How to retry only failed tests in the CI job run on Gitlab? - continuous-integration

Our automation tests run in gitlab CI environment. We have a regression suite of around 80 tests.
If a test fails due to some intermittent issue, the CI job fails and since the next stage is dependent on the Regression one, the pipeline gets blocked.
We retry the job to rerun regression suite expecting this time it will pass, but some other test fails this time.
So, my question is:
Is there any capability using which on retrying the failed CI job, only the failed tests run (Not the whole suite)?

You can use the retry keyword when you specify the parameters for a job, to define how many times the job can be automatically retried:

[Retry Only Failed Scenarios]
Yes, but it depends. let me explain. I'll mention the psuedo-steps which can be performed to retry only failed scenarios. The steps are specific to pytest, but can be modified depending on the test-runner.
Execute the test scenarios with --last-failed. At first, all 80 scenarios will be executed.
The test-runner creates a metadata file containing a list of failed tests. for example, pytest creates a folder .pytest_cache containing lastfailed file with the list of failed scenarios.
We now have to add the .pytest_cache folder in the GitLab cache with the key=<gitlab-pipeline-id>.
User checks that there are 5 failures and reruns the failed job.
When the job is retried it will see that now .pytest_cache folder exists in the GitLab cache and will copy the folder to your test-running directory. (shouldn't fail if the cache doesn't exist to handle the 1st execution)
you execute the same test cases with the same parameter --last-failed to execute the tests which were failed earlier.
In the rerun, 5 test cases will be executed.
The test runner you are using creates a metadata file like pytest.
POC Required:
I have not done POC for this but in theory, it looks possible. The only doubt I have is how Gitlab parses the results. Ideally in the final result, all 80 scenarios should be pass. If it doesn't work out this way, then we have to have 2 jobs. execute tests -> [manual] execute failed tests to get 2 parsed results. I am sure with 2 stages, it will definitely work.

You can use Retry Analyser. This will help you definitely.


Re-run Cypress test in Github Actions does not work

I have a cypress workflow in Github and it runs nicely. But, when the e2e tests fail for some reason and I want to re-run them using the re-run all jobs button (below), the following message appears:
The run you are attempting to access is already complete and will not accept new groups.
The existing run is:
When a run finishes all of its groups, it waits for a configurable set of time before finally completing. You must add more groups during that time period.
The --tag flag you passed was:
The --group flag you passed was: core
What should I change in my configuration to make these possible? Sometimes the e2e fails because of a backend error that is fixed later.
I'd like to do this instead of a force e2e commit.
I was facing the same issue before.
I think you can try to pass GITHUB_TOKEN or add a custom build id. It fixed my issue. Hoep it helps.
Check your Cypress Dashboard subscription plan. Mine got the free plan full (500 test for free and I was running in 3 different browsers 57 tests, so it got full pretty quick since this is 171 tests in one run) and after that it didn't allowed me to keep running or re running more parallel tests. Test kept running but in 1 machine out of 4 in the first browser and stages for the other 2 browsers started failing, I was able to allow the pipeline to not be failing by passing continueOnError: true in the configuration.
Quick edit, I don't remember where but I read that you could also add a delay to your pipeline and/or reduce the default wait on the Dashboard which is 60s(

Gradle : Cleanup resources after build failure

I execute test suite through Gradle for the build and it spins up a lots of processes on different ports. Also, failFast is set to true for my test task. So, following happens when I execute my suite:
Suite starts up and spins up processes/servers listening to different ports
Tests in the suite are executed
When one or more tests fails, the suite execution is halted and the build is marked as failed
Now, when failing tests are fixed and the build is eventually run, step 1 (described above) fails with the message that the port is already in use. Also, I am using forkEvery parameter, meaning the previous tests might have more than one JVM running.
Is there any way to clean everything up (in terms of processes and not the physical files) when a build fails through gradle?
You can add a custom TestListener that stops the processes/servers from (1)
You can reference Spring Boot's FailureRecordingTestListener:
The basic idea here is that in the afterSuite method, you would stop whatever processes where started/created from (1). Although within the TestListener, you don't have access to the test instance where processes were started from (1). So you'll need to figure out how to stop those processes without having a reference to the original class where it may have defined some things.

Go-CD - How do you stop generating artifacts when JUNIT or JASMINE or Regression Test fails in Go-CD

We are actively using GO-CD. We get JUNIT JASMINE and other results, how ever the build artifacts are always published by go-cd which is picked by other agents to perform automated deployment.
We wish to set percentage value markers for JUNIT JASMINE etc, and if the observed value is lesser than the % marker, then we are interested to make go-cd not publish artifacts.
Any ideas?
Ideally after report creation another task kicks in which verifies the report results.
It could be e.g. a grep command inside a shell script looking for the words fail or error in the XML report files. As soon as the task finishes with a return code not equal to 0, GoCD considers the task to be failed.
Same applies for the percentage marker, a task is needed which calculates the percentage and then provides an appropriate return code. 0 when percentage goal is met or exceeded and different from 0 when the goal has not been met. This one could also be implemented as a custom task such as a shell script evaluating the reports.
The pipeline itself can be configured to not publish any artifacts in case the task fails or errors.

Pausing Teamcity builds that are running

I would like to have Teamcity build configuration that currently has 3 build steps:
Build an artifact to perform tests on & install on remote server
Kick off long running test job on remote server
Pause build awaiting external event (i.e. remote job finishing)
Retrieve results and record the report
I have had a look through the documentation and I can see how I can pause (step 3) the entire build configuration (which stops any additional builds running) ... but not just a single running build.
The Step 2 script that is running the external job has the various parameters passed to it, so that it can issue a REST call back to the teamcity server to resume the build job.
Basically I don't want to tie up a build agent waiting the entire hour the test takes to run.
I have googled and everything I can find points me at pausing the build configuration.
I am currently having to look at splitting the build configuration into two. The first will kick of the test job and finish. Then when the external test job finishes it will call teamcity to start a second job to retrieve and store the reports. But that feels disconnected to me in that I will not be able to show a single job with build/test/report.
At the moment (TeamCity v 2018.1) there is no direct way to pause the build, release the build agent, and later resume the execution.
What you described is the recommended workaround.
Also, please watch/vote for related issue:

Cannot run VSTS LoadTest at a time

I have a VSTS project with a list of 30 LoadTest tests that I want to run sequentially. All tests are independent from each other.
When I try to run all the tests, it starts with the first test and it executes it perfectly, but once the first test is finished, it automatically starts to mark the rest of the tests as completed, but without executing them.
Do I have to configure any option to run all of them together? Am I missing something?
Note: when the first test is finished it also asks me if I want to view the "detailed results from the load test".
Any advice/comment is welcomed...
UPDATE (16/07/2010)
More info... I'm trying to run the load tests as in the image that you can see at After the first loadtest is finished the rest of them are just marked as completed.
The load tests are individual tests, and have never seen a way to execute them simultaneously. You create individual web tests that you then put into a load test to run.
