Generate an array of the first M N-Bonacci Numbers - algorithm

I'm having difficulty understanding the solution this problem:
We are to write a function that generates the first M N-Bonacci numbers. So for example, if N = 2, then this is the sequence of fibonacci numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 5 ... }. If N = 3, then each element is the sum of the previous 3 numbers, {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, ... }.
According to the solution to this problem, the ith N-Bonacci number, is equal to
nbonacci[i] = nbonacci[i - 1] + nbonacci[i - 1] - nbonacci[i - N - 1]
Can someone please explain how this idea was produced? I know it's a dynamic programming problem, I just don't understand how to come up with this formula on my own. So at a high level, how exactly do you think of this ?

We know that:
BN(i) = BN(i-1) + BN(i-2) + ... + BN(i-N)
That means that
BN(i-1) = BN(i-2) + BN(i-3) + ... + BN(i-N) + BN(i-N-1)
All I did there was substitute i-i for i in the definition.
In other words (subtracting the last term from both sides of the equality):
BN(i-1) - BN(i-N-1) = BN(i-2) + BN(i-3) + ... + BN(i-N)
Now, I substitute this equation back into the first one. (You can see that the right-hand side of this equality is precisely the trailing part of the first equation, so I can substitute the left-hand side of this equality.)
BN(i) = BN(i-1) + BN(i-1) - BN(i-N-1)
That gives you the simplified formula, which can be evaluated without a loop.


Coin change with split into two sets

I'm trying to figure out how to solve a problem that seems a tricky variation of a common algorithmic problem but require additional logic to handle specific requirements.
Given a list of coins and an amount, I need to count the total number of possible ways to extract the given amount using an unlimited supply of available coins (and this is a classical change making problem easily solved using dynamic programming) that also satisfy some additional requirements:
extracted coins are splittable into two sets of equal size (but not necessarily of equal sum)
the order of elements inside the set doesn't matter but the order of set does.
Amount of 6 euros and coins [1, 2]: solutions are 4
[(1,1), (2,2)]
[(1,1,1), (1,1,1)]
[(2,2), (1,1)]
[(1,2), (1,2)]
Amount of 8 euros and coins [1, 2, 6]: solutions are 7
[(1,1,2), (1,1,2)]
[(1,2,2), (1,1,1)]
[(1,1,1,1), (1,1,1,1)]
[(2), (6)]
[(1,1,1), (1,2,2)]
[(2,2), (2,2)]
[(6), (2)]
By now I tried different approaches but the only way I found was to collect all the possible solution (using dynamic programming) and then filter non-splittable solution (with an odd number of coins) and duplicates. I'm quite sure there is a combinatorial way to calculate the total number of duplication but I can't figure out how.
(The following method first enumerates partitions. My other answer generates the assignments in a bottom-up fashion.) If you'd like to count splits of the coin exchange according to coin count, and exclude redundant assignments of coins to each party (for example, where splitting 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 into two parts of equal cardinality is only either (1,1) | (2,2), (2,2) | (1,1) or (1,2) | (1,2) and element order in each part does not matter), we could rely on enumeration of partitions where order is disregarded.
However, we would need to know the multiset of elements in each partition (or an aggregate of similar ones) in order to count the possibilities of dividing them in two. For example, to count the ways to split 1 + 2 + 2 + 1, we would first count how many of each coin we have:
Python code:
def partitions_with_even_number_of_parts_as_multiset(n, coins):
results = []
def C(m, n, s, p):
if n < 0 or m <= 0:
if n == 0:
if not p:
C(m - 1, n, s, p)
_s = s[:]
_s[m - 1] += 1
C(m, n - coins[m - 1], _s, not p)
C(len(coins), n, [0] * len(coins), False)
return results
=> partitions_with_even_number_of_parts_as_multiset(6, [1,2,6])
=> [[6, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0]]
^ ^ ^ ^ this one represents two 1's and two 2's
Now since we are counting the ways to choose half of these, we need to find the coefficient of x^2 in the polynomial multiplication
(x^2 + x + 1) * (x^2 + x + 1) = ... 3x^2 ...
which represents the three ways to choose two from the multiset count [2,2]:
2,0 => 1,1
0,2 => 2,2
1,1 => 1,2
In Python, we can use numpy.polymul to multiply polynomial coefficients. Then we lookup the appropriate coefficient in the result.
For example:
import numpy
def count_split_partitions_by_multiset_count(multiset):
coefficients = (multiset[0] + 1) * [1]
for i in xrange(1, len(multiset)):
coefficients = numpy.polymul(coefficients, (multiset[i] + 1) * [1])
return coefficients[ sum(multiset) / 2 ]
=> count_split_partitions_by_multiset_count([2,2,0])
=> 3
(Posted a similar answer here.)
Here is a table implementation and a little elaboration on algrid's beautiful answer. This produces an answer for f(500, [1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60]) in about 2 seconds.
The simple declaration of C(n, k, S) = sum(C(n - s_i, k - 1, S[i:])) means adding all the ways to get to the current sum, n using k coins. Then if we split n into all ways it can be partitioned in two, we can just add all the ways each of those parts can be made from the same number, k, of coins.
The beauty of fixing the subset of coins we choose from to a diminishing list means that any arbitrary combination of coins will only be counted once - it will be counted in the calculation where the leftmost coin in the combination is the first coin in our diminishing subset (assuming we order them in the same way). For example, the arbitrary subset [6, 24, 48], taken from [1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60], would only be counted in the summation for the subset [6, 12, 24, 48, 60] since the next subset, [12, 24, 48, 60] would not include 6 and the previous subset [2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60] has at least one 2 coin.
Python code (see it here; confirm here):
import time
def f(n, coins):
t0 = time.time()
min_coins = min(coins)
m = [[[0] * len(coins) for k in xrange(n / min_coins + 1)] for _n in xrange(n + 1)]
# Initialize base case
for i in xrange(len(coins)):
m[0][0][i] = 1
for i in xrange(len(coins)):
for _i in xrange(i + 1):
for _n in xrange(coins[_i], n + 1):
for k in xrange(1, _n / min_coins + 1):
m[_n][k][i] += m[_n - coins[_i]][k - 1][_i]
result = 0
for a in xrange(1, n + 1):
b = n - a
for k in xrange(1, n / min_coins + 1):
result = result + m[a][k][len(coins) - 1] * m[b][k][len(coins) - 1]
total_time = time.time() - t0
return (result, total_time)
print f(500, [1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60])

Minimum common remainder of division

I have n pairs of numbers: ( p[1], s[1] ), ( p[2], s[2] ), ... , ( p[n], s[n] )
Where p[i] is integer greater than 1; s[i] is integer : 0 <= s[i] < p[i]
Is there any way to determine minimum positive integer a , such that for each pair :
( s[i] + a ) mod p[i] != 0
Anything better than brute force ?
It is possible to do better than brute force. Brute force would be O(A·n), where A is the minimum valid value for a that we are looking for.
The approach described below uses a min-heap and achieves O(n·log(n) + A·log(n)) time complexity.
First, notice that replacing a with a value of the form (p[i] - s[i]) + k * p[i] leads to a reminder equal to zero in the ith pair, for any positive integer k. Thus, the numbers of that form are invalid a values (the solution that we are looking for is different from all of them).
The proposed algorithm is an efficient way to generate the numbers of that form (for all i and k), i.e. the invalid values for a, in increasing order. As soon as the current value differs from the previous one by more than 1, it means that there was a valid a in-between.
The pseudocode below details this approach.
1. construct a min-heap from all the following pairs (p[i] - s[i], p[i]),
where the heap comparator is based on the first element of the pairs.
2. a0 = -1; maxA = lcm(p[i])
3. Repeat
3a. Retrieve and remove the root of the heap, (a, p[i]).
3b. If a - a0 > 1 then the result is a0 + 1. Exit.
3c. if a is at least maxA, then no solution exists. Exit.
3d. Insert into the heap the value (a + p[i], p[i]).
3e. a0 = a
Remark: it is possible for such an a to not exist. If a valid a is not found below LCM(p[1], p[2], ... p[n]), then it is guaranteed that no valid a exists.
I'll show below an example of how this algorithm works.
Consider the following (p, s) pairs: { (2, 1), (5, 3) }.
The first pair indicates that a should avoid values like 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., whereas the second pair indicates that we should avoid values like 2, 7, 12, 17, ... .
The min-heap initially contains the first element of each sequence (step 1 of the pseudocode) -- shown in bold below:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
We retrieve and remove the head of the heap, i.e., the minimum value among the two bold ones, and this is 1. We add into the heap the next element from that sequence, thus the heap now contains the elements 2 and 3:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
We again retrieve the head of the heap, this time it contains the value 2, and add the next element of that sequence into the heap:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
The algorithm continues, we will next retrieve value 3, and add 5 into the heap:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
Finally, now we retrieve value 5. At this point we realize that the value 4 is not among the invalid values for a, thus that is the solution that we are looking for.
I can think of two different solutions. First:
p_max = lcm (p[0],p[1],...,p[n]) - 1;
for a = 0 to p_max:
zero_found = false;
for i = 0 to n:
if ( s[i] + a ) mod p[i] == 0:
zero_found = true;
if !zero_found:
return a;
return -1;
I suppose this is the one you call "brute force". Notice that p_max represents Least Common Multiple of p[i]s - 1 (solution is either in the closed interval [0, p_max], or it does not exist). Complexity of this solution is O(n * p_max) in the worst case (plus the running time for calculating lcm!). There is a better solution regarding the time complexity, but it uses an additional binary array - classical time-space tradeoff. Its idea is similar to the Sieve of Eratosthenes, but for remainders instead of primes :)
p_max = lcm (p[0],p[1],...,p[n]) - 1;
int remainders[p_max + 1] = {0};
for i = 0 to n:
int rem = s[i] - p[i];
while rem >= -p_max:
remainders[-rem] = 1;
rem -= p[i];
for i = 0 to n:
if !remainders[i]:
return i;
return -1;
Explanation of the algorithm: first, we create an array remainders that will indicate whether certain negative remainder exists in the whole set. What is a negative remainder? It's simple, notice that 6 = 2 mod 4 is equivalent to 6 = -2 mod 4. If remainders[i] == 1, it means that if we add i to one of the s[j], we will get p[j] (which is 0, and that is what we want to avoid). Array is populated with all possible negative remainders, up to -p_max. Now all we have to do is search for the first i, such that remainder[i] == 0 and return it, if it exists - notice that the solution does not have to exists. In the problem text, you have indicated that you are searching for the minimum positive integer, I don't see why zero would not fit (if all s[i] are positive). However, if that is a strong requirement, just change the for loop to start from 1 instead of 0, and increment p_max.
The complexity of this algorithm is n + sum (p_max / p[i]) = n + p_max * sum (1 / p[i]), where i goes from to 0 to n. Since all p[i]s are at least 2, that is asymptotically better than the brute force solution.
An example for better understanding: suppose that the input is (5,4), (5,1), (2,0). p_max is lcm(5,5,2) - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9, so we create array with 10 elements, initially filled with zeros. Now let's proceed pair by pair:
from the first pair, we have remainders[1] = 1 and remainders[6] = 1
second pair gives remainders[4] = 1 and remainders[9] = 1
last pair gives remainders[0] = 1, remainders[2] = 1, remainders[4] = 1, remainders[6] = 1 and remainders[8] = 1.
Therefore, first index with zero value in the array is 3, which is a desired solution.

Find the sum of Fibonacci Series

I have given a Set A I have to find the sum of Fibonacci Sum of All the Subsets of A.
Fibonacci(X) - Is the Xth Element of Fibonacci Series
For example, for A = {1,2,3}:
Fibonacci(1) + Fibonacci(2) + Fibonacci(3) + Fibonacci(1+2) + Fibonacci(2+3) + Fibonacci(1+3) + Fibonacci(1+2+3)
1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 8 = 22
Is there any way I can find the sum without generating the subset?
Since I find the Sum of all subset easily
i.e. Sum of All Subset - (1+2+3)*(pow(2,length of set-1))
There surely is.
First, let's recall that the nth Fibonacci number equals
φ(n) = [φ^n - (-φ)^(-n)]/√5
where φ = (√5 + 1)/2 (Golden Ratio) and (-φ)^(-1) = (1-√5)/2. But to make this shorter, let me denote φ as A and (-φ)^(-1) as B.
Next, let's notice that a sum of Fibonacci numbers is a sum of powers of A and B:
[φ(n) + φ(m)]*√5 = A^n + A^m - B^n - B^m
Now what is enough to calc (in the {1,2,3} example) is
A^1 + A^2 + A^3 + A^{1+2} + A^{1+3} + A^{2+3} + A^{1+2+3}.
But hey, there's a simpler expression for this:
(A^1 + 1)(A^2 + 1)(A^3 + 1) - 1
Now, it is time to get the whole result.
Let our set be {n1, n2, ..., nk}. Then our sum will be equal to
Sum = 1/√5 * [(A^n1 + 1)(A^n2 + 1)...(A^nk + 1) - (B^n1 + 1)(B^n2 + 1)...(B^nk + 1)]
I think, mathematically, this is the "simplest" form of the answer as there's no relation between n_i. However, there could be some room for computative optimization of this expression. In fact, I'm not sure at all if this (using real numbers) will work faster than the "straightforward" summing, but the question was about avoiding subsets generation, so here's the answer.
I tested the answer from YakovL using Python 2.7. It works very well and is plenty quick. I cannot imagine that summing the sequence values would be quicker. Here's the implementation.
_phi = (5.**0.5 + 1.)/2.
A = lambda n: _phi**n
B = lambda n: (-_phi)**(-n)
prod = lambda it: reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, it)
subset_sum = lambda s: (prod(A(n)+1 for n in s) - prod(B(n)+1 for n in s))/5**0.5
And here are some test results:
print subset_sum({1, 2, 3})
# 22.0
# [Finished in 0.1s]
print subset_sum({1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512})
# 7.29199318438e+213
# [Finished in 0.1s]

Get number of Nth place of modified Fibonacci sequence

In an interview today, I was given this sequence, which is sort of a modified Fibonacci:
1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 19, 42, 61, 135, ...,
I was asked to write a function to return the number at place n.
So, if n = 4, the function should return 4, n = 6 return 13, etc.
As I'm sure you already noticed, the difference is that even items equal the previous 4 items, while odd items equal the previous 2.
It isn't a problem if you use recursion. That's what I did, but it's not the approach I would have liked.
The Fibonacci calculation goes something like this (in PHP):
$n = 17;
$phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2;
$u = (pow($phi, $n) - pow(1 - $phi, $n)) / sqrt(5);
$u being, in this case, 1597.
However, I have no idea how to solve it with a modified version of a Fibonacci sequence like this one.
If I understand you correctly, you want to compute efficiently [i.e. in O( log(n) )] sequence defined as:
a[2n + 5] = a[2n + 4] + a[2n + 3] + a[2n + 2] + a[2n + 1]
a[2n + 2] = a[2n + 1] + a[2n]
Let's define two new sequences. First one will correspond to the values of a on even positions, the second one to the values on even positions:
b[n] = a[2n]
c[n] = a[2n + 1]
Now we have:
c[n] = b[n] + c[n - 1] + b[n - 1] + c[n - 2]
b[n] = c[n - 1] + b[n - 1]
Subtracting the second equation from the first we get (after some transformation):
b[n] = ( c[n] - c[n-1] ) /2
Next substitute this formula into first equation to get formula for c:
c[n] = 2 c[n-1] + c[n-2]
Notice that this equation involves only elements from c. Therefore now it is possible to compute elements of c, using techniques described here. By transforming equations a little bit further you will be able to compute b efficiently as well.
Like every sequence defined by a linear recurrence with constant coefficients, the Fibonacci numbers have a closed-form solution.
However, I do not know how to create a closed form expression for this particular sequence.
What I can add is that you can solve Fibonacci or any similar sequence without recursion, e.g.:
So you can solve the problem using a loop rather than the stack.

How is a check digit calculation done in Ruby?

I'm trying to build a check-digit calculation in Ruby for FedEx tracking numbers.
Here is info and the steps for the check-digit calculation:
Digit positions are labeled from right to left.
Digit 1 is the check character.
Digits 16 through 22 are not used.
Starting from position 2, add up the values of the even numbered positions.
Multiply the results of step one by three.
Starting from position 3, add up the values of the odd numbered positions. Remember – position 1 is the check digit you are trying to calculate.
Add the result of step two to the result of step three.
Determine the smallest number which when added to the number from step four results in a multiple of 10. This is the check digit.
Here is an example of the process (provided by FedEx):
So, how do I implement this in Ruby?
When you have your number as string (or if you have your digit as integer, just #to_s on it and get string), and then you can simply extract digits from there with:
or if you use Ruby 1.8
#to_i is to convert it to integer, so you can add it to others. Then just proceed with steps provided to calculate your number.
All you have to do to implement it is correctly map positions provided in instruction to idx index position in your string representation of number. Just do it on paper with counting in head or use negative idx (it counts from end of the string) in Ruby.
The solution could be something like this:
bar_code_data = "961102098765431234567C"
digits_with_position = bar_code_data.reverse[1..14].split(//).map(&:to_i).zip(2..1/0.0)
this goes as follow:
reverse - reverse string, so now we can count from left to right instead of reverse
[1..14] - select substrig of characters, which we're interested in (Ruby counts from 0)
split(//) - split one string into substrings of length 1 character, in other words - separate digits
map(&:to_i) - call #to_i on every element of array, in other words convert to integer
zip(2..1/0.0) - add position starting from 2 to Infinity, to every element
Now we should have something like this:
[[7, 2],
[6, 3],
[5, 4],
[4, 5],
[3, 6],
[2, 7],
[1, 8],
[3, 9],
[4, 10],
[5, 11],
[6, 12],
[7, 13],
[8, 14],
[9, 15]]
sum ={|i| i[0] * (i[1].even? ? 3 : 1)}.reduce(+:)
We made little change in algorithm, which should not be hard to you to follow:
instead of:
sum = (in[2] + in[4] + in[6] + ...)*3 + (in[3] + in[5] + in[7] + ...)
we made:
sum = in[2]*3 + in[3]*1 + in[4]*3 + in[5]*1 + in[6]*3 + in[7]*1 + ...
which is the same result, but with changed order of operations.
map {|i| ... } - map every value of list, i is tuple in our case, pair of [digit,pos]
i[1].even? - check if position is even
i[1].even? ? 3 : 1 - for even position use 3, for opposite (odd) use just 1
reduce(:+) - reduce resulting array to single value using + operation (add all results)
Now fun part :-)
check_code = 10 - (sum % 10)
sum % 10 - module 10 of sum value, return reminder of division sum by 10, which in our case is last digit
10 - (sum % 10) - complement to nearest not smaller multiple of 10
There is error in description, because if you would have 130 as result, then next bigger multiple of 10 is 140 and difference is 10, which is not correct result for digit (it should probably be 0).
Other faster solution would be like this (unroll all loops, just hardcode everything):
d = "961102098765431234567C".split(//) # avoid having to use [-2..-2] in Ruby 1.8
sum_even = d[-2].to_i + d[-4].to_i + d[-6].to_i + d[-8].to_i + d[-10].to_i + d[-12].to_i + d[-14].to_i
sum_odd = d[-3].to_i + d[-5].to_i + d[-7].to_i + d[-9].to_i + d[-11].to_i + d[-13].to_i + d[-15].to_i
sum = sum_even * 3 + sum_odd
check_code = 10 - sum % 10
It's just dead simple solution, not worth explaining, unless someone asks for it
Pass your number to below method and it will return the number appended with a checksum digit.
Reference used from:
def add_check_digit(code_value)
sum = 0
code_value.to_s.split(//).each_with_index{|i,index| sum = sum + (i[0].to_i * ((index+1).even? ? 3 : 1))}
check_digit = ? 0 : (10-(sum % 10))
return (code_value.to_s.split(//)<<check_digit).join("")
