Spring Boot OAuth2 Resource Server: How library can verify JWT token without public key? - spring-boot

I have following spring boot app with minimal configuration
spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri = http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
public class UsersController {
public String status(#AuthenticationPrincipal Jwt principal) {
return "working";
It seems that Spring Boot Oauth2 doesn't use public key, as I see in code:
* JSON Web Key URI to use to verify the JWT token.
private String jwkSetUri;
* JSON Web Algorithm used for verifying the digital signatures.
private String jwsAlgorithm = "RS256";
* URI that can either be an OpenID Connect discovery endpoint or an OAuth 2.0
* Authorization Server Metadata endpoint defined by RFC 8414.
private String issuerUri;
* Location of the file containing the public key used to verify a JWT.
private Resource publicKeyLocation;
But I didn't give publicKeyLocation, but app can verify without public key.
Under the hood it uses JwtIssuerValidator and JwtTimestampValidator validators.
On other hand, with express-jwt, it requires public key for offline verification
const express = require('express');
const jwt = require('express-jwt');
const app = express();
const secret = 'secret';
const fs = require('fs');
var publicKey = fs.readFileSync('public.pub');
app.get('/protected', jwt({ secret: publicKey, algorithms: ['RS256'] }), (req, res) => {
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('server started'));
How the Spring Boot Oauth verifies without public key?

Self answer.
Firstly, it seems that http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master exposes public key. As said in this Generate JWT Token in Keycloak and get public key to verify the JWT token on a third party platform - Stack Overflow and in this comment to this question by #Thomas Kåsene
Secondly, I digged spring boot oauth2 code and stumbled to this code in
ReactiveJwtDecoder jwtDecoderByIssuerUri() {
return ReactiveJwtDecoders.fromIssuerLocation(this.properties.getIssuerUri());
private static Map<String, Object> getConfiguration(String issuer, URI... uris) {
String errorMessage = "Unable to resolve the Configuration with the provided Issuer of " +
"\"" + issuer + "\"";
for (URI uri : uris) {
try {
RequestEntity<Void> request = RequestEntity.get(uri).build();
ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> response = rest.exchange(request, typeReference);
Map<String, Object> configuration = response.getBody();
if (configuration.get("jwks_uri") == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The public JWK set URI must not be null");
return configuration;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (!(e instanceof HttpClientErrorException &&
((HttpClientErrorException) e).getStatusCode().is4xxClientError())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage, e);
// else try another endpoint
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);
which seems to fetch public key from issuer-uri given in application.properties. After it fetched it verifies jwt tokens with fetched public key.
To test
Close your jwt provider, keycloak in my case and run spring boot application, then it gives
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to resolve the Configuration with the provided Issuer of "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master"


Reuse existing token rather than requesting it on every request in spring boot + Retrofit app

I have a spring boot application that uses Retrofit to make requests to a secured server.
My endpoints:
public interface ServiceAPI {
Call<ResourceSummary> getResourceSummaryByIsrc(#Path("isrc") String isrc);
public interface TokenServiceAPI {
Call<Token> obtainToken(#Field("client_id") String clientId,
#Field("scope") String scope,
#Field("client_secret") String clientSecret,
#Field("grant_type") String grantType);
Configuration class:
Retrofit tokenAPIFactory(#Value("${some.token.url}") String tokenUrl) {
Retrofit.Builder builder = new Retrofit.Builder()
return builder.build();
Retrofit serviceAPIFactory(#Value("${some.service.url}") String serviceUrl, TokenServiceAPI tokenAPI) {
OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new ServiceInterceptor(clientId, scope, clientSecret, grantType, apiKey, tokenAPI))
Retrofit.Builder builder = new Retrofit.Builder()
return builder.build();
Interceptor to add the Authorization header to every request
public class ServiceInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public ServiceInterceptor(String clientId,
String scope,
String clientSecret,
String grantType,
String apiKey,
TokenServiceAPI tokenAPI) {
this.clientId = clientId;
this.scope = scope;
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
this.grantType = grantType;
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.tokenAPI = tokenAPI;
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request newRequest = chain.request().newBuilder()
.addHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, getToken())
.addHeader(API_KEY_HEADER, this.apiKey)
return chain.proceed(newRequest);
private String getToken() throws IOException {
retrofit2.Response<Token> tokenResponse = repertoireTokenAPI.obtainToken(clientId, scope, clientSecret, grantType).execute();
String accessToken = "Bearer " + tokenAPI.body().getAccessToken();
return accessToken;
This is working as expected, the problem is that the token is being requested for every request rather than using the existing valid one. How can one store the token somewhere and re-use it? I was wondering if Retrofit had a built-in solution.
a possible option with caching:
add caffeiene
add #Cacheable("your-token-cache-name") on the method returning the token, looks like getToken above
add max cache size and expiration configuration in application.yml
e.g. 500 entries and 10 minutes for configuration below
example from: https://www.javadevjournal.com/spring-boot/spring-boot-with-caffeine-cache/

spring boot with swagger OAuth not working

I added swagger dependency and enabled it, and am able to see all the API but authorize API isn't working.
am using below version of swagger:
Below is my code :
public class SwaggerConfig {
public String CLIENT_ID;
public String CLIENT_SECRET;
public String AUTH_SERVER = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0";
public Docket swaggerConfiguration() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
public SecurityConfiguration security() {
return SecurityConfigurationBuilder.builder()
.scopeSeparator(" ")
private SecurityScheme securityScheme() {
GrantType grantType = new AuthorizationCodeGrantBuilder()
.tokenEndpoint(new TokenEndpoint(AUTH_SERVER + "/token", "oauthtoken"))
new TokenRequestEndpoint(AUTH_SERVER + "/authorize", CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET))
SecurityScheme oauth = new OAuthBuilder().name("spring_oauth")
return oauth;
private ApiInfo getApiInfo() {
return new ApiInfo(
"Protocol Catalag ",
private SecurityContext securityContext() {
return SecurityContext.builder()
Arrays.asList(new SecurityReference("spring_oauth", scopes())))
private AuthorizationScope[] scopes() {
AuthorizationScope[] scopes = {
new AuthorizationScope("access_as_user", "access for application")
return scopes;
With the above configuration all Api are showing on the swagger but Authorize them give error.
Below is the screen when Authorize buttton is clicked.
Help is Appreciated.!
Please make sure to add the access_as_user permission under API permissions in the portal and make sure the API is exposed.
Application id uri is in the format api://, you can give other name to use in app.
In the Example here I gave app id uri : api://my_spring_boot_api
You should then be able to see added scope under scopes.
Then select the access_as_user permission you have added .(API Permissions>add permission>My APIs > select the required app >check the permission> add permissions)
Then you may grant consent as below
Here I exposed scope >> api://my_spring_boot_api/access_as_user. Make sure to use the same scope configured in portal is included in application configuration.
The scope should include the exposing resource's identifier (the Application ID URI) in the code too.
Here Ex:
scopes: "api://my_spring_boot_api/access_as_user "
and when you call web app please make sure to send Id_token and if you call graph api you may send access token.

How to authenticate Spring Boot rest API having POST method using Azure AD

In my spring boot rest api I am using a POST method. I am using Azure AD to authenticate api. When hitting an endpoint it is giving status as 200 OK but not doing the required POST operations. Even loggers are not getting printed from the controller #PostMapping
Can some help what needs to be fixed ...
In POM spring security and below dependency.
Registered required properties in properties file.
NOTE: There is no front end as of now.
If you use #PostMapping to authenticate for access token, you don't need to use azure-spring-boot-starter. You could refer the code sample based on auth code flow:
public AuthenticationResult authorizeToken(#RequestBody #Valid AuthorizationRequest authorizationCode) throws Exception {
return tokenService.getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode(authorizationCode.getCode(), authorizationCode.getRedirectUri());
public AuthenticationResult getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode, String redirectUri) throws Exception {
AuthorizationCode request = new AuthorizationCode(authorizationCode);
try {
return tokenGenerator.getAccessToken(request, redirectUri);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
return throwException(throwable);
TokenGenerator function:
public AuthenticationResult getAccessToken(
AuthorizationCode authorizationCode, String currentUri)
throws Throwable {
String authCode = authorizationCode.getValue();
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(clientId,
AuthenticationContext context = null;
AuthenticationResult result = null;
ExecutorService service = null;
try {
service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
context = new AuthenticationContext(authority + tenant + "/", true,
Future<AuthenticationResult> future = context
.acquireTokenByAuthorizationCode(authCode, new URI(
currentUri), credential, resource, null);
result = future.get();
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw e.getCause();
} finally {
if (result == null) {
throw new ServiceUnavailableException(
"authentication result was null");
return result;
security.oauth2.client.resource=https://graph.windows.net/ // scope of API
security.oauth2.resource.userInfoUri=https://graph.windows.net/me?api-version=1.6 // call API
If you would like to authenticate in backend with Spring Boot Starter, please refer to this example based on implicit grant flow.

Spring Boot add additional attribute to WebClient request in ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction

I am trying to implement the client_credentials grant to get a token in my spring boot resource server.
I am using Auth0 as an Authorization server. They seem to require an extra parameter in the request body to be added called audience.
I have tried to do the request through postman and it works. I am now trying to reproduce it within Spring. Here is the working postman request
curl -X POST \
https://XXX.auth0.com/oauth/token \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&audience=https%3A%2F%2Fxxxxx.auth0.com%2Fapi%2Fv2%2F&client_id=SOME_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=SOME_CLIENT_SECRET'
The problem I am facing is that i have no way to add the missing audience parameter to the token request.
I have a configuration defined in my application.yml
issuer-uri: https://XXXX.auth0.com//
provider: auth0
client-id: Client
client-secret: Secret
authorization_grant_type: client_credentials
client-id: Client
client-secret: Secret
I have the web client filter configured like this.
WebClient webClient(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations,
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClients) {
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth2 = new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
clientRegistrations, authorizedClients);
return WebClient.builder()
I am injecting the instance and trying to do a request to get the user by email
return this.webClient.get()
.uri(this.usersUrl + "/api/v2/users-by-email?email={email}", email)
The way i understand it, the filter intercepts this userByEmail request and before it executes it it tries to execute the /oauth/token request to get JWT Bearer token which it can append to the first one and execute it.
Is there a way to add a parameter to the filter? It has been extremely difficult to step through it and figure out where exactly the parameters are being appended since its reactive and am quite new at this. Even some pointers to where to look would be helpful.
I was having the same problem where access token response and request for it wasn't following oAuth2 standards. Here's my code (it's in kotlin but should be understandable also for java devs) for spring boot version 2.3.6.RELEASE.
Gradle dependencies:
After adding them you have to firstly create your custom token request/response client which will implement ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient interface:
class CustomTokenResponseClient : ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient<OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantRequest> {
private val webClient = WebClient.builder().build()
override fun getTokenResponse(
authorizationGrantRequest: OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantRequest
): Mono<OAuth2AccessTokenResponse> =
clientId = authorizationGrantRequest.clientRegistration.clientId,
clientSecret = authorizationGrantRequest.clientRegistration.clientSecret
.flatMap { it.bodyToMono<NotStandardTokenResponse>() }
.map { it.toOAuth2AccessTokenResponse() }
private fun NotStandardTokenResponse.toOAuth2AccessTokenResponse() = OAuth2AccessTokenResponse
As you can see above, in this class you can adjust token request/response handling to your specific needs.
Note: authorizationGrantRequest param inside getTokenResponse method. Spring is passing here data from you application properties, so follow the standards when defining them, e.g. they may look like this:
authorization-grant-type: client_credentials
client-id: id
client-secret: secret
token-uri: https://oauth.com/token
The last step is to use your CustomTokenResponseClient inside oAuth2 configuration, it may look like this:
class CustomOAuth2Configuration {
fun customOAuth2WebWebClient(clientRegistrations: ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository): WebClient {
val clientRegistryRepo = InMemoryReactiveClientRegistrationRepository(
val clientService = InMemoryReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientService(clientRegistryRepo)
val authorizedClientManager =
AuthorizedClientServiceReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(clientRegistryRepo, clientService)
val authorizedClientProvider = ClientCredentialsReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider()
val oauthFilter = ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(authorizedClientManager)
return WebClient.builder()
Right now, this is possible, but not elegant.
Note that you can provide a custom ReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient to ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction.
You can create your own implementation of this - and thereby add any other parameters you need - by copying the contents of WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient.
That said, it would be better if there were a setter to make that more convenient. You can follow the corresponding issue in Spring Security's backlog.
Here is what i found out after further investigation. The code described in my question was never going to call the client_credentials and fit my use-case. I think (not 100% sure on this) it will be very useful in the future if i am trying to propagate the user submitted token around multiple services in a micro-service architecture. A chain of actions like this comes to mind:
User calls Service A -> Service A calls Service B -> Service B responds -> Service A responds back to user request.
And using the same token to begin with through the whole process.
My solution to my use-case:
What i did was create a new Filter class largely based on the original and implement a step before executing the request where i check if i have a JWT token stored that can be used for the Auth0 Management API. If i don't i build up the client_credentials grant request and get one, then attach this token as a bearer to the initial request and execute that one. I also added a small token in-memory caching mechanism so that if the token is valid any other requests at a later date will just use it. Here is my code.
public class Auth0ClientCredentialsGrantFilterFunction implements ExchangeFilterFunction {
private ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;
* Required by auth0 when requesting a client credentials token
private String audience;
private String clientRegistrationId;
private Auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore;
public Auth0ClientCredentialsGrantFilterFunction(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository,
String clientRegistrationId,
String audience) {
this.clientRegistrationRepository = clientRegistrationRepository;
this.audience = audience;
this.clientRegistrationId = clientRegistrationId;
this.auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore = new Auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore();
public void setAuth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore(Auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore) {
this.auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore = auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore;
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
return auth0ClientCredentialsToken(next)
.map(token -> bearer(request, token.getTokenValue()))
private Mono<OAuth2AccessToken> auth0ClientCredentialsToken(ExchangeFunction next) {
return Mono.defer(this::loadClientRegistration)
.map(clientRegistration -> new ClientCredentialsRequest(clientRegistration, audience))
.flatMap(request -> this.auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore.retrieveToken()
.switchIfEmpty(refreshAuth0Token(request, next)));
private Mono<OAuth2AccessToken> refreshAuth0Token(ClientCredentialsRequest clientCredentialsRequest, ExchangeFunction next) {
ClientRegistration clientRegistration = clientCredentialsRequest.getClientRegistration();
String tokenUri = clientRegistration
ClientRequest clientCredentialsTokenRequest = ClientRequest.create(HttpMethod.POST, URI.create(tokenUri))
.header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
return next.exchange(clientCredentialsTokenRequest)
.flatMap(response -> response.body(oauth2AccessTokenResponse()))
.doOnNext(token -> this.auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore.storeToken(token));
private static BodyInserters.FormInserter<String> clientCredentialsTokenBody(ClientCredentialsRequest clientCredentialsRequest) {
ClientRegistration clientRegistration = clientCredentialsRequest.getClientRegistration();
return BodyInserters
.fromFormData("grant_type", AuthorizationGrantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.getValue())
.with("client_id", clientRegistration.getClientId())
.with("client_secret", clientRegistration.getClientSecret())
.with("audience", clientCredentialsRequest.getAudience());
private Mono<ClientRegistration> loadClientRegistration() {
return Mono.just(clientRegistrationId)
.flatMap(r -> clientRegistrationRepository.findByRegistrationId(r));
private ClientRequest bearer(ClientRequest request, String token) {
return ClientRequest.from(request)
.headers(headers -> headers.setBearerAuth(token))
static class ClientCredentialsRequest {
private final ClientRegistration clientRegistration;
private final String audience;
public ClientCredentialsRequest(ClientRegistration clientRegistration, String audience) {
this.clientRegistration = clientRegistration;
this.audience = audience;
public ClientRegistration getClientRegistration() {
return clientRegistration;
public String getAudience() {
return audience;
Token Store
public class Auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore implements ReactiveInMemoryAccessTokenStore {
private AtomicReference<OAuth2AccessToken> token = new AtomicReference<>();
private Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();
private Duration accessTokenExpiresSkew = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
public Auth0InMemoryAccessTokenStore() {
public Mono<OAuth2AccessToken> retrieveToken() {
return Mono.justOrEmpty(token.get())
.filter(token -> token.getExpiresAt() != null)
.filter(token -> {
Instant now = this.clock.instant();
Instant expiresAt = token.getExpiresAt();
if (now.isBefore(expiresAt.minus(this.accessTokenExpiresSkew))) {
return true;
return false;
public Mono<Void> storeToken(OAuth2AccessToken token) {
return Mono.empty();
Token Store Interface
public interface ReactiveInMemoryAccessTokenStore {
Mono<OAuth2AccessToken> retrieveToken();
Mono<Void> storeToken(OAuth2AccessToken token);
And finally defining the beans and using it.
public Auth0ClientCredentialsGrantFilterFunction auth0FilterFunction(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations,
#Value("${auth0.client-registration-id}") String clientRegistrationId,
#Value("${auth0.audience}") String audience) {
return new Auth0ClientCredentialsGrantFilterFunction(clientRegistrations, clientRegistrationId, audience);
#Bean(name = "auth0-webclient")
WebClient webClient(Auth0ClientCredentialsGrantFilterFunction filter) {
return WebClient.builder()
There is a slight problem with the token store at this time as the client_credentials token request will be executed multiple on parallel requests that come at the same time, but i can live with that for the foreseeable future.
Your application.yml is missing one variable:
client-authentication-method: post
it should be like this:
token-uri: https://XXXX.auth0.com//
client-id: Client
client-secret: Secret
authorization_grant_type: client_credentials
client-authentication-method: post
Without it I was getting "invalid_client" response all the time.
Tested in spring-boot 2.7.2

How to get google user email to whitelist users when authenticating using Spring Boot OAuth2 against Google

I want to whitelist users connecting to my OAuth2 client, and I can't figure out how to get the user name (specifically the Google email address).
I created a Spring Boot OAuth2 application based on a Spring Tutorial
I'm authenticating against Google (successfully). I want to determine the user email address so I can whitelist authenticating users.
This website,
suggests that I can unpack the "id_token" I get back from Google, something like this:
* logic to unpack a ConnectID id_token like what we get from Google -
* see "Spring Security and OpenID Connect" - heading '4. Custom OpenID Connect Filter':
* http://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-openid-connect#filter
* #param oa2token
* #return
private static UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken getOpenIDDataForToken(OAuth2AccessToken oa2token)
try {
String idToken = oa2token.getAdditionalInformation().get("id_token").toString();
Jwt tokenDecoded = JwtHelper.decode(idToken);
Map<String, String> authInfo = new ObjectMapper().readValue(tokenDecoded.getClaims(), Map.class);
OpenIdConnectUserDetails user = new OpenIdConnectUserDetails(authInfo, oa2token);
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, user.getAuthorities());
} catch (InvalidTokenException e) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Could not obtain user details from token", e);
but I can't get this code to compile - I can't figure out how to get class JtwHelper!
I searched around and the following might be the right Maven dependency:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.security/spring-security-jwt -->
but adding this to my pom.xml doesn't help - I don't get a real Jar file back in my .m2 repository - I get a text file!!! and bottom line, Eclipse doesn't resolve the type JwtHelper.
Help? I'm not sure where I've gone wrong.
Looks like an answer on this SO page had my answer (thanks #user2802927):
How to get custom user info from OAuth2 authorization server /user endpoint
Here's the code:
Principal principal = servlet_request.getUserPrincipal();
try {
if (principal != null) {
OAuth2Authentication oAuth2Authentication = (OAuth2Authentication) principal;
Authentication authentication = oAuth2Authentication.getUserAuthentication();
Map<String, String> details = new LinkedHashMap<>();
details = (Map<String, String>) authentication.getDetails();
Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("email", details.get("email"));
logger.debug("details map is: {}", map);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("dumping principal " + principal + "failed, exception: ", e );
The output showed that I found success - the user's email address!!!
2017-05-23 11:48:26.751 DEBUG 7687 --- [nio-8443-exec-1] ication$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$91415b85 :
details map is: {email=myemailaddress#gmail.com}
