Weblogic managed server getting disconnecting automatically - java-7

Weblogic managed server stopped suddenly without printing any log. I checked all weblogic logs as well as managed log find nothing related to shutdown. How to debug the cause for the shutdown


Tomcat 8.5 hot deploy lost connection with Elasticsearch

In my test environment, I am running tomcat and I do hot deployment. This works most of the time, but there are rare occasion wherein the connection between tomcat and Elasticsearch gets lost. In my other application with tomcat and Elasticsearch (different version of Elasticsearch), I still encounter the same issue.
Usually, I just restart tomcat and it will establish the connection with Elasticsearch again. So in my other application, I stop tomcat before deploying the war file, then start it again. Since then, I am not getting this issue (lost ES connection) for that project. However, in the project that still uses hot deployment.. I am still getting this weird issue. If I do stop/deploy/start Tomcat, it will not have that issue, but I want this project to use hot deployment. I am thinking that tomcat should reestablish a connection with Elasticsearch, but this is not the case.
Anyone experienced this issue? and how did you manage to fix this hot deployment issue with Elasticsearch? By the way, I use spring data Elasticsearch and rest high level client Elasticsearch on different projects and both have the same issue on hot deploy (rarely happens though).

Application deployment on Payara with JMS connection problems

We have noticed our web application is not being deployed on Payara 4.1 when Message Driven Beans fail to connect to the server properly or the queues are missing. We'd rather have the application up and running, then fail a deployment due to JMS connection issues. Is there a way on Payara to prevent deployment crashes due to JMS failing?
EDIT: We use IBM MQ with the wmq.jmsra resource adapter.
You didn't state which exact version of Payara (e.g. 4.1.174) and I forgot when this was added, but could you please try to set the system property
and check if this behaves as you desire.
You can do
asadmin create-jvm-options -Ddeployment.resource.validation=false
or simply put it in your domain.xml.

Spring Boot application won't quit on 'eb deploy' since I added embedded ActiveMQ

I have a Spring Boot application hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Ever since I included embedded ActiveMQ the application won't quit on redeploy - I am getting an error about the port 5000 already in use when it is trying to start the newly deployed jar.
The only workaround I found is to recreate the environment after each re-deploy, which means a long downtime.
I am suspecting a timing problem with the shutdown hook.
When I Ctrl-C the application in local, it quits after a several seconds delay, with some exceptions:
javax.jms.JMSException: peer (vm://embedded#1) stopped.
at org.apache.activemq.util.JMSExceptionSupport.create(JMSExceptionSupport.java:54) ~[activemq-client-5.15.10.jar:5.15.10]
Caused by: org.apache.activemq.transport.TransportDisposedIOException: peer (vm://embedded#1) stopped.
My brokerUrl is set to vm://embedded?broker.persistent=false,useShutdownHook=false, althought jConsole shows Broker/Embedded/Attributes/Persistent is true.
Any hints?

Weblogic JMS Bridge weblogic.transaction.RollbackException

We have a bridge configured in weblogic A server which picks the messages from another weblogic server B queue and put it in the Weblogic A queue.
However suddenly we are getting the below exception in the wevblogic log and bridge is unable to pick the messages from Weblogic Server B queue.
<May 16, 2018 9:30:54 AM IST> <Warning> <MessagingBridge> <BEA-200026>
<Bridge "AAA" encountered problems in one of its adapters or underlying
systems. It stopped transferring messages and will try to reconnect to
the adapters shortly. (The exception that occurred was
weblogic.transaction.RollbackException: Aborting prepare because the
following resources could not be assigned: WLStore_WLS_AdminServerPLT)>
I tried below solution however none of them worked.
1) Cleared the Persistence Store from Weblogic A console and bounced the server
2) Created another Persistence store in Weblogic A and used newly created Persistence stored in JMS server.
The issue was resolved after we cleared all the pending messages from Weblogic Server B queue. I was not able to identify the specific message in the queue which was causing the error.

WebSphere remote server debug configuration in IntelliJ Idea

I am trying to debug deployed application which is running in the remote WebSphere server version 7. When I try to configure server, I am getting error presented on the picture below. Please advise me how to configure the debug mode
I have referred following source https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/run-debug-configuration-websphere-server.html#d1145856e682
