Laravel : how to create unique tag in tags model - laravel

I want create tag for posts . I don't want tags repetitions to be saved,But it is stored repeated
public function store(Request $request)
$data = $request->all();
$post = Post::create($data);
if ($post && $post instanceof Post) {
$tags = $request->input('tags');
foreach ($tags as $tag){
$newTag = Tag::create(['name'=>$tag]);
$tags[] = $newTag->id;
return redirect()->back();
How can it be done?

updateOrCreate method will help check
It will create data if it not exists and update in case it already in db


How to select specfic id and update in Laravel?

I'm studing Laravel CRUD.
Laravel Framework is 6.18.15
I would like to select of a record and update.
This is photo gallery.
Now if I click one of photo I can get below URL
but in edit.blade.php I got this error
Undefined variable: id
Could someone teach me correct code please?
These are current code
Controller UPDATED
public function edit(Request $request)
$images = ImageGallery::find($id);
return view('edit',compact('images'));
public function editpcs(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'title' => 'required',
'image' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,jpg'
$input['image'] = time().'.'.$request->image->getClientOriginalExtension();
if($request->hasFile('image')) {
$image = $request->file('image');
$filename = time().'.'.$request->image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$image_resize = Image::make($image->getRealPath());
$image_resize->resize(1280, null, function ($image) {$image->aspectRatio();});
$image_resize->save(public_path('images/ServiceImages/' .$filename));
$request->image->move(public_path('images'), $input['image']);
$input['title'] = $request->title;
// ImageGallery::update($input);
$update = DB::table('image_gallery')->where('id', $id)->update( [ 'title' => $request->title, 'image' => $request->image]);
return view('edit',compact('images'))->with('sucess','sucessfully updated');
//edit view
Route::get('edit', 'ImageGalleryController#edit');
Route::post('edit', 'ImageGalleryController#edit');
//edit procces
Route::get('editpcs', 'ImageGalleryController#editpcs');
Route::post('editpcs', 'ImageGalleryController#editpcs');
#foreach($images as $image)
<div class='text-center'>
<small class='text-muted'>{{$image['id']}}/ {{$image['title']}} </small>
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class ImageGallery extends Model
protected $table = 'image_gallery';
protected $fillable = ['title', 'image'];
Actually $id is really undefined here, it would be $request->route('id') or request('id') or $_GET['id'] or $request->input('id') :
public function edit(Request $request)
$id = request('id');
$images = ImageGallery::findOrFail($id); // use findOrFail() id not exist in table, it throw a 404 error
return view('edit',compact('images'));
Take a look at the $_GET and $_REQUEST superglobals. Something like the following would work for your example:
$id = $_GET['id'];
$country = $_GET['country'];
In laravel you can to use Input::get(), But Input::get is deprecated in newer version of laravel, prefer the $request->input instead of Input::get :
$id= $request->input('id');
$country= $request->input('country');
It looks to me like this function:
public function edit(Request $request)
$images = ImageGallery::find($id);
return view('edit',compact('images'));
Should be something like this perhaps?
public function edit(Request $request)
$id = $request->input('id', null);
$images = ImageGallery::find($id);
return view('edit',compact('images'));
As it is, $id appears to be undefined before you attempt to pass it into the find() method. But according to your URL it is in the $request object. So you need to get it from there and into the function. You can read about this method in the docs.
public function edit(Request $request)
$id = request('id');
$images = ImageGallery::where('id',$id)->first();
return view('edit',compact('images'));

How do i update image in the repository by upload?

I'm setting up a CRUD, similar to an ecommerce
I uploaded the image, it is stored in the public folder. The name of the image is replaced by the value of an input that the user places. This same value is saved in the database with the image extension.
I was also able to delete the image, but I don't know how to update it. Can someone please give me a light?
project controller:
public function store(Request $request)
$nameFile = $request->input('imageName', '');
$nameFile .= '.' . $request->file('imageFile')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->file('imageFile')->storeAs('projects', $nameFile);
$project = new Project();
$project->name = $request->input('name');
$project->price = $request->input('price');
$project->imageName = $nameFile;
return redirect()->route('ProjectControllerCreate');
public function destroy($id)
$project = Project::find($id);
// Image
$filePathName = public_path().'/storage/projects/'. $project->imageName;
if( file_exists($filePathName) ){
// Data
return redirect()->back();
return redirect()->route('ProjectControllerCreate');
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$project = Project::find($id);
return redirect()->back();
return redirect()->route('ProjectControllerCreate');
This is how you can update :
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$project = Project::find($id);
return redirect()->back();
// Update new image
// Delete old image
$old_image = $project->imageName;
$nameFile = $request->input('imageName', '');
$nameFile .= '.' . $request->file('imageFile')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->file('imageFile')->storeAs('projects', $nameFile);
$project->imageName = $nameFile;
$project->name = $request->input('name');
$project->price = $request->input('price');
return redirect()->route('ProjectControllerCreate');

Laravel returns old model after update

When i store a new record, Laravel returns the new record. Everything works fine.
When i update a record, Laravel returns the old record. I like to return the updated record.
public function store(StoreProjectRequest $request)
$data = $this->repo->create( $request->all());
return response()->json(new ProjectResource($data));
public function update(UpdateProjectRequest $request, Project $project)
$data = $this->repo->update($project, $request->all());
return response()->json(new ProjectResource($data));
public function create( $data)
$this->model->name = $data['name'];
$this->model->description = $data['description'];
$this->model->sales_order_id = $data['sales_order_id'] ? $data['sales_order_id'] : NULL;
$this->model->project_leader_id = $data['project_leader_id'];
$this->model->project_type_id = $data['project_type_id'];
$this->model->project_status_id = $data['project_status_id'];
$this->model->creator_id = Auth()->id();
return $this->model;
public function update($model, $data)
$model->name = $data['name'];
$model->description = $data['description'];
$model->sales_order_id = $data['sales_order_id'];
$model->project_leader_id = $data['project_leader_id'];
$model->project_type_id = $data['project_type_id'];
$model->project_status_id = $data['project_status_id'];
return $model;
When i add $data = Project::find($project->id)i receive the updated model.
But is this the only way?
The reason the $data is returning as the old data is because it still stores the data from when the variable was created. When you call $data->fresh() it will go fetch the new data and return it. Does that make sense?

error while update method on boolean

I am trying to update method in Laravel but error is:
"Call to a member function tradereason() on boolean"
I also check same question of other people asked but there're a lot of different in my process. I have lot tables.
let me show you my create code and update method coding.
Create method code:
public function store(Request $request)
$tradeID= Auth::user()->trade()->create($input);
$input = $request->all();
$reasons = $request->input('reason');
//Loop for creating KEY as Value
$data = [];
foreach($reasons as $key => $value) {
$data[] = ['reason_id' => $value];
if( $data > 0 ) {
foreach ($data as $datum) {
$tradeID->tradereason()->save(new TradeReason($datum));
this is my tring code for update method:
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$tradeID= Auth::user()->trade()->whereId($id)->first()->update($input);
$input = $request->all();
$reasons = TradeReason::whereId($id)->first();
$data = [];
foreach($reasons as $key => $value) {
$data[] = ['reason_id' => $value];
if( $data > 0 ) {
foreach ($data as $datum) {
update returns a boolean. So, don't overwrite $tradeID with the results of update.
$tradeID = Auth::user()->trade()->whereId($id)->first();
Calling update on the Builder returns an 'int'. Calling update on the Model returns a 'bool'. They don't return Model instances.
// bool
$tradeID= Auth::user()->trade()->whereId($id)->first()->update($input);
The model instance would be what is returned from the first call:
$tradeID = Auth::user()->trade()->whereId($id)->first(); // assuming it finds a record
You can update that, you can use it in the foreach loop.

Laravel change pagination data

My Laravel pagination output is like laravel pagination used to be, but I need to change the data array for each object.
My output is:
As you can see, the data object has 2 items, which I need to change.
My code is:
$items = $this->items()
->where('position', '=', null)
Which returns the user items with pivot table, but I don't like the way the pivot table is shown in the JSON, so I decided to change the items and organize each item with the pivot before the item.
For this purpose, I tried to use foreach
foreach ($items->data as $item)
which giving my an error, for a reason I don't know:
Undefined property: Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::$data"
status_code: 500
Any help?
The paginator's items is a collection. You can grab it and transform the data like so:
$paginator = $this->items()->where('position', '=', null)->paginate(15);
$paginator->getCollection()->transform(function ($value) {
// Your code here
return $value;
If you are familiar with tap helper here is the snippet that does exact same.
$paginator = tap($this->items()->where('position', '=', null)->paginate(15),function($paginatedInstance){
return $paginatedInstance->getCollection()->transform(function ($value) {
return $value;
We can't chain method getCollection to paginator instance because AbstractPaginator will return paginator's underlying collection. so the paginator instance will be transformed to Collection. So fix that we can use tap helper.
If you'd like to keep items paginated:
$itemsPaginated = $this->items()
$itemsTransformed = $itemsPaginated
->map(function($item) {
return [
'id' => $item->id,
$itemsTransformedAndPaginated = new \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator(
$itemsPaginated->currentPage(), [
'path' => \Request::url(),
'query' => [
'page' => $itemsPaginated->currentPage()
There is a setCollection method for such purpose.
$items = Model::paginate(10);
$updatedItems = $items->getCollection();
// data manipulation
// ...
From the source code of /Illuminate/Pagination/AbstractPaginator.php
* Set the paginator's underlying collection.
* #param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $collection
* #return $this
public function setCollection(Collection $collection)
$this->items = $collection;
return $this;
I could make shorter way. This returns edited $array instead of simple $paginated. This example modify file names.
This doc was useful for me.
foreach ($array['data'] as $r=>$record) {
return $array;
Sample Example :
$franchiseData=[ 'id'=>1 ,'name'=>'PAnkaj'];
$models = $bookingsQuery->paginate(10);
return $models;
Note that $models->setCollection(collect($franchiseData)); you have to use collect() else you will get error.
is one way to get the items. Another way is to use this
For ex- Assuming, user doesn't have name param and only have first_name and last_name
$userPaginatedData = User::paginate(15);
$users = $userPaginatedData->items();
foreach($users as $user) {
$user->name = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;
return $userPaginatedData;
Now in the data key, you would see that each user has name param with it.
Laravel 8.9.0 has added the through method to AbstractPaginator.
It transforms each item in the slice of items using a callback, and keeps the items paginated.
$paginator = $this->items()->where('position', '=', null)->paginate(15);
$paginator->through(function ($value) {
// Your code here
return $value;
The source code:
* Transform each item in the slice of items using a callback.
* #param callable $callback
* #return $this
public function through(callable $callback)
return $this;
-Laravel 5.4
// example update column "photo"
// from "/path/to/photo.png"
// to ""
foreach ($items as $item)
$path = $item->photo;
// Remove
// Set
$item->offsetSet("photo", url($path));
Laravel AbstractPaginator has methods setCollection() and getCollection()
$itemsPaginated = $this->items()->paginate(15);
$itemsPaginated->getCollection()->transform(function ($item) {
// Your code here
return $item;
This is your paginated items...
$items = $this->items()
->where('position', '=', null)
I am using Laravel 8, can simply use each
$items->each(function ($item) {
// your code here
$item->custom_data = calcSomeData(); // sample
It does the same as this...
$items->getCollection()->transform(function ($item) {
// your code here
$item->custom_data = calcSomeData(); // sample
$itemsPaginated = $this->items()->paginate(15);
$itemsPaginated = json_encode($itemsPaginated);
foreach ($itemsPaginated->data as $key => $item) {
$results->data[$key]; //Modify
$itemsPaginated = json_encode($results);
you have to use below code in your blade
{!! $items->render() !!}
Ignore the pagination in laravel and hit the normal data
foreach ($items as $item)
