AWS lambda missing events from dynamodb stream - aws-lambda

I am consistently missing lambda triggers from a dynamodb stream. I am mapping the dynamodb stream to the lambda function with event_source_mapping resource.
resource "aws_lambda_event_source_mapping" "history" {
event_source_arn = "${data.aws_dynamodb_table.auditlogDynamoDB.stream_arn}"
function_name = "${}"
starting_position = "LATEST"
maximum_retry_attempts = 0
maximum_record_age_in_seconds = 604800 // adding to explicitly set. QA plan was providing invalid value
#(Optional) An Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic destination for failed records.
destination_config {
on_failure {
destination_arn = "${}"
It appears when there are entries in dynamodb are coming it very close to each other, some are not picked up by the event_source_mapping and not sent to the lambda.
Is there a way to make sure this doesn't happen? This needs to be very reliable


Event bus name not registering when attempting to connect eventbridge and lambda using terraform

I am attempting to create an Eventbridge that will get notifications from Datadog, and trigger a lambda function to store the notifications to an S3 bucket. This is all going to be done through Terraform.
The following is the code I have written:
# Eventbridge Integration to Lambda
data "aws_cloudwatch_event_source" "datadog_event_source" {
name_prefix = var.spog_event_bus_name # aws.partner/
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_bus" "datadog_event_bus" {
name =
event_source_name =
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "spog_cloudwatch_rule" {
name = "spog_cloudwatch_rule"
event_bus_name =
event_pattern = <<EOF
"account": [
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "spog_cloudwatch_event_target" {
rule =
target_id = aws_lambda_function.write_datadog_events.function_name
arn = aws_lambda_function.write_datadog_events.arn
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "spog_allow_cloudwatch" {
statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromCloudWatch"
action = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
function_name = aws_lambda_function.write_datadog_events.function_name
principal = ""
source_arn = aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.spog_cloudwatch_rule.arn
Here, the write_datadog_events is the lambda function to store the notifications.
The build succeeds, but when I try to apply the plan, I get an error saying that "validationException: EventBus name starting with 'aws.' is not valid". From inspecting the aws console, it seems that the actual eventbridge and rule are created successfully, but the event bus name is not registered properly on the eventbridge. The event bus name only says default, and I thought by changing the event_bus_name value within aws_cloudwatch_event_rule, it would not be default, but I was wrong.
Can anyone help me out with this. The lambda function itself is not wrong (since I ran a test case on it), it seems that the core issue is eventbridge not registering my event bus name. Also, although the rule is generated, the event bus is never generated.
Thanks for your help.

Issue with AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency using Terraform

I have been trying to configure Provisioned Concurrency for my AWS Lambda function. I have been hitting ValidationException again and again. I tried qualifier attribute for both alias version and alias name. While terraform apply it waits for 2 mins and throws the error but it is configured successfully in AWS console with status ready. Below is my configuration.
resource "aws_lambda_alias" "contact_lambda_alias" {
name =
function_name = module.terraform_aws_lambda_contact.lambda_arn
function_version = module.terraform_aws_lambda_contact.latest_published_version
resource "aws_lambda_provisioned_concurrency_config" "contact_lambda_alias" {
function_name = module.terraform_aws_lambda_contact.lambda_arn
provisioned_concurrent_executions = 1
qualifier = module.terraform_aws_lambda_contact.latest_published_version
timeouts {
create = "30m"
update = "30m"
I tried with and without timeouts block but still hitting the ValidationException again and again .
This is the error
You should be using alias arn:
function_name = aws_lambda_alias.contact_lambda_alias.arn

Why does this AWS Lambda function keep looping from this EventBridge rule for AWS ECS?

I have an EventBridge rule where it invokes a Lambda function (target) when one of the ECS Tasks starts (status: RUNNING). The Lambda function does something then at the end it is supposed to stop the ECS Task.
I have the following EventBridge rule:
"source": ["aws.ecs"],
"detail-type": ["ECS Task State Change"],
"detail": {
"clusterArn": ["<cluster-arn>"],
"lastStatus": ["RUNNING"],
"desiredStatus": ["RUNNING"]
And it invokes the Lambda function.
The following is a simplified version of the Lambda function:
import { ECSClient, StopTaskCommand } from "#aws-sdk/client-ecs";
export const handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
// event has the EventBridge event capture from the AWS ECS Task
// Do something
const ecs = new ECSClient({ region: "<region>" })
var taskArn = event.detail.containers[0].taskArn;
var stopTask = new StopTaskCommand({
cluster: "<cluster-arn>",
reason: "<reason>",
task: taskArn
try {
const data = await ecs.send(stopTask);
} catch (error) {
When I start the ECS Task, the Lambda function is invoked and starts to run. After it finishes what it is supposed to do, it then goes to stop the ECS Task which invoked it. I use the aws-sdk v3 for this where I get the taskArn from the event parameter of the Lambda function. The Lambda function can successfully stop the ECS Task (I receive a 200 HTTP response code from result of the send command). However, the Lambda function is then invoked again and it repeats this forever (I checked the CloudWatch logs for the function).
I am not sure why the Lambda function starts up again as, from what I can tell, the EventBridge rule shouldn't trigger it.
Is not a problem with your Lambda Function. Is the desired behavior of your ECS Service!
Your ECS Service has a property "desired count", which instructs the service to meet the desired state.
If your service indicates that it should have 1 replica, then if you kill the task, the service will try to launch a new one until it meets the desired quantity. For this reason you are seeing that it returns to have activity over and over again.
It is probably not the correct approach to kill the service.
What I would do is change the "desired count" to zero, without using the lambda function.

Terraform: CloudWatch Event that notifies SNS

I'm learning TF and trying to apply an infrastructure that creates:
a simple lambda function
an SNS topic
get that lambda to subscribe the SNS topic
a Cloud Watch Event that publishes a message to the topic at some interval
a Cloud Watch Log Group to check if the lambda gets notified by the SNS
The lambda permission to allow calls from SNS
I'm able to apply that successfully. The infrastructure seems perfectly fine (it has the same aspect when I create that myself through the visual aws console)
But the cloud watch Event doesn't get triggered (when built from TF), so no message is published to SNS and lambda doesn't get called. I don't know why
Anyone know how can I accomplish that? Bellow my .tf script:
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
//lambda function handler & code file
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda-function" {
function_name = "Function01"
handler = "com.rafael.lambda.Function01"
role = "arn:aws:iam::12345:role/LambdaRoleTest"
runtime = "java8"
s3_bucket =
s3_key =
source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("../target/sns-cw-lambda-poc.jar")
//allow sns to call lambda
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "allow-sns-to-lambda" {
function_name = aws_lambda_function.lambda-function.function_name
action = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
principal = ""
source_arn =
statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromSNS"
//app s3 repository
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "sns-test" {
bucket = "app-bucket-12345"
region = "us-east-1"
//app jar file
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "file_upload" {
depends_on = [
bucket =
key = "sns-cw-lambda-poc.jar"
source = "../target/sns-cw-lambda-poc.jar"
server_side_encryption = "AES256"
etag = filebase64sha256("../target/sns-cw-lambda-poc.jar")
//to check lambda exec logs
resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "lambda-cloudwatch-logs" {
name = "/aws/lambda/${aws_lambda_function.lambda-function.function_name}"
retention_in_days = 1
//rule to trigger SNS
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "publish-sns-rule" {
name = "publish-sns-rule"
schedule_expression = "rate(1 minute)"
//cloud watch event targets SNS
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "sns-publish" {
count = "1"
rule =
target_id =
arn =
//SNS topic to subscribe
resource "aws_sns_topic" "call-lambdas-topic" {
name = "call-lambdas-topic"
//lambda subscribes the topic, so it should be nofied when other resource publishes to the topic
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "sns-lambda-subscritption" {
topic_arn =
protocol = "lambda"
endpoint = aws_lambda_function.lambda-function.arn
I figured it out, I forgot to add the SNS policies that allow CloudWatch to publish to SNS topic. To get the above script to work, just add this:
resource "aws_sns_topic_policy" "default" {
count = 1
arn =
policy = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.sns_topic_policy.0.json}"
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "sns_topic_policy" {
count = "1"
statement {
sid = "Allow CloudwatchEvents"
actions = ["sns:Publish"]
resources = []
principals {
type = "Service"
identifiers = [""]

Is it possible to trigger a lambda on creation from CloudFormation template

I tried creating a set of lambdas using cloudformation. I want the lambdas to get triggered once they are created. I saw at various blogs to create a trigger to s3 or sns but none seems to be a option to trigger lambda once it has been created. Any options?
Yes, it is possible. Here are a few options:
Manually create an SNS Topic. Add an AWS::SNS::Subscription to your stack with the lambda function as the Endpoint and the SNS topic as the TopicArn. On stack creation/update, configure Stack Event Notifications to be sent to this SNS topic.
(See Setting AWS CloudFormation Stack Options for documentation on how to do this when using the AWS Console to create your stack, or use the equivalent option like --notification-arns if creating/updating your stack using the AWS CLI or other AWS SDK.)
Add a Custom Resource referencing a Lambda function to be called on creation.
If you need the Lambda function to be called after some specific Resource is created, add a DependsOn attribute on the Custom Resource referencing the Resource you want to make sure is created first before the function is called.
In order for the Custom Resource to create successfully (and not cause a failure/rollback in your stack), you will need to adapt your Lambda function to support the CloudFormation request/response format (see Custom Resource Reference).
This option will call the Lambda function while the stack status is still CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, because the Custom Resource is part of the stack itself.
The Lambda function will also be called again when the stack (and associated Custom Resource) is deleted. This will need to be handled by your Lambda function correctly, or your stack could get stuck in the DELETE_FAILED state.
Add the Lambda function reference to a Stack Output, then write a simple script that performs the stack creation and then manually invokes the Lambda function afterwards.
by yl.
The following just works great !
It invokes a lambda as a part of deployment:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
FunctionName: caller
ZipFile: |
import boto3, json
import cfnresponse
def handler(event, context):
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
test_event = '{"name":"test1"}'
responseValue = 120
responseData = {}
responseData['Data'] = responseValue
cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData)
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: python3.7
Timeout: 60
Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource
DependsOn: LambdaFunction2
Version: "1.0"
ServiceToken: !GetAtt LambdaFunction2.Arn
For who looking the similar workaround.
CloudWatch is able to capture API calls of CloudFormation, which is "CreateStack", "UpdateStack" and "DeleteStack", stack states like "Create_complete" or "Complete_Rollback" are uncapturable, which means such state changes not be able to trigger lambda.
The workaround is SNS, stacks are able to send notifications to SNS (In advance settings when you creating stack) and SNS can choose to trigger lambda, however, you can't choose for specific states. So, lambda function takes the job to find out what state in "Message" content of an event. Everyone, just coding.
I know this is a bit old- but a solution could also be too use CommandRunner as a resource type in your template.
You can run virtually any shell command. Add a DependsOn attribute to your CommandRunner type and run a shell script:
aws lambda invoke --function-name my-function --invocation-type RequestRespone --payload '{ "name": "Bob" }'
Improving on Kyr's answer, because it lacks two important things:
how to pass paramaters to the Lambda you invoke
how to treat UPDATE and DELETE on your Stack (his solution would cause CloudFormation to crash on delete)
Here is the revised and improved code:
DependsOn: ## important, add stuff here you need to existe BEFORE the lambda is called
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
FunctionName: YourLambdaName
Description: 'Lambda invoke wrapper for Custom CFN actions'
ZipFile: !Sub |
import boto3, json
import cfnresponse
def handler(event, context):
if event['RequestType'] == "Create":
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
cfn_event = {
"param1" : "${Param1}",
"param2" : "${Param2}"
responseValue = 120
responseData = {}
responseData['Data'] = responseValue
cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS,
responseData, 'scm-cfn-customresource-id')
Handler: index.handler
Role: YourLambdaRoleARN
Runtime: python3.7
Timeout: 5
You have the option to notify to a SNS topic, and you may build a lambda that listens to the topic, so the workflow would be: Cloudformation launch -> SNS Topic -> Lambda.
The following template should invoke the lambda :
"InvokeLambda" : {
"Type": "Custom::InvokeLambda",
"Version" : "1.0",
"Properties" : {
"ServiceToken": {
"Fn::GetAtt": ["InitFunction","Arn"]
