Unable to save configuration of Teams connector - microsoft-teams

Past two days, I have been trying to configure MS Teams connector following this tutorial:
I configured the connector via Connectors Developer Dashboard.
Then I tried both, cloning and reconfiguring this sample:
and also bootstrapping the project via yo teams, following the tutorial step-by-step.
After building the project and serving it via ngrok, I can sideload the connector into Teams (tried both, desktop app and web), it successfully brings me to configuration page, but never allows me to save the connector settings. I always get this error:
Unable to save “My First Teams Connector” connector configuration. Please try again.
I adapted the code and debugged it to see, that the call to /api/connector/connect succeeds and saveEvent.notifySuccess() is called.
Then I noticed, that right after saving the connector via browser, this error appears in the console:
"seq": 1597590187271,
"timestamp": 1597593891957,
"flightSettings": {
"Name": "ConnectorFrontEndSettings",
"AriaSDKToken": "d127f72a3abd41c9b9dd94faca947689-d58285e6-3a68-4cab-a458-37b9d9761d35-7033",
"SPAEnabled": true,
"ClassificationFilterEnabled": true,
"ClientRoutingEnabled": true,
"EnableYammerGroupOption": true,
"EnableFadeMessage": false,
"EnableDomainBasedOwaConnectorList": false,
"EnableDomainBasedTeamsConnectorList": false,
"DevPortalSPAEnabled": true,
"ShowHomeNavigationButtonOnConfigurationPage": false,
"DisableConnectToO365InlineDeleteFeedbackPage": true
"status": 500,
"clientType": "SkypeSpaces",
"connectorType": "f39fe17c-6452-4879-b692-a93d73684348",
"name": "handleMessageError"
Any idea what could be incorrectly configured, or whether there is a place to check for more descriptive error? Log of desktop Teams was not helpful either.
ConnectorID: f39fe17c-6452-4879-b692-a93d73684348

So, what really helped me in the end for that particular tutorial:
run gulp ngrok-serve
configure the connector following the tutorial (with valid domains; excluding protocol) on Connectors Developer Dashboard
extract the content of packaged connector
adapt extracted manifest.json with newly created connector ID (both occurrences)
repackage the connector as zip
upload to Teams & configure it

I filled the valid domains field with xxxxxxxx.ngrok.io which is the domain of my configuration page.
Be careful, if you update an existing connector, apparently these changes needs time to be taken into account. To be sure, you can create a fresh new connector.


My bot not reponse back after setup my webhook?

I was stuck for a day The bot isn't response back my command /start after setup web hook.
I swear it working fine on local with polling method. But not working after setup web hook . I'm using flask + heroku
This is my full code:
Info : Window 10 Pro x64,
Python 3.8,
PythonTelegram Bot = 13.4.1
My WebhookInfo response:
"ok": true,
"result": {
"url": "https://hello-world.herokuapp.com/xxxx",
"has_custom_certificate": false,
"pending_update_count": 0,
"max_connections": 40,
"ip_address": ""
My log after deploy to heroku:
IISC, you don't process the incoming updates anywhere in webhook_handler. You'll have to either call dispatcher.process_update(update) or put the update in the dispatchers update_queue if you use dispatcher.start() in order to have the update processed. Also two more notes:
telegram.Update.de_json(request.get_json(force=True), updater) should be changed to telegram.Update.de_json(request.get_json(force=True), updater.bot)
if you don't use the updater for fetching updates, you don't need it at all, you just need a Dispatcher
I recommend to have a look at PTBs wiki page about webhooks. There even is a dedicated section on Heroku. Admittedly, it uses updater.start_webhook, but I didn't really see anything in your code that explains why you're using flask instead of the built-in solution.

Azure IoT Edge module logs - Task upload logs failed because of error

I was following the experimental features of Built-in log pulls
When I am trying to upload logs using the following payload from the azure portal(using Direct Method under each module)
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"items": [
"id": "zigbee_template-arm64v8",
"filter": {
"tail": 10
"encoding": "none",
"contentType": "text"
I am getting the error mentioned below after checking the task status
"message":"Task upload logs failed because of error Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.",
Please let me know where I am having an issue
Digging into the code some more, I noticed the UploadLogs implementation doesn't create a container, but rather a folder structure within the container that you supply. As far as I can tell, the casing restriction applies when creating a blob container, but there are no such restriction on creating folders within the container.
Please check the SAS URL that you supplied, or something on the storage end. Double check that your SAS URL is generated for a pre-existing blob container.

Failed Prop Type Error in Fine Uploader

I'm trying to get Fine Uploader React to work but keep running into issues.
I'm getting the following errors:
Here's the URL: http://fineuploader.azurewebsites.net/
Here's what I've done so far:
Downloaded the source on to my computer from https://github.com/FineUploader/react-fine-uploader
I then npm installed react-fine-uploader and fine-uploader as per instructions
I ran webpack to transpile and bundle the code
Added an entry point and index.html
Finally, I simply published the app to a new Azure app/website
Any idea what's causing the issue?
P.S. My goal is to use Fine Uploader to upload files to Azure Blob Storage. At this point, I'm simply trying to get Fine Uploader going. I do realize that I'll have to enter a few pieces of information about my blog storage endpoint, etc. but I don't think this error is related to any of that.
A Gallery (and every higher level component of that library) needs an "uploader" props as explained in the section https://github.com/FineUploader/react-fine-uploader#high-level-components
An uploader is one of the 3 classes avaiable in the fine-uploader-wrappers package https://github.com/FineUploader/fine-uploader-wrappers#wrapper-classes
those are for upload to
Aws s3
or your enpoint
The uploader class need all the configuration endpoint, credentials, custom configuration, etc... (you can find a comprehensive list here in the api section https://docs.fineuploader.com/branch/master/api/options.html)
An example for s3 direct upload would be something like:
const uploader = new FineUploaderS3({
options: {
request: {
endpoint: "http://fineuploadertest.s3.amazonaws.com",
signature: {
endpoint: "/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php"
and use that uploader in a gallery
<Gallery uploader={ uploader } />
There are many usefull option for customization: callbacks, onEventHandler, etc you can find them all in the docs of fineuploader
Edit: if im not mistaken react-transition-group is necessary even if it's not listed anywhere in the docs...

Visual Studio diagnostics configuration error in event hub set up

I am trying to set up streaming from an Azure VM scale set to an event hub via Diagnostics configuration.
I have my public config which includes the SinksConfig as follows (I have omitted the rest of the config for the sake of brevity):
"WadCfg": {
"DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration": {
*** config for performance counters and ETW ***
"SinksConfig": {
"Sink": [
"name": "eventhub",
"EventHub": {
"Url": "sb://myhub.servicebus.windows.net/mycompanyapplication",
"SharedAccessKeyName": "RootManageSharedAccessKey"
"StorageAccount": "<storageaccount>"
and the private config:
"storageAccountName": "<storageaccountname>",
"storageAccountKey": "<storageaccountkey>",
"storageAccountEndPoint": "https://core.windows.net",
"EventHub": {
"Url": "sb://myhub.servicebus.windows.net/mycompanyapplication",
"SharedAccessKeyName": "RootManageSharedAccessKey",
"SharedAccessKey": "<sharedaccesskey>"
However, nothing is being received by the event hub. I can see in the storage account logs that the Diagnostics extension is running:
but in the substatus there are many errors around the SAS key and the event hub:
When I check back in the Visual Studio Diagnostics configuration on the Scale set I see this error:
I have checked the naming convention on the SharedAccessKeyName (which is the default provided when the event hub was set up) know that the SAS key works as I wrote a console app to send messages to the same event hub with the same credentials and it worked fine.
So there is obviously a problem with the authentication to the event hub as it can't read the access key from the config file. However, I can't see any other way of providing it.
Am I missing something obvious here in my config?
Turns out the problem was quite simple, I had grabbed the URL from the connection string in the portal which was
when it should have been
Now the data is flowing freely into the event hub.
However, the diagnostics config in VS still shows the warning about not being able to read the SAS key, which now looks like a "red herring" that ended up costing me a lot of time :(

How to create app with parse server?

In parse.com, when I want to create new app, I use:
curl -X POST \
-H "X-Parse-Email: <PARSE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL>" \
-H "X-Parse-Password: <PARSE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"appName":"my new app","clientClassCreationEnabled":false}' \
But when I deployed Parse server to Heroku and Digital Ocean, I didn't know to create new app, because my server doesn't have PARSE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL and PARSE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD. When I deployed parse dashboard, it didn't have "Create a new app" like Parse.com.
How can I create new app with my self-hosted Parse server?
The self hosted parse servers can only handle one app per server, at least for now.
This means that you will have to use several installations of Parse, one app per installation using multiple servers or multiple instances of parse on the same server but configure each server to use different ports.
To answer you question: No you do not need to use parse.com to create new apps.
To create a new app you set the appID and password in the parse config/start file on your digital ocean or other hosted server.
The appID and password can be anything that you make up, it does not need to be from parse.com.
Below is an example of the environment settings in a startup file:
**Example file: ~/parse-server-example/my_app.js**
var express = require('express');
var ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer;
// Configure the Parse API
var api = new ParseServer({
databaseURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
cloud: __dirname + '/cloud/main.js',
appId: 'myOtherAppId',
masterKey: 'myMasterKey'
var app = express();
// Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix
app.use('/myparseapp', api);
// Listen for connections on port 1337
var port = 9999;
app.listen(port, function() {
console.log('parse-server-example running on port ' + port + '.');
Then run the file with:
node my_app.js
You can read more here: Parse Server at Digital Ocean
There is an open issue for that: https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-dashboard/issues/188
For the moment, I just use parse's hosted dashboard to create new apps. They say on January 28th, calls to their API will cease to function. They don't say that the hosted dashboard will be going away. I imagine that, if they don't get it into the self-hosted version, you'll still be able to create new apps within the hosted dashboard.
In any case, for now what I am doing is creating the app as I normally would in the hosted dashboard. I then run the migration tool at app > app settings > general > Migrate to external database option. You have to add at least one class to the database in order for the migration tool to work. Basically, the migration tool will fail with some ambiguous error message if it's a completely fresh app with a clean database.
Once the migration is done and read/writes are hooked up to my self-hosted Parse Server, I then providing the app's keys, etc in the parse-dashboard-config.json file of my self-hosted Parse Dashboard. You can add multiple apps to this config file, thus manage all of your apps from a single self-hosted Parse Dashboard.
Here's an example of that config file with two apps:
"apps": [
"serverURL": "https://my-parse-server-1.herokuapp.com/parse",
"appId": "b44gL7uAB1z...lwUJneaoKdX9",
"masterKey": "HrSqFbH...hfiwuCCOLDvHF",
"appName": "parse-server-1"
"serverURL": "https://my-parse-server-2.herokuapp.com/parse",
"appId": "b44gL7uAB1z...lwUJneaoKdX9",
"masterKey": "HrSqFbH...hfiwuCCOLDvHF",
"appName": "parse-server-2"
"users": [
This seems to be the only way currently to create apps that you can connect to your self-hosted Parse Dashboard.
It's also important to note that, at the moment, it appears as though the self-hosted Parse Server package only supports a single app. I have no idea if there are any plans to support multiple apps as they have done with Parse Dashboard.
And finally, you can use the Parse Command Line tool to create new apps as well: https://parse.com/docs/cloudcode/guide#command-line-creating-a-parse-app
They also have some interesting integrations with Heroku which facilitate the entire process. That might be worth looking into. You could create a simple Node app yourself with a GUI for creating new Parse apps. In this case, you would create a simple form, that when submitted is validated and then executes the command line methods to create a new app with the ShellJS node package. You could even modify the Parse Dashboard package to include this feature yourself within the self-hosted Dashboard.
