Laravel Nginx Every Second Request Handle - laravel

i want to ask about the request handle
The case is, if server receive the same post request or the same key parameter, the request is on hold first or stored until there are no more requests for 5 seconds or a certain condition. and after that the request is processed to the database
So from the client site send post every second, but server don't need to process it to the database every second, just the most recent request
Has anyone ever known about such needs, using what methods, maybe what packages or tools are needed?
I use laravel, nginx, mariadb
thank you,


Idempotency with Redis in multi-threaded envirnment

I'm creating a POST api in which I'm using REDIS for idempotency.
I'm taking a idempotency-key in header which is getting saved in Redis.
When the same request comes in, I'm returning the cached message.
In redis I'm saving it as idempotency-key: message-body with Http status
During load testing I sent the same request, with same idempotency-key 30 times.
As expected, 5/30 times, the same request was stored in Redis, because new request comes in before the first finished.
In redis, how can I avoid it, without making API slow?
I did not find much material on net.
Apart for redis I only have dynamo as a centralized DB.

Configure Apollo GraphQL hanging requests

I'd like to set an arbitrary timer on my graphQL requests. Say, I make a request and it takes longer than 10 seconds for Apollo to send back an error.
Would I need to do this with the Apollo client and Apollo server (say additional service requests such as databases, etc.)?
There are three different places where timeouts might make sense:
1. For the connection to the server
To have a timeout for requests sent to the server, you could build a wrapper around the network interface, which would reject query promises after x seconds.
2. For the query resolution on the GraphQL server
To implement a per-query timeout on the server, you could put the query start time on the context at the start of the query, and wrap each resolve function with a function that either returns the promise from the resolver, or rejects when the timeout has elapsed.
3. For the connection between your GraphQL server and the backends
To implement timeouts for requests to the backend, you can simply make the fetch-requests to the backends time out after a certain amount of time.
PS: It's worth noting that the solutions above will cause queries or requests to time out, but they won't cancel them, which means that your server or backends will most likely continue doing work that is now wasted. However, cancelling is an entirely different problem, and it's also harder to address.

simple push notification in spring

I have a project that is related to job postings. Consultants or employers register on my website and then start posting jobs. I want to make push notifications for all users. When a consultant or employer posts a job, all online users must get notified that an employer has posted this job without any page refreshes on jquery setInterval or timeout.
I am using Spring framework. I have searched for the solution but found nothing. I want to know whether Spring provided WebSockets in their latest version. Is this possible to do with WebSockets?
I want a proper resource so that I can implement it on my website.
There are two ways to satisfy your need;
First is polling in which you repeatedly send requests from client to the server. On server side you somehow need have a kind of message queue for each client to deliver the incidents on a request. There also is a different type of polling in which you send a request from client and never end the request on the server-side thus you have a kind of pipe between two ends. This is called long polling.
Disadvantage of polling is that you have to send requests to the server forever from the client and in many cases server sends empty messages as there is no events happened.
The real application of pushing messages is recently avaliable with websockets (thanks to html5). However this requires the application server to be capable of websocket functionality. afaik jetty and tomcat has this ability. Spring 4 has websocket here you can find the tutorial;
You can find a related stackoverflow post here

How to generate big number of SIP requests

I need to test an application that processes SIP requests. For now, I want to test the performance of the application, so I need a way to generate a big number of SIP requests.
I know there are tools for this (like SipP), but I don't know what is the maximum number of requests that a single computer can really send in a particular time interval.
I never done this type of test, i need help.
Well sipp can generate requests pretty quickly and if you're testing call set up and tear down, i.e. INVITE requests an d associated transaction processing, it's almost certainly the tool for the job.
If you're not concerned about SIP transaction processing and instead just want to bombard your server with SIP requests you could just whip up a console application with a UDP socket and send dummy requests by using a template request and modifying the following:
The branchid parameter on the Via header,
The tag parameter on the From header,
The Call-ID header.
Since your app will only be doing a few string search and replaces and a UDP send it will be able to generate requests probably a 100 to 1000 times faster than a server on the same hardware, that needs to parse and understand the requests, will be able to process them.

What is the disadvantage of using websocket/ where ajax will do?

Similar questions have been asked before and they all reached the conclusion that AJAX will not become obsolete. But in what ways is ajax better than websockets?
With, it's easy to fall back to flash or long polling, so browser compatibility seems to be a non-issue.
Websockets are bidirectional. Where ajax would make an asynchronous request, websocket client would send a message to the server. The POST/GET parameters can be encoded in JSON.
So what is wrong with using 100% websockets? If every visitor maintains a persistent websocket connection to the server, would that be more wasteful than making a few ajax requests throughout the visit session?
I think it would be more wasteful. For every connected client you need some sort of object/function/code/whatever on the server paired up with that one client. A socket handler, or a file descriptor, or however your server is setup to handle the connections.
With AJAX you don't need a 1:1 mapping of server side resource to client. Your # of clients can scale less dependently than your server-side resources. Even node.js has its limitations to how many connections it can handle and keep open.
The other thing to consider is that certain AJAX responses can be cached too. As you scale up you can add an HTTP cache to help reduce the load from frequent AJAX requests.
Short Answer
Keeping a websocket active has a cost, for both the client and the server, whether Ajax will have a cost only once, depending on what you're doing with it.
Long Answer
Websockets are often misunderstood because of this whole "Hey, use Ajax, that will do !". No, Websockets are not a replacement for Ajax. They can potentially be applied to the same fields, but there are cases where using Websocket is absurd.
Let's take a simple example : A dynamic page which loads data after the page is loaded on the client side. It's simple, make an Ajax call. We only need one direction, from the server to the client. The client will ask for these data, the server will send them to the client, done. Why would you implement websockets for such a task ? You don't need your connection to be opened all the time, you don't need the client to constantly ask the server, you don't need the server to notify the client. The connection will stay open, it will waste resources, because to keep a connection open you need to constantly check it.
Now for a chat application things are totally different. You need your client to be notified by the server instead of forcing the client to ask the server every x seconds or milliseconds if something is new. It would make no sense.
To understand better, see that as two persons. One of the two is the server, the over is the client. Ajax is like sending a letter. The client sends a letter, the server responds with another letter. The fact is that, for a chat application the conversation would be like that :
"Hey Server, got something for me ?
- No.
- Hey Server, got something for me ?
- No.
- Hey Server, got something for me ?
- Yes, here it is."
The server can't actually send a letter to the client, if the client never asked for an answer. It's a huge waste of resources. Because for every Ajax request, even if it's cached, you need to make an operation on the server side.
Now the case I discussed earlier with the data loaded with Ajax. Imagine the client is on the phone with the server. Keeping the connection active has a cost. It costs electricity and you have to pay your operator. Now why would you need to call someone and keep him on phone for an hour, if you just want that person to tell you 3 words ? Send a goddamn letter.
In conclusion Websockets are not a total replacement for Ajax !
Sometimes you will need Ajax where Websocket usage is absurd.
Edit : The SSE case
That technology isn't used very widely but it can be useful. As its name states it, Server-Sent Events are a one-way push from the server to the client. The client doesn't request anything, the server just sends the data.
In short :
- Unidirectional from the client : Ajax
- Unidirectional from the server : SSE
- Bidirectional : Websockets
Personally, I think that websockets will be used more and more in web applications instead of AJAX. They are not well suited to web sites where caching and SEO are of greater concern, but they will do wonders for webapps.
Projects such as DNode and socketstream help to remove the complexity and enable simple RPC-style coding. This means your client code just calls a function on the server, passing whatever data to that function it wants. And the server can call a function on the client and pass it data as well. You don't need to concern yourself with the nitty gritties of TCP.
Furthermore, there is a lot of overhead with AJAX calls. For instance, a connection needs to be established and HTTP headers (cookies, etc.) are passed with every request. Websockets eliminate much of that. Some say that websockets are more wasteful, and perhaps they are right. But I'm not convinced that the difference is really that substantial.
I answered another related question in detail, including many links to related resources. You might check it out:
websocket api to replace rest api?
I think that sooner or later websocket based frameworks will start to popup not just for writing real-time chat like parts of web apps, but also as standalone web frameworks. Once permanent connection is created it can be used for receiving all kinds of stuff including UI parts of web application which are now served for example through AJAX requests. This approach may hurt SEO in some way although it can reduce amount of traffic and load generated by asynchronous requests which includes redundant HTTP headers.
However I doubt that websockets will replace or endanger AJAX because there are numerous scenarios where permanent connections are unnecessary or unwanted. For example mashup applications which are using (one time) single purpose REST based services that doesn't need to be permanently connected with clients.
There's nothing "wrong" about it.
The only difference is mostly readability. The main advantage of Ajax is that it allows you fast development because most of the functionality is written for you.
There's a great advantage in not having to re-invent the wheel every time you want to open a socket.
WS:// connections have far less overhead than "AJAX" requests.
As other people said, keeping the connection open can be overkill in some scenarios where you don't need server to client notifications, or client to server request happens with low frecuency.
But another disadvantage is that websockets is a low level protocol, not offering additional features to TCP once the initial handshake is performed. So when implementing a request-response paradigm over websockets, you will probably miss features that HTTP (a very mature and extense protocol family) offers, like caching (client and shared caches), validation (conditional requests), safety and idempotence (with implications on how the agent behaves), range requests, content types, status codes, ...
That is, you reduce message sizes at a cost.
So my choice is AJAX for request-response, websockets for server pushing and high frequency low latency messaging
If you want the connection to server open and if continuous polling to the server will be there then go for sockets else you are good to go with ajax.
Simple Analogy :
Ajax asks questions(requests) to server and server gives answers(responses) to these questions. Now if you want to ask continuous questions then ajax wont work, it has a large overhead which will require resources at both the ends.
