How to rotate cartesian coordinates relative to a vector? - three.js

I'm building a fractal tree in three dimensions. I need to draw each generation of branches at an angle relative to the previous generation. The branches are currently drawn at the same angle and are growing "straight up". I know I need to do a rotation of some kind, but not sure if it's quaternions or if I need to take a completely different approach.
Here's a jsfiddle of the fractal tree with the branches growing "straight up".
Here's a 2D image of what I'm trying to achieve with the branch angles:
code that appears in the jsfiddle:
function draw_tree_branch(x, y, z, phi, theta, radius) {
// use sperical coordinate system
var phi_in_degrees = phi * (180 / Math.PI);
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0x00ffff,
linewidth: 1
// draw 3 lines at 120 degrees to each other
var angle_between_branches = 120;
var num_branches = 360 / angle_between_branches;
for (var temp_count = 1; temp_count <= num_branches; temp_count++) {
phi_in_degrees += angle_between_branches;
phi = (phi_in_degrees) * Math.PI / 180;
// compute Cartesian coordinates
var x2 = x + (radius * Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(phi));
var y2 = y + (radius * Math.cos(theta));
var z2 = z + (radius * Math.sin(theta) * Math.cos(phi));
// ????????
// How do I rotate this line so the angles are "relative" to the parent line instead of growing "straight up?"
// Quaternion ???
// example of what I'm trying to achieve, but in 3D:
// ????????
var points = [];
var vector_1 = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z);
var vector_2 = new THREE.Vector3(x2, y2, z2);
var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
// keep drawing branches until the branch is "too short"
if (radius > 2) {
draw_tree_branch(x2, y2, z2, phi, theta, radius * 0.5);
I may not even be asking the right question. Any pointers in the right direction are appreciated.

You're very close. The only problem is that theta is the same on each iteration, so you'll always get a sub-branch that's 30º from vertical. A simple way to solve this is by keeping track of the iteration you're in, and multiply that by tree_theta so you get an increasing number of degrees: 30, 60, 90, 120, etc...
function draw_tree_branch(x, y, z, phi, tree_theta, radius, iteration) {
var theta = tree_theta * iteration;
// ... perform all calculations
// Draw next branch with iteration + 1
if (radius > 2) {
draw_tree_branch(x2, y2, z2, phi, tree_theta, radius * 0.5, iteration + 1);
Here's an updated version of your JSFiddle:


p5.js: make an animated spiral with line instead of ellipse?

I'm trying to animate a spiral using a line, but can only seem to get it to work using ellipses.
Does anyone know how to replace the ellipse() with line()?
here is the code:
var angle = 0.0;
var offset = 60;
var scalar = 10;
var speed = 0.05;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 120);
function draw() {
var x = offset + cos(angle) * scalar;
var y = offset + sin(angle) * scalar;
ellipse( x, y, 2, 2);
angle += speed;
scalar += speed;
Assuming you would like to draw the entire spiral instantaneously using line segments, the you simply need a for loop that calculates the x and y coordinates for the current and next point in the spiral for some increment of change, and then draw lines between each pair of points. There are certainly numerous ways to write such a for loop, depending on what the constrains are (do you want a specific number of rings in your spiral? a specific number of degrees of rotation?), but importantly the bigger your increment of change the less smooth your spiral will look. Here is an example that uses the mouse position to determine the number of rings and the size of the change increments:
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
function draw() {
// let the horizontal mouse position indicate the
// size of the steps
let speed = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0.01, 1, true);
// let the vertical mouse position indicate the
// total amount of rotation
let maxRotation = map(mouseY, 0, height, TWO_PI, TWO_PI * 50, true);
text(`Rings: ${(maxRotation / TWO_PI).toFixed(1)}, Speed: ${speed.toFixed(2)}`, 10, 10);
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
let scalar = 10;
if (speed <= 0) {
console.error('cannot have <= 0 speed');
for (let angle = 0; angle < maxRotation; angle += speed, scalar += speed) {
const x = cos(angle) * scalar;
const y = sin(angle) * scalar;
const x2 = cos(angle + speed) * (scalar + speed);
const y2 = sin(angle + speed) * (scalar + speed);
line(x, y, x2, y2);
<script src=""></script>

how to figure out cursive paths for an enemy to follow

The Problem
I am making a game where enemies appear at some point on the screen then follow a smooth curvy path and disappear at some point. I can make them follow a straight path but can't figure out the way to make them follow the paths depicted in the image.
I started with parabolic curve and implemented them successfully. I just used the equation of parabola to calculate the coordinates gradually. I have no clue what is the equation for desired paths supposed to be.
What I want
I am not asking for the code.I just want someone to explain me the general technique.If you still want to show some code then I don't have special preference for programming language for this particular question you can use C,Java or even pseudo-code.
First you need to represent each curve with a set of points over time, For example:
-At T(0) the object should be at (X0, Y0).
-At T(1) the object should be at (X1, Y1).
And the more points you have, the more smooth curve you will get.
Then you will use those set of points to generate two formulas-one for X, and another one for Y-, using any Interpolation method, like The La-grange's Interpolation Formula:
Note that you should replace 'y' with the time T, and replace 'x' with your X for X formula, and Y for Y formula.
I know you hoped for a simple equation, but unfortunately this is will take from you a huge effort to simplify each equation, and my advise DON'T do it unless it's worth it.
If you are seeking for a more simple equation to perform well in each frame in your game you should read about SPline method, In this method is about splitting your curve into a smaller segments, and make a simple equation for every segment, for example:
Linear Spline:
Every segment contains 2 points, this will draw a line between every two points.
The result will be some thing like this:
Or you could use quadratic spline, or cubic spline for more smooth curves, but it will slow your game performance. You can read more about those methods here.
I think linear spline will be great for you with reasonable set of points for each curve.
Please change the question title to be more generic.
If you want to generate a spiral path you need.
Total time
How many full rotations
Largest radius
So, total time T_f = 5sec, rotations R_f = 2.5 * 2 * PI, the final distance from the start D_f = 200px
function SpiralEnemy(spawnX, spawnY, time) {
this.startX = spawnX;
this.startY = spawnY;
this.startTime = time;
// these will change and be used for rendering
this.x = this.startX;
this.y = this.startY;
this.done = false;
// constants we figured out above
var TFinal = 5.0;
var RFinal = -2.6 * 2 * Math.PI;
var RStart = -Math.PI / 2;
var DFinal = 100;
// the update function called every animation tick with the current time
this.update = function(t) {
var delta = t - this.startTime;
if(delta > TFinal) {
this.done = true;
// find out how far along you are in the animation
var percent = delta / TFinal;
// what is your current angle of rotation (in radians)
var angle = RStart + RFinal * percent;
// how far from your start point should you be
var dist = DFinal * percent;
// update your coordinates
this.x = this.startX + Math.cos(angle) * dist;
this.y = this.startY + Math.sin(angle) * dist;
EDIT Here's a jsfiddle to mess with
EDIT 2 Here's a loop (instead of spiral) version
The loop code splits the animation into 2 parts the beginning half and the end half.
Beginning half : angle = Math.tan(T_percent) * 2 and dist = Speed + Speed * (1 - T_percent)
End half : angle = -Math.tan(1 - T_percent) * 2 and dist = **Speed + Speed * T_percent
T_percent is normalized to (0, 1.0) for both halfs.
function LoopEnemy(spawnX, spawnY, time) {
this.startX = spawnX;
this.startY = spawnY;
this.startTime = time;
// these will change and be used for rendering
this.x = this.startX;
this.y = this.startY;
this.last = time;
this.done = false;
// constants we figured out above
var TFinal = 5.0;
var RFinal = -2 * Math.PI;
var RStart = 0;
var Speed = 50; // px per second
// the update function called every animation tick with the current time
this.update = function(t) {
var delta = t - this.startTime;
if(delta > TFinal) {
this.done = true;
// find out how far along you are in the animation
var percent = delta / TFinal;
var localDelta = t - this.last;
// what is your current angle of rotation (in radians)
var angle = RStart;
var dist = Speed * localDelta;
if(percent <= 0.5) {
percent = percent / 0.5;
angle -= Math.tan(percent) * 2;
dist += dist * (1 - percent);
} else {
percent = (percent - 0.5) / 0.5;
angle -= -Math.tan(1 - percent) * 2;
dist += dist * percent;
// update your coordinates
this.last = t;
this.x = this.x + Math.cos(angle) * dist;
this.y = this.y + Math.sin(angle) * dist;
Deriving the exact distance traveled and the height of the loop for this one is a bit more work. I arbitrarily chose a Speed of 50px / sec, which give a final x offset of ~+145 and a loop height of ~+114 the distance and height will scale from those values linearly (ex: Speed=25 will have final x at ~73 and loop height of ~57)
I don't understand how you give a curve. If you need a curve depicted on the picture, you can find a curve is given analytically and use it. If you have not any curves you can send me here: and I will help find you. I leave e-mail here because I don't get any messages about answers of users from stackoverflow. I don't know why.
If you have some curves in parametric view in [A, B], you can write a code like this:
double x, y;
coord = A;
step = 0.001
eps = 1e-6;
while (coord + step - eps < B)
SPoint p1, p2;
p1.x = x(coord);
p1.y = y(coord);
coord += step;
p2.x = x(coord);
p2.y = y(coord);
drawline(p1, p2);

How to get UV and texture coordinate from a face or 3d point?

I have a sphere geometry with a basic material which mapped by a texture:
var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(500, 60, 40);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/equirectangular.jpg'),
overdraw: 0.5
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
And on mouse click:
mouse.x = (event.clientX / renderer.domElement.width) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = -(event.clientY / renderer.domElement.height) * 2 + 1;
raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera);
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(mesh);
Which gives me an array of intersected objects.
Now how can i find the UV coordinate out of the intersected point and then get the texture pixel(pixels range) of the sphere texture?
With more googling and seeing this question, i've got this code which gives me the right texture coordinate:
var p = intersects[0].point;
var x = (p.x - sphere.position.x) / (-1 * radius);
var y = (p.y - sphere.position.y) / radius;
var z = (p.z - sphere.position.z) / radius;
var u = 1 - (Math.atan2(z, x) / (2 * Math.PI) + 0.5);
var v = 1 - ((Math.asin(y) / Math.PI) + 0.5);
console.log("u,v:", u, v);
var x = u * textureWidth;
var y = v * textureHeight;
console.log(x, y);
Note: camera is inside the sphere at (0, 0, 0) and i apply a scale matrix to the sphere geometry like this:
geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(-1, 1, 1));
But i'm looking for more complete answer which applies for geometry without negative scale too or other basic geometries like plane or cube.
Also this code returns inaccurate texture X coordinates for a loaded sphere from blender. generally getting the right x coordinates is more problematic for me. i guess the geometry/mesh rotation and scale should take into account in order to get right x,y texture coordinates, but i'm not good at math! quaternion rotation around z axis

As far as I know a quaternion is a set of four values (W X Y Z) that are used to specify a rotation in 3D space. For a given axis (x y z) and angle (α), the quaternion representing a rotation around the axis from the origin (0,0,0) to (x,y,z). So a rotation of 90 degrees about the z axis (0 0 1) should be:
var quaternion = new Quaternion(Math.PI/2, 0, 0, 1);
but turns it for ~60 degrees...
I've also tried var quaternion = new Quaternion(90, 0, 0, 1); but in this case turns it for ~5 degrees
is it a bug of the framework?
How should I use it to turn it on 90 degreez around z axis?
Documentation is still totally useless..
Try using this method Quaternion.makeFromAngleAndAxis(angle, v)
I have found this to be the most straight forward approach to making it a little more readable and useable.
Example jsBin
var degrees = 90;
var angle = Math.PI/180 * degrees;
var v = new Vector(0, 0, 1);
var quaternion = new Quaternion();
quaternion.makeFromAngleAndAxis(angle, v);
...To get the transform
Something to remember from Math Class
A circle has 360 degrees. Each degree is represented by the unit circumference of a circle 2 * PI * r. We will assume we have a radius of 1. So divide your total circumference by 360 and you get one degrees 2PI/360 or PI/180.
In Summary:
one degrees of our circle is = Math.PI/180
your angle of direction is = Math.PI/180 * degrees
Just found answer in one wiki article:
var angle = Math.PI/2;
var axis = [0,0,1];
var w = Math.cos(.5 * angle);
var x = axis[0] * Math.sin(.5 * angle);
var y = axis[1] * Math.sin(.5 * angle);
var z = axis[2] * Math.sin(.5 * angle);
var quaternion = new Quaternion(w, x, y, z);
try this transformation - Transform.rotateZ(angle);
Refer to -

2D Scatter Plot in Three.js

Using Three.js, I created a 3D scatter plot. Here is an example as a fiddle...
I generate some random points (x, y, z) and add them to the plot. Here is an example of the for loop I use to do this:
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
colors[i] = new THREE.Color(1, 1, 1);
colors[i].setHSL(1000 / 2000, 1, 0.5);
var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial({
size: 5,
vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors,
transparent: true,
useScreenCoordinates: false
material.color.setHSL(1.0, 0.2, 0.7);
var vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
var max = 50;
var min = -50;
vertex.x = Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
vertex.y = Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
vertex.z = Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
In practice, the points are plotted based on values in an array. So let's say I have a dataset that contains only x and y values (2D). I'd still like to be able to show a plot using Three.js.
I've created a fiddle that sort of does this, by only creating an XY grid, and commenting out the z value. But unfortunately, this seems to put the points a distance away from the grid, not directly on the grid like you would see in a typical 2D plot. Here is my fiddle for this...
I know it might sound a little silly to use Three.js for a 2D plot, but I want to be able to have the option in case a dataset only has x and y values as plottable.
Based on the fiddle above, how can I get the points to appear on the grid, like a standard 2D plot? Do I need to set the z coordinate to something specific?
Thanks in advance!
Isn't it enough to change this line (line 43) from
gridXY.position.set(0, 0, -50);
gridXY.position.set(0, 0, 0);
