Which part of the messaging does the MQTT QoS refer to? - client

I'm very confused when discussing about MQTT QoS.
Let's say we have a broker with two active clients, A and B. We want to publish a MQTT message from A, dedicated for client B and make sure client B, that subscribes to this topic receives this message.
I'm not sure whether QoS levels is the right tool to handle this task.
With QoS 1 or 2, does it ensure that at least one (qos=1) or exactly one (qos=2) subscriber got that message correctly, or does it acknowledge already once the broker got the message correctly?
In case of the latter one, what is the meaning of QoS 1 then (since there is anyway only one broker)?
From documentations like these https://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-6-mqtt-quality-of-service-levels/ it is unclear to me whether the PUBACK is issued by the broker or it is forwarded from a client through the broker.
Thank you for any considerations!

The important thing to remember about QOS handshakes is that they are only ever between a single client and the broker. There is no end to end delivery notification in MQTT.
So when client A publishes a message at say QOS 1 then the broker will respond with a PUBACK once it has received the message.
If client B is subscribed at QOS 1 then it will respond to the broker with a PUBACK once it has received the message.
These 2 sets of action are totally independant of each other.
Let's say we have a broker with two active clients, A and B. We want
to publish a MQTT message from A, dedicated for client B and make sure
client B, that subscribes to this topic receives this message.
You should not think this way, client A is not publishing a message to client B, but to a topic that client B just happens to be subscribed to.
You have to remember that client A knows absolutely nothing about client B at a MQTT protocol level, there may be 0 to infinite clients subscribed to the topic that A published a message to. There may also be clients with a persistent subscription to that same topic that are currently offline.


Minimizing bandwidth on multiple Tibco brokers / destinations

My experience with setting up Tibco infrastructure is minimal, so please excuse any misuse of terminology, and correct me where wrong.
I am a developer in an organization where I don't have access to how the backend is setup for Tibco.  However we have bandwidth issues between our regional centers, which I believe is due to how it's setup.
We have a producer that sends a message to multiple "regional" brokers.  However these won't always have a client who needs to subscribe to the messages.
I have 3 questions around this:
For destination bridges: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/ems/8.6.0/doc/html/GUID-174DF38C-4FDA-445C-BF05-0C6E93B20189.html
Is a bridge what would normally be used, to have a producer send the same message to multiple brokers/destinations or is there something else?
It's not clear in the documentation, if a bridge exists to a destination where there is no client consuming a message, does the message still get sent to that destination?  I.e., will this consume bandwidth even with no client wanting it?
If the above is true (and messages are only sent to destinations with a consumer), does this apply to both Topics and Message Selectors?
Is a bridge what would normally be used, to have a producer send the same message to multiple brokers/destinations or is there something else?
A bridge can be used to send messages from one destination to multiple destinations (queues or topic).
Alternatively Topics can be used to send a message to multiple consumer applications. Topics are not the best solution if a high level of integrity is needed(no message losses, queuing, etc).
It's not clear in the documentation, if a bridge exists to a destination where there is no client consuming a message, does the message still get sent to that destination? I.e., will this consume bandwidth even with no client wanting it?
If the bridge destination is a queue, messages will be put in the queue.
If the bridge destination is a Topic, messages will be distributed only if there are active consumers applications (or durable subscribers).
3 If the above is true (and messages are only sent to destinations with a consumer), does this apply to both Topics and Message Selectors?
This applies only to Topics (when there is no durable subscriber)
An alternative approach would be to use routing between EMS servers. In this approach Topics are send to remote EMS servers only when there is a consumer connected to the remote EMS server (or if there is a durable subscriber)

What can an XSUB-XPUB broker do than a SUB-PUB broker can't?

According to the 0MQ guide, an XSUB-XPUB broker can access the (otherwise hidden) messages related to topic subscriptions by consumers in this scenario:
many publishers (UP) ---> XSUB|broker|XPUB ---> many subscribers (DOWN)
( publications --> )
( <-- topic subscriptions )
But, if topic filtering is not needed (all messages sent to all recipients), then, the SUB-PUB sockets may be used for the broker:
many publishers ---> SUB|broker|PUB ---> many subscribers
Is this right?
Anyway. Suppose that XSUB-XPUB sockets are used. XSUB publications are forwarded down to XPUB (just as in the SUB-PUB broker version) to reach the consumers.
But now, in the XSUB-XPUB broker version you can listen to "upward topic subscriptions" messages (You can't do that with a SUB-PUB broker).
Here, if you don't want the broker to manage subscriptions. Is it necessary to forward message subscriptions from the X-PUB up to the X-SUB?
I guess that subscriptions are effectively handled at the X-PUB socket on the broker (not at the PUB socket of publishers, as consumers are not directly connected to producers).
If so, the answer is no. Even, no need to listen for topic subscriptions on the X-PUB. Right?
After making a proof of concept program.
Answer to 1). Yes it is right. At the broker, remember to do
subSocket.bind( "tcp://*:5001" ) // publishers connect to broker endpoint
subSocket.subscribe( "" )
in order to get in all messages from all publishers.
Answer to 2) Subscription filtering is effectively done by XPUB and PUB sockets.
The reason for using a XSUB-XPUB socket pair is to forward topic subscriptions (coming into the proxy from XPUB) up to the publishers (through XSUB), so the broker only gets messages for topics of interest to any of its subscribers.
Hence, by using a XSUB-XPUB proxy versus a SUB-PUB proxy, you save messages from publishers to the proxy. In both cases, the traffic from proxy to subscribers is the same.
Because the code of a XSUB-XPUB proxy is trivial, there is not reason not to use this combination.
The xpub/xsub broker handles subscriptions and message duplication for you to take the effort away from your application. It needs the X so the subscription message can be routed back up the the main publisher.
If you dont use xpub/xsub and you want your main publisher to handle all the subscriptions then you may as well just drop the broker
For example in the case below you application has to handle/store the 3 subscriptions and send 3 copies of each message
-> SUB
-> SUB
If you use a xpub/xsub broker your publisher only see's one subscription and only sends one copy of each message. The brokers XPUB socket is now doing all the work and the X allows the first subscription to propogate via the XSUB socket to your applications PUB socket.
-> SUB
-> SUB
Imagine you have 100's of clients and 1000's of subscriptions, the brokers (you can fan out brokers) allows you to scale.

Implementing Request/Reply Pattern with Spring and RabbitMQ with already existing queues

Let me start by describing the system. There are 2 applications, let's call them Client and Server. There are also 2 queues, request queue and reply queue. The Client publishes to the request queue, and the server listens for that request to process it. After the Server processes the message, it publishes it to the reply queue, which the Client is subscribed to. The Server application always publishes the reply to the predefined reply queue, not a queue that the Client application determines.
I cannot make updates to the Server application. I can only update the Client application. The queues are created and managed by the Server application.
I am trying to implement request/reply pattern from Client, such that the reply from the Server is synchronously returned. I am aware of the "sendAndReceive" approach with spring, and how it works with a temporary queue for reply purposes, and also with a fixed reply queue.
Spring AMQP - 3.1.9 Request/Reply Messaging
Here are the questions I have:
Can I utilize this approach with existing queues, which are managed and created by the Server application? If yes, please elaborate.
If my Client application is a scaled app (multiple instances of it are running at the same time), then how do I also implement it in such a way, that the wrong instance (one in which the request did not originate) does not read the reply from the queue?
Am I able to use the "Default" exchange to my advantage here, in addition to a routing key?
Thanks for your time and your responses.
Yes; simply use a Reply Listener Container wired into the RabbitTemplate.
IMPORTANT: the server must echo the correlationId message property set by the client, so that the reply can be correlated to the request in the client.
You can't. Unlike JMS, RabbitMQ has no notion of message selection; each consumer (in this case, reply container) needs its own queue. Otherwise, the instances will get random replies and it is possible (highly likely) that the reply will go to the wrong instance.
...it publishes it to the reply queue...
With RabbitMQ, publishers don't publish to queues, they publish to exchanges with a routing key. It is bad practice to tightly couple publishers to queues. If you can't change the server to publish the reply to an exchange, with a routing key that contains something from the request message (or use the replyTo property), you are out of luck.
Using the default exchange encourages the bad practice I mentioned in 2 (tightly coupling producers to queues). So, no, it doesn't help.
If there's something in the reply that allows you to correlate it to a request; one possibility would be to add a delegating consumer on the server's reply queue. Receive the reply, perform the correlation, route the reply to the proper replyTo.

Using ZeroMQ to send replies to specific clients and queue if client disconnects

I'm new to ZeroMQ and trying to figure out a design issue. My scenario is that I have one or more clients sending requests to a single server. The server will process the requests, do some stuff, and send a reply to the client. There are two conditions:
The replies must go to the clients that sent the request.
If the client disconnects, the server should queue messages for a period of time so that if the client reconnects, it can receive the messages it missed.
I am having a difficult time figuring out the simplest way to implement this.
Things I've tried:
PUB/SUB - I could tag replies with topics to ensure only the subscribers that sent their request (with their topic as their identifier) would receive the correct reply. This takes care of the routing issue, but since the publisher is unaware of the subscribers, it knows nothing about clients that disconnect.
PUSH/PULL - Seems to be able to handle the message queuing issue, but looks like it won't support my plan of having messages sent to specific clients (based on their ID, for example).
ROUTER/DEALER - Design seemed like the solution to both, but all of the examples seem pretty complex.
My thinking right now is continuing with PUB/SUB, try to implement some sort of heartbeat on the client end (allowing the server to detect the client's presence), and when the client no longer sends a heartbeat, it will stop sending messages tagged with its topic. But that seems sub-optimal and would also involve another socket.
Are there any ideas or suggestions on any other ways I might go about implementing this? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I'm working in Python but any language is fine.
To prepare the best proposition for your solution, more data about your application requirements. I have made a little research about your conditions and connnect it with my experience about ZMQ, here I present two possibilities:
1) PUSH/PULL pattern in two direction, bigger impact on scalability, but messages from server will be cached.
Server has one PULL socket to register each client and get all messages from clients. Each message should have client ID to for server knowledge where send response.
For each client - server create PUSH socket to send responses. Socket configuration was sent in register message. You can use also REQ/REP pattern for register clients (assign socket number).
Each client has own PULL socket, which configuration was sent to server in register message.
It means that server with three clients required to (example port numbers in []):
server: 1 x PULL[5555] socket, 3 x PUSH[5560,5561,5562] sockets (+ optional 1 X REQ[5556] socket for registrations, but I think it depends how you prepare client identity)
client: 1 x PUSH[5555] socket, 1 x PULL[5560|5561|5562] (one per client) (+ optional 1 X REP[5556])
You have to connect server to multiple client sockets to send responses but if client disconnects, messages will not lost. Client will get their own messages when it reconnect to their PULL socket. The disadvantage is requirements of creating few PUSH sockets on server side (number of clients).
2) PUB/SUB + PUSH/PULL or REQ/REP, static cocket configuration on server side (only 2), but server has to prepare some mechanism for retransmit or cache messages.
Server create PUB socket and PULL or REQ. Client register it identity by PULL or REQ socket. server will publish all messages to client with this identity as filter. Server use monitor() function on PUB socket to count number of connected and disconnected clients (actions: 'accept' and 'disconnect'). After 'disconnect' action server publish message to all clients to register again. For clients which not re-register, server stop publish messages.
Client create SUB socket and PUSH or REQ to register and send requests.
This solution requires maybe some cache on server side. Client could confirm each message after get it from SUB socket. It is more complicated and have to be connected with your requirement. If you just would like to know that client lost message. Client could send timestamps of last message received from server during registration. If you need guarantee that clients get all messages, you need some cache implementation. Maybe other process which subscribe all messages and delete each confirmed by client.
In this solution server with three clients required to (example port numbers in []):
server: 1 x PUB[5555] socket, 1 x REP or PULL[5560] socket + monitoring PUB socket
client: 1 x SUB[5555] socket and own identity for filter, 1 x REQ or PUSH[5560] socket
About monitoring you could read here: https://github.com/JustinTulloss/zeromq.node#monitoring (NodeJS implementation, but Python will be similar)
I think about other patterns, but I am not sure that ROUTER/DEALER or REQ/REP will cover your requirements. You should read more about patterns, because each of it is better for some solutions. Look here:
official ZMQ guide (a lot of examples and pictures)
easy ROUTER/DEALER example: http://blog.scottlogic.com/2015/03/20/ZeroMQ-Quick-Intro.html

Is there a Message Bus provider that allows for Durable Subscribersand full replay?

I am trying to find a message bus provider that supports Durable Subscribers and allows me to replay, in order, based on the message timestamp, all messages for a given topic. Futhermore, I would like the message bus to reset each durable consumer's checkpoint when a message arrives late. E.g.
Client subscribes to topic 1 at 2009-12-22 12:00:00
Message 1 arrives, Timestamped 2009-12-22
Client receives Message 1
Client disconnects
Message 2 arrives, Timestamped 2009-12-21 18:00:00
Client connects
Client receives Message 2, then Message 1
I would strongly prefer an open source provider. Does anyone know of a message bus provider that supports this? I've tried to read the intro documentation for ActiveMQ, Mass Transit, etc but I have to admit that I am behind the curve on message bus terminology, so a lot of it went over my head.
AMQP (implemented by RabbitMQ, et al) lets you define durable queues and attach them to the same exchange. Each client that wants to receive messages first sets up its own durable queue, which will hold messages received from the exchange even while the client is disconnected.
The only limitation of this is that clients that have never connected, and which arrive on the scene unexpectedly, cannot belatedly setup a queue and request a dump of all previous messages. AMQP 1.0 might allow such universal persistence, but I don't know the new model that well, so I can't say for sure.
you may want to look at the spring integration project.
