How can I use a multiple line text as a prompt text for a report parameter - birt

I want to use a long text with multiples line in the prompt text of one of my report report parameter. The text is something like :
"Minimum duration : Default value 0
This parameter is used to evaluate the time period when the report will be executed. (Today date - Minimum duration = Start Date)"
I didn't find any way to format the text prompt, it only show as a single line.
Is there any way to achieve this ?


How to display date in one line?

I have a minor problem with viewing one variable in a table. I changed data type of "date" from object to datetime64, but now it is displayed on 2 lines.
This is the code I used.
Is there a way to make it work on one line?
I tried to widen the "date" column, by setting up the maximum width.
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', None)
I think you are asking why the dash breaks the line. In order to force a non-breaking hyphen, replace the normal "-" with this HTML entity:
That is also displayed as a hyphen, but it will not cause a line break.

Plain Text to Duration conversion google sheets

I'm trying to set up a form where colleagues can input times and durations and other elements will auto-fill.
I've got the input converting plain text to time using:
=text(time(left(X4,2),right(X4,2),),"HH:mm AM/PM")
But haven't worked out how to do the same for duration (ideally inputting in minutes e.g. 90 equates to 01:30:00).
First of all, your formula doesn't convert to time because the output of text is plain text. To get actual time, use time(left(X4,2),right(X4,2),) and format cells with this formula as HH:mm AM/PM.
Similarly for duration: if X4 has "90", then time(0,X4,0) will display the duration of 1:30:00 provided the cell is formatted as duration.

Autocomplete with parameters in Autokey

I'm using autokey to improve my productivity, I create a sample script with abbreviation that trigger when the tab key is pressed, and the next code is executed by autokey:
output = "My phrase"
And it work with simple phrases, but I need send parameters in the abbreviation and I need that Autokey use that parameters to generate the phrase. For example I need that with the abbreviation abb-param1-param2, Autokey output the phrase:
This is the message, and you send the parameters: parameter 1: param1, paremeter 2: param2.
My problem with this is that I cant get the word before the cursor text to split it with the '-' separator and take the two last positions of the generated array like parameters to generate the new phrase.
Somebody know what can I to do to solve this problem ?
Thank you.

Display (in the terminal) a 72 column text field

In a bash script, I'm looking for a way to display a text field (probably surrounded by asterisks or something) that is 72 columns wide that the user can type in. I would like to run the script, and at one point set the value of a variable to what this text field returns, newlines included. They would exit text entry with some key sequence or a line with one word, the sentinal value, followed by the enter key. Upon exciting, the variable contains the text, including newlines.
I currently can capture the text using $(cat) or a simple read loop, but I'm looking for an an alternative, or a way to restrict lines to 72 and keep newlines using those methods.
Any ideas?
I ended up going with dialog using the --editbox option after creating a temporary text file. Thank you for the suggestions – broma0

DOS command to format string to hex value

Is it possible to format a string to a hex value using DOS command? I'm trying to pass a hex value to my program from command line but it takes that complete value a a string and not as hex value?
Forget about Peak Oil, what about Peak DOS? It's time to look to the future. And the future is PowerShell.
PS > "{0:x4}" -f ([int]"999")
I'm not sure about a DOS command, but you can use Windows Calculator to do this... Just put it into Scientific Mode (the View menu), then put it into Decimal mode (also the View Menu), then type the number, then put it into Hex Mode (again, in the View menu). It will show you the corresponding Hex value for the decimal number you entered.
No it only passes strings. You need to do the conversion to hex from inside your program.
