I want to read a file by ansible and find specific thing and store all of them in a file in my localhost
for example there is /tmp/test file in all host and I want to grep specific thing in this file and store all of them in my home.
What should I do?
There might be many ways to accomplish this. The choice of Ansible modules (or even tools) can vary.
One approach is (using only Ansible):
Slurp the remote file
Write new file with filtered content
Fetch the file to Control machine
- hosts: remote_host
# Slurp the file
- name: Get contents of file
src: /tmp/test
register: testfile
# Filter the contents to new file
- name: Save contents to a variable for looping
testfile_contents: "{{ testfile.content | b64decode }}"
- name: Write a filtered file
path: /tmp/filtered_test
line: "{{ item }}"
create: yes
when: "'TEXT_YOU_WANT' in item"
with_items: "{{ testfile_contents.split('\n') }}"
# Fetch the file
- name: Fetch the filtered file
src: /tmp/filtered_test
dest: /tmp/
This will fetch the file to /tmp/<ANSIBLE_HOSTNAME>/tmp/filtered_test.
You can use the Ansible fetch module to download files from the remote system to your local system. You can then do the processing locally, as shown in this Ansible cli example:
ansible -m fetch -a "src=/tmp/test dest=/tmp/ansiblefetch/" $REMOTE && \
grep "[WHAT_YOU_ARE_INTERESTED_IN]" /tmp/ansiblefetch/$REMOTE/tmp/test > /home/user/ansible_files/$REMOTE
This snippet runs the ad-hoc version of Ansible, calling the module fetch with the source folder (on the remote) and the destination folder (locally) as arguments. Fetch copies the file into a folder [SRC]/[REMOTE_NAME]/[DEST], from which we then grep what we are interested in, and output that in the /home/user/ansible_files/$REMOTE.
I'm trying to figure out how one would copy or write the contents of a slurped variable to a remote (preferable) file. If this is not possible, what's the cleanest way to do it in steps?
I have something like this:
- name: Load r user public key
src: *path*
register: slurped_r_key
- name: Decode r key
r_content: "{{ slurped_r_key.content | b64decode }}"
I want to get the contents of {{ r_content }} into a file in the remote machines that are part of an inventory group. If I cannot do that directly, what's the best way? Should I copy the contents to a local file and then scp the file over to the remote machines?
Thanks in advance!
To copy the variable to a file you can try as below:
- name: copy
content: "{{r_content}}"
dest: /tmp/testing
I write a simple playbook to copy some configuration files on a certain machine.
I need to copy this file in a different host too for backup. Is possible to declare different host in the same playbook?
I need this cause my "backup host" can be different and I retrieve it from the hostname I use.
I tried both copy and raw module and nothing seems to work
here the example of playbook
- name: find file
file_type: directory
paths: /prd/viv/dat/repository/
patterns: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
recurse: yes
register: find
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Copy MASTER
raw: echo xmonit$(echo {{find.files[0].path}} | cut -d "/" -f7 )
delegate_to: localhost
register: xmonit
- debug:
msg: "{{xmonit.stdout}}"
- name: Copy MASTER raw
raw: sshpass -p "mypass" scp {{find.files[0].path}}/master.cfg myuser#{{xmonit.stdout}}:/prd
delegate_to: localhost
#- name: Copy MASTER
#src: "{{find.files[0].path}}/master.cfg"
#dest: /prd/cnf/dat/{{inventory_hostname}}/
edit: if I use the copy module the destination remains that of the main host while the goal is to copy to a third host.
I need to declare a different host for this single task
- name: Copy MASTER
src: "{{find.files[0].path}}/master.cfg"
dest: /prd/cnf/dat/{{inventory_hostname}}/
Like Zeitounator told me in the comments copy module are the best way to act.
like this it work for me
- name: Copy MASTER
src: "{{find.files[0].path}}/master.cfg"
dest: /prd/cnf/dat/{{inventory_hostname}}/
delegate_to: xmonit.stdout_lines[0]
How would you resolve this small script in ansible playbook ?
Files to copy are named [ServerName].[extension]
The destination server is ServeName
for file in $(ls /var/tmp)
ServerName=$(echo $file | awk -F. 'NF{NF--};1'
scp /var/tmp/$file $ServerName:/var/tmp/
scp /var/tmp/pkg.rpm $ServerName:/var/tmp/
ssh $ServerName "cd /var/tmp; yum -y localinstall pkg.rpm "
Thanks for your help
The idea would be to have something like this (but working, of course)
- name: main loop
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "/var/tmp/myfile.json"
- name: Install package
name: "packageToInstall"
state: present
delegate_to: "{{ item.split('/')[-1][:-5] }}"
- "/var/temp/*json"
If you were to write this in yaml, you should use ansible_hostname, ansible already has several informations about the host via setup.
- name: copying files
src: /mine/file.ext
dest: /etc/{{ ansible_hostname }}.ext
More about copy in module description.
All facts gather during setup are available here.
In order to perform some operations locally (not on the remote machine), I need to put the content of an ansible variable inside a temporary file.
Please note that I am looking for a solution that takes care of generating the temporary file to a location where it can be written (no hardcoded names) and also that takes care of the removal of the file as we do not want to leave things behind.
You should be able to use the tempfile module, followed by either the copy or template modules. Like so:
- hosts: localhost
# Create a file named ansible.{random}.config
- tempfile:
state: file
suffix: config
register: temp_config
# Render template content to it
- template:
src: templates/configfile.j2
dest: "{{ temp_config.path }}"
username: admin
Or if you're running it in a role:
- tempfile:
state: file
suffix: config
register: temp_config
- copy:
content: "{{ lookup('template', 'configfile.j2') }}"
dest: "{{ temp_config.path }}"
username: admin
Then just pass temp_config.path to whatever module you need to pass the file to.
It's not a great solution, but the alternative is writing a custom module to do it in one step.
Rather than do it with a file, why not just use the environment? This wan you can easily work with the variable and it will be alive through the ansible session and you can easily retrieve it in any steps or outside of them.
Although using the shell/application environment is probably, if you specifically want to use a file to store variable data you could do something like this
- hosts: server1
- shell: cat /etc/file.txt
register: some_data
- local_action: copy dest=/tmp/foo.txt content="{{some_data.stdout}}"
- hosts: localhost
- set_fact: some_data="{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/foo.txt') }}"
- debug: var=some_data
As for your requirement to give the file a unique name and clean it up at the end of the play. I'll leave that implementation to you
I'm trying to turn these lines into something I can put in an ansible playbook:
# Install Prezto files
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s nullglob
files=( "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/!(README.md) )
for rcfile in "${files[#]}"; do
[[ -f $rcfile ]] && ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile##*/}"
So far I've got the following:
- name: Link Prezto files
file: src={{ item }} dest=~ state=link
- ~/.zprezto/runcoms/z*
I know it isn't the same, but it would select the same files: except with_fileglob looks on the host machine, and I want it to look on the remote machine.
Is there any way to do this, or should I just use a shell script?
A clean Ansible way of purging unwanted files matching a glob is:
- name: List all tmp files
paths: /tmp/foo
patterns: "*.tmp"
register: tmp_glob
- name: Cleanup tmp files
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
- "{{ tmp_glob.files }}"
Bruce P's solution works, but it requires an addition file and gets a little messy. Below is a pure ansible solution.
The first task grabs a list of filenames and stores it in files_to_copy. The second task appends each filename to the path you provide and creates symlinks.
- name: grab file list
shell: ls /path/to/src
register: files_to_copy
- name: create symbolic links
src: "/path/to/src/{{ item }}"
dest: "path/to/dest/{{ item }}"
state: link
with_items: files_to_copy.stdout_lines
The file module does indeed look on the server where ansible is running for files when using with_fileglob, etc. Since you want to work with files that exist solely on the remote machine then you could do a couple things. One approach would be to copy over a shell script in one task then invoke it in the next task. You could even use the fact that the file was copied as a way to only run the script if it didn't already exist:
- name: Copy link script
copy: src=/path/to/foo.sh
register: copied_script
- name: Invoke link script
command: /target/path/to/foo.sh
when: copied_script.changed
Another approach would be to create an entire command line that does what you want and invoke it using the shell module:
- name: Generate links
shell: find ~/.zprezto/runcoms/z* -exec ln -s {} ~ \;
You can use with_lines to accomplish this:
- name: Link Prezto files
file: src={{ item }} dest=~ state=link
with_lines: ls ~/.zprezto/runcoms/z*