Delete Production track from google play console - google-play

I just published an app on the playstore, but I published it on Production track and I wanted it to be on Closed tracks for now, in alpha version so that it would only be downloaded by testers.
Is there an option that allows me to disable the Production track and later put it into production?
Thank you.


How can I test an older version of my app in Google Play Store?

I'm using Google Play Store to distribute an app.
For a certain issue, I would like to install an OLDER version of my app to one of the client's device.
I'm struggling to do so, is there any way to do that?
No matter how and which "testing" method I apply, Google Play automatically shows the HIGHEST version of the app which is the "release" version ignoring the old test versions.
Creating an APK would be NO way because I need Google Play's own signature in the apk to make things work (to test the things we would like to)
Is there any way at all to distribute my OLDER app version from Google Play store?
(By the way Google's testing methods are inexpressibly unusable even apart from this problem. You never see what really happens, you cannot really manage the testing channels the GUI is miserable the notification email is late the testing is slow and painful you don't see the version number in the Google Play Store, there are like 3 methods to do so and the difference between them is not self explaining, I give 1 start to the developers who made these parts of Google Play I hope they read this.)
Thanks in advance.
From Google Play Console go to App bundle explorer
Then choose the version you want to install
Go to Downloads tab
click on Copy sharable link
install it from you device using this link
Note: the device's Google Play account should be an internal tester and enable internal testing from Google Play on this device.

Do builds on Google Play's Open/Beta Track expire?

We released an app on the Open/Beta test Track on Google Play and need to know if the build will expire so we can upload a new build. I've looked at a lot of Google Play Console documentation and around the web and I can't find anything that confirms whether there is an expiration timeline or not, and what it is.
*Apple has a 90 day expiration on TestFlight so we think there is a good chance Google Play has an expiration too.
To this day, there is no expiration for the artifacts published on the Play Console, on any track. You can leave your artifacts on a beta track forever if you want.
You publish a new version on that track them by uploading a version with a higher versionCode.
Hope that helps.

How to publish an Alpha Internal Track app version from AppCenter to PlayStore

I've sucessfully connected my app account with Console Developers Play Store and AppCenter
Inside Appcenter dashboard I have:
AppName => Distribute -> stores haves 3 ways to distribute app version
I've created into PlayStore an Alpha Internal Track... But it does not show in AppCenter... How can I publish from App Center to Play Store with a Private Internal Alpha Version
I was wondering the same and asked the question through Intercom. Here is Anvesh's answer:
Hi there, thank you for contacting us!
Right now, Google APIs don't expose a way to get to the Test/Customized tracks.
Our Team is having a close watch on those API changes so AppCenter can support them.
Until the APIs themselves don't expose these, I'm afraid we're helpless.

Is it possible to publish game update to AppStore and Google Play simulanously exactly at the same time?

When developing online game I would really like to avoid supporting different protocol versions. The server can check the version of a client and deny login until the client gets updated. But the problem here is that I need the app update to become available simultanously at the same time on AppStore and Google Play.
Is it possible to do? How do you solve such versioning problems?
Well, I am not sure how it works for the GooglePlayStore but if you choose Developer Release instead of automatic then you could just release it in the moment it approves on the GooglePlayStore and about 30mins. later your iOS app will be online and available as well. That's what I'd do.

How to know the number of beta users of my app?

Google Play Developer Console allows developers to upload a beta APK, and invite a Google Group to use it.
How to know how many users are using my beta?
In the console:
Go to Statistics,
Click Export as CSV,
Uncheck everything but Installs devices current and by app version
In the resulting CSV, spot the id of the APK you sent for beta
The number in the third column is the number of beta users.
The Google Play Developer Console has changed a lot since the original answer.
If you are using Open Beta Testing then go to:
Release Management / App Releases / Manage Beta
and you will see something like this:
Note: if the number of testers is not showing, this might be because the number has not yet reached a certain threshold.
This specifically answers the question "How many people have opted into Beta testing?" which may or may not be what the OP was really interested in.
Analytics would be the way to discover how many are actually using the beta version.
