Thymeleaf Template not rendering param value inside th if condition - spring-boot

I am using thymeleaf template for my spring boot application. Here below the main page,
<div th:replace="content :: content"></div>
and inside content fragment,
<div th:fragment="content">
<h4 th:if="${param.val== 'abc'}">SOME-TEXT</h4> // not working
<h4 th:if="${param.val== 'abc'}" th:text="${param.val}"></h4> // not working
<h4 th:text="${param.val}"></h4> // working and value is abc
<h4 th:unless="${param.val== 'abc'}" th:text="${param.val}"></h4> // working - value in html text is abc
<h4 th:unless="${param.val== 'abc'}">SOME-TEXT</h4> // Working, value is SOME-TEXT
URL: domain/?val=abc
I want to display: SOME-TEXT in html if param.val == 'abc'.
Value 'abc' is coming inside th:text. But inside th:if failing.
Seems some hidden extra strings added to param.val?
Any suggestion?

The Thymeleaf function ${param.val} will return a request parameter called val. But this could be a multivalued object (e.g. an array) - for example consider this (which is a valid construction):
So to work with a single-valued string, you can do this:
<h4 th:if="${#strings.toString(param.val)} == 'abc'" th:text="'SOME-TEXT-2'">SOME-TEXT-1</h4>
This prints SOME-TEXT-2 in the web page.
Or you can use this:
<h4 th:if="${#strings.toString(param.val)} == 'abc'">SOME-TEXT-1</h4>
Which prints SOME-TEXT-1.
Just out of interest, if you used that first example val=abc&val=def, then you can see what happens with this:
<h4 th:text="${param.val}"></h4>
It prints an array:
[abc, def]
You may see something like this when processing a series of related checkboxes (just as one example).
For a null-check, using Thymeleaf, you can do this:
<h4 th:if="${param.val} != null and
${#strings.toString(param.val)} == 'abc'">SOME-TEXT-2</h4>
In this specific case, it isn't really needed, as you are not doing anything with the null value which might cause a problem.
It's more relevant if you are chaining values in objects - and you need to check if foo or bar are null to avoid a null pointer exception.
Bear in mind that Spring's expression language has the safe navigation operator, which can be very helpful in such cases: foo.?bar.?baz, allowing you to write more concise null handling than with Thymeleaf alone. But again, not relevant to your specific example from the question.


Thymeleaf custom dialect - nested attributes

I would like to ask if it is possible to have nested attributes in HTML tag which can reuse result of previous one. For example
<p custom:one="some text to process" custom:two="process result of custom:one">
where custom:one can be used standalone but custom:two have to be used with custom:one. The final result will be produced by custom:two
if I got you right, you can do it with local variables
You need to specify th:with to declare a variable.
Note that the declared variable is available within the element.
<div th:with="newValue = 'Hello ' + ${val}">
<span th:text="${val}">One</span>
<span th:text="${newValue}>Two</span>
Let me know if that's what you're looking for.

pass thymeleaf variable as parameter in method

I concatenate the state and my stateCounter to one String. This is my value for my HashMap which stores all the States but I don't get it to to put this variable in my method.
<span th:with="stateName=${item.state} + ${item.stateCounter}"></span>
<td th:text="${{order.getStateRepository().get(${stateName})}}"></td>
Some notes:
(1) Using a <td> tag suggests you are also using a <table>. Having a <span> tag next to a <td> tag inside a table is not valid HTML (assuming this is what it looks like in your template - maybe this is just a copy/paste thing).
(2) If your order object has a stateRepository field, then you don't need to use a getter order.getStateRepository(). You can just use the field name order.stateRepository. You are already doing this with item.state, for example. Thymeleaf will figure out from the field name how to use the related getter - e.g. item.getState().
(3) The scope (availability/visibility) of a local variable, such as stateName in th:with="stateName=${item.state} is limited to the tag in which it is declared, and also to any sub-tags. You do not have any sub-tags in your <span> - therefore the variable is not visible anywhere outside of your span. So, it is not available inside the <td> tag.
(4) Do you need to use a local variable in your example?
Instead of using get(stateName), you can use the expression referred to by stateName directly:
get(item.state + item.stateCounter)
So overall, this should work (based on the assumptions above):
<td th:text="${order.stateRepository.get(item.state + item.stateCounter)}"></td>
Maybe you do need the local variable, of course. It may depend on the wider context of the Thymeleaf template.
You are trying to use local variable. It will work if you try as follows:
<div th:with="stateName=${item.state} + ${item.stateCounter}">
<td th:text="${order.getStateRepository().get(stateName)}"></td>

how to get the data using XPATH from div with display:none?

I want to extract data from a div element with the attribute 'display:none'.
<div class='test' style='display:none;'>
<div id='test2'>data</div>
Here is what I tried:
//div[#class = "test"]//div[contains(#style, \'display:none\')';
Please help.
Try several changes:
1) Just put normal quotes around "display:none", like you did for your class attribute and close with ]
2) Then your div with class test and your style attribute is one and the same, so you need to call contains also for the same div:
'//div[#class = "test" and contains(#style, "display:none")]'
or the quotes the other way around, important is, that you are using differnt quotes around the expression than inside the expression
"//div[#class = 'test' and contains(#style, 'display:none')]"
if this still does not work, pls post an error message

angular filtering decode characters

in angular, if
$scope.myStr = '™';
{{myStr}} yields '$trade;' instead of the TM mark, how would I solve this issue using a filter?
and in some cases, $amp;trade; also appears, so I would absolutely need a filter to run the procedures, and eventually I want to be able to {{}} the result without dom manipulation.
You can use ngBindUnsafeHtml:
<div ng-app ng-controller="x">
<span ng-bind-html-unsafe="myStr"></span>
function x($scope) {
$scope.myStr = '™';

How to check of a Node is inside a form tag?

Using XPath, how do I determine if a node is within a form tag? I guess I am trying to locate the form tag of its ancestor/preceding (but I couldn't get it to work).
example 1:
<form id="doNotKnowIDofForm">
<div id="level1">
<span id="mySpan">someText</span>
example 2:
<form id="doNotKnowIDofForm">
This is a closed form.
<div id="level1">
<span id="mySpan">someText</span>
I can use xpath "//span[id='mySpan']" to locate the span node. But I would like to know if mySpan is inside a form (I do not know the id of the form). I have tried "//span[id='mySpan']/preceding::form/" and "//span[id='mySpan']/ancestor::form/"
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I would like the XPath to select the myForm form tag in Example1 but NOT in Example2
I'm not 100% sure from your description whether you're looking to select the form element, or the span element. It seems more likely that you're going for the form, so I'll address that first.
Your XPath with the ancestor::form would have been ok if it didn't have the slash at the end, but it's more roundabout than it needs to be. I think this is a better way:
//form[.//span/#id = 'mySpan']
or this:
//form[descendant::span/#id = 'mySpan']
To produce an XPath that locates certain nodes only if they are within a form, you would put the ancestor::form inside the predicate:
//span[#id = 'mySpan' and ancestor::form]
or you can do this, which would again be more straightforward:
//form//span[#id = 'mySpan']
Your own attempt
looks fine to me.
You can simply use,
