How to run dotnet restore forcing the restore to come from .NETStandard instead of .NETFramework? - visual-studio

I had a project which was created in .NETFramework. I have followed the steps on to convert the solution to .NETStandard. In particular all projects in the solution have .NETStandard as the Target Framework There are several packages that are restored using .NETFramework when I clean and build the projects I get errors/warnings like the following:
Warning NU1701 Package 'EntityFramework 6.1.3' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.1'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Is there a way in the Package Manager console to run dotnet restore forcing the restore to come from .NETStandard?

Entity Framework 6.1.3 does not support .NET Standard at all, it only supports the .NET Framework; this is because EF 6.1.3 was released in 2015 before .NET Standard was even a thing.
You need to use Entity Framework 6.3.0 or later for compatibility with .NET Standard.
You should use the latest version: Entity Framework 6.4.4.


What Non-4.* .NET App Versions play well with Standard?

I am building an MVC Web API (Service) with Views returned in specific cases. As an architectural decision, I've been directed to NOT build the service project in .NET Framework 4.*. Rather, I am to attempt .NET 5.0 first, and then Core 3.1 if 5.0 doesn't work.
This service project in my solution will depend on a few class library projects, call them DataLibrary, ComplexLibrary, and DocLibrary. DataLibrary will depend on a Nuget package of Oracle, be it ODP or Oracle Managed Data, in order to query an Oracle database via an Oracle Package on that database. DocLibrary will depend on a Nuget package of Aspose Word & Aspose PDF. ComplexLibrary will depend on Oracle AND Aspose.
Here's my dilemma:
Aspose Word's latest stable release (21.6) will report that it is compatible with 5.0 and Standard 2.0, but not .NET Core.
Oracle Managed Data reports that it is compatible with Standard 2.1 or Standard 2.0, but not 5.0 or .NET Core.
My own libraries have reported that they are not compatible with my API .csproj if...
3a. The API is 5.0 and the libraries are .NET Core or .NET Standard
3b. The API is Core 3.1 and the libraries are .NET Standard.
Since my compile script naturally requires a run of Nuget to retrieve all the necessary dependencies, I cannot get a clean compile because I seemingly have no combination of versions for my WebAPI and libraries that satisfy each others' compatibility needs. Since Standard libraries are the only common .NET version that satisfy the needs of both Aspose & Oracle, What available version for my WebAPI (i.e. I don't believe that Standard is an option for anything other than a class library) is compatible with .NET Standard libraries?
Please see the following article
.NET Standard is not a framework it is kind f specification and .NET Core, .NET 5, Mono framework etc are .NET Standard implementations.
So for library projects I would select .NET Standard and for the service .NET Core or .NET 5 (which is actually the next version of .NET Core)
Well, don't I feel silly.
Turns out, the issue wasn't incompatibilities within Aspose, Office, .NET Core, 5.0, and Standard, but a failure of a prior version of NuGet to handle the different versions.
While my VS 2019 install was able to compile the whole solution effectively, my local install of NuGet was not. This was due to VS2019 likely using the most up-to-date version as of this post (5.9.#), while my locally installed version was 4.9.#. Thus, VS was able to sail through while my compile script kept failing at the NuGet stage (which I have included prior to the actual compile.) Once I ran a NuGet update, everything was good to go.

.Net class library compilation error on build machine

I have a SDK styled .Net class library which compiles properly on my local machine, however fails on build server.
The contents of .csproj are
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
The error displayed is:
NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Standard 4.0. Either target .NET Standard 2.1 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET Standard 4.0
I have .NET Core 3.1.113 installed on build server and .NET 5 installed on local machine.
Note: If I remove netstandard1.0 from TargetFrameworks then build succeeds on both the machines. However I want my library to target .net standard 1.0 as well.
I cannot understand why v4.0 is treated as .NET Standard 4.0 on build server. Can anyone let me know what the problem might be?
Remove the following line from your .csproj file:
This overrides the version value that the SDK infers from TargetFramework which will interfere with your definition of net3.5 and so on - you were actually building .NET Framework 4.0 twice and then override netstandard1.0 to .NET Standard (inferred TargetFrameworkIdentifier) to 4.0. Newer versions of the SDK may have different inference logic which may be a difference between 3.1 and 5.0 SDKs but this is an error in the csproj nonetheless.
If your build logic relies on TargetFrameworkVersion being defined in the project I suggest you try to change your build logic - this is VERY DANGEROUS to have in a modern csproj file where you rely on TargetFramework and TargetFrameworks (plural). You can also try to move it into a separate <PropertyGroup> with an always-fals-condition (e.g. <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(ThisIsToWorkAroundBuildScripts)' == 'True'">)
I cannot understand why v4.0 is treated as .NET Standard 4.0 on build
server. Can anyone let me know what the problem might be?
That is quite strange and I have not seen that issue before. And there is no info about .NET Standard 4.0 and I did not know why VS treats v4.0(net framework 4.0) as net standard 4.0. Maybe your there is some problems about your server environment.
Please follow these:
1) First, please use dotnet --list-sdks under CMD to check if you installed net core 2.1 sdk or any other versions. And actually, net core 2.1 sdk could support the previous sdks including net standard 1.0. Maybe you would better install net core 2.1 sdk. Also, you could install the latest Net Core 3.1 Sdk.
2) check system environment variable, and find whether there is a variable called MSBuildSDKsPath, if so, please delete it. Then, restart.
3) delete bin and obj folder under the build server. Also, I suggest you would better use Build Tool for VS to build your projects on the server rather than dotnet build. dotnet cli does not contain the tool for net framework. What's more, your project is multi-targetframeworks, it could build net core and net standard, and also you have to download net framework sdk.
That is too complex, you could install the Build Tool for VS2019(more likely a lightweight cmd which integrates dotnet, net framework, all vs environment). Also, install the Net desktop build tool and net core build tool workload, also install the related sdks.
When you finish it, delete bin and obj folder, type this under Build Tool for VS command:
msbuild xxx\xxx.csproj -t:clean,restore,build

Xamarin form: Does this give limitation access the libraries

I have a problem with these packages which I wanted to use on my Xamarin form using .net standard 2.0
Package 'ExifLib.PCL 1.0.1' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Package 'Microsoft.Bcl 1.1.6' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Package 'Microsoft.Bcl.Async 1.0.165' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Package 'Mobilist.AdvancedTimer.Forms.Plugin 1.0.1' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Package 'PCLStorage 1.0.2' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Package 'Rg.Plugins.Popup 1.0.4' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Does that mean I can't use this library any more?
Does that mean I can't use this library any more?
No, you should be able to use nearly all libraries that are PCL spec compliant inside of a .NET Standard 2.0 class library. You can checkout the .NET documentation to see list of PCL profiles with their supported platform and their corresponding .NET Standard supported version.
Package warning explanation
With .NET Standard 2.0 and the updated tooling in .NET Core SDK 2+ the .NET team wanted to make it easier to update or make use of .NET Standard libraries. The issue is that not all NuGet packages have been updated to support a version of .NET Standard. So they introduced a fallback targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1 which is nearly 100% compliant with .NET Standard (There are some API that are in the .NET Standard 2.0 spec that are not in .NET Framework 4.6.1 but they can be brought in via NuGet packages if required). So the warning you see is to inform you that the packages do not conform to a .NET Standard version you are targeting and as such may contain API's that are not executable in your runtimes making use of your .NET Standard 2.0 library.
Once you have tested that everything is working as expect you can add the NoWarn="NU1701" to your PackageReference in your csproj which will remove the warning. One thing to note adding NoWarn="NU1701" to a individual package does not remove the warning for dependencies. To remove those warning you must either include them as PackageReferences (via NuGet) or ignore NU1701 warning at a project level.
If you run into fallback issues you can adjust the target framework fallback via overriding the AssetTargetFallback in your csproj to something like:

Cannot import Oracle Client in ASP.NET Core RC2

With the new dotnet core, we can no longer import our referenced dlls externally, and instead have to get through a Nuget feed. I am trying to get Oracle.ManagedDataAccess Nuget package to work with my project, but no luck so far.
Here's the error in my project.json file:
Says The dependency Oracle.ManagedDataAccess >= 12.1.24160419 could not be resolved.
This is the error from Package Manager output:
Project Oracle.ManagedDataAccess is not compatible with netcoreapp1.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0). Project Oracle.ManagedDataAccess supports: net451 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1)
Does this mean I can no longer use this package? From what I've read so far, dotnet core does not support .net framework v4.5.1. If that is indeed the case, what are some alternatives I can use to connect to Oracle database?
I just looked at Oracle.ManagedDataAccess NuGet package and I don't think it can run on CoreClr. First, it has a dll that targets only net40 so it is likely it uses some APIs not available in CoreClr/CoreFx or relies on things being in the box/GAC. Second, it has native binaries in bin\x64 and bin\x86 subfolders. I think even if you forced this package into a netcoreapp1.0 it may not work. If they use DllImport attribute to import these dlls CoreClr will not be able to find them because the structure of a package containing native assets is a bit different in the new world. In my opinion because of this dependency your application should just target full .NET (e.g. net451 or newer).

What is the aspnet50 target framework, and can I reference it from VS2013?

The packages at target aspnet50, and when I try to install them I get:
You are trying to install this package into a project that targets
'.NETFramework,Version=v4.5', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that
Is there a way?
You can't do that (currently). If you insist on working with ASP.NET vNext in VS2013, you can use it as an editor and run everything from the commandline with the tools from the aspnet Home repository.
You should install the newest CTP of VS14 if you want to work with vNext, which you can download the newest version of from here and learn how to use it in this guide. ASP.NET vNext is in alpha currently, so documentation and information can be a bit sparse. aspnet50 is the (current) name for the new .Net framework introduced with ASP.NET vNext.
I was able to manually download the nuget packages and had no problem referencing from VS 2013.
