.
Try to execute with -i environments/development/hosts instead of directory.
But I bet that storing tasks file inside inventory is far from best practices.
You may want to define list of custom rules as inventory variable, e.g.:
- src:
port: 80
direction: in
rule: allow
- port: 443
rule: allow
And instead of include task, make something like this:
- ufw:
port: "{{ item.port | default(omit) }}"
rule: "{{ item.rule | default(omit) }}"
direction: "{{ item.direction | default(omit) }}"
src: "{{ item.src | default(omit) }}"
with_items: "{{ custom_rules }}"
I have an Ansible (2.1.1.) inventory:
build_machine ansible_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
staging_machine ansible_host=my.staging.host ansible_user=stager
I'm using SSH without ControlMaster.
I have a playbook that has a synchronize command:
- name: Copy build to staging
hosts: staging_machine
- synchronize: src=... dest=...
delegate_to: staging_machine
remote_user: stager
The command prompts for password of the wrong user:
local-mac-user#my-staging-host's password:
So instead of using ansible_user defined in the inventory or remote_user defined in task to connect to target (hosts specified in play), it uses the user that we connected to delegate-to box as, to connect to target hosts.
What am I doing wrong? How do I fix this?
EDIT: It works in 2.0.2, doesn't work in 2.1.x
The remote_user setting is used at the playbook level to set a particular play run as a user.
- hosts: webservers
remote_user: root
- name: ensure apache is at the latest version
name: httpd
state: latest
- name: write the apache config file
src: /srv/httpd.j2
dest: /etc/httpd.conf
If you only have a certain task that needs to be run as a different user you can use the become and become_user settings.
- name: Run command
command: whoami
become: yes
become_user: some_user
Finally if you have a group of tasks to run as a user in a play you can group them with block
- block:
- name: checkout repo
repo: https://github.com/some/repo.git
version: master
dest: "{{ dst }}"
- name: change perms
dest: "{{ dst }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
owner: some_user
become: yes
become_user: some user
- How to switch a user per task or set of tasks?
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_intro.html
The one which works for me but please note that it is for Windows and Linux do not require become_method: runas and basically does not have it
- name: restart IIS services
name: '{{ item }}'
state: restarted
start_mode: auto
force_dependent_services: true
become: yes
become_method: runas
become_user: '{{ webserver_user }}'
ansible_become_password: '{{ webserver_password }}'
delegate_facts: true
delegate_to: '{{ groups["webserver"][0] }}'
when: dev_env
Try set become: yes and become_user: stager on your YAML file... That should fix it...
my inventory file's contents -
x.x.x.x ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
x.x.x.x ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
in my tasks file which is in common role i.e. it will run on both hosts but I want to run a following task on host webservers not in dbservers which is defined in inventory file
- name: Install required packages
apt: name={{ item }} state=present
- '{{ programs }}'
become: yes
tags: programs
is when module helpful or there is any other way? How could I do this ?
If you want to run your role on all hosts but only a single task limited to the webservers group, then - like you already suggested - when is your friend.
You could define a condition like:
when: inventory_hostname in groups['webservers']
Thank you, this helps me too.
hosts file:
requirements.yml file:
- name: install the sphinx-search rpm from a remote repo on x86_64 - internal host
when: inventory_hostname in groups['internal']
name: http://sphinxsearch.com/files/sphinx-2.2.11-1.rhel7.x86_64.rpm
state: present
- name: install the sphinx-search rpm from a remote repo on i386 - Production
when: inventory_hostname in groups['production']
name: http://sphinxsearch.com/files/sphinx-2.2.11-2.rhel6.i386.rpm
state: present
An alternative to consider in some scenarios is -
delegate_to: hostname
There is also this example form the ansible docs, to loop over a group. https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_delegation.html -
- hosts: app_servers
- name: gather facts from db servers
delegate_to: "{{item}}"
delegate_facts: True
loop: "{{groups['dbservers']}}"
I'm using ansible to deploy several sites to the same server. Each site is a separate 'host' in the ansible hosts inventory, which works really well.
However, there are only two databases: production and testing.
How can I make sure my database-migration task only runs once per database?
I've read into the group_by, run_once and delegate_to features, but I'm not sure how to combine those.
The hosts look something like:
site1.example.com ansible_ssh_host=webserver.example.com
site2.example.com ansible_ssh_host=webserver.example.com
beta-site1.example.com ansible_ssh_host=webserver.example.com
beta-site2.example.com ansible_ssh_host=webserver.example.com
The current playbook looks like this:
- hosts: all
- tasks:
# ...
- name: "postgres: Create PostgreSQL database"
sudo: yes
sudo_user: postgres
postgresql_db: db="{{ DATABASES.default.NAME }}" state=present template=template0 encoding='UTF-8' lc_collate='en_US.UTF-8' lc_ctype='en_US.UTF-8'
tags: postgres
register: createdb
delegate_to: "{{ DATABASES.default.HOST|default(inventory_hostname) }}"
# ...
- name: "django-post: Create Django database tables (migrate)"
django_manage: command=migrate app_path={{ src_dir }} settings={{ item.settings }} virtualenv={{ venv_dir }}
with_items: django_projects
#run_once: true
- django-post
- django-db
- migrate
The best way I found was to restrict the execution of a task to the first host of a group. Therefore you need to add the groupname and the databases to a group_vars file like:
- name: project_1
settings: ...
- name: project_n
settings: ...
- name: project_1
settings: ...
- name: project_n
settings: ...
site1.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
site2.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
beta-site1.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
beta-site2.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
and limit the task execution to the first host that matches that group:
- name: "django-post: Create Django database tables (migrate)"
django_manage: command=migrate app_path={{ src_dir }} settings={{ item.settings }} virtualenv={{ venv_dir }}
with_items: django_projects
when: groups[dbtype][0] == inventory_hostname
- django-post
- django-db
- migrate
So, the below will illustrate why I say "once per group" is generally not supported. Naturally, I would love to see a cleaner out-of-the-box way, and do let me know if "once per group" isn't what you're after.
site1.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
site2.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
beta-site1.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
beta-site2.example.com ansible_ssh_host=localhost ansible_connection=local
Example playbook which will do something on the dbhost once per group (the two real groups):
- hosts: all
- name: "do this once per group"
sudo: yes
delegate_to: localhost
msg: "do something on {{hostvars[groups[item.key].0]['dbhost']}} for {{item}}"
register: create_db
run_once: yes
with_dict: groups
when: item.key not in ['all', 'ungrouped']