How do I exclude Quarkus Graphql-UI from JWT authentication? - graphql

I´m using Microprofile-GraphQL extension ( for Quarkus together with Smallrye JWT ( to secure my GraphQL endpoint.
This however blocks the Graphql UI that comes with the Microprofile extension under /graphql-ui
Is there any way to permitt / allow routes that are not defined in your own rest controllers?

Something like
should do it, please see Quarkus Authorization


Specific api has some middlewares in swagger api

I'm writing API documentation for my application using Swagger 3.0. My application has some apis that include some middlewares. I want to describe that which api has the middlewares (like parameters or security tag)
Is that possible in swagger or is there any trick to display that?

Openid-connect or SAML 2.0

Our current Application
Backend is in Spring Boot 2(RestAPI's) and Angular in the front-end.
Once Authentication is done it currently uses JWT(Bearer) to perform create, update, and delete resources via passing Authorization headers for RestAPI's. For reading operations, it can be accessed by all without any authorization.
Now, due to the increase in applications, we are moving to IDP with KEYCLOAK
I wanted to know which type of SSO to be used for the given case.
SAML 2.0
If implemented, after SSO with SAML how do I create/Update/Delete response for my REST endpoint? as I see SAML provides assertion and I require a bearer token to create the resource.
How to use assertion to create/Update/Delete response for my REST endpoint?
I tried to implement this using the Spring-Saml extension. But, I was not able to achieve the above objective.
If implemented, how do I filter read-only endpoints to all that is certain URL's to be available without an authorization?
Keycloak default implementation is out-of-the-box for OIDC.
I’ve implemented this in oidc using Keycloaks adapter for spring rest .
SAML 2.0 is an older XML based protocol whereas Open Id Connect is JSON based and browser / mobile friendly. In any modern architecture use OIDC. See also this summary.
It is still possible to integrate SAML identity providers into an OIDC architecture by using federation features of the authorization server. However, your actual application code should know nothing about SAML - it should just work with OAuth 2.0 tokens after sign in.
If possible I would avoid SAML completely.

Link Spring Security to exting Project

I have existing REST API's built into multiple springboot projects. Now would want to enabled JWT for all REST services. I have a separate project which does JWT for a test service. Can that JWT project be linked like a library or associated as a springboot parent to enable spring JWT auth for all REST services which are present in multiple projects.
There are not enough details within your question but we also have multiple spring boot services which share common authentication and authorization mechanism (OAuth2.0 authorization token flow + Keycloak + JWT). The implementation of this mehanism is realized as a custom spring boot starter which is the approach I would recommend to you. You can start reading about that, for example, here.

Implement Streamlined Identity Flows with Spring Security

I'm trying to implement Google's Streamlined Identity Flows for authenticating users on Actioins on Google with Spring Boot and Spring Security (OAuth).
I already managed to implement Google-SignIn but the server side is missing. I could implement every endpoint myself but as with most security concerns I think that it's better to use tested and proved frameworks or components. Now I'm trying to figure out how to use Spring Security's OAuth authorization server functionality.
How to implement the authorization endpoint that lets users authenticate with their browser and respond an authentication token
How to implement the JWT token endpoint
Is it possible to leverage the possibilities of Spring OAuth for this or do I have to create a custom endpoint with #Controller / #RestController for example.
Are their any tutorials or documentations on how to implement such a service with Spring Security?

Need for RestApi authentication

Developed Rest API using Java/Spring MVC
Can we provide authentication for RestAPI? If yes, How?
Now I am struggling with authentication for RestApi. Can anyone send some examples regarding the same.
Accessing rest API through AJAX request.
Since you are already using Spring, you can use Spring security to provide security related functionality. This can give you one stop solution for your security needs. Common security mechanisms for Rest API's (basic, digest) and features are supported out of box and it's very easy to add your custom security too. For a start tutorial you can have a look here
