Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will not start - windows

IIS 10 will not restart on my PC. When I navigate to localhost, I get a 'localhost refused to connect' message. After looking through the event viewer, it turns out that the issue is that the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will not start.
The error message given is:
'The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) encountered an error while handling key generation. This will prevent WAS from starting corrently. The data field contains the error number.'
When I try to start the service manually from the services app, I get the following:
Has anyone experienced this issue before? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been trawling the internet for several days trying to find a solution to no avail.

We've run into this issue several times after recent Windows Updates. In all cases, the following worked (got from a Microsoft support rep):
Run the following from an admin Powershell prompt:
reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS\Parameters /v GenerateKeys /f
net start w3svc
The keys will be regenerated, then the IIS AppPools can be started

According to your error message, WAS can not access the machine key when start up. Usually, machine keys are used to encrypt sensitive information in config file, WAS will not be able to start if there is no machine key to use.
The easiest and most common method is to try to uninstall and reinstall WAS.
If it still can not start, try to delete the registry entry NanoSet with cmd.
If the above two methods are useless, you can refer to this to delete machine keys, let WAS create new one while starting.

If somebody is still fighting with this issue, please check Event Viewer under System filter and check for any logs related to WAS. In my case I found the following entry:
The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) encountered an error while handling key generation. This will prevent WAS from starting currently. The data field contains the error number.
So I just started again CNG Key Isolation service and everything is working now.


Im getting reset on every http/s session after removing windivert64.sys and reboot

I installed netspark on my computer and tried to remove it by removing every file and registery belongs to the program and windivert64.sys
Now Im getting reset for every http/s session, what can I do?
How can I find the driver that sends the reset?
I have win10
After I tried to manually search the services list in services.msc I found nothing.
I tried to look for SysInternalSuite programs and found autoruns.
This tool shows every driver loaded on boot.
the list of the driver was very short and I easily found the driver by the publisher description.

Unable to run tests in Microsoft Test Manager data and diagnostics error

I am trying to run a manual test case in Microsoft Test Manager (2013) using a test lab. When I run the test it shows the following error:
Data and diagnostics cannot be collected
An error occurred while initializing diagnostic data adapters. Abort your session and start again.
Timed out while initializing data and diagnostics adapters.
If the Windows Firewall does not have Microsoft Test Manager added to the exceptions list and set to be enabled, the initialization for the data and diagnostics adapters can time out. Verify that the exceptions list for the Windows Firewall includes Microsoft Test Manager (mtm.exe). For more information about this, see:
For more information about issues that can cause initialization of data and diagnostics adapters to time out, see:
I have been searching for an answer and trying various things now for a couple of days and can't resolve the issue. Helpfully of the 2 links it gives you in the error the first did not help and the second didn't link to a working page. People who have posted a similar error in forums have resolved their issues by correcting the firewall however the firewall on my local PC and the firewall on the virtual machine are both off.
This is what I have checked:
Firewalls are all off
My test agent is set up on the virtual machine and shows under my test controllers correctly
The lab has a ready status and I can see the agent is online.
My test settings are currently set up to collect no data (in the hope that would help but it has not).
The test environment for running the tests is set to the correct environment.
I have tried extending the time out period in the mtm.exe.config and the QTAgent configs on the remote machine for when I kick off the test runner.
I have checked the firewall logs on the virtual machine when test runner fails and there appears to be no issues there.
As you can probably tell I have been trying to fix this for a while!
Has anyone seen this error before and been able to resolve it? Any guidance on some things to try that I haven't already listed would be really appreciated.
Thank you for your help!
I have resolved this issue, for a manual test the test agent needs to be installed on the local machine as well as on the virtual machine for the automation tests. This was the step I had missed. Once the test agent was installed on my local machine this error disappeared. It is a misleading error message but if you have this problem, make sure the test agent is on all of the machines in the environment and configured correctly. Part of the issue here was my misunderstanding as I thought I could use the VM for my manual tests too which is not the case.

Could not obtain information about Windows NT group / user, error code 0x3a

I am trying to deploy a SQLCLR library to SQL Server 2008 R2. In visual studio I have set up the data connection and it works correctly (I can run queries), but when I try to deploy I get the message "Error: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group / user , error code 0x3a."
This is strange because I have set up the data connection to use SQL server authentication on a different user name.
I receive the same error when I run CREATE ASSEMBLY while logged in to the SQL management studio with the different user name.
To add to the mystery, when I deploy using permission set SAFE everything is fine. However my assembly requires EXTERNAL ACCESS.
What could be the problem with deploying my assembly?
This issue wasted so much time I feel compelled to share the solution so that nobody else falls into the same trap.
Issue was resolved by setting the SQL Server Active Directory Helper service to run on Manual, then rebooting the server.
This issue arose in a different environment for me:
Windows 10 box;
The user Windows complained about was an AZUREAD user;
On my Win10 box there was no SQL Server Active Directory
Helper service, so I couldn't try the original solution posted by
I was able to work round the issue by removing the AZUREAD user as a SQL Server user while I added the assembly.
In my case that user was not essential to have as a SQL Server user, but I dare say it would be possible to re-add the user back later should this be required.

DB2 Full Text Search IQQD0040E Error

I have a production database running DB2 at 10.1.2 workgroup (OpenSuse 12.2) and I have Full Text Search running pretty well there. Now I'm trying to build a test enviroment, but when I turn over de production backup into test machine with 10.1.2 express-c the FTS is presenting this error:
<message>IQQD0040E The client specified the wrong authentication token.$
The redbook says to me that this error cause is: "Usually this error occurs when there are 2 or more text search instances configured with the same port number and one instance is already running".
I've already searched other instances but I've only found one. So "usually" does not apply to my situation.
Anyone know what else I can do to fix that?
Best regards,
I've found out a solution. When the backup is transported to a new instance of DB2, de FTS application engage it communication with a token. After restored, we just need to go to the bin directory of FTS, commonly at /home/db2inst1/db2tss/bin and run this command:
configTool generateToken -seed <username> -configPath ~/sqllib/db2tss/config
Hope this help anyone who's passing by this trouble.

quickfix session config issues

I've compiled and trolled around the quickfix ( ) source and the examples. I figured a good starting point would be to compile (C++) and run the 'executor' example, then use the 'tradeclient' example to connect to 'executor', and send it order requests.
I created two seperate session files one for the 'executor' as an acceptor, and one for the 'tradeclient' as the initiator. They're both running on the same Win7 pc.
'executor' runs, but tradeclient can't connect to it, and I can't figure out why. I downloaded Mini-fix and was able to send messages to executor, so I know that executor is working. I figure that the problem is with the tradeclient session settings. I've included both of them below, I was hoping someone could point out what's causing them to not communicate. They're both running on the same computer using port 56156.
--accceptor session.txt----
---- initiator session.txt ---
Update: Thanks for the resonses... Turns out that my logfile directories didn't exist. Once I created them, they both started communicating. Must have been some logging error that didn't throw an exception, but disabled proper behavior.
Is there an error condition that I should be checking? I was relying on exceptions, but that's obviously not enough.
It doesn't seem to be config, check that your message sequence numbers are in synch, especially since you've been connecting to a different server using the same settings.
Try setting the TargetCompID and SenderCompID on the acceptor to *
