Call stored procedure and register out parameter using JDBC Driver - jdbc

We have written a stored procedure in Snowflake that inserts values in a table and returns a primary key. I'm trying to call this stored procedure using its JDBC driver.
final Connection connection = getJdbcTemplate().getDataSource().getConnection();
final CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{call REWARD.sp_issue_reward(?, ?, ?)}");
callableStatement.setLong(1, reward.getClientSeq());
callableStatement.setLong(2, reward.getUserUniqueId());
callableStatement.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER); // throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
The connection.prepareCall returns an instance of SnowflakeCallableStatementV1.class. Problem is that this class has the following implementation for registering for output parameter:
The Snowflake database does not accept OUT or INOUT parameters, so the registerOutParameter functions and the get
functions (which get values of OUT parameters) will remain not implemented)
public void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException {
throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();
A sample stored procedure definition that is in use:
create or replace procedure sp_issue_reward(CLIENT_SEQ float,
USER_SEQ float)
returns float not null
language javascript
called on null input
var REWARD_ID = 1;
var insertStatement = snowflake.createStatement({
+ "reward_seq, "
+ "client_seq, "
+ "user_seq) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
return REWARD_ID;
How to get an output of a stored procedure using Snowflake JDBC driver?
Results are same with this stored procedure as well:
CREATE or replace PROCEDURE testSp()
LANGUAGE javascript
var rs = "Test"
return rs;

The problem is here:
When you're calling a stored procedure from JDBC, you're not executing an update. You're executing a query even though the SP is doing an update.
The stored procedure will return one row with a single column for the result. You can retrieve it like this:
Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("call TEST_JDBC()");
while ( {
You can of course get more sophisticated than this using prepared statements, but use executeQuery.


Spring JdbcTemplate: Return value type of count(*) in ResultSet of PreparedStatement

What is the return value type of count(*) in the ResultSet of a Prepared Statement with Spring JdbcTemplate?
String query = "select count(*) as ROW_COUNT from table1";
List<Map<String, Object>> list = executePreparedStatement(query);
Iterator<Map<String, Object>> iter = list.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
Map<String, Object> lom =;
return (((Long) lom.get("ROW_COUNT"))).intValue();
Does this depend on the JDBC driver / and or the database?
For example in DB2 the return value type was Integer, but in PostgreSQL it is Long.
Why is this different?
Different vendors have different implementations.
Sometimes even a single vendor can have different implementations.
You need to code accordingly.
Db2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, Db2 for i-Series, Db2 for Z/OS, all return a large integer from the COUNT function.
Additionally Db2 for i can return DECIMAL(15,0) from the count function if the table is distributed.
There's also the COUNT_BIG function in Db2 which returns DECIMAL(31,0).

JdbcTemplate queryForList changing the database order

I'm using the queryForList method to fetch the data for the following sql.
String sql = "select * from my_table ORDER BY ? ? LIMIT ?, ?";
return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql,new Object[]{param1,param2,
I can see that the order is altered when the data is returned.To confirm, I tried using simple JDBC as follows
try {
Connection conn = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection();
//Sample values param1 -> field1, param2 -> asc/desc, param3 -> 0, param4 -> 25
String sql = "select * from my_table ORDER BY "+param1+" "+param2+" LIMIT "+param3+", "+param4;
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
System.out.println("Name = "+rs.getString("field1")+" Type = "+rs.getString("field2"));
} catch (SQLException e) {
Here, the print statement gives the output as desired. I want to use queryForList as it suits our data format requirements. How can I make sure that the order is maintained in queryForList?
You cannot pass the order by as parameters - ORDER BY ? ?. This will result in ORDER BY "firstSort", "secondSort"rather than ORDER BY firstSort, secondSort.

How to use ampersand in JDBC?

In oracle we using select * from table_name where column_name=&value in similar way how to use ampersand in JDBC?
stmt = conn.createStatement();
String sql;
sql="select emp_name from employees"+" where emp_no=?";
ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
String emp_name=rs.getString("emp_name");
i wrote the above code but it is not working(showing error)
Did you read the article I provided the link to?
You use the question mark ? to point out places in your query where you want to specify a parameter, and you have to use PreparedStatement. I can't test it, but it should be something like this:
// some code to obtain the Connection object
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
String yourQuery = " SELECT emp_name FROM employees WHERE emp_no = ? ";
try {
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(yourQuery);
stmt.setLong(1, 252);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while( {
String emp_name = rs.getString("emp_name");
} finally {
// close the stmt etc.
I'd suggest using a PreparedStatement - from memory it's something like
Connection conn = getConnection();
PreparedStatement pstmnt = conn.prepareStatement("Select * from employees where emp_no =?");
ResultSet rs = pstmnt.executeQuery();
but the link that #Przemyslaw Kruglej high light above will almost certainly have a good example ( I haven;t read it though ... )

Comparisons of Oracle DATE column with java.sql.timestamp via JOOQ

I am using jooq to build queries for Oracle. Everything works fine except for dates:
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
java.sql.Timestamp now = new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime());
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(... , ... , ...);
final Factory create = new OracleFactory(con);
Statement s = con.createStatement();
s.execute("create table test_table ( test_column DATE )");
s.execute("insert into test_table values (to_date('20111111', 'yyyymmdd'))");
// -- using to_date
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select count(1) from test_table where test_column<to_date('20121212', 'yyyymmdd')");;
// -- using a preparedstatement with java.sql.timestamp
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("select count(1) from test_table where test_column<?");
rs = ps.executeQuery();;
// -- using jooq with java.sql.timestamp
final org.jooq.Table<org.jooq.Record> table = create.tableByName("TEST_TABLE");
final org.jooq.SelectSelectStep sss =;
final org.jooq.SelectJoinStep sjs = sss.from(table);
final org.jooq.SelectConditionStep scs = sjs.where(create.fieldByName("TEST_COLUMN").lessThan(now));
rs = s.executeQuery(scs.toString());;
Gives the following output:
select count(*) from "TEST_TABLE" where "TEST_COLUMN" < '2012-12-12 19:42:34.957'
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLDataException: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
I would have thought that JOOQ would check the type of Object in lessThan(Object)
to determine whether it can come up with a reasonable conversion, but apparently it
just does an Object.toString() in this case. I also remember that I never had issues with date queries via JOOQ in MySQL (although this is a while back). What am I doing wrong?
I suspect that this issue is due to the fact that create.fieldByName() doesn't know the type of the column (hence, Object), and coerces that unknown type on the right hand side of the comparison predicate. That should be fixed in jOOQ. I have registered #2007 for this:
In the mean time, try explicitly setting the type on your field:
create.fieldByName(Timestamp.class, "TEST_COLUMN").lessThan(now)

how to pass two variables value using linq

i am getting error while i am passing two variable value to stored procedure using linq
below is how i have used to pass variables to the linq
Customer objCustomer = DbContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<Customer>
("exec getCustomerDetails {0}{1}", CustomerId, OrderId).AsQueryable().ToList();
below is my stored procedure
create procedure getCustomerDetails
#CustomerId int,
#OrderId int
select * from customer c
where c.CustomerId = #CustomerId and c.OrderId = #OrderId
below is the error i get
Message = "Must declare the scalar variable \"#p0#p1\"."
please suggest
further to what jackie has stated, I think the issue is down to the fact that there is no space between your parameters. try:
("exec getCustomerDetails {0} {1}", CustomerId, OrderId)
hope this helps
I think you are missing a comma between {0} and {1}...
But why don't you import the stored procedure into your entity model, so that you can call the stored procedure like this:
DbContext.getCustomerDetails(CustomerId, OrderId)
