Connection to a oracle database - oracle

This one seems like it should be obvious but could I get some guidance on how you use HHVM and Hack to connect to an Oracle DB? Has anyone done this? If so could we provide some guidance on this? I am sure someone has done this in the past.
Apologies in advance if this has already been answered - I did try to search for it but can't find anything related to connecting to a db?


what is the connection string for forward engineering into oracle databases with CA erwin

I tried using the green checkmarked solution in What is the format of connection string that should be used while using ERWin tool for generating ERD for an Oracle database? typing it out as I found it in the tns.ora docs. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I don't know what it is.
Can someone please tell me the exact format for inserting a connection string?

Find postgres I was connected to

I have done something rather dumb.
I got a new work machine and, for weeks (I know, I know) I have been connected to a version of postgres. Last night, the machine restarted and now I can't seem to flip on the correct version of postgres.
When I try to access the database using the same credentials as before, my machine claims that the user, postgres, doesn't exist. That can't be true, as I successfully logged in as that user and had done quite a bit of work.
My question: is there a way to find out where that database is on my filesystem somehow? I know I called the database "analysis_db" and I remember several of the tablenames.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

LOGIXML connection to Apache Derby DB

I would like to create a connection between LogiXML and an Apache Derby DB. Does anybody know how I can do this? At first sight, it seems that LogiXML isn't capable with Apache Derby, I don't know if this is the case.
Looks to me like this is really a question about LogiXML (whatever that is), more than about Derby. So perhaps tagging with Derby is not getting the attention of the right people (those who know LogiXML).


I am trying to find the SQL SERVER 2000 JDBC Driver to use in extracting data from SQL SERVER and also carrying out several operation implemented in Java/JSF. Any idea where I could get my hands on the driver? It is no surprise that /MSDN stopped supporting and hence supplying the necessary driver. Please help and it is greatly appreciated
P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this :)
EDIT: Solution Working:
So JTDS does it based on link below. The strings I changed to make it work for SQL SERVER 2000 are:
connServer.dbConnect("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://host;", "username",
Have you tried

Connect to an Oracle database with SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services?

I am trying to create a report in SSRS2000 that will query an ORACLE database and pass one parameter, I am getting the following error message:
ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
But have been unable to find much help elsewhere on the web with this error code
I was hoping that this would be fairly simple to do, does anyone have any idea how to accomplish this task?
You'll have to accept some Answer in order to show this question as "Answered" and you can't accept your own, so it might as well be this one.
Guys, I Swear I'm not trolling for rep, I don't even know what the proper term for that is. But if I mark it as Wiki, I won't right? So I did.
It turns out that the parameter had to be named Parameter1 for this to work, and that the dba had to correct a connection issue!
